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259619 results
Letter from Matthew Poppelwell, surveyor at Newcastle, to Charles Graham, secretary of Lloyd's Register London stating that the vessel Agnes Lea's treenails must be replaced if she is to receive an A1 class, 17 February 1843
Date of document: 17/02/1843
Agnes Lea
Letter from Sunderland Surveyors per J E Browne to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Builders in reply to letter regarding of ownership of Westcliff, 7th April 1919
Date of document: 07/04/1919
Letter from S R Davies, Acting Secretary of Lloyd's Register, New York, to F A Mayne Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Surveyors replying to letter enquiry for Agwipond, 13th July 1921
Date of document: 13/07/1921
Letter from Sunderland Surveyors per H W Wardropper to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, responding to letter regarding Electric Fittings informing letter forwarded to Newcastle-on-Tyne Electrical Engineer Surveyor for Silveray, 12th September 1925
Date of document: 12/09/1925
Letter from R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, to F A Mayne Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to letter & Philadelphia Report, enclosing a letter received from the Surveyors for Daniel Webster, 5th March 1920
Date of document: 05/03/1920
Daniel Webster
Letter from W A J Boxford, Clerk to Committee of Lloyd\'s, London, to Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter giving authorisation to supply letter to deal with survey by your Liverpool Surveyor for Orita, 17th October 1930
Date of document: 17/10/1930
Letter from the office in London to the surveyor in Antwerp questioning about the boilers' pressure and report for Nederland, 5 December 1892
Date of document: 05/12/1892
Copy two of letter to James French, New York, for personal information, Lloyd's Register shall be inclined to give owners all reasonable assistance, 13 April 1931
Date of document: 13/04/1931
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Service, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Service, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Servico, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Servico, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Service, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Service,
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Service, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of Letter from Sourabaya Surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C Van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Service, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Letter from Thomas W Kettle, Aberdeen Surveyor, to George B Seyfang Esq, Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register London, forwarding the Tracing for the Midship Section plans & Letter referring to Dimension & Tonnage for Olive Branch, 8th May 1872
Date of document: 08/05/1872
Olive Branch
Letter from George T B Scullard, Lisbon Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing translation of a letter approving Freeboard Report by Ministry of Marine for Angola, 10th October 1932
Date of document: 10/10/1932
Letter from R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, New York, to F A Mayne Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Baltimore Surveyors in reply to letter enquiry regarding their Report on John R Gibbons, 18th September 1920
Date of document: 18/09/1920
John R Gibbons
Letter from H D Soar, Secretary of Liverpool Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter in reply to London letter regarding survey of boilers at Liverpool for Umaria, 22nd September 1942
Date of document: 22/09/1942
Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register Trieste to Secretary of Lloyd's Register London enclosing letter from Trieste Surveyor being a reply to enquiry in classing letter for Manin, 13th September 1921
Date of document: 13/09/1921