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259619 results
Letter from Lloyds Surveyors, New York, to the Lloyds Register Secretary, forwarding a letter received from the Aruba surveyor, together with a letter from the owners of the vessel, regarding Certificates for Cancellation from the Registry Book for Inverc
Date of document: 14/06/1938
Letter from James Sibun, Newcastle surveyor, to the Secretary forwarding letter sent by Baku Standard's builder 22 February 1893
Date of document: 22/02/1893
Baku Standard
Copy of letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register London, to J E Turner, enclosing a letter from J M Robertson, who carried out the surveys of Cutty Sark, 3 September 1951
Copy of letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register London, to J E Turner, enclosing a letter from J M Robertson, who carried out the surveys of Cutty Sark, 3 September 1951
Date of document: 03/09/1951
Cutty Sark - 1869
Letter from the surveyors in Antwerp to the Secretary in London enclosing a letter sent by the superintendent of the Red Star Line regarding Nederland, 6 April 1904
Date of document: 06/04/1904
Copy one of letter to James French, New York, for personal information, Lloyd's Register shall be inclined to give owners all reasonable assistance, 13 April 1931
Date of document: 13/04/1931
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Servico, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Servico, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy & translation of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Service, Sourabaya, to the Surveyor for Lloyd\'s Register, Sourabaya, forwarding letter regarding Babut, 16th April 1958
Date of document: 16/04/1958
Letter from R Williamson & Son, ship builders, to Lloyd\'s Registry of Shipping, enclosing a letter from the shipowners regarding the plank & space ceiling in order to make the Lodes suitable for the coasting & coal trades, 8th January 1898
Date of document: 08/01/1898
Letter from Lloyds Register surveyor, Liverpool, to Lloyds Register Secretary, Robert E Mudge, informing him that in accordance with the directions of the Committee, the Waterways of the Ship, Fusilier, were examined, 29th May 1855
Date of document: 29/05/1855
Letter from Anthony Wood & Co, ship owner, to Matthew Poppelwell, surveyor at Newcastle, requesting that he survey their vessel Elizabeth and not to report her for the Register Book without their approval, 25 April 1838
Date of document: 25/04/1838
Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Glasgow Surveyor in reply to letter regarding Chantala, 20th October 1920
Date of document: 20/10/1920
Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940
Date of document: 20/02/1940
Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newport, enclosing copy of letter from C W Kellock & Co, requesting remarks on letter & repairs required before loading with cargo of Lord Strathcona, 4th August 19
Date of document: 04/08/1925
Lord Strathcona
Letter from S R Davies of Lloyd's Register, New York, to F A Mayne Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing a letter & copies of approved plans in reply for Rama, 24th April 1922
Date of document: 24/04/1922
Letter from H. Sonne, Shanghai Engineer Surveyor, to B. Waymouth, Secretary Lloyd's Register London, enclosing reports on S. S. Plainmeller, 25 September 1885
Date of document: 25/09/1885
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Servico, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Copy of letter from Sourabaya surveyor N A Dawson dated 23rd April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from C van\'t Hert, Chief Technical Servico, Sourabaya, dated 16th April 1958, enclosing copy of letter from E Hoesin Achmas, Chief Equipment & Technical Ser
Date of document: 23/04/1958
Letter from John F Light per H J Peah, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Liverpool, to B Waymouth Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Surveyor in reply to letter regarding strengthening of collision bulkhead for Westgate, 15th May 1885
Date of document: 15/05/1885
Letter from John F Light per H J Peah, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Liverpool, to B Waymouth Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Liverpool Surveyor in reply to letter regarding moulded depth to main deck of Britannia, 5th June 1885
Date of document: 05/06/1885