J W Bull
This handbook deals with the survey of merchant ships and craft in general use. It is addressed to students and graduates who may become marine surveyors, and also to surveyors, shipping and salvage association executives, underwriters, teaching and training staff. Readers are taken progressively through origins and reasons for survey work, career guidance (qualifications, recruitment and training), surveyors' duties when carrying out first and re-surveys, damage, casualty and condition surveys. No interpretation of technical law is provided, but appendices provide a select list of rules and regulations of Lloyd's Register of Shipping and the Department of Trade, and a select list of international conventions.
J W Bull
Marine Management (Holdings) Ltd
ISBN number90097690
Int Conf held in Oslo 7 June 1983 Papers are Who will own manage and man the world fleet in the next decade Managing very large tankers in the current economic environment The effect of the tonnage situation as a result of final ratification and efficient implementation of MARPOL/SOLAS rules on the requirements of segregated ballast tanks crude oil washing and inert gas systems Technological development Prospects for world economic development The need for supertankers in oil transportation in the future Shipping and trade - financial outlook in the near future The prevailing VLCC market situation facts and trends
P A Furness ; S Aksu
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
Approaches to the structural analysis of midship side structure by several authors and the corresponding scantlings which each method would produce are compared with those of current Rules of Classification Societies. Aspects from each of the methods are combined to produce an aggregate method catering for ice behaviour load distribution and both elastic and plastic response of the icebelt structure. The study of plastic methods dominates the most notable contributions to the subject. It was suggested that plating thickness may be reduced by 40 to 50% using this method.
P A Furness ; S Aksu
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
S Chand
Earlier rules of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) concerning corrosion protection are outlined. ABS current requirements are described in detail. Blistering failures of thin film organic linings in immersion service are considered. Ways in which future ABS requirements concerning corrosion protection appear to be moving are looked at with reasons given. Problems in finding a solution to coatings failure are outlined. Lastly ABS coatings guidance is discussed briefly.
S Chand
A Norris
A combination of chart media and standards will be normal for many years until the whole chart system is completely electronic. The issues relating to multimedia multi-standard chart systems are presented. It is emphasised that the various rules for use of different chart standards need to be understood by the mariner. (SOLAS ISM etc.) The updating of charts and the use of integrated CMS (chart management systems) is explained. The future of CMS is described.
A Norris
Gillie Belsham
Personal injury claims within the maritime industry are considered. Lord Woolf introduced the reforms known as CPR (civil procedure rules) in April 1999. The court procedure following a claim is described. This is followed by some discussion about the impact of the reforms. Two cases are cited as examples. Finally the funding arrangements are discussed including the discontinuence of CPR for personal injury actions and CFA's (conditional fee arrangements) together with strategy and tactics that may be used.
Gillie Belsham
M Warmowska ; J Gorski
Sloshing can apply high dynamic pressures to the walls and ceilings of partially filled tanks on ships and can be particularly high in the upper corners of the tanks. The Polish Register of Shipping (PRS) has developed a computer program to perform sloshing calculations known as TANK. The algorithm used as the basis for the program is presented and the numerical simulation is discussed. The software represents a first step towards PRS rules for calculating the required tank plating thickness for specific sloshing loads.
M Warmowska ; J Gorski
Sigmund Rusas
The research project HARDER (harmonisation of rules and design rationale) is presented. This project systematically investigates the validity robustness consistency and impact of harmonised probabilistic damage stability regulations on the safety of existing ships and on the design evolution of new ship concepts for various types of cargo and passenger ship. In addition it proposes and demonstrates appropriate measures for improvements through the development of typical demonstrator designs. The main concept of the harmonised damage stability regulations are discussed and how they will fit into the new chapter of damage stability in SOLAS.
Sigmund Rusas
M Cooper ; A Mak
The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has recently introduced new classification requirements to account for the changes in monohull and catamaran design over recent years. Two key design topics are focused on. The first is hull requirements and includes the prediction of global and local loads strength criteria related to those loads and specific concerns about critical areas. The second is machinery specific to high speed craft such as propulsion systems. The ABS High Speed Craft guide has now been published as a stand-alone document.
M Cooper ; A Mak
F S Kinney
The book contains information to design both sailing and power vessels, including tools, drawings, specifications, balance of sailboats, planning powerboats, spars and rigging, propellers, rudders, resistance, tank testing, upkeep, a simple manual of calculations, weights and useful data. Also discussed is boat building in wood, fibreglass, steel, aluminium and ferrocement with construction details for each material. There are also chapters on: rules and changes that affect I.O.R. ratings, the Law of mechanical similitude, motor-sailers and horse power for displacement-type boats.
F S Kinney
London ; Adam and Charles Black Ltd
Felix Riesenberg
This book on seamanship includes chapters on types of vessel; the hull; ropes, knots and splices; blocks and tackles; rigging and cargo gear; deck machinery; holds, teaks and tanks; stowage; carriage of live stock; tanker; passenger vessel; boats; piloting; the bridge; rules of the road of the sea; ground tackle; shiphandling; weather; safety and ship maintenance.
Felix Riesenberg
Chapman & Hall Ltd
I Senjanovic ; J Parunov ; S Tomasevic
The structural design of a cruise ship in the early stage of design is described. It is based on three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) strength analysis of the midship portion and two- dimensional FEM longitudinal strength analysis. Design loads that meet classification rules are imposed on the models to check if the ship hull is strong enough and to investigate the contribution of the superstructure to longitudinal strength. The calculated bending moment is compared to the design requirements.
I Senjanovic ; J Parunov ; S Tomasevic
T Okamoto ; T Hori ; M Tateishi et al.
Design by analysis (rather than by Classification Society rules) has been used to develop Hitachi-Zosens EPOCH Mark II range of product oil carriers in which a unidirectional girder system comprising a longitudinal girder with double skin transverse bulkheads is used to stiffen double skinned hulls. Structural design; structural behaviour and strength; safety assessment by reliability analysis; estimation of demand under wave load; capacity evaluation strength intact and when damaged and safety are discussed with theoretical support.
T Okamoto ; T Hori ; M Tateishi et al.
T-C Mathiesen
LLP Maritime Conferences & Exhibitions
A holistic approach to passenger ship safety includes consideration of many different aspects of the shipping industry. The current regime of international rules and regulations does not support a holistic approach. Hazard identification teams should be established to convey information about human aspects procedures equipment and technical arrangements. Risk analysis is to be applied to casualty investigations to establish chains of events.
T-C Mathiesen
LLP Maritime Conferences & Exhibitions
Vince Jenkins
Lloyd's Register's mission is to 'secure for the benefit of the community high technical standards of design manufacture construction maintenance operation and performance for the purpose of enhancing the safety of life and property at sea on land and in the air' and to 'advance public education within engineering and technological disciplines'. This paper explores how Lloyd's Register is fulfilling its mission today in three specific areas - embracing a robust approach to alternative design solutions realising the benefits of Naval Rules becoming more objective-based and ensuring that simple safety basics of design and operation are not forgotten.
Vince Jenkins
Sidney Gilman
This book proceeds from basic analysis of the operating characteristics of container systems, through a consideration of market and conference function, to a study of a number of container routes, and finally to developments and issues in regulatory policy. Chapters cover the early history of the conference system, the container revolution, ship type and market role, economies of scale, logistics of container transport networks, classical models of conference behaviour, market function in the intermodal age, market profiles, regulation in the United States from 1961 to 1982, the movement for regulatory reform, UN Liner Code, CENSA Code and EEC competition rules.
Sidney Gilman
Aldershot, Hants, England : Gower, c1983.
Catalogue number387.5442
ISBN number566005735
G J Thomson
The review presented covers the quest for ways to and means of reducing resistance or drag and the evolution of the amphibious and side-wall types of hovercraft. Problems encountered in the use of available equipment in amphibious hovercraft are considered and power requirements means of cushion generation jet injection tangential or rotary edge fan axial and centrifugal fan propulsive power means of propulsion and total power required are discussed. Engineering aspects covered include the power plant and its installation power transmission fans propellers controls and ancillary systems. Safety and design rules are summarised.
G J Thomson
Jan Holtrop ; Henk Valkhof
A look is taken at hydrodynamic design aspects of propellers for high-powered single-screw container ships. The need for an integral approach to the design of the propeller and the afterbody hull form is shown. Also the importance is highlighted of attaining a sufficiently uniform wake distribution and an adequate tip-hull clearance. Consideration is given to prediction of the vibration excitation and the risk of cavitation erosion. Some practical design rules are given. Alternative solutions to the propulsion configuration are discussed.
Jan Holtrop ; Henk Valkhof
A Messer
DMG Marine Conferences
The role of ECS within LR rules is discussed in respect of navigation equipment voyage planning activities ECS requirements ECS functions and the development and functional nature of the three navigational notations NAV NAV1 and IBS and their relationship to the IMO performance standards. The complexity of ECS software and safety considerations for such complex systems are emphasised with reference to relevant standards. The development of dependable ECS is outlined with attention to- the development process appropriate verification and validation and operational safety- reference is made to the DISC II project V development model. In conclusion the contribution of ECS to safe navigation is critically assessed.
A Messer
DMG Marine Conferences
Luo Wen
The problems of implementing the obligation of care for seaworthiness are discussed. The rules governing this area in the ISM Code are then considered. Finally the relationship between shipping companies' effective maintenance of their SMS (safety management system) and the obligation of due care for seaworthiness is discussed.
Luo Wen