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259619 results
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors enclosing printed assignment letter giving particulars of the freeboards assigned & letter from Board of Trade regarding the subdivision loadline for Talma, 24th July 1923
Date of document: 24/07/1923
Letter from the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Trieste, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter containing replies to classing letter enquiries for Brenta, 24th January 1921
Date of document: 24/01/1921
Letter from J H W of Eagle Oil & Shipping Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & plans duly approved for San Delfino, 11th February 1938
Date of document: 11/02/1938
San Delfino
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939
Date of document: 11/08/1939
Marietta E
Letter to G R Edgar Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging letter regarding the Ashbury, with reference to Mr Alexander's letter, 9th January 1945
Date of document: 09/01/1945
Copy of a Letter from Secretary, to The Secretary, Liverpool, regarding enclosed letter from owners & copy of letter to David Maclwer Sons & Co for Tartary, 25th June 1918
Date of document: 25/06/1918
Copy of Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, to Compagnie Generale d\'Armements Maritimes, Paris, regarding vessel related to the case of La Hague, Undated
Date of document: __/__/0000
La Hague
Letter from W Rowell, pro the Surveyors, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, in reply to a letter relating to the freeboard of Eldorado, stating that they have not received any letter of acceptance for it from the owners, 1st September 1886
Date of document: 01/09/1885
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, responding to letter & stating that Builders be informed of dealing with bulkheads for sister vessels as per letter of September 1937 for Bhima, 5th April 1939
Date of document: 05/04/1939
Letter from H Haffner, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, referring to London letter relative to electrical equipment & enclosing letter with plans for Committee consideration for El Madina, 3rd November 1937
Date of document: 03/11/1937
El Madina
Letter to the Lloyds Surveyors, Greenock from the Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyds Register, London, forwarding a copy of a letter from the owners of Cumberland regarding the cargo battens, 2nd December 1915
Date of document: 02/12/1915
Letter from John F Light, Liverpool Secretary & Principal Surveyor, to B Waymouth Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter enquiry & forwarding letter from Liverpool Surveyor in response for Metropolis, 19th September 1887
Date of document: 19/09/1887
Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to The Surveyors, Hull, regarding enclosed letter to arrange verification of electrical equipment & return of letter for Ashanti, 5th October 1936
Date of document: 05/10/1936
Copy of Letter from J W Condon, Local Manager, Philadelphia, to Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, Phila, regarding Abraham Lincoln, 8th June 1921
Date of document: 08/06/1921
Abraham Lincoln
Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940
Date of document: 19/01/1940
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, acknowledging letter with enclosures & noting information given regarding case for Jagersfontein, 12th August 1942
Date of document: 12/08/1942
Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register Liverpool, regarding previous letter & letter from the owners for Dale Castle, 20th July 1945
Date of document: 20/07/1945
Dale Castle
Copy of letter from Director of Stores to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with Load Line Survey Report & informing that report forwarded for retention on board Boardale, August
Date of document: 03/08/1937
Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to R B Grier, Dublin Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding assignment letter for Triton, 14th February 1934
Date of document: 14/02/1934
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding width of cofferdam to be fitted & enclosing for information a copy of letter on the subject for Doric Star, 14th November 1933
Date of document: 14/11/1933
Doric Star