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259619 results
Letter from the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, London, regarding receipt of letter & plans for Arthurtown, 17th December 1936
Date of document: 17/12/1936
Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to The Secretary of the Admiralty, Bath, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Saint Olaves, 18th April 1941
Date of document: 18/04/1941
Saint Olaves
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Copenhagen, regarding request forms for Sally Maersk, 18th October 1923
Date of document: 18/10/1923
Sally Maersk
Letter from Thomas Pinkney & Sons to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Athendale, 16th October 1931
Date of document: 16/10/1931
Letter from Henry D Pinkney, for Thomas Pinkney & Sons, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding a voyage for Athendale, 19th September 1931
Date of document: 19/09/1931
Letter from W D C Balls & Son, Managers of Wigham Shipping Co Ltd, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding boiler survey for Athendale, 4th October 1930
Date of document: 04/10/1930
Letter from Roston's Translation Bureau, London to The Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter from the shipowner concerning surveys for Gunn, 14th July 1931
Date of document: 14/07/1931
Letter from G H MacDonald, Shanghai Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a letter regarding Calulu, 15th October 1932
Date of document: 15/10/1932
Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, to A Scott Esq, London, enclosing a letter regarding the sale of Matador, 12th October 1932
Date of document: 12/10/1932
Letter from Turnbull, Scott & Co to Lloyd's Register, London, returning letter of guarantee for 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Nethergate, 8th February 1932
Date of document: 08/02/1932
Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register to A J Brown Esq, Split, requesting copy of a letter regarding U 2, 24th October 1932
Date of document: 24/10/1932
U 2
Letter from R McWilliam, for L S Polychroniadis, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Aghios Spyridon, 30th November 1932
Date of document: 30/11/1932
Aghios Spyridon
Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register to the Piraeus Surveyors enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Aghios Spyridon, 30th November 1932
Date of document: 30/11/1932
Aghios Spyridon
Letter from F W Fillmore, Sunderland Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register enclosing a letter regarding steering gear for Korana, 4th January 1902
Date of document: 04/01/1902
Letter from W Ewing, Director for Barclay, Curle & Co Ltd to Lloyd's Surveyors, Glasgow, regarding an enclosed letter from the owners concerning the build of Hopeland, 29th November 1923
Date of document: 29/11/1923
Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, Chief Surveyor for US & Canada enclosing letter to Owners respecting Committee decision to expunge class for J Oswald Boyd, 31st October 1933
Date of document: 31/10/1933
J Oswald Boyd
Letter from I Aureli, Genoa Surveyor, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register enclosing translation of letter from Owners of decision to renounce class with Society for Lucifero, 26th October 1933
Date of document: 26/10/1933
Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942
Date of document: 09/10/1942
Southern Empress
Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Adria Societa Anonima di Navigazione Marittima, Owners, regarding Pascoli, Undated
Date of document: __/08/1935
Letter from the Assistant Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to Andrew Weir & Co, St Albans Shipowners, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding the loss of Thornliebank, 7th January 1942
Date of document: 07/01/1942