A J Couchman
in storage
A J Couchman
British Ship Research Association
in storage
S C Misra
The safety of old ships is looked at with consideration of loads at sea the strength of ships (corrosion and fatigue) and the probability of the failure of ship structures. In conclusion the emphasis is on effective maintenance and repair proper handling and understanding by the ship's personnel of various aspects of structural failure and the importance of timely action.
S C Misra
Phill Brown
On the 9th of October 2007 the Commonwealth signed a contract with Tenix Defence Pty Ltd for the supply to the RAN (Royal Australian Navy) of two 27000-tonne Amphibious Landing Ships or LHDs. An overview of these ships is presented and the capability that these ships present to the ADF (Amphibious Deployment and Sustainment Program) is discussed. It is outlined how the Australian industry was involved. The systems are described - primarily the electronic and landing systems. A project timeline for the requirement is presented as well as a rough idea of what we expect industry to be able to do for the ADF. Finally the companion projects to the ships are mentioned. This is all part of an ongoing program of available Defence work that can help grow and sustain the Australian companies that are needed to support the equipment in service.
Phill Brown
Seatrade Conferences Ltd
Transcript of the eleventh Seatrade Conf held at the Barbican Centre, London on 22 23 and 24 March, 1983. Papers are The Scylla and Charybdis of liner shipping - over regulation and over capacity Fair trade - an aggressive approach The shipping customers perspective Freedom of the seas - a Greek perspective Ships and shipping in an uncertain future The changing political and commercial environment for marine equipment sales Mobile satellite services in the eighties The challenge for the engine builder - fuel economy and what else Shipping in the eyes of the investor Bankers and shipowners - time to reassess the relationship Ship broking in a recession Marine insurance - the underwriter and the shipowner
Seatrade Conferences Ltd
Colchester ; Seatrade Conferences Ltd
Nigel White ; David Bignold ; Paul James et al.
Lloyds Register in co-operation with the UK MoD has developed a set of NSR (naval ship rules) for the design construction and classification of naval ships. The rules cover all sizes and types of vessel; aircraft carriers assault ships frigates corvettes patrol craft and allow for a variety of military and non-military operational capabilities. An overview of the classification and certification issues of Naval ships is given. This is followed by a brief overview of the military design features contained in the NSR. After this the assessment of hull structural strength aspects of naval ships is examined. The NSR also encompass rules for machinery and engineering systems as well as survey procedures although these issues are not discussed here.
Nigel White ; David Bignold ; Paul James et al.
P K Dewhurst
The subject is introduced and followed by a discussion on the basic control characteristics exhibited by ships fitted with steerable main propulsion units without nozzles. Terms of reference within which the theory is developed are laid down, together with the basic assumptions. Resistance and inertia coefficients of a ship are defined and methods suggested for their estimation from ships drawings. Turning characteristics together with the concept of motion along the path line are introduced and a method developed for plotting the path line by finite steps. The effect of varying the initial speed and the influence of absolute size of ships are discussed, together with a study of performance in the initial stage of course alteration. A method for calculating the effect of adding a nozzle to the propeller is developed and shown to be highly beneficial in the early stages of a turn without detracting from the final tight turning characteristics. Some comparisons are given between the performance of ships with rudders, open propeller units and nozzled units.
P K Dewhurst
H C de Mierre
This book completes the story of the author's fifteen years at sea, following his years on clipper ships and the change to steam ships.
H C de Mierre
London, Starke, 1971.
Catalogue number910.45
ISBN number287669866
Octavius T Howe ; Frederick C Matthews
This 2 volume set covers real-life exploits of the captains and crews of clipper ships, the history of each clipper and their dimensions, tonnage, cargo capacity, builder and designer, speed and length of voyages. Included are over 100 paintings, prints and plans. Volume I contains the clipper ships Malay to Young Mechanic.
Octavius T Howe ; Frederick C Matthews
New York : Dover, 1986.
ISBN number486251160
D J Heard
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
The trend in passenger ships and ferry design towards larger and more complex ships has resulted in developments in fire protection systems and technology. The types of fire detection and extinguishing systems currently available and trends for the protection of future ships are summarised and discussed.
D J Heard
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Michael Palmer / M D Palmer
This is a survey of British ships and shipping, with chapters on early trade, the expansion of the world, the rise of English shipping, steam versus sail, shipping supremacy, war and slump, ships and cargoes, docks and ports, and the prosperous age.
Michael Palmer / M D Palmer
London, Batsford, 1971.
Catalogue number387.0942
ISBN number713417676
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Lloyds Register
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Lloyds Register
M.Ed. Quellennec
M.Ed. Quellennec
G V Clark (ed)
G V Clark (ed)
David R MacGregor ; Foreword by Howard I. Chapelle, with plans drawn by the author; additional drawings by T. W. Ward, J. Henderson and others
A book on the history and development of clipper ships.
David R MacGregor ; Foreword by Howard I. Chapelle, with plans drawn by the author; additional drawings by T. W. Ward, J. Henderson and others
Luasanne, Switzerland 1973
Catalogue number623.82209034
ISBN number245519645
Bernard Ireland
Bernard Ireland
Hamlyn; London, 1999
ISBN number600595900
Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
Brief details of ships in-building at the Orskov Shipyard Frederikshaven include outline profile and superstructure plans for Royal Arctic Line's new ice-strengthened feeder cargo/container ship.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
John C Daidola ; James J Griffin
This paper presents and discusses the technical considerations that have entered into the design of oceanographic ships over the last ten years and which continue to demand attention as well as those that may impact on the oceanographic ships of the future. First a historical survey of major oceanographic ships constructed since 1970 is presented. Then the requirements of the scientists themselves are discussed. After this the design characteristics of oceanographic ships are presented in terms of the three major categories of general purpose geological or geophysical and fisheries vessels. Next the technical considerations and approaches in oceanographic ship design are reviewed and discussed with emphasis on more current developments. Included are the general arrangements naval architectural and marine engineering considerations. Finally potential future but near-term developments in oceanographic ships are considered. Appropriate conclusions and recommendations are offered as well as a comprehensive bibliography of worldwide publications on oceanographic ship design topics presented from 1970 to the present.
John C Daidola ; James J Griffin
Ing J P De Haan
This is a manual for the construction of seagoing merchant ships and war-ships. Chapters cover rigging; anchors, chains, windlasses, hawse pipes, hawsers and warps; bollards, fiarleads and mooring; pipe railing; ladders, stairs and accommodation ladders; awnings, tarpaulins, canvas work and battening down and securing hatchway covers; side lights, fixed lights, windows and tank ports; boats and boat chocks; davits and boat winches; further life saving and safety appliances; and nautical equipment.
Ing J P De Haan
Technical Publishing Company H Stam; 1957
Per Magne Einang
High oil prices and an increased focus on exhaust emissions from ships make natural gas in form of LNG a new promising fuel in the short sea-shipping segment. Availability of LNG in general and in small scale is improving. The technology of LNG storage and bunkering is improving. Gas engines are mainly designed for land-based power production and need adjustments for ship propulsion. Requirements for gas engines in ship operation are discussed. Interim guidelines for gas-fuelled ships are under development within IMO and Norway is co-ordinating this work. Some of the work is presented together with the challenge for design the propulsion system for gas-fuelled ships. Some experiences of gas-fuelled ships in Norway are presented. A new series of five large LNG car ferries will be in operation in late 2006 and two supply vessels have been in operation for two years. Both technical solutions economical aspects and emission levels are discussed.
Per Magne Einang
The Internaional Ships and Ports Security (ISPS) Code comes into effect on 1 July 2004. Acordingly all passenger ships cargo ships over 500gt on international voyages including high speed crafts will have to carry onboard approved Ship Security Plan (SSP) and Ship Security Certificate (SSC). In essence the underlying purpose of the Code is to make ships and ports more secure and resilient to many growing threats from terrorism to theft and pilferage. However from the author's point of view it does little more than raise awareness of these threats. In this paper some of the inherent weaknesses in the present approach are highlighted and a new modular approach to ship and port security based on a quantifiable relative risk index (RRI) developed by the author is introduced.