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Name of ship as recorded on the record

Ship name

Castillo Moncada ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913 )

Aydon ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914 )

Stancliffe ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937 )

Drakelow ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937 )

Navarinon ( Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939 )

Navarinon; Stancliffe ( Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938 )

Lena; Navarinon ( Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

12/03/1914 ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

176 ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939 )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

Blyth ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913 )

Sunderland ( Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914 )

Newcastle-on-Tyne ( Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914 )

London ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938 )

Blyth; Newcastle on Tyne ( Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914 )

Penarth; Cardiff ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937 )

Marseilles ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938 )

Londres ( Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938 )

Paris ( Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939 )

Marseille ( Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

The official record pronounced by the Committee

Loss or disposal

Torpedoed & Beached - now in port ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939 )

Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Place of ship loss

Llanza ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

The country or national waters where a vessel is lost/disposed of, or last recorded.

Country of loss or disposal

Spain ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939 )

An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.

The name of the port/place of destination given.

The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1914 ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Blyth ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

undefined ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938 )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Torpedoed & Beached ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939 )

Vessel beached on fire ( Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Area of ship loss

French Catalan Border ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939 )

Llanza, French Catalan Border ( Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

18/03/1938 ( Longitudinal Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 16th September 1913 1913, Plan of Boiler for Castillo Moncada, 15th September 1913 1913, Midship Section Plan for Castillo Moncada, 13th September 1913 1913, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Aydon, 1st May 1914 1914, Letter from C J Hudson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning First Entry Report & approved plans with particulars of web frames in fore & after bodies inserted for Aydon, 30th April 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning First Entry Report with approved sketches of midship section & profile requesting particulars of web frames to be filled in for Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the first entry of Aydon, 29th April 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Aydon, 20th April 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Aydon, 18th April 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding examination & repairs to Stancliffe, 2nd December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Drakelow, 22nd November 1937 1937, Copy of Memo regarding notation in Register Book for Navarinon, 3rd January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Navarinon, 28th December 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, France, replying to letter requesting dry-docking survey of vessel advising need for written consent of Owners of Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors acknowledging & noting contents of letter & enclosing copy of letter to Principal Ship Surveyor, Lorient, for information on Navarinon, 1st November 1938 1938, Memo regarding vessel for sale laid up at Marseilles in damaged condition, request from Port of Lorient for last dry docking survey, submitting that Marseilles Surveyors inform need for written consent of actual Owners of Navarinon, 31st October 1938 1938, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding intention of French Government to purchase laid up vessel at Marseilles & requesting last drydocking survey report for Navarinon, 26th October 1938 1938, Letter from L Ingenieur, Principal du Genie Maritime Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register et Shipping, Londres, written in french, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter from Principal Ship Surveyor at Port of Lorient & requesting how matter stands for Navarinon, 22nd October 1938 1938, Letter in French from L Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime, Chef de la Section des Reparations to The Secretary Lloyds Register & Shipping, London, regarding Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Port of Lorient to Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copy of last dry dock survey with remarks on general state to help in considering possibility of conversion into a pontoon of hull from Navarinon, 19th October 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors responding to letter with enclosure & advising of deferred action by Committee pending receipt of report in due course for Navarinon, 2nd June 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd May 1938 1938, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from Owner on endeavour to refloat grounded vessel & bring to Marseilles for examination, repair & reclassification of Navarinon, 26th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from P G Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding refloating & towing to Marseilles temporarily interrupted by bad weather & examination in dry dock to assess damage & re-classing of Navarinon, 25th April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to M Cottaropoulos, Marseilles, Owners, regarding beaching after fire near Llanza requesting latest information as to extent of damage & prospects of salvage of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing special casualty notice to be forwarded to Owner of Navarinon ex Stancliffe, 21st April 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Navarinon, 2nd January 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of vessel being sunk in Barcelona, considered a War capture & Owners not expecting to be able to take possession of Lena ex Navarinon, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising that no information could be obtained from Owners regarding intention as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 6th April 1939 1939, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners stating vessel to be at Barcelona but having no news & unable to take any decision as to final use of Lena ex Navarinon, 25th February 1939 1939, Copy of Question & Answer Memo sent to Paris regarding expunged class for Navarinon, 2nd February 1939 1939, Letter from J R Macleod, Marseille Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of sale, leaving Marseilles for Barcelona to be converted into a coal hulk & renaming to 'Lena' of Navarinon, 17th January 1939 1939 )

The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.

Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.

Voyage information

Blyth; Fishing ( Steel Steamer Report for Aydon, 27th April 1914 1914 )

Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.

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