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874 results Most recent
  • The importance degrees' determination of equipment in electric propulsion ship


    H Yu ; K Ishida

    Date published



    Electric control technology is widely used for ship propulsion. Equipment must be ranked as to its importance. The problem of how to rank different equipment based on certain rules is addressed. The importance degree is used to resolve this problem and a mathematical model is built in Fuzzy function. The example of an electric propulsion ship is used to determine the importance degree. An adequate result is obtained. This method may also be used in other engineering calculations.


    H Yu ; K Ishida

    Date published


  • The role of the classification society in relationship to design responsibility


    R T Young

    Date published



    Methods used by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) to ensure the appropriate review of innovative ship and machinery design technical and engineering practices proposed by designers for vessels to be built under the Rules are discussed. Reference is made to - the use of electronic data processing - databases; finite elements analysis for structural representation; the DAISY (Displacement Automated Integrated System) loading stress response system; full-scale trials to verify theoretical methods; and the evaluation of new machinery automation systems meterials and fabrication processes.


    R T Young

    Date published


  • The stowage and handling of tanker cargoes in the nineteen sixties


    A F Brereton ; D J Gibbons

    Date published



    Recent developments in stowage and handling of oil tanker cargoes are reviewed covering the general products carrier and large crude carriers and discussing cargo loading and discharging. Cargo valves and power operation of cargo valves eg. hydraulic and pneumatic operation cargo pipeline materials associated systems such as tank cleaning and venting and cargo pumps are described. Automatic stripping systems control valve design cargo pump motors electrical distribution systems and protection are considered and the future with increasing size of crude oil ships and stricter rules on oil pollution is anticipated.


    A F Brereton ; D J Gibbons

    Date published


  • The structural optimisation design research for SWATH ship


    Qun Yin ; An-Qing Zhu ; Ke-Qiang Zhu

    Date published



    The SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin-Hull) has sea-keeping qualities excellent speed stability and manoeuvring performance. However its structure is very complex and its deadweight is largely due to its special external loads. Therefore structural optimisation design research is required for SWATH ships. Here the structural optimisation design method is researched. Using the MDOD (Mixed Discrete Optimisation Design) method structural optimisation design of a 570t SWATH ship is undertaken according to Lloyd's Register of shipping 'Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft'. Conclusions are drawn.


    Qun Yin ; An-Qing Zhu ; Ke-Qiang Zhu

    Date published


  • Towards safety as performance criteria in ship design


    Heike Cramer ; Jan Tellkamp

    Date published



    A description is given how rational based performance criteria targeting safety can be developed and how these can be used in the ship design process. Different metrics approaches for the generation of scenarios and requirements for methodologies to determine the risk level of ships are presented and discussed. First an outline is given of metrics. Next the nature of current rules and regulations are addressed. After this useful characteristics for a methodology for an integrative evaluation of the ship's performance with respect to safety are considered followed by methodology risk based evaluation of damage stability and direct assessment of a ship's intact stability.


    Heike Cramer ; Jan Tellkamp

    Date published


  • Training practice for first year trainees. Broad based training: Machining processes


    The Engineering Industry Training Board

    Shelf Location



    booklet no. 3 This booklet is part of a series covering the whole of First Year Training and has been prepared to assist instructors and trainees in the development of satisfactory levels of skill and job knowledge required in the Board’s system of First Year Training for craftsman and technicians. Contents include: Standard symbols; Safety rules; Planning the job; Metal cutting; Milling; Shaping; Turning.


    The Engineering Industry Training Board


    The Engineering Industry Training Board

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Tug Use in Port : A Practical Guide


    Hank Hensen

    Shelf Location



    This book covers tug use in port, looking at tug design factors, types of harbour tug, assisting methods, tug capabilities and limitations, bollard pull required, interaction and tug safety, towing equipment, training and tug simulation, escort tugs and tug developments. There are also appendices on port authorities and towing companies, safety of tugs while towing and rules for escort vessels.


    Hank Hensen


    London : The Nautical Institute

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Verwey's Tank Cleaning Guide 5th edition


    Dr A Verwey Chemical Laboratories & Superintendence Company

    Shelf Location



    This tank cleaning guide was developed with respect to all operations on board of the tank vessel (loading, sailing and discharge), including cleaning, following the rules and recommendations as laid down in the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH-Code) and the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC-Code). Chapters cover tank cleaning in general (precleaning, cleaning from toxic substances to edible oils and fats, rinsing, flushing, steaming with toluene and draining), cleaning charts, product characteristics, test methods and conversion formulae.


    Dr A Verwey Chemical Laboratories & Superintendence Company


    Dr A Verwey Chemical Laboratories & Superintendence Company

    ISBN number


    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Why ro-ro safety regulations are inadequate



    Date published



    Construction and operation of passenger/vehicle ro-ro ferries to the IMO (IMCO) International Convention Rules for Passenger Ships 1973 is critically discussed with particular reference to safety in respect of subdivision and stability and to problems arising from the design of bow doors vehicle decks fire protection systems and deck drainage comparison is made with traditional passenger ships. Accompanying articles briefly consider preliminary findings on the loss of the Estonia and the MacGregor through-deck flood control doors.



    Date published


  • A possible application of reliability centred maintenance principles in the design construction and operation of high-speed vessels


    Richard S Ploss

    Date published



    High-speed vessels offer cost-effective options for short-haul surface transportation in regions with navigable waterways and heavily congested surface arterials. A concept is presented to use RCM (reliability centred maintenance) in conjunction with an existing ABS Guide to satisfy Special Continuous Survey of Machinery requirements. RCM combines design and maintenance requirements to control maintenance costs and realise enhanced operational reliability. It is shown how RCM concepts could be used with existing rules and regulations to help develop the maintenance plan intended to satisfy the maximum number of survey items and to provide data to support the extension of machinery overhauls beyond the five-year cycle and eliminate unnecessary maintenance tasks.


    Richard S Ploss

    Date published


  • A review of fatigue curves for mooring lines


    Ronaldo Rosa Rossi

    Date published



    For mooring chains of offshore floating production units API (American Petroleum Institute) recommends the use of its TxN fatigue curve considering the MBL (Minimum Breaking Load) of an ORQ (Oil Rig Quality) chain even if the chain has a higher grade. This curve has been used in mooring system design of offshore floating production units since the draft edition of API Recommended Practice for Design Analysis and Maintenance of Catenary Mooring for Floating Production Systems in May 1989. Several fatigue tests have been done by petroleum industries chain manufacturers and research centres. Those fatigue tests show that the use of the MBL of an ORQ chain for higher grades is a conservative assumption. This paper presents an overview of the fatigue curves of materials for mooring lines: stud and studless chains steel wire ropes and polyester fiber ropes. This overview is based on recent tests rules and published papers.


    Ronaldo Rosa Rossi

    Date published


  • An approach to the estimation of structural design loads of turret moored FPSO tankers


    Huilong Ren ; Chang Doo Jang

    Date published



    A practical approach to determine the structural design loads of turret moored FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) tankers is suggested in this paper. The linearized restoring forces acting on the ship hull by the mooring system are calculated according to the catenary theory. The effect of the restoring forces is included in the equations of motions of the ship in the form of linear stiffness coefficients. The hydrodynamic coefficients are calculated by the three-dimensional potential flow theory. The equations of motions are solved in frequency domain and the motions and wave loads responses can be obtained. Then the short-term and long-term analyses are carried out for the wave loads of this kind of ship. With a 250m turret moored FPSO tanker as an example according to the given environmental sea states data headings exceeding probability for the FPSO tanker the structural design loads are calculated and compared with those obtained from rules for traditional tankers with the same dimensions. By this approach it is possible to perform a practical and efficient calculation of structural design loads of actual turret moored FPSO tankers.


    Huilong Ren ; Chang Doo Jang

    Date published


  • Boilers, marine and land; their construction and strength. 3rd edition


    T W Traill

    Shelf Location



    'A handbook of rules, formulae tables etc. relative to material, scantlings, and pressures, safety valves, springs, fittings and mountings etc. for the use of engineers, surveyors, draughtsmen, boiler-makers and steam users'. It is stated in the Preface that it is hoped that the book will be of use in settling the scantlings for boilers in the process of construction and in determining the working pressures for those already made. Contents include sections on: properties of materials for boilers, iron boilers, steel boilers general aspects about boilers including testing and examinations of boilers. Presents numerous tables of data.


    T W Traill


    London ; Charles Griffin and Company

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Combined liquefied gas and chemical tankers


    P H Anslot

    Date published



    There has been a tendency over the last few years to develop ships capable of carrying several different types of cargo. This paper describes combination gas and chemical tankers. The liquids they can carry include oil products acids and edible liquids such as wine and vegetable oils. The SOLAS MARPOL and IMO safety rules applicable to such ships are outlined. The special arrangements for cargo containment cargo handling and safety are reported. Amongst factors considered are cargo tank design cargo tank insulation piping systems cargo transfer facilities cargo temperature control venting systems cargo monitoring instrumentation and fire-fighting installations. So far 10 such ships have been built with independant pressurized cargo tanks made of stainless steel and a further 5 are on order or under construction.


    P H Anslot

    Date published


  • Design and construction of the Army watercraft


    Adam Williams

    Date published



    The LPA Watercraft is a 25-metre aluminium landing craft that has been designed to DNV's HSLC rules and the Commonwealths requirements to meet the requirement of Defence Project JP2048 Phase 1a. The Watercraft significantly improves the deployment capabilities of HMAS Manoora and Kanimbla reducing the time it takes the RAN's (Royal Australian Navy's) amphibious ships to unload a battalion-size group of soldiers equipment and stores by at least 30%. Equipped with 130 square metres of open vehicle deck sufficient to accommodate 5 ASLAVs (8 wheeled Light armoured vehicle) rather than the present limit of 2 onboard the current landing craft the LCM8s. It has full drive-through capability with bow and stern doors can carry 65 tonnes of vehicles and-or cargo and is able to undertake independent open water passages with full accommodation for crew. The vessel has been designed so that it is capable of being stowed on the HMAS Manoora and Kanimbla foredeck and handled by the ship's crane which has meant strict weight and size restrictions. Twin Detroit Diesel series 60 diesel engines coupled to two Doen DJ260 waterjets provide significantly improved manoeuvrability beach landing capability and a range of in excess of 700 nautical miles. The contract also includes the full suite of deliverables


    Adam Williams

    Date published


  • Design considerations of modern Platform Management Systems for naval vessels to enhance data management and system availability



    Date published



    Modern naval vessels have comprehensive platform management capabilities that allow them to achieve unprecedented levels of operational effectiveness and contribute to crew reduction. The design of advanced platform management systems requires an in-depth analysis of the consequences they will have on the vessel design and operation during the early project definition phase. The paper contends that analysis should be performed by a team with different expertise and shall include the system architecture and technology the level of functional integration the human-system integration the applicable standards and rules and the survivability of the system.



    Date published


  • Design of efficient general arrangements - a software aid to the decision making process


    M Robb ; J Mykura ; N Healey et al.


    IMarE Conferences and Symposia


    Decisions regarding the layout of a warship's compartments are taken at an early stage in the design process. DEGAs a software tool developed with a view to assisting the decision making process as well as providing input to the audit trail backing up the decision is presented. A graphical user interface enables the designer to interactively locate compartments and test the arrangement against a set of rules read from a database which dictates how the positions of different compartments should relate to each other. The use of The DEGAs tool is illustrated by application to generic monohull and trimaran configurations enabling the benefits of one to be compared to the other in a quantative way. Conclusions are made about the value of such tools to the overall design process.


    M Robb ; J Mykura ; N Healey et al.

    Date published



    IMarE Conferences and Symposia

  • Effective and efficient breakwater design for trading vessels and FPSOS


    Kamlesh Varyani ; Trevor Hodgson ; Xuan Pham

    Date published



    Research into the problem of green water threatening and causing serious damage to vessels in rough weather dates back years. The purpose of flaring the bow or raising the freeboard was to help prevent green water from impinging onto the main deck as it could endanger equipment and lives. Breakwaters obviously need to fulfil their function (protecting sensitive structures or cargo) while at the same time remaining intact and imposing manageable loads onto supporting structure. Clearly such breakwaters should also be cost effective so that complex designs with extensive welding may not be preferable. Green water loading on breakwaters is discussed for trading vessels like container ships which have forward speed and for FPSOs which have zero speed. Different generic designs of V shape vane type double skin with and without holes and forward sloping forecastle (whaleback deck) breakwaters applied to trading vessels are discussed. Guidelines for modelling green water horizontal loading on breakwaters of FPSOs and trading vessels using CFD techniques is given. Also included is a review of breakwater design criteria in rules and regulations.


    Kamlesh Varyani ; Trevor Hodgson ; Xuan Pham

    Date published


  • Experiences with strain based limit state design in the Netherlands


    A M Gresnigt ; R J van Foeken

    Date published



    Pipelines are subjected to different combinations of loadings such as internal and external pressure bending and shear forces. The research programme that led to Dutch guidelines for limit state design of buried pipelines is summarised together with later programmes that focused on offshore pipelines. Limit state design differs from conventional design methods because it specifically addresses each failure mode eg burst collapse etc. The rules of the Dutch pipeline code NEN 3650 are considered and recent developments in international standards are discussed. Practical applications of the pipeline module available in the finite element program DIANA are given and its advantages particularly for evaluating fitness for purpose are highlighted.


    A M Gresnigt ; R J van Foeken

    Date published


  • Fatigue design data derived from full scale tests on 6" OD pipe girth welds


    J Haagensen ; Hans Olav Knagenhjelm ; Oddvin Orjasaeter

    Date published



    A literature survey of high quality girth welds intended for pipeline risers was carried out and the results are compared with full scale resonance fatigue test data on 6" pipes. The samples were made from 168.3 x 9.9mm (OD x WT) seamless pipes each having two welds. Post failure examination of the welds was performed to determine the type and size of defects in the failure initiation area. Fracture mechanics calculations were carried out to determine the effect of defects on fatigue life. The main results from this project are summarized in this paper and the S-N data is compared with published data for pipes of similar sizes. The test results were compared with published data on 6" pipes with high quality welds. The scatter in the fatigue test data was reduced when comparisons were based on the local stress at the point of fracture initiation. The implications for design rules of the findings in this work are discussed.


    J Haagensen ; Hans Olav Knagenhjelm ; Oddvin Orjasaeter

    Date published
