Charlotte A Vie
Sailing in Arctic waters requires 'winterisation' of a ship to make it safe to operate at low temperatures as this brings associated risks. Of most concern is the risk of brittle failure of structural ship components. Lloyd's Register has developed the 'Provisional Rules for the Winterisation of Ships' which provide guidance on the steps to be taken to design ships to operate safely at low temperatures. This paper seeks to validate the provisional rules proposed by Lloyd's Register through analysis of low temperature data from a number of cold climate locations. The paper particularly focuses on the definitions of design temperature finding that the current definitions may lead to ships being over-designed.
Charlotte A Vie
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping; ABS
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
American Bureau of Shipping; ABS
W Turnbull
Australian Shipbuilders Association Ltd
Lloyd's Register's approach to the classification of specialist and high-speed craft is outlined. Special Service Craft Rules are reviewed particularly in respect of regulation format constructional arrangements and the analysis of materials.
W Turnbull
Australian Shipbuilders Association Ltd
British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft
British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft
S j Maddox
Extensive research conducted over the years on the fatigue behaviour of welded structures has brought a greater understanding to design methods that can be employed to reduce premature or progressive fatigue cracking. By discussing essential design rules, the book highlights the need for a design approach that incorporates an understanding of the fatigue problem and a grasp of the way in which the effects of welding must be taken into account. Specific recommendations for the design of welded joints in components or structures are discussed as is an account of the application of fatigue, providing useful information in the design or assessment of welded joints. Part 1, Welded joints under fatigue loading, covers fatigue failure, significant features of welds in relation to fatigue, factors which affect fatigue of welded joints, and fatigue of welded joints. Part 2, Design rules, looks at fatigue design rules for welded steel joints, stresses used with the fatigue design rules, practical application of the rules, significance of weld imperfections, improving the fatigue strength of welded joints and typical service failures.
S j Maddox
Cambridge : Abington Publishing, 1991.
Catalogue number624.171
K J Mork ; L Collberg ; T Bjornsen
The safety philosophy and limit state design methodology adopted in the new revision of Det Norske Veritas (DNV) "Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems" completed in late 1996 (DNV'96) are discussed. A look is taken at the safety philosophy adopted and the background for design criteria related to pressure containment are presented. The principles for assessing and accounting for the influence of system effects material quality hydro test and pressure safety are considered. The implicit higher allowable use given by the LRFD-format for the pressure containment is illustrated. Design performance feedback from the industry and experience gained since the issue are discussed.
K J Mork ; L Collberg ; T Bjornsen
A I Bogdanov ; V I Evenko ; A I Maskalik
The regulatory documentation produced by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for a type 'A' small civil ekranoplane is presented. This includes its rules of classification and construction. The rules came into force on 1st January 1999. The document is the first in the world for ekranoplanes (fast sea transport). The history of ekranoplane documentation is also discussed.
A I Bogdanov ; V I Evenko ; A I Maskalik
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
old lib
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
old lib
C F Luddeke ; A Johnson
Lloyds of London Press
This report provides an article-by-article commentary on the Hamburg Rules a transport convention on the carriage of goods by sea which has provoked controversy through poor drafting and inconsistencies.
C F Luddeke ; A Johnson
Lloyds of London Press
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd)
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd)
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
old lib
Lloyd's Register
Lloyd's Register
old lib
M Pawlowski
Critical review considers the adequacy of existing stability rules for mobile offshore drilling units/semi-submersible rigs - theoretical studies on intact stability heel angle after damage free trim stability and roll angle for a freely floating rig are presented.
M Pawlowski
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
Germanischer Lloyd
J-M Kivinen ; V-M Jarvenpaa ; E Keskinen et al.
To manufacture paper grades having better optical and printing properties the paper web is thermomechanically modified in roll nips. On site observations show that coating and calendering are very speed-sensitive processes generating roll vibrations in nip contact at higher speeds and causing both maintenance and quality problems. Hand-derived equations and computer simulations must be analyzed and verified by experimental testing on a laboratory unit build up. The laboratory experimental setup should be designed so that different operation regimes can be studied.
J-M Kivinen ; V-M Jarvenpaa ; E Keskinen et al.
W B R Taylor
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
This paper tries to highlight why the rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea which have been successfully used for 50 years are increasingly inadequate in the last few decades despite the use of modern navigational equipment. This problem is examined and some solutions are discussed. Topics addressed include traffic in various transport systems contrasting transport modes background to the Empirical Rules for Collision Avoidance at Sea an analysis and classification of rules for collision avoidance and recent developments in the rules.
W B R Taylor
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
M Patrick ; C C Goh ; D J Proe et al.
New partial shear connection strength theory is presented suitable for designing the positive moment regions of either simply-supported or continuous composite slabs providing the profiled steel sheeting demonstrates strong fundamentally ductile mechanical interlock. Considerable testing of Bondek II using the Slip Block Test has shown this to be the case for this profile. This strength design procedure is the most advanced method of its type available and will form the basis of an Australian Standard for composite slabs currently being developed.
M Patrick ; C C Goh ; D J Proe et al.