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874 results Most recent
  • The application of classification to high performance craft


    Tom Ingram ; Derek Novak

    Date published



    The ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) and the US Navy have been working together over the last few years in a measured initiative to develop and apply classification Rules for naval vessels. The first complete set of Rules resulting from this effort was embodied in the ABS Guide for Building and Classing High Speed Naval Craft. It laid the foundation for the subsequent development of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Naval Vessels. In addition in its own right it has been used in the classification of the US Navy SEA FIGHTER SWIFT Torpedo Recovery or Security Craft US Naval Academy Training Boats the Egyptian Fast Missile Craft Egyptian Fast Patrol Boat Omani Patrol Boats and Canadian Navy Patrol Boats. In addition the High Speed Naval Craft Rules were used as a core of the ABS classification requirements for the US Navy's Littoral Combat Ships both the monohull and trimaran versions. Finally this Rule set will be used to class the US Navy Joint High-Speed Vessel and the US Coast Guard Deepwater Fast Response Cutters. This presentation summarises the approach to applying this tool on naval craft and addresses how the requirements fit together. In addition valuable lessons learned from the ongoing applications are presented.


    Tom Ingram ; Derek Novak

    Date published


  • The orientation system of migratory birds: innate information learning rules and adaptive plasticity (RIN 97)


    Kenneth P Able ; Mary A Able

    Date published



    Studies of the compass mechanisms involved in the migratory orientation of birds have revealed a complex web of interactions both in the development of orientation behaviour in young birds and in mature individuals exhibiting migratory activity. Here what is known about the development of compass mechanisms is synthesised in a framework of innate information and learning rules. The way in which orientation behaviour develops leaves open the possibility for plasticity that enables birds to compensate for the variability in environmental cues that form the basis of their compasses. For at least some components of the system behavioural plasticity remains into adulthood allowing the bird on migration to respond in apparently adaptive ways to spatial and temporal variability in orientation information that it may encounter while en route. These questions are studied in the Savannah sparrow a medium-distance North American emberizine nocturnal migrant. That species is focussed upon and the results of the work is related to relevant studies on others.


    Kenneth P Able ; Mary A Able

    Date published


  • Deviating from the rules - ways to demonstrate an equivalent level of safety


    Ulf Petersen ; Jorg Voelker

    Date published



    This paper briefly discusses aspects of the application of risk based techniques arising from the lack of generally accepted risk acceptance criteria. It then goes on to examine the application to specific design issues of two alternative approaches showing how risk based techniques may be used to demonstrate that an alternative design achieves a level of safety equivalent to a design based on traditional design rules.


    Ulf Petersen ; Jorg Voelker

    Date published


  • New BV rules for mega yachts


    Etienne Thiberge ; Nadine Le Cam ; Blanche-Marie Ferlier et al.

    Date published



    BV (Bureau Veritas) has recently totally re-engineered its Rules applicable to Yachts with a view to offering designers builders yacht owners and Flag Administrations a comprehensive set of dedicated safety standards for modern yachts and mega-yachts. The development process and the key criteria considered for the new class or certification requirements in fields such as structural strength propulsion and piping electrical and automation systems stability and fire safety are presented.


    Etienne Thiberge ; Nadine Le Cam ; Blanche-Marie Ferlier et al.

    Date published


  • Lloyd's Register; Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft 2003


    Lloyd's Register


    Lloyd's Register


    Lloyd's Register

    Date published



    Lloyd's Register

  • Lloyd's Register's classification rules for fixed offshore installations 24th Blackadder Lecture


    F H Atkinson

    Date published



    The transcript of the 24th Blackadder Lecture is given in this paper. The author provides a description of the rationale involved in Lloyd's Rules for Fixed Offshore Installations.


    F H Atkinson

    Date published


  • Design rules for marine fish farms in Norway. Calculation of the structural response of such flexible structures to verify structural integrity


    Are Johan Berstad ; Harald Tronstad ; Anders Ytterland

    Date published



    From April 2004 all new marine fish farms in Norway need to be certified to comply with technical criteria in a new Norwegian Standard NS 9415 (NAS 2003). This paper gives an overview of the design rules. The paper describes how loads and response are derived on the fish farm structures. In order to account for the large geometrical deflections occurring in fish farm components such as the net and anchor cables which interacts with stiffer structural components time domain simulations analysis of such facilities is required to assess the structural integrity. This paper reports a proposed practical calculation method and results from model tests which have been carried out to validate calculations. Additionally some applications are described.


    Are Johan Berstad ; Harald Tronstad ; Anders Ytterland

    Date published


  • Det Norske Veritas requirements for direct calculation methods of high-speed and light craft


    Oyvind Pettersen ; Karl M Wiklund

    Date published



    In July 1999 a new booklet Pt 3 Ch 9 Direct Calculation Methods was introduced in DNV rules for Classification of High-Speed and Light Craft. This chapter includes requirements for hydrodynamic analyses global as well as local finite element models ultimate strength and fatigue strength analyses. The development of numerical tools especially for sea keeping and wave load predictions is growing rapidly and the rules also include requirements for verification and documentation of the computer programs. Background information is presented followed by an overview of the new rules for direct calculations. An extract of the rules is given first followed by an explanation of the levels of direct calculations that are provided i.e. for various sizes and types of craft. Finally the extreme response evaluation for an HSLC is discussed together with the documentation of computer programmes.


    Oyvind Pettersen ; Karl M Wiklund

    Date published


  • Ship stability for masters and mates. 3rd edition


    D R Derrett

    Shelf Location



    The book has been written primarily to meet he needs of students when studying for the Department of Trade and Industry Certificates of Competency for Second Mate, First Mate and Master. The book approaches the subject of stability from the basic principles of forces and moments and their resolution. Chapters include: transverse statical stability, effect of free surface, displacement curves, Simpson's rules for areas and centroids, Final KG, calculating KB, BM and metacentric diagrams, list, trim, hydrostatic curves, water pressure, the inclining experiment, dynamical stability, bilging and permeability, angle of roll, dry-docking and grounding, heel due to turning, launching, Tchebycheff's Rules and shear force and bending moments.


    D R Derrett


    London ; The Maritime Press Ltd

    ISBN number


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    Date published


  • Ship stability for masters and mates. 4th edition revised


    D R Derrett

    Shelf Location



    The book covers the subject of ship stability for students preparing for examinations leading to the Dept of Transport's Certificates of Competency for Deck Officers at various Class levels. The book approaches the subject of stability from the basic principles of forces and moments and their resolution. Chapters include: transverse statical stability, effect of free surface, displacement curves, Simpson's rules for areas and volumes, Final KG, calculating KB, BM and metacentric diagrams, trim, hydrostatic curves, water pressure, the inclining experiment, dynamical stability, bilging and permeability, angle of roll, dry-docking and grounding, heel due to turning, launching, Tchebycheff's Rules and Murray's Method.


    D R Derrett


    Heinemann Newnes ; Heinemann Professional Publishing

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Development of reliability-based classification rules for tankers


    J S Spencer ; P H Wirsching ; X Wang et al.

    Date published



    An approach has been developed for formulating a code for design of ship structures to achieve uniform structural safety (reliability index) independent of ship size or magnitude of the design variables. The approach is based on the partial safety factor format and a prescribed reliability level determined from calibration with existing classification society rules. Examples are presented for determining criteria for section modulus and initial scantlings of tankers. Formulations are based on material yield strength buckling ultimate strength and fatigue reliability.


    J S Spencer ; P H Wirsching ; X Wang et al.

    Date published


  • Impact of new rules on structural protection in ships


    R H Towers


    RINA Conference Proceedings


    The main rule changes between 1990 and 1993 affecting the marine painting process are examined. The new rules have come from 3 main authorities - the US government the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). After a summary of these changes each rule is discussed aiming to locate the key points affecting painting and indicating the likely effect on the application process.


    R H Towers

    Date published



    RINA Conference Proceedings

  • Rules for the Building of Vessels

    Shelf Location


    Catalogue number


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    Catalogue number


  • Structural Rules for Ships


    J. Donald

    Shelf Location



    J. Donald

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    Shelf Location


  • The application of the classification process to government vessels or extending classification to certification of warships


    Christopher J Wiernicki ; Glenn M Ashe ; Howard Fireman

    Date published



    The ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) has worked together successfully with Governments of many nations to apply the ship classification process to a wide range of naval coast guard and other government vessels. In recent years because of similarities between past naval ship certification practice and ABS commercial classification practice the US Navy and ABS decided to partner to address the lower risk aspects of designing and certifying non-nuclear naval combatant ships. Such an approach allows in-house navy engineering resources to be focused more on the higher risk mission-related aspects of combatants while maintaining technical control via close collaboration with ABS on the naval Rules which address structural mechanical electrical and systems integrity. The US Navy retains technical authority but uses ABS as a partner to administer the naval Rules and as an agent in classing ships to the naval Rules. In light of the reduction of resources within navies the ABS ship classification approach provides a mechanism for the continued accomplishment of the core naval technical authority role of certification. The first complete set of Rules resulting from this effort was embodied in the ABS Guide for Building and Classing High-Speed Naval Craft. The focus here is on the general approach for applying classification processes to naval combatants in the context of the recent experience with the US Navy X-Craft. The driving philosophy the applied methodology and the pr88188


    Christopher J Wiernicki ; Glenn M Ashe ; Howard Fireman

    Date published


  • Rules for Survey & Classification of Refrigerated Stores 1976

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    Shelf Location


  • Handbook on well plugging and abandonment


    by Dwight Smith

    Shelf Location



    Wells have been dug or drilled for various purposes in all areas of the United States. If a well is not properly constructed or is depleted and no longer required, it can become a source of pollution, contamination, commingling and loss of groundwater. This is a major concern in old wells drilled before regulatory rules defined proper sealing and abandonment processes. The contents of this book cover those regulatory rules and general sealing practices in oil and gas wells; well abandonment preplanning; materials used in well abandonment; plug placement procedures; bonding considerations of the plug; locating abandoned wells; abandonment rules for oil and gas wells; and abandonment rules for water wells.


    by Dwight Smith


    Tulsa, Okla. : PennWell Books, c1993.

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Classification Society surveys - some current problems and developments


    I J Day

    Date published



    The role of Classification Societies and their surveyors in ensuring ship safety is critically examined: supporting discussion refers to the current survey requirements of Bureau Veritas and includes details of: the primary functions of Classification Societies; the establishment of Rules; the advantages of competition between Societies; the achievement of world-wide consistency in survey methods and in interpretation and application of Rules; procedures (agreed by IACS) for change of class from one Classification Society to another; the harmonised survey scheme; extended special surveys; and recent modifications in survey procedures. Appendixes based on the 1984 Rules include: an abstract from the Rules concerning new Tailshaft Survey Requirements for Extended Periods between Surveys and a flow chart for Survey of Propeller Shafts.


    I J Day

    Date published


  • International Arbitration Rules A Comparative Guide


    Bridget Wheeler (Ed.)

    Shelf Location



    Bridget Wheeler (Ed.)



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    Date published


  • Lloyd's Register of British and Foriegn Shipping: Extracts for Rules for Iron Vessels 1885-1886

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    Catalogue number


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    Catalogue number
