R Burnett
Tor Lines new dual-concept roro shuttle ships Shuttle Goteborg and Shuttle Karlstad have been specially designed to carry export forest products on Ro-lux cartridges through the Trollhattan Canal to service large sea-going ships and to return with containers on-deck and cargo oil in below deck tanks. Discussions include - principal particulars; general arrangements; hull construction and cargo facilities; and the innovative multi-engined diesel-electric propulsion plant driving steerable cp propellers.
R Burnett
Yonghui Liu
This paper presents a new methodology to evaluate the second-order roll motions of the ships in random seas. The higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) has been used to generate the second order difference-frequency roll excitations on the ships and the second-order ship roll motions were predicted by a frequency-domain method. A series of model tests have been conducted and the test results have a good agreement with the numerical predictions. Therefore this new method has been verified and validated.
Yonghui Liu
Conf held in London on Jan 7 - 8 1981 Papers are Thermodynamics of waste heat recovery in motor ships The choice of working fluids for power recovery from waste heat streams The measurement of organic fluid thermal properties An improved dual - pressure bottoming cycle for waste heat recovery Heat exchanger design for organic fluid power plant Turbine and feed pump design Electric generation from waste heat in ships and industry Considerations in the application of organic rankine cycle waste heat recovery systems to diesel engined vessels Energy recovery from waste heat by organic rankine cycle turbogenerators
R Butler
Lloyd's List Events
Some disasters involving passenger ferries during the last 35 years are listed. The special risks and claims to which passenger ships are exposed are discussed. In the UK the Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 and the subsequent Athens and London Conventions which limit the liability are described. The legal basis of claims and the situations in which the conventions do not apply are also discussed. Liability under the Package Travel Regulations of 1992 as well as immigration liabilities are considered. Commercial aspects are also relevant in payment to victims and families.
R Butler
Lloyd's List Events
G Peet
Discussion is presented of the role of environmental organisations in the areas of ships and marine environmental protection. They have recently published a list of recommendations with regard to steps that need to be taken with respect to environmental protection in the North Sea for a conference in late 1995 of the North Sea states. One of the chapters addresses shipping and this is reproduced in full and discusses the issues under the headings of: shipping operational discharges TBT antifouling air pollution ballast water discharge accidents port state control insurance and liability education ship management and technical assistance.
G Peet
Japan Ship Exporters' Association (JSEA)
blue room
This booklet from the JSEA contains sections on recent trends in ship technology, the latest ships built in Japan (divided by class - passenger/ferry, tankers, gas carriers, product carriers, bulk carriers, containerships, PCCs/PCTCs, Ro/Ro ships, general cargo ships, training ships, ocean research ships, work vessels and others), marine development, navigation systems, engines and propellers, locations of shipyards and works, shipbuilding and shiprepairing facilities in Japan, member companies, government agencies and shipbuilding-related organisations. There is an attached CD in the back flap with additional details.
Japan Ship Exporters' Association (JSEA)
Japan Ship Exporters' Association (JSEA)
blue room
I L Buxton
Ships are very efficient vehicles in terms of payload carried per unit of energy. The paper traces technical and economic developments over a period of 150 years, the Institution's life span. The lecture compares ships with other vehicles, looks at long term trends in machinery and cargo carrying efficiency, examines passenger ferry development, passenger ferry trends and draws conclusions.
I L Buxton
Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Conf held in London Papers are Prospects for marine steam turbines A shipowners comments on steam propulsion VAP turbine plant and its economy Steam propulsion for modern ships Marine boilers for very advanced purposes Marine boilers for low horsepower ships Experience with installation and ste am propulsion plants What makes a good marine boiler feed pump Steam propulsion controls Valves at sea Turbines and gears for modern ship propulsion systems The VAP turbine machine
F J Welch
Papers presented include - 1. Survey of the causes and methods of extinction of fires in ships (Welch F J) 2. Principles of fire organization in ships at sea and in port (Bates A G) 3. Naval procedure in relation to fire organisation (Carter L T) (Hogger H C) 4. Research in relation to ship fires (Clarke S H) & (Hodges S A)
F J Welch
W Wu ; L Xia
A prediction method for ship hull vibration of single-hull high-speed passenger ships is presented. The formulae provided for vertical vibration prediction have practical value to the design of this type of ship. The estimation of the natural frequency of ship hull vertical vibration is looked at covering the approximate formula for the natural frequency from 2-node to 4-node ship hull vertical vibration in the early days of tentative design followed by the end of program design. Lastly the analysis of calculated results is touched upon.
W Wu ; L Xia
R W G Bucknall
The manpower shortage likely in the future is unlikely to be overcome by a further slimming of existing crews because it is recognised that the strain placed on the remaining crew will compromise effectiveness and safety. A new concept in ship design and operation is therefore required if the predicted manpower shortages are to be overcome and further cost reductions achieved. Unmanned ships have been proposed as a possible solution overcoming the manpower problem and in this paper the results of a technical and economic appraisal of a fully automated unmanned cargo ship are presented within the context of expected world developments in the next decades.
R W G Bucknall
Symp held in New South Wales 23 - 24 Aug 1973 Shipping economics research in the Bureau of Transport Economics The development of the Searoad Trade to Japan - solutions to design problems Manning problems and their effect on operation of Australian ships The development of ship repair facilities in Australia Ship research in Australia Current developments in computer - aided ship structural analysis and design Ship structural pre - fabrication The design construction and operation of "Iron Monarch" New propulsion systems for modern Australian ships The influence of gas turbines on ship design Computerised ship design in Australia The regulatory aspects of ship design The role of the Classification Societies
Shipping World & Shipbuilder
From 1 July 2010 all new passenger ships will have to comply with a substantially revised set of SOLAS requirements. IMO has addressed almost ninety safety issues on large passenger ships of which the most important is the Safe Return to Port concept - a concept simple in theory but complex in practice because tomorrow's cruise ship must be capable of returning to port under its own 'steam' after a casualty that does not exceed a defined threshold.
Shipping World & Shipbuilder
H Okamoto ; K Okada ; Y Sclito et al.
The cavitation erosion of ducted propellers fitted to seven very large merchant ships was studied by full scale and model test observations of cavitation patterns. Ships were tested in load and ballast conditions and by `paint' and `aluminium' erosion model tests with metallurgical study of eroded surfaces. Further tests examined the role of air injection techniques in cavitation prevention.
H Okamoto ; K Okada ; Y Sclito et al.
D Vassalos Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA)
The research carried out at the University of Strathclyde during Phase II of the UK Ro-Ro Stability Research Programme is outlined. Some of the main findings are presented and possible advances in providing urgently needed solutions to the damage survivability problem of passenger/ro-ro ships are discussed. An attempt to develop suitable models and procedures for dealing systematically with the main problems and uncertainties relating to serious flooding of passenger ships is presented. A modern ro-ro ship is used to illustrate the practical application of the approach attempted at Strathclyde to tackle these problems.
D Vassalos Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA)
K O Skjolsvik ; T Digernes
Legislation to reduce emissions from ship engine combustion is under pressure for further development. IMO has now been challenged to act as the body for cooperation between developed countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from ships. Work undertaken so far has focused on CO2 - the main greenhouse gas emitted by ships. A possible strategy and implementation mechanisms are discussed which are aimed to curb CO2 emissions from shipping.
K O Skjolsvik ; T Digernes
N Sasaki
A practical prediction technique to manoeuvre linear derivatives based on a hydrodynamic model for full ships such as bulk carriers and tankers is presented. The hydrodynamic forces of the hull are divided into three parts - entrance parallel and run - with each local derivative looked at both experimentally and theoretically. This new approach reasonably explains the effect of parallel part length aft frame line and entrance fullness on hydrodynamic derivatives.
N Sasaki
J Edwards
Feasibility of nuclear energy for future merchant ship propulsion is discussed with reference to - historical review of significant events in the nuclear industry; particulars of nuclear ships built to date (Lenin Savannah Ottohahn Mutsu and the CNSG conceptual design); current technology of nuclear marine propulsion design of integral reactor; trends in world trade ship size fleet composition (especially tankers and containerships) increasing cost and decreasing world reserves of fossil fuels; accident statistics safety and risk of accident in nuclear ships; implications for ship reliability crew levels training and on-shore support facilities; legal and insurance considerations.
J Edwards
G S Baker
Contents include chapters on the following: conditions of ship propulsion, theory of screw action, model screw propeller experiments, propellers in open water, single-screw ships, twin screws behind ships, multiple screws, shallow-draft river steamers, cavitation and propeller failure and steam trials and log analysis.
G S Baker
Liverpool & London ; Charles Birchall and Sons Ltd (The Journal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph)
E Othman ; A Halawa
IMO's International Ship and Port Facility Security Code imposes responsibilities on governments shipping companies and port authorities to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. Some of the vital factors which may restrain the effective implementation of the ISPS Code onboard ships are discussed. MET instructers may require addittional security training so as to be able to deliver valid reliable and practical ship security training. Similarities between the ISPS Code and the International Safety Management (ISM) Code in many areas security and safety mangements must integrate to reduce the workload on the ship's crew.
E Othman ; A Halawa
Southampton ; WIT Press