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259619 results
Letter from C F Morey, Dunkirk to J Crighton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Dunkirk, this letter is not written in English, Foster King, 8th March 1924
Date of document: 08/03/1924
Foster King
Letter from George Allan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Montreal, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of letter received from the Foundation Maritime Ltd, relating to the Foundation Jupiter, 19th December 1933
Date of document: 19/12/1933
Foundation Jupiter
Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Le Havre, enclosing a translation of a letter received from the Owners of the Pomelin, 9th November 1933
Date of document: 09/11/1933
Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to the Liverpool Secretary enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Cliftonhall, 13th May 1942
Date of document: 13/05/1942
Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding class retention & letter for Montroyal, 2nd October 1929
Date of document: 02/10/1929
Letter from C H Kruhoffer, Copenhagen Surveyor, to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & noting its contents for Solheim, 25th September 1934
Date of document: 25/09/1934
Letter from C H Kruhoffer, Copenhagen Surveyor, to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed translation of letter from the Builders for Solheim, 18th May 1934
Date of document: 18/05/1934
Letter from Local Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Charles Connell & Co Ltd, Scotstoun, Builders, informing Special Survey during construction may proceed but Owners' letter on bulkhead omission needed for classing of Rothermere, 24th May 1937
Date of document: 24/05/1937
Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to A W Eaglesome, Rio de Janeiro Surveyor, enclosing letter from Owners regarding testing of double bottom tanks to complete Special Survey No 1 for St Margaret, 1st April 1942
Date of document: 01/04/1942
St Margaret
Letter from R P Hutchinson, for Lloyd\'s Register, New York, to F A Mayne Esq, London, enclosing a letter regarding China Arrow, 1st December 1920
Date of document: 01/12/1920
China Arrow
Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register to L Ripley Esq, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding examination of defective wrapper plate & fractured rivets of Chulmleigh, 21st October 1942
Date of document: 21/10/1942
Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting a letter regarding plans showing structural parts of engines for Cape Clear, 17th September 1937
Date of document: 17/09/1937
Cape Clear
Letter from the Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Sunderland Surveyors enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Corabella, 24th March 1938
Date of document: 24/03/1938
Letter from Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to the London Secretary enclosing a letter submitting plans of midship section, profile & decks, & pumping plan for Empire Frost, 28th June 1939
Date of document: 28/06/1939
Empire Frost
Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register to the Middlesbrough Surveyors enclosing a copy of a letter regarding plan of sternframe for Empire Gold, 25th October 1939
Date of document: 25/10/1939
Empire Gold
Letter from the pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register to William Bennett, Esq, New York, regarding receipt of letter & noting contents for Stanvac Melbourne, 28th May 1941
Date of document: 28/05/1941
Stanvac Melbourne
Letter from the Secretary of Lloyd's Register to William Bennett, Esq, New York, regarding receipt of letter on plans for Stanvac Melbourne, 19th September 1940
Date of document: 19/09/1940
Stanvac Melbourne
Letter from the Secretary of Lloyd's Register to William Bennett, Esq, New York, regarding letter on approval of plans of midship section & bulkheads & copies of plans for Stanvac Melbourne, 28th June 1940
Date of document: 28/06/1940
Stanvac Melbourne
Letter from J R Ropner, Director, Sir R Ropner & Co Ltd to The Clerk to the Classification Committee, London, regarding forwarding of letter required by Register General for Alderpool, 9th September 1936
Date of document: 09/09/1936
Letter from S Townshend, Gothenburg, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter & plan on engine thrust shaft for Ashanti, 5th August 1937
Date of document: 05/08/1937