Frank B Hall & Co Inc
This booklet was first prepared in 1944 when communications were more difficult. It is intended to be of assistance to shipowners, operators, master and officers when prompt decisions have to be made. The suggestions in the book are not legal treatise. Contents include: Salvage; Salvage services rendered to other vessels; Stranding; Fire; Collision with another vessel; port of refuge; General average; Pollution-Hazardous substances; York/Antwerp Rules, 1974.
Frank B Hall & Co Inc
P.J. Royal authorised by R. Potthurst
P.J. Royal authorised by R. Potthurst
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd)
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd)
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
These Rules cover materials, design principles, design loads, longitudinal strength, shell structures, decks, bottom structures, framing system, deck beams and supporting deck structures, watertight bulkheads, tank structures, stem and sternframe structures, rudder and manoeuvring arrangement, strengthening for navigation in ice, superstructure and deckhouses, hatchways, equipment, welded joints, fatigue strength, hull outfit, structural fire protection on board seagoing ships, strengthenings for heavy cargo, bulk carriers, ore carriers, oil tankers, tugs, passenger ships, special purpose ships, subdivision and damage stability of cargo ships, supply vessels, ships for sheltered water service, barges and pontoons, dredgers, strengthening against collisions, special requirements for in-water surveys, and corrosion protection.
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Shipping World and Shipbuilder
Rules governing the use of structural steel in shipbuilding have changed little since they were introduced just after the Second World War but with the advances made in ship design the introduction of high tensile steels and with some owners looking to operate theri vessels in arctic waters a revision may be necessary.
Shipping World and Shipbuilder
N S Miller ; J A L Martinez
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
The IMCO 1973 rules (and 1978 amendments) concerning operational marine pollution control through segregated ballast arrangements on tankers are discussed; tanker design; capital and running costs; operational aspects (stability wind loading manoeuvring berthing)
N S Miller ; J A L Martinez
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
Eighteen nations have now agreed to new recommendations for ro-ro ferry safety agreed in Stockholm which include the ability to withstand 500mm of water on a watertight main vehicle deck by October 2002 three years earlier than proposed by SOLAS 90.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
G Dahler ; O Brunborg
The developed theory and methods normally described as reliability theory applied mainly to structures have made significant advances in the last decade and are used directly for design analysis rule calibration and inspection planning. These methods now are shown to be equally applicable for developing design rules for marine propulsion systems. This is illustrated by calibration of the scuffing approval code for marine gear transmissions and reliability updating of a ball bearing for inspection and maintenance planning.
G Dahler ; O Brunborg
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
T Plonski ; T Gjedrem ; J Meyer et al.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
The newly developed GL Rules for Subsea Pipelines and Risers Edition 1995 supplement the existing regulations of Germanischer Lloyd (GL). The new code considers modern design evaluation methods such as partial safety coefficients stress and strain criteria and modern buckling phenomena. Based on experience from numerous offshore pipeline projects detailed guidelines on essential aspects during installation operation and design evaluation have been included. Essential safety aspects are considered
T Plonski ; T Gjedrem ; J Meyer et al.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
Coast Guard, Department of Transportation ; chief editor, Linda L Jones
The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Title 33 concerns navigation and navigable waters, and includes sections on personnel, aids to navigation, international navigation rules, inland navigation rules, vessel operating regulations, regattas and marine parades, anchorages, bridges and security of vessels.
Coast Guard, Department of Transportation ; chief editor, Linda L Jones
Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
B J Twomey ; A C Messer
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
The implications of recent developments in shipboard automation are considered and how Lloyd's Register (LR) Rules are evolving to address safety issues is described. Trends in automation and developments in control engineering are discussed in terms of system complexity functional integration and the role of programmable electronic systems. The development of control engineering rules for programmable electronics is described and future approaches to assessment discussed. The responsibilities of system manufacturers shipyards and owners in ensuring that systems are dependable in use is discussed in view of changing rule requirements. The emphasis of the Rules may in future become more orientated towards functional safety rather than the traditional component based intrinsic safety approach.
B J Twomey ; A C Messer
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
B N Govindasamy ; C T Hughes
Wellington Branch of the Institute of Marine Engineers
A primary concern of Det Norske Veritas (DNV) through its Australian experience is the lack of understanding of the classification process of high speed light craft (HSLC) in the industry at large. The role of the classification society its responsibilities and obligations as an independent third party classification authority are defined. Classification serves as a verification system for national authorities insurance underwriters owners builders and subcontractors finance institutions and charterers or cargo owners. The classification process from request to certification in accordance with classification rules is described. The roles and responsibilities of the project participants builder designer and class society are discussed. The development of DNV's Rules for high speed and light craft is described in detail. In using DNV's Rules for High Speed and Light Craft to design the structure of such vessels the key areas that must be addressed are design of vertical acceleration local strength and global strength requirements.
B N Govindasamy ; C T Hughes
Wellington Branch of the Institute of Marine Engineers