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259619 results
Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Shell Co of Ceylon Ltd, Owners, regarding Kelani, 22nd October 1936
Date of document: 22/10/1936
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rotterdam Surveyors regarding letter from Owners agreeing to proposal to supply two additional lengths of cable in compensation of smaller diameter supplied cable for Uno, 30th September 1938
Date of document: 30/09/1938
Letter from J L G Hoovus, Superintendent Engineer of Belfast Steamship Co Ltd, Owners, to Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, giving thanks for letter expressing sympathy for loss of Ulster Prince, 8th January 1942
Date of document: 08/01/1942
Ulster Prince
Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Constants (South Wales) Ltd, Cardiff, Owners, acknowledging letter with regret at learning of sinking & conveying sympathy of Committee for loss of Waldinge, 18th December 1941
Date of document: 18/12/1941
Letter to S R Davies Esq, Secretary to Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding fees in connection with the Principele Barbu Stirbey, 4th January 1928
Date of document: 04/01/1928
Principele Barbu Stirbey
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co Ltd, Manchester, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding test arranged on Marine Turbine with Double Reduction Gearing for Assiout, 27th June 1918
Date of document: 27/06/1918
Letter from William Rennie, Galveston Surveyor, to New York Principal Surveyor responding to letter stating that electric welded repair to shell plate sound & efficient recommending further examination no longer required for Amatlan, 22nd May 1942
Date of document: 22/05/1942
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors, enclosing letter relating to the engines for Agios Georgios IV, 4th September 1937
Date of document: 04/09/1937
Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a letter regarding amendment of special survey notation for Athelstane, 9th March 1939
Date of document: 09/03/1939
Letter from T T Kennaugh & Co, Liverpool Engineers, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter returning scantling plan & arrangement for proposed alteration to oil fuel tank for Hird, 27th April 1936
Date of document: 27/04/1936
Letter from J W Southgate, for The Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Athelchief, 14th April 1937
Date of document: 14/04/1937
Copy of letter from Paris Surveyor E L M Poincet, dated 2nd November 1922, enclosing translation of letter dated 31st October 1922, received from Soc Anon Les Armateurs Francais, regarding buyers for Cernay
Date of document: 02/11/1922
Letter from R J Sladden, Clerk to the Classification Committee, to the Secretary, C S S Department, Glasgow, enclosing a letter & plan of profile & decks for Barrwhin, 18th July 1942
Date of document: 18/07/1942
Copy of letter from Paris Surveyor E L M Poincet, dated 2nd November 1922, enclosing translation of letter dated 31st October 1922, received from Soc Anon Les Armateurs Francais, regarding buyers for Haussmann
Date of document: 02/11/1922
Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding air pipes for Bhima, 23rd November 1938
Date of document: 23/11/1938
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register London to H Y Bell, Ipswich Surveyor, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding piping arrangements for Ben Hann, 24th July 1939
Date of document: 24/07/1939
Ben Hann
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter on machinery & noting remarks therein for Bullmouth, 25th October 1927
Date of document: 25/10/1927
Copy of letter from G A Valckeneers, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, responding to letter & stating that Owners have informed of being considered as a total loss for Champenois, 9th March 1942
Date of document: 09/03/1942
Letter from the Clerk to the Classification Committee, Wokingham, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding general examination of City of Marseilles, 18th November 1942
Date of document: 18/11/1942
City of Marseilles
Letter from the Assistant to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to J E Alfaro Esq, Talcahuano Surveyor, requesting a reply to an enclosed letter regarding Chiloe, & confirmation of Screw Shaft Survey arrangements, 7th May 1924
Date of document: 07/05/1924