Heritage & Education Centre

Exploring the importance of maritime safety

What lessons can we learn from the past that will help us shape a safer ocean economy for tomorrow?

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Call for Papers: Potentially Hazardous Wrecks and Underwater Cultural Heritage

Environmentally hazardous wrecks have been around for more than a hundred years – be it the fuel, dangerous cargo, or ghost nets. Until recently the focus has mainly been on the environmental aspect. However, more and more of these wrecks have been designated as underwater cultural heritage. Cleaning up these environmentally dangerous wrecks is almost always an invasive activity. So, how to do it in a such a way that the heritage will stay as intact as possible? Or at what point does the environment take precedence over the survival of cultural heritage?
In addition to hydrocarbons, we concentrate also on other threats to the environment and underwater cultural environment like ghostnets, bottom trawling and more. It will give a unique opportunity for the participants to discuss different approaches for environmentally hazardous underwater cultural heritage management, case studies, and best practices from all around the world.
The conference “Potentially hazardous wrecks and underwater cultural heritage - how to keep our seas clean and heritage safe?"…


Archives Unlocked: My Week at Lloyd's Register Foundation Heritage & Education Centre

Last month, sixth form student, Edith Kean joined the Heritage & Education Centre team for a week of work experience.

Guest blog