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6662 results Most recent
  • The development type approval testing and Royal Navy selection of an affordable ballast water treatment technology


    T P Mackey ; Andy Kellnett ; M J W Veldhuis et al.

    Date published



    The introduction of aquatic invasive species into new environments by ships' ballast water is a global challenge and one of the most severe problems facing the world's oceans. This paper describes the development trials and testing of a totally chemical-free ballast water treatment system that after a thorough assessment by the Royal Navy resulted in the selection of that system for the UK Queen Elizabeth Class Future Aircraft Carrier programme. The process required the chosen system to meet the need for a technology that was affordable initially and sustainable through life and that had the nest potential for acceptance by the IMO under its BWM Convention requirements. The paper describes the initial selection of the appropriate technology from a variety of options the programme of sea trials aboard the SS Coral Princess to ensure practical viability in the marine environment the stringent testing at NIOZ interaction with the US Coastguard and acceptance into their STEP programme and the IMO Type Approval process. The Royal Navy selection was made before any BWT systems had received IMO Type Approval


    T P Mackey ; Andy Kellnett ; M J W Veldhuis et al.

    Date published


  • The HERCULES Project: a major R&D effort for marine engines of high efficiency and low emissions


    Nikolaos P Kyrtatos ; Matti Kleimola ; Ralf Marquard

    Date published



    The HERCULES Project (high efficiency R and D on combustion with ultra-low emissions for ships) is a large-scale cooperative R and D project supported by the European Commission and the Swiss Federal Government. The HERCULES I P is developing new technologies to drastically reduce gaseous and particulate emissions from marine engines whilst increasing engine efficiency and reliability hence reducing specific fuel consumption CO2 emissions and engine lifecycle costs. These objectives are reached through inter-related developments in thermodynamics and mechanics of 'extreme' parameter engines advanced combustion concepts multistage intelligent turbo-charging 'hot' engines with energy recovery and compounding internal emission reduction methods and advanced after-treatment techniques new sensors for emissions and performance monitoring adaptive control for intelligent engines. Advanced process models and engineering software tools have been developed to assist in component design. Prototype components have been manufactured and rig-tested. Engine experimental designs have been assessed on test-beds to validate the new technologies and to confirm the achieved objectives. Full-scale shipboard testing of chosen systems will demonstrate the potential benefits of next-generation marine engines.


    Nikolaos P Kyrtatos ; Matti Kleimola ; Ralf Marquard

    Date published


  • The impact of propulsion plant control on diesel engine thermal loading


    H T Grimmelius ; D Stapersma

    Date published



    The complex dynamic behaviour of highly turbo charged diesel engines together with the stochastic disturbances on a ship’s propulsion plant makes control optimisation and load predictions difficult. The combined effect of static overload and dynamic cycling of the fuel rack can cause prolonged operation in the thermal overload region of the engine. These problems become more apparent in fast and naval ships where weight and size restriction induce small margins of operation. Optimising the controller helps reduce the risk of overloading while maintaining relatively small margins for the engine. The thermal loading of diesel engines under realistic dynamic loads using different control regimes is investigated. Some results are obtained using a mean value first principle model. Thermal load predictions for several key components are part of this model. Using the model the impact of different controller strategies on the dynamic behaviour and thermal loading in adverse conditions is investigated. Some results for a theoretically optimised multiple input multiple output controller are also presented. The flexibility of the chosen modelling strategy is shown together with the possibilities it offers to predict the dynamic behaviour and thermal loads with different control strategies under various conditions.


    H T Grimmelius ; D Stapersma

    Date published


  • The practical application of risk assurance technology techniques to cruise vessel design and operation


    R H Vie ; J B Stemp


    IMarE Conferences and Symposia


    The need for the use of risk assurance technology has been identified by P&O / Princess Cruises as a means to better manage their business. A risk model has been developed to implement a proactive risk management strategy. The main reasons to develop a generic risk based model for a large cruise vessel were to improve the performance of the current fleet to learn from experience in the field and to provide a mechanism for predicting loss scenarios. Because of Princess Cruises' view of risk assurance as a strategic tool it was decided to base the risk model on a top down approach. Development of the model is discussed with reference to the reference framework development of the vessel operating structure chart hazard identification translation of the risk model into practical design information management of the model incorporation of field experience identification of design modification and interface with fleet regulations. The model is designed to interface with the design building operation and disposal of a vessel. Further development of the model is projected and this is described together with how the risk based work interfaces with Princess Cruises' well established ship and shore based management procedures.


    R H Vie ; J B Stemp

    Date published



    IMarE Conferences and Symposia

  • The securing of ISO containers: theory and practice : an ICHCA survey


    Anthony R Cole

    Shelf Location



    The purpose of this survey is to examine the securing of ISO series containers in a variety of circumstance and from a number of aspects. The circumstances include the securing of containers on the upper deck and hatch covers of cellular container ships and on the upper deck and in the holds of general cargo vessels, on the flatbeds of rail cars and road vehicles, and on barges. The aim is to investigate the various types of lashing systems available and their use. A particular aspect of the report is the minimisation of the cost, quantity and range of lashings required. The survey considers initial and maintenance requirements and costs for this equipment, its reliability, safety, strength and suitability for the purposes required. A further aim is to analyse the aspects of ease and speed of operation, and linked to these aspects are the quantity and skill of labour required and the influence on training needs of variations in the type of equipment employed. Differing approaches to determining motions and forces on containers at sea and on land are also considered. The most important aim of the survey is to examine the possibility of standardising lashing techniques and equipment.


    Anthony R Cole


    London : International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association, c1981

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    Date published


  • The Warship Mary Rose: The Life and Times of King Henry VIII's Flagship


    David Childs, HRH The Prince of Wales (Foreword)


    Chatham Publishing; London, 2007


    The raising of the Mary Rose in 1982 made headline news. As an archaeological event it ranked alongside Schliemanns excavations at Troy or Arthur Evanss discovery of Knossos, and so much information has since been gleaned from the wreck and its contents that there is an overwhelming tendency to treat the ship as a "time-capsule", like some Tudor burial site. But the Mary Rose is not just an archaeological relic. She is a warship that was revolutionary in her time and, despite being most famous for her loss in battle, a ship that had served her monarch for 34 years, almost the length of his reign. This book tells the full story of the construction and career of the ship, placing it firmly within the colorful context of Tudor politics, court life and the developing administration of a permanent navy. However, it also brings the story down to the present day, with chapters on the recovery and the new ideas and information thrown up by the massive program of archaeological work since undertaken. Written by the Development Director of The Mary Rose Trust and heavily illustrated from the massive resources of the Trust, this is a book which will appeal to general reader and specialist alike.


    David Childs, HRH The Prince of Wales (Foreword)

    Date published


    ISBN number



    Chatham Publishing; London, 2007

    Catalogue number


  • Why is the ISO 9377-2 GC-FID method for oil-in-water suitable as a robust international standard for hydrocarbon analysis?


    Arne Lund Kvernheim

    Date published



    The new Freon-free international standard for oil-in-water analysis EN ISO 9377-2 was formally accepted in October 2000. The method is described. External calibration is used for quantification. The technical robustness of the new method is examined. This has been demonstrated through a number of validation studies and by inter-laboratory exercises. The historical robustness is also addressed. The method has been recommended by the Norwegian State Pollution Control Agency as the new reference method for oil-in-water. OLF (the Norwegian Oil Industry Association) and IMO have tested the method and suggested it for the analysis of discharges from oil-producing platforms in the North Sea and for the analysis of discharges from ships (bilges). Further discussions are going on in OSPAR about the possibility of including volatiles and monoaromatics (BETX) in the same analysis. The problem is where to set the lower limit of the method related to the hydrocarbon boiling point and also the need for detecting aromatics (including polyaromatic compounds) by more specific methods (GC-MS). Certified oil-in-water samples may be available in the future through an EU project that will be initiated in 2002.


    Arne Lund Kvernheim

    Date published


  • A Manual of Marine Engineering Comprising the Design Construction and Working of Marine Machinery 18th edition


    A E Seaton

    Shelf Location



    The original book filled a need for a manual showing the application of theoretical principles to the design and construction of marine machinery, as determined by the experience of leading engineers, and carried out in successful practice. It will help make clearer some of the technicalities of marine design and construction and so help forward the application of scientific investigation to those problems which the marine engineer is called upon, day by day, to solve. This 18th edition is updated to reflect changes in technology. Chapter contents include resistance of ships and indicated horse-power necessary for speed; marine engines - their types and variations of design; steam used expansively; steam used after expansion - turbines; efficiency of marine engines; simple and compound engines; nominal, indicated and shaft or brake horse-power; general design and the influences which affect it; the cylinder and its fittings; the piston, piston-rod and connecting-rod; shafting, cranks and crank-shafts; foundations, bed-plates, columns, guides and framing; the condenser; pumps; valve and valve gear; valve diagrams; propellers; sea cocks and valves; auxiliary machinery; boilers, fuel, evaporation; boilers - tank boiler design and details; water-tube boilers; construction and detail of boilers; boil mountings and fittings; fitting in of machinery, starting and reversing of engines; weight and other particulars of machinery relating thereto; effect of weight, inertia and momentum, balancing the same; materials used by the marine engineer; oil and lubricants, engine friction; and tests and trials - their objects and methods.


    A E Seaton


    London : Charles Griffin & Co

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Airborne electromagnetic sea ice thickness sounding in shallow brackish water environments of the Caspian and Baltic seas


    Christian Haas

    Date published



    Sea ice thickness is one of the most important parameters for ice engineering problems and climate studies. Apart from IPS (ice profiling sonar) measurements EM (electromagnetic induction) thickness sounding has become an accurate and efficient method for thickness profiling and can be operated on the ice from ships or from structures like lighthouses or oilrigs. However EM sounding is most powerful when operated from helicopters or from fixed-wing aircraft. The accuracy of EM thickness sounding increases with the salinity of the water below the ice. Unfortunately in many key regions for ice-engineering activities the salinity of the water is very low for example in the brackish waters of the Baltic and Caspian Seas. An example of EM thickness measurements in the shallow water of the Bay of Bothnia (northernmost Baltic Sea) is shown using a small helicopter EM sensor and some model results. These demonstrate the particularities of EM sounding in brackish water. It is also shown that accurate ice thickness measurements are still possible with very low salinities of 3 ppt. In addition it is shown by means of model calculation and data that EM ice thickness measurements in shallow water less than 10 m deep are possible with instruments using high frequencies.


    Christian Haas

    Date published


  • Contract designs for ballast water treatment systems on containership R.J. Pfeiffer and Tanker Polar Endeavor


    William L Hurley ; Spencer S Schilling ; Thomas P Mackey

    Date published



    Introduction of non-indigenous species to new environments is one of the greatest threats to the world's coastal waters. Ballast water is a major contributor to the transfer of harmful organisms and pathogens. Potential economic impacts and impacts on human health and the ecology are very significant and cannot be ignored. The Great Lakes Ballast Technology Demonstration Project is presented. This is a joint US-Canadian co-operative project which recently funded three 6-month full-scale design studies of promising ballast water treatment systems. Each study aims to fully develop for a specified 'target' vessel the contract design and life-cycle cost of a reliable optimised flow-through onboard treatment system that effectively removes living organisms from the ship's ballast water before it is discharged into an ecosystem other than its original source. Two of these three studies are addressed and two different kinds of target vessels are selected. These ships represent classes of vessels typically involved in ballast water discharge in the ports and waterways of the US West Coast Hawaii and Alaska. This is one of the first efforts devoted to developingX32487 Contract energy management in industrial power production Institution of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers Publication No 478


    William L Hurley ; Spencer S Schilling ; Thomas P Mackey

    Date published


  • Effect of the hull deflections on propulsion system bearing loading


    Davor Sverko

    Date published



    The frequency of shaft alignment-related bearing damage on large merchant ships has increased significantly in recent years. This can mostly be attributed to changes in the design of the vessel inappropriate analyses inadequate shipyard practices and a lack of well-defined analytical criteria. Propulsion shafting systems on modern vessels are mostly diesel engine-driven directly coupled installations which are very energy efficient due to the low revolution propellers and highly optimised engines. The problems with alignment are in the increased disparity between flexibility of the hull structure and the shafting. The ship structure becomes more flexible with scantling optimisation high tensile steel application and with increased ship size. At the same time as the demand for power has increased with the larger ship designs the shafting diameters also have increased and the shafts have become stiffer (this is particularly true for VLCCs ULCCs large bulk carriers and large containerships). Consequently the alignment of the propulsion system has become more sensitive to hull girder deflections resulting in difficulties in: analyzing the alignment using a conventional approach; and ensuring that required alignment condition is met onboard the ship. These issues are discussed in particular the issue of the main engine bearing loading relative to the ballast and full load operation. Final conclusions are drawn.


    Davor Sverko

    Date published


  • Finite Element Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures


    John W Bull

    Shelf Location



    The aim of his book is to present a series of chapters that describe current developments in the finite element analysis and design of certain types of thin-walled structures. The chapters concentrate on the practical aspects of finite elements and their use. The choice of using the finite element method of analysis to the exclusion of other methods of analysis is, for the user, considerably eased by the ready availability of finite element analysis packages, coupled with the easy access to the required computing resources. Chapter 1 lays the foundations for the development and the use of finite elements for thin-walled structures. Chapter 2 looks at the availability of finite element software packages and suggests caution with respect to their indiscriminate use. In Chapter 3 the necessity of validating the input of data, the elements and the mesh arrangement to be used are discussed. The chapter even suggests the testing of the elements to be used. Chapter 4 analyses membrane structures varying from cables under self weight to water-inflated dams and air-inflated buildings. In Chapter 5 an axisymmetric thin-shell element has been developed and applies to a series of problems. Chapter 6 shoes in detail the relationship between the finite element method, the loads, stresses, analytical and experimental work on ship structures and how this relationship is changing the way in which ships are designer. Finally, chapter 7 illustrates details of offshore structures that are most frequently analysed using thin-shell elements.


    John W Bull


    Elsevier Applied Science

    Catalogue number


    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Florida Keys: The Wreckers (Volume 3)


    John Viele

    Shelf Location



    In this third book in a series on the history of the Florida Keys, John Viele tells the true story of the Florida Keys wreckers, the daring seamen who sailed out in fair weather or foul to save lives and property from ships cast up on the unforgiving Florida Reef. From the archives of the federal court at Key West, or “wrecking court,” and from contemporary letters, diaries, and newspaper articles, the author has captured the drama of the lives and times of the Florida Keys wreckers with accuracy and clarity. Richly illustrated with drawings from nineteenth-century magazines and newspapers, artists’ concepts of wrecking scenes, and reproductions of old paintings and photographs, this book will fascinate sailors and landlubbers alike. •The evil crew of a wrecked Spanish slave ship hijacked their would-be rescuers and forced them to carry their wretched human cargo to Cuba. •Wreckers salvaged some strange cargoes—an Egyptian mummy, the fossilized bones of a prehistoric sea monster, a railroad locomotive, and cavalry horses. •The crew of a small wrecking vessel barely escaped with their lives when they were attacked by a war party of Seminole Indians in dugout canoes. •Wrecking divers, working without benefit of any apparatus, plunged into the black, polluted waters of flooded cargo holds to wrestle out barrels, boxes, and 500-pound bales of cotton.


    John Viele


    Pineapple Press; Florida, 2001

    Catalogue number


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    Date published


    ISBN number


  • Hull design and optimisation with POD propellers with 5 and 6 blades


    G Bertaglia ; G Lavini ; S Scarpa

    Date published



    The design of fast cruise ships with high power implies the adoption of POD propellers with larger diameter. As a consequence of the high installed power and the design constraints regarding the hull clearances and the hull-induced pressure the selection of larger propeller diameter yields excessive raising of the stern buttocks worsening the optimal area curve and the stern lines. This approach implies a decrease in the hull efficiency and possible increase of induced pressures. The solution considered is to use a propeller with a higher number of blades than previously used for POD propellers (normally a 4-blade propeller is used). The consequences of this are the reduction of the hull clearance and of the propeller diameter. There is also the possibility of developing a good frame area curve. In this research for the first time a systematic series of pod propellers with different numbers of blades have been investigated considering the optimisation of all the hydrodynamic aspects of the hull-propeller system. During the research activity three different pod propeller geometries have been studied considering the configurations with 4 5 and 6 blades. This work proves that propellers with 5 and especially 6 blades allows quite a good efficiency with suitable hull propeller clearance to be achieved while at the same time keeping a very low level of induced hull pressure. Three pod propeller models were built and tested. Suitable modification to the frame area curve of the afterbody and the hull lines was developX23665


    G Bertaglia ; G Lavini ; S Scarpa

    Date published


  • Implementation and application of modal analysis during time domain dynamic simulation of floating offshore systems


    Fabricio Nogueira Correa ; Breno Pinheiro Jacob

    Date published



    As the exploitation and production activities of petroleum in deeper waters has increased there has been a greater tendency to use FPSOs (floating production systems) based for instance on moored ships or semi-submersible platforms as opposed to fixed structures used in still water levels up to 400 meters. The behaviour of permanently moored floating systems is dictated not only by the hydrodynamic behaviour of the hull and the hydrodynamic-structural behaviour of the mooring system but also by the hydrodynamic-structural behaviour of the array of risers. The implementation and application of modal analysis during nonlinear time-domain dynamic simulations of floating offshore systems is presented. The simulations are carried out by a fully coupled non-linear time-domain analysis methodology which considers the interaction between the hydrodynamic behaviour of the hull and the structural-hydrodynamic behaviour of the mooring lines and risers. Considering the non-linear variation of the stiffness and added mass of the floating system with time the objective is to assess the variation of the natural periods of vibration for the 6-DOF of the floating system (surge sway heave roll pitch and yaw). To achieve this the generalised eigenvalue problem associated with the system is assembled and the Generalized Jacobi Method is used to solve this problem and determine natural periods of the system at selected time intervals during the dynamic simulation. Case studies are selected to assess the variation with time of the natural periods considering two different tX16337


    Fabricio Nogueira Correa ; Breno Pinheiro Jacob

    Date published


  • Improved torpedo range estimation using modified fast orthogonal search techniques


    Vincent Dagenais ; Donald R McGaughey ; Sean Pecknold

    Shelf Location



    In maritime warfare torpedoes pose an important threat to ships and submarines and therefore their early detection is crucial in order to evade them on time. A MTDA (modified torpedo detection algorithm) that improves upon the range estimates of an earlier (TDA (torpedo detection algorithm) is introduced. The original TDA detects the presence of a direct path and a surface reflected path for a torpedo acoustic tonal using the FOS (fast orthogonal search) algorithm. In the original TDA the candidate functions used by FOS were sinusoidal functions at a constant frequency. Using the frequencies of the direct and reflected path signal the TDA estimated the torpedo range. It is known that the frequency of the direct path and reflect path signal will vary in time. It is also well known that correlating a received signal with the expected signal results in the lowest probability of error in detection (matched filter). Thus in this work the candidate functions used by FOS are functions whose frequencies vary in time (chirp signals) as theoretically expected for the direct and reflected path signals. Also the FOS algorithm is modified to fit the direct and reflected paths in pairs. The pair of frequencies that fit the highest energy is determined to be the direct and reflected path signal and the range used to generate that candidate pair is used as the range estimate. The MTDA algorithm is simulated for a torpedo approaching a receiver at several angles and the range estimations are shown. These results are compared with the earlier TDA are sX35644 Improved viability of FPSO developments for HP/HT fields by use of subsea HIPPS


    Vincent Dagenais ; Donald R McGaughey ; Sean Pecknold

    Date published


    Shelf Location


  • Investigation into the effect of initial and secondary ship impact on the integrity of a typical jack-up platform


    J Daraei ; A R M Gharabaghi ; M R Chenaghlou

    Date published



    In recent years there has been an increase in the number of structures installed offshore following advances in construction and installation techniques. Therefore the likelihood of ship collision its consequences and resultant structural damage has increased. Different reports published about the collision between ships and offshore platforms reveal this. The risk of collision involving jack-ups is similar to that of semi-submersibles or fixed jacket structures. However jack-ups are much more flexible than jackets and have much lower degree of redundancy. Therefore their response to collisions and their ability to absorb impact energy is expected to be considerably different to that of jackets. Moreover it is expected that after first impact a secondary impact may occur due to the rebound of jack-up and the subsequent movement of ship. Finite element analysis of a typical jack-up platform is carried out under different impact scenarios using ANSYS software and the effect of various mechanisms in absorbing the energy of collision is determined. A 3D model of Iran-Khazar Jack-up operating in the Caspian Sea is prepared. Dynamic non-linear analyses including geometric and material non-linearity are carried out. The effects of pre-loading due to platform weight and environmental wave and current loading before collision are applied. In the first collision between the ship and the jack-up for impact to chords (leg-like vertical elements) as well as to braces (diagonal or horizontal elements) the main energy absorption mechanism is overall deformation ofX36728


    J Daraei ; A R M Gharabaghi ; M R Chenaghlou

    Date published


  • Maritime South West No. 23, 2010: Journal of the South West Maritime History


    David Clement (Editor)

    Shelf Location



    Contents Cyril King, 'The Death of a Shipyard - The Birth of Dart Marina' p.5 Steve Hucklesby, 'Henry Dinham Chard - Shipbuilder, Lyme Regis, 1759-1847' p.23 David Eeles, 'The Development of Torquay Harbour to the Thirties' p.29 Ron Howell, 'To Sail No More, The Story of Lord Napier' p.83 Colin Green, 'Forest Ports of the Severn' p.87 Robert G Alwood, 'Sailcloth (Coker Cloth)' p.112 The Navy Board, 'Manufacturing Cloth for His Majesties Navy' p.129 Joe Varley, 'Dermot Keogh, Master Mariner - Life and Times of a Dubliner' p.137 Kevin A Doughty, 'His Majesty's Ships Badger and Sandfly - The Occupation of Iles St Marcouf, 1795-1802' p.149 Peter Lacey, 'Norman Court, China Express' p.167 Dr Michael Bender, 'British Yachting Narratives 1604-2005, Part 2 Additions, Corrections and References' p.178 Maldwin Drummond, 'A Brief History of Yachting and its Development over the last 200 years' p.201 Sadru Bhanji, 'Barbary Pirates and the West Country' p.218 David Jenkins, 'West Country Steamship Owners, Some Suggestions for Further Research' p.231 Philip Gloyn, 'Who Were the Trinity House Pilots Operating on the River Exe in the 19th Century?' p.244 Index of Previous Journals and Maritime Monographs p.264


    David Clement (Editor)


    South West Maritime History Society; Exeter, 2010

    ISBN number


    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Miscellaneous folder - articles / papers



    Shelf Location



    Contents in this folder: 1. Back to back starting of large induction motors, by Graham Smith 2. Innovation in vessel propulsion – electric propulsion and its merits, by M. Murphy and Dominique Gondouin 3. United Kingdom seafarers analysis 2006 – Report for Department for Transport, by David Glen, John Dowden and Robert Wilson 4. Thermal and mechanical condition diagnostic of diesel engines – theory and application examples, by Knut Langseth 5. Electrical propulsion of merchant ship / La propulsion electrique des navires marchands, by Jean-Pierre Fournet 6. Turbocharging and emissions - Part 3 – Turbo Magazine 2/07 7. History of Pembroke Dockyard, by John Guard 8. ‘Driven from Home’: the closure of Pembroke Dockyard and the impact on its community, by Ann Day 9. Welding and the British shipbuilding industry. A major constraint?, by Lewis Johnman and Hugh Murphy 10. Henry Bessemer and continuous casting, by Manfred M Wolf 11. Revising the reefer 12. The MET-SR-VG turbocharger with radial-flow turbine and variable-pitch-nozzle, by M Kimura, K Imakiire, E Matsuo, and K Tayama. 13. Wivenhoe Coasters – Graham Atkinson and Gil Mayes describe the mini-bulkers constructed at Wivenhoe, Colchester, by James W. Cook & Co. Ltd. 14. List of ships sailing from Scotland 1740 - to 1858 (no source of information) 15. Plate showing Hydraulics: dredging machine used on the River Thames to deepen the channel – Published as the Act directs, 1812, by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, Paternoster Row.



    Shelf Location


  • Model tests: LNG-carriers in ice


    Jens-Holger Hellmann ; Karl-Heinz Rupp ; Walter L Kuehnlein

    Date published



    Around one third of the world's known but unexploited reserves of natural gas are in Russia. The overwhelming majority of these reserves are in Artic and Sub-arctic areas (Russia Canada USA etc.) As a consequence LNG ship technology is moving towards Arctic LNG-Carriers. New developments in ice-navigation winterisation and ship sizes are generating new exiting challenges for shipping and ship building industries all over the world. Existing ice class regulations should be only considered as a first guide for designing ice-going vessels since the future performance in ice-covered waters of new developed LNG Carriers needs to be investigated in much more detail. Therefore ice model tests are imperative. It is common practice to guide ships in ice-covered waters using one or two icebreakers for wider LNG-Carriers. The LNG-Carrier follows in a broken channel of about 1.25 to 2 times the widths of its beam. For the model tests a parental level ice sheet of target ice thickness is prepared according to HSVA's standard model ice preparation procedure. In order to obtain a defined friction coefficient between the ice and the model hull HSVA applies a special paint composition to the models of ice-going vessels. The channel is broken with the help of two stock icebreakers towed through the level ice generating the most realistic wide ice channel. The aim of these ice model tests is to evaluate the icebreaking performance in a wide ice channel to consider propeller-ice-interactions and to assess how the ice is transferred aside and below the vessel.


    Jens-Holger Hellmann ; Karl-Heinz Rupp ; Walter L Kuehnlein

    Date published
