A C Hardy
A C Hardy
P Duff
P Duff
Dacre Smyth
Dacre Smyth
van der Wal ; van Erkel ; Smit
The impact of an Anti Ship Missile is one of the most threatening scenarios for a naval platform. The accompanying warhead detonation will endanger crew platform and its mission. A naval architect has various options to reduce the vulnerability of his platform design. One of the most important options is to contain damage by increasing the blast and fragment resistance of tranverse watertight bulkheads and doors. This paper will address the developments on blast resistance the synergistic effect of fragment holes on the blast resistance and the protection against fragments. Light weight and low cost structures have been designed validated and applied in various naval ships. The deisgn of blast and fragment protective structures depends on the considered threat and the level of protection required. A method is propsed to determine criteria for the level of protection of ships compartments based on requirements set by the naval staff.
van der Wal ; van Erkel ; Smit
J R Stott
During 1979-80 a research project was carried out to determine the problems being experienced with air conditioning systems and to survey developments in hand, with a view to recommending improvements likely to increase reliability and extend the period between breakdowns. The article includes sections on design conditions, air conditioning system, performance of air conditioning on existing ships, information from ship visits, views of owners, views of equipment manufacturers, comments on builders' views, design parameters for air conditioning, prevention of liquid refrigerant returning to compressor, and screw and rotary vane compressors.
J R Stott
The Institute of Refrigeration
N Rattenbury
The development of different designs for the AES (all-electric ship) in commercial and naval applications has led to the evolution of innovative arrangements and equipment used for electrical power generation distribution and utilisation onboard such ships. The extensive installation of electrical equipment associated with the AES has led to the need for comprehensive cooling arrangements to ensure that the equipment and associated systems function as required under all envisaged operating conditions. Currently there are no international standards specifically for the cooling of electrical equipment and systems onboard ships. In May 2005 Lloyds Technical Committee approved new requirements for the assessment of electrical equipment cooling arrangements for naval ship classification purposes. The background to the classification requirements is explained as well as the processes for demonstrating compliance with the requirements.
N Rattenbury
Alan Budd
Mercy Ships is an international inter-denominational Christian humanitarian organization. Since 1978 this charity has operated a fleet of hospital ships in developing nations. During this time Mercy Ships have operated four ships Anastasis Good Samaritan-Island Mercy Caribbean Mercy and now the Africa Mercy. There are also two land bases in Sierra Leone New Steps for Polio and enforced amputation victims and the ACFC for VVF sufferers. The organisation is represented by 14 offices throughout the world with the International Operations Centre located in Garden Valley Texas. The UK office is in Stevenage and Australian office is in Caloundra Queensland. Over 90 percent of Mercy Ships people are volunteers who pay their own travel expenses to and from the ship crew fees whilst living and working on the ship and all personal insurances. In order to expand
Alan Budd
George P Vlachos ; Emmanouil Nikolaidis ; George Konomos et al.
The freights' movement on the container ships market is presented for Panamax SubPanamax Handy Feedermax and Feeder categories. Decomposition analysis is used to reveal the long-term movement of the freight as well as their systematical mid-term movements. Decomposition Analysis is an algebraic method which is used to study the fluctuations of the time series after the smooth long-lasting central movement (underlying movement) of the time series has been statistically estimated. Finally a statistical study of the seasonal indexes which result from the decomposition analysis is being undertaken in order to recognise possible seasonal models with significant statistical effect on the freight values of the container ships' market. The normalization of the disagreement between the results was accomplished by the application of the ANOM - Analysis of means. According to this analysis only one seasonal index (December) seems to have a statistically important effect on the freights' values. The indicated seasonality model which arose from the volatility analysis of the seasonal indexes
George P Vlachos ; Emmanouil Nikolaidis ; George Konomos et al.
The latest engine technologies are bringing important benefits in terms of reduced fuel consumption costs reduced lubricating oil costs and reduced exhaust emissions for the propulsion of today's and tomorrow's container ships. This paper reviews three of these technologies: the Wartsila Pulse Lubricating System (PLS) high efficiency waste heat recovery and the new electronically-controlled Wartsila RT-flex82C common-rail engines. The Pulse Cylinder Lubricating System with electronically-timed load-dependent control allow major reductions in cylinder oil feed rates for considerable cost savings. High efficiency waste heat recovery (WHR) systems in association with Wartsila RT-flex common-rail engines allow up to 12% of main engine shaft power to be recovered as electrical power which can then be employed as additional ship propulsion power and for shipboard services. The new Wartsila RT-flex82C engines ideally match the propulsion requirements of panamax container ships up to around 5000TEU.
Jim MacDonald ; John Maguire
This paper summarises the methodology by which the permissible tank filling ranges are established for new designs of membrane LNG ships. The paper goes on to provide guidance on the mitigating actions to take if a ship has to depart a terminal with the tanks partially filled and looks at the type of risk assessment which is recommended for ships trading to exposed terminals. A description is given for the type of damage to look for in tanks which have unavoidably been exposed to conditions which may have caused high sloshing pressures. Methods are suggested for onboard monitoring of sloshing activity.
Jim MacDonald ; John Maguire
A Norris
This text is part of the series Marine Engineering Practice, Volume 2, 7 unique books (Parts 11-18, excepting 17) bound together in one volume. The book deals with the inspection and shop test of major machinery components, together with the installation, commissioning and sea trials of all the machinery fitted in modern direct drive motor ships. It also deals with similar aspects of modern steam turbine engine vessels. Outline references are also made to some other systems, such as inert gas plant, peculiar to oil tankers, but the remainder of the book covers plant presently fitted to many types of ship.
A Norris
London : Marine Media Management for the Institute of Marine Engineers, 1976.
A Norris
This text is part of the series Marine Engineering Practice, Volume 2, 7 unique books (Parts 11-18, excepting 17) bound together in one volume. This particular part is a 2002 reprint of the 1978 edition. This part deals with the operation of steam turbine installations in ships, with particular reference to systems rather than to the main turbine/gearing/boiler components which are well covered in existing technical literature. This book is written mainly for the information of marine engineer officers newly appointed to steam turbine ships who require some guidance on integration of operation procedures for the complex and interdependent systems and sub-systems which must function in harmony to provide safe and efficient plant operation. Much of the information comprises details of what should be done. Section 2 of this work deals with activating systems in a 'cold' ship, i.e. starting up a complete plant.
A Norris
London : Published for The Institue of Marine Engineers by Marine Management (Holdings), c1978.
Peter A Johnson
Air emissions from ships are a significant contributor to atmospheric pollution worldwide and raise special concerns within coastal metropolitan regions with heavy industrialization and populations. North America and Europe are two major regions where the problem has been documented and where it is serious and growing. National and international regulations are starting to address the problem with new standards for marine diesel engine emissions and standards for marine fuel quality. However it is not clear whether these actions are sufficient to halt or reverse the current trends. Various frameworks for evaluating the problem of air pollution discharges from ships are discussed and it is shown how the patterns of emissions contribute to overall air pollution concerns. The status of understanding of these emissions is reviewed together with the public concerns of this as a growing problem requiring attention and action.
Peter A Johnson
Brian Lavery
This book reveals 5,000 years of maritime adventure in a new compact format. From the earliest dugout canoes and the boats of the Ancient Egyptians to the most technologically advanced battleships and cruise-liners, this is the ultimate guide to every aspect of the ship, and those who have sailed them. Find out all about the endeavours of the great explorers as they mapped the globe and discovered new worlds, you'll learn the impact ships have had on trade and industry and find out all the key historical conflicts in which ships played a vital role. Plus, take a look at seafaring for pleasure and trace fishing through the ages. Every conceivable type of sea-going vessel is featured, from caravels and galleons, warships and yachts to clippers and cruise-liners. Produced in association with the National Maritime Museum.
Brian Lavery
Dorling Kindersley; 2011
ISBN number9781405353366
Anders Lindblad
This research has been limited to an investigation of only a few of the factor affecting the propulsion of twin-screw ships constructed for medium high speeds. Extensive tank experiments have previously been made with the models used in the present tests. The object was at that time to find out the effect of the longitudinal centre of buoyancy on the resistance and to develop suitable ship lines. The investigation has been carried out with two different series of self-propelled models, and the main object was to ascertain whether the models which were best from the point of view of resistance were also the best from the point of view of propulsion.
Anders Lindblad
Chalmers University
W S C Jenks
Some of the main design problems encountered in the A.C.T. 1 class of containe r ships for carriage of general and refrigerated cargo between Australia the UK and Europe are examined. The general arrangement and layout is outlined and leading particulars are given with the corresponding particulars for the O.C.L . Bay class ships for comparison. Structural features hatch covers and contain er lashings vibration stabilization mooring and navigational control are described. Refrigeration the arrangement of coolers and air ducting the coupling mechanism insulation of the holds and arrangements within the containers to ensure proper air flow and machinery installation are considered and operational experience is discussed.
W S C Jenks
Department of Transport
The contents of this guidance cover such topics as the object of the instructions; the application of regulations; exemptions from regulations; maintenance and inspection; instructions on regulations relating to division between crew accommodation and other parts of the ship, interior bulkheads, overhead decks, floor decks, awnings, heating, lighting, ventilation, drainage, marking, sleeping rooms, furniture and fittings, mess rooms, recreation spaces, supply of drinking and fresh water, cold store rooms and refrigerating equipment, medical cabinet; and miscellaneous issues such as rat-proofing, liquid petroleum gas domestic installations, accommodation for repair personnel, and reports on completion of survey.
Department of Transport
London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office [HMSO]
Gennadiy V Egorov ; Vitaliy V Kozlyakov ; Nickolay N Sivoborodchenko
It is shown in the report that the trial-and-error requirements of the Rules of classification societies to the minimum section modulus of transport ships (including the FPSO-type ships) are based mainly on the maintenance of their strength the lack of which in riveted ships exhibits in the form of weakening of rivet joints and in welded ships in the form of cracks. The analysis of proposals for analytical formulation of the fatigue strength criterion (F.S.C.) during 150 years of development of steel shipbuilding confirms this thesis. It is shown that modern recommendations of IACS (1999) do not provide stable reserves of fatigue resistance for ships of different standard-sizes especially those constructed from high-tensile steels. In the report ways of perfecting the requirements to fatigue strength are offered.
Gennadiy V Egorov ; Vitaliy V Kozlyakov ; Nickolay N Sivoborodchenko
Robert Bridges
In recent years there has been substantial interest and growing demand for ships to navigate in cold regions. One reason for this is the emergence of new trade routes in cold regions which pose new design conditions and challenges. In addition not all builders have experience of designing ships intended for ice and cold environments. As a result there is a pressing need for rules and standards to give clear requirements for shipbuilders to develop suitable designs for cold climate operation. This paper provides an insight into the background and development of winterisation rules an introduction to the framework of the rules and explanation of some of the key features.
Robert Bridges