J Hua
This doctoral thesis deals with dynamic stability problems of Ro-Ro ships, covering three aspects: analysis of capsize incidents of some Ro-Ro ships, development of analysis tools and studies of some dynamic stability problems of some Ro-Ro ships. The investigations of several capsizing incidents, e.g. the Ro-Ro passenger-ship 'Herald of Free Enterprise', forms the basis for this work. The thesis consists of 6 papers, all written by the author. These are as follows: 'A Theoretical Study on the capsize of the ferry 'Herald of Free Enterprise', 'A study of the parametrically excited roll motion of a Ro-Ro ship in following and heading waves', 'A description of SMS - A computer code for ship motion simulation', 'A study of the dynamic stability of a Ro-Ro ship in waves', 'A representation of a ship's GM -variation in waves by the Volterra system' and 'A probabilistic study of the simultaneous effect of ship motions on the cargo onboard'.
J Hua
Stockholm ; Kungl Tekniska Hogskolan - Royal Institute of Technology, Naval Architecture, Dept of Vehicle Engineering
A Papanikolaou ; E Boulougouris ; D Spanos
A look is taken at a study of the Ship Design Laboratory of NTUA. This study aims to outline a methodology for the correct estimation of the roll radius of gyration of existing and new ships to apply this to a characteristic sample of existing ro-ro passenger ships to review existing semi-empirical formulas for the determination of the roll radius of gyration of ro-ro passenger ships and to conclude on the practical implications of the correct estimation and reproduction in model scale of the roll radius of gyration to the validity of the Model Test results.
A Papanikolaou ; E Boulougouris ; D Spanos
Denmark, 1958
This is the Summary of the Report on Tests Concerning Fires in Ships' Corridors The report describes and considers the fairly searching investigations caused to be undertaken by the Directorate of the Government Ships Inspection Service and the State Testing Laboratory – in particular by the Committee appointed by the Directorate – assisted by the Association of Shipyards, the Shipowners’ Association and the Fire Protection Committee for the purpose of examining the influence that exposed surfaces may have on the development of fire in ships. Contents include: Summary of development since 1952; Report on Full Scale Tests; Report on Laboratory Tests; Analysis of full scale test results; Analysis of Laboratory Tests Results and comparison with Full Scale test results; Final Remarks. Accompanying the Summary, there is the Report itself and the Appendices.
Denmark, 1958
Duncan A Joiner
In the design construction and management of ships there appear to be few opportunities for communication between providers (designers) and users. Ships are often large complex single entities including hundreds of technical sub-systems and components from a variety of sources. The designers and providers of large ships do not usually have the advantages of volume production industries where considerable resources can be devoted to prototyping and testing the completed assembly before commitment is made to final production. In the absence of this however the experience of ships' users (those who build manage operate maintain own and travel on ships) can provide large amounts of valuable information for the design of new ships. This feedback informs designers of the good features to be continued and developed the failures and weaknesses and even some ideas about how to improve them. Techniques that are used to successfully capture user feedback for the design of land-based buildings and facilities are described. Experience from marine design shows that these techniques have considerable potential for the ship design and construction industries as well as for the owners and operators of ships.
Duncan A Joiner
H Poehls
Institute for Ship Operation
The reasons and conditions for increasing the size and speed of certain ship types are discussed. The limits and effects can be categorised as geographical technological and economical. Correlations between technical and economics limits and their consequences for size and speed are presented.
H Poehls
Institute for Ship Operation
N E Bagshaw
For the benefit of specialist designers, engineers and chemists, as well as manufacturers and users of the equipment concerned, this book aims to give specific details of the battery types used in each field of applications, as well as their performance. The book includes sections on the general purpose of batteries on ships, small special purpose batteries on ships, submarine propulsion batteries and torpedo propulsion batteries.
N E Bagshaw
Research Studies Press
G Berry
in storage
G Berry
British Ship Research Association
in storage
K Fach
Classification Rules for Naval Ships were published by Germanischer Lloyd in May 2001. This will be followed by Construction Rules for Naval Ships in the first quarter of 2002. The structure of the rules for classification and construction for naval ships is listed.
K Fach
The introduction of the Flag State Quality Control (FSQC) by Marine Department has proven to be an effective approach to ensure the quality of Hong Kong registered ships. This paper shares our experience in Hong Kong as how to properly discharge the responsibility effectively for ships already in the Register and for ships intend to join the Register.
Lloyd's Register of Shipping Specification Services Department
These guidance notes aim to assist owners in the preparation of their ships for a period of lay-up and to provide recommendations for maintaining the ships in a safe and effective condition.
Lloyd's Register of Shipping Specification Services Department
Lloyds Register
W H White
This is the 5th edition of a manual of naval architecture for use of officers of the Royal Navy, officers of the mercantile marine, yachtsmen, shipowners and shipbuilders. Chapters cover displacement and buoyancy, tonnage, statical stability, oscillations of ships in still water, deep sea water, oscillation of ships among waves, methods of observing the rolling and pitching motions of ships, strains experienced by ships, structural arrangements and strength of ships, materials for shipbuilding (wood, iron and steel), resistance of ships, propulsion by sail and steam, progress of marine engineering, marine propellers, screw propeller, horse-power and speed and steamship efficiency, steering,
W H White
John Murray
editor: Robert Gardiner; consultant editor: Alastair Couper
This volume includes: Modern tramp ships, bulk carriers and combination carriers; conventional cargo liners and refrigerated ships; container ships; oil tankers, chemical carriers and gas carriers; passenger ships; short-sea and coastal shipping; specialised cargo ships; service, support and industry vessels; fishing vessels.
editor: Robert Gardiner; consultant editor: Alastair Couper
London : Conway Maritime Press, 1992.
ISBN number851775691
Peter Tschursch ; Manfred Hubner
A directory of Russian merchant ships, this part focusing on refrigeration ships. Written in German.
Peter Tschursch ; Manfred Hubner
Schiffahrtsgeschichtliche gesellschaft OSTSEE [Maritime History Society Baltic Sea]
Peter Tschursch
A directory of Russian merchant ships, this part focusing on cargo ships of over 10, 000 dwt carrying capacity. Written in German.
Peter Tschursch
Schiffahrtsgeschichtliche gesellschaft OSTSEE [Maritime History Society Baltic Sea]
Y Aoki
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
According to a recent survey made by the Marine Engineering Society in Japan the amount of NOx and SOx emitted by ships around Japan show the rather high figures of 37% and 23% respectively while the amount of CO2 emissions is only 3%. In the light of this state-of-the-art Japanese developments are introduced and one view of the future propulsion systems for commercial ships is shown. Firstly Japanese developments for diesel engines are outlined. After this developments for gas turbines gas engines nuclear power hydrogen/methanol/etc and fuel cells are each considered in turn.
Y Aoki
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Ir F N de Rooij
A card sleeve/folder containing 11 folded sheets containing various ship plans that generally include general arrangement, decks and midship section: Large passenger vessel. Freighter 2750 tons. Submarine plan. Icebreaker, Ocean liner passenger vessel Queen Elizabeth / Queen Mary, 81,000 tons, 12 decks. Mariner ship type with large winches. Passenger motorship. Freighter 5400 tons. Mine layer. Light ship. Cargo ship. Train carrier. Cross-channel boat. Bulkcarrier.
Ir F N de Rooij
Haarlem : NV De Technische Uitgeverij H Stam
Denmark, 1958
The report describes and considers the fairly searching investigations caused to be undertaken by the Directorate of the Government Ships Inspection Service and the State Testing Laboratory – in particular by the Committee appointed by the Directorate – assisted by the Association of Shipyards, the Shipowners’ Association and the Fire Protection Committee for the purpose of examining the influence that exposed surfaces may have on the development of fire in ships. Contents include: Summary of development since 1952; Report on Full Scale Tests; Report on Laboratory Tests; Analysis of full scale test results; Analysis of Laboratory Tests Results and comparison with Full Scale test results; Final Remarks. Accompanying the Report there is another volume with the Appendices and a Summary of the Report.
Denmark, 1958
S Iden ; G H Vaupel
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
In order to find the best electrical drive concept and to optimize the parameters of the complex system in diesel-electric propelled ships simulation is essential. A simulation tool especially developed for drives and power electronics is described with the example of different electrical drives and converter concepts. The results of the simulation concerning power quality are compared with corresponding measurements on board of several diesel-electric propelled ships. Firstly the simulation tool and the measuring equipment are each described in turn. Next simulation of a drive with frequency converter is looked at followed by simulation of a drive with a synchroconverter.
S Iden ; G H Vaupel
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Board of Trade
These Instructions are issued by the Ministry of Transport for the guidance of their marine surveyors in surveying passenger ships under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts. They also indicate to shipowners, shipbuilders and others concerned the procedure which the Department adopts for the survey of passenger ships, and the conditions under which Passenger and Safety Certificates and Passenger Certificates are issued. Sections cover general information, hull and watertight subdivision, bilge pumping arrangements, electrical equipment and installation, fire protection, boilers and machinery, miscellaneous information and passenger accommodation.
Board of Trade
London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office
ISBN number115103031
H Schutz
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
The responsibility for planning and carrying out of naval shipbuilding projects in Germany lies with the Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement (BWB). The role of the BWB during the development cycle of naval ships is described along with several new ideas and trends in this area currently emerging in Germany. Firstly some background information is given. Next the development cycle of naval ships is looked at. After this the pre-phase (new approaches) definition phase (class 130 corvette setting new standards) and the construction phase (with industry taking over) are each dealt with in turn. Lastly standards are considered.
H Schutz
IMarE Conferences and Symposia