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259619 results
Letter from Robbie to Mr Manley, noting he has attached a letter to the Cutty Sark papers and asking that it be typed up ready for his signature, also discussing travel, 26 August 1951
Letter from Robbie to Mr Manley, noting he has attached a letter to the Cutty Sark papers and asking that it be typed up ready for his signature, also discussing travel, 26 August 1951
Date of document: 26/08/1951
Cutty Sark - 1869
Letter in German language to Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Hamburg, regarding Kovda, 18th October 1929
Date of document: 18/10/1929
Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors in Glasgow to Lloyd's Register Secretary in London, returning plans of Strathleven, 22 June 1886
Date of document: 22/06/1886
Letter from J E Turner to Lloyd's Register London, enclosing a letter for Cutty Sark surveyor to be forwarded to him, 6 July 1951
Letter from J E Turner to Lloyd's Register London, enclosing a letter for Cutty Sark surveyor to be forwarded to him, 6 July 1951
Date of document: 06/07/1951
Cutty Sark - 1869
Letter from V Rülow to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register regarding a letter in Swedish & translation of letter for Norman, 15th June 1927
Date of document: 15/06/1927
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\\\'t Hert, Chief Technical Service, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical S
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Letter from W Watt, London Principal Surveyor, to John Macdonald Esq, Newcastle Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter, offering sympathy on throat operation & enclosing a replying letter regarding Talma, 20th September 1922
Date of document: 20/09/1922
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to H Jasper Cox, Kobe Surveyor, noting contents of letter & approved plan of engine seating & letter to Manila Surveyor regarding plan & proposed reclassification of Mambucal ex Bataan, 21st December 1938
Date of document: 21/12/1938
Mambucal; Bataan
Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd's Register, to A Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with copy of letter from George Wilson of Lagos respecting the Ilorin, 8th May 1930
Date of document: 08/05/1930
Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Liverpool, regarding letter from Liverpool Surveyor & enclosing letter reply in the matter for Stad Amsterdam, 25th March 1941
Date of document: 25/03/1941
Stad Amsterdam
Letter from the Secretary of Lloyd's Register London to G A Harvey & Co Ltd, Greenwich Metal Works, in receipt of a letter sent regarding the storage tanks for Ben Hann, & enclosing a letter from the shipbuilders along with the plan with amendments for th
Date of document: 19/07/1939
Ben Hann
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939
Date of document: 05/06/1939
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Peter Crerar Esq, Crieff, replying to letter referencing engines & enclosing copy of letter to Groningen Surveyor setting forth requirements for machinery notation for Amulree, 10th May 1938
Date of document: 10/05/1938
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors acknowledging letter & enclosing for information a copy of letter addressed to Builders confirming telegram to them respecting after bunkers of Doric Star, 31st October 1933
Date of document: 31/10/1933
Doric Star
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors regarding letter on proposal to fit Maier form bow & enclosing copy of letter to Builders in regard thereto for Doric Star, 19th October 1933
Date of document: 19/10/1933
Doric Star
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Clerk to Committee of Lloyd\'s, London, replying to letter regarding survey in Liverpool stating no objection to information in letter being furnished for Orita, 16th October 1930
Date of document: 16/10/1930
Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Bremen, regarding acknowledgement of the letter concerning an incorrect measurement written in the letter for Terje Viken, 29th September 1937
Date of document: 27/09/1937
Terje Viken
Letter in Italian language, from A Pollio, for Antonino Pollio, to Lloyd's Register of Shipping Napoli, regarding Polinnia, 27th May 1932
Date of document: 27/05/1932
Letter from Pro Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to G J Thomas Esq, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Barcelona, regarding an enclosed letter from the owner & an assignment letter for Dunafric, 3rd August 1932
Date of document: 03/08/1932
Letter from John F Light, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Liverpool, acknowledging receipt of letter returning Liverpool First Entry Report of Survey & enclosing letter from Liverpool Surveyor in response for Wayfarer, 22nd October 1886
Date of document: 22/10/1886