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874 results Most recent
  • Legal issues Part 3 - The marine engineer and the law of cargo claims


    M Allen

    Date published



    Following a casualty cargo owners may claim an indemnity for sums paid for salvage and damage to cargo as well as a declaration that they are not required to pay general average contributions. A breach of contract of carriage must be proved. This is governed by the Hague or Hague-Visby rules. The shipowner may have to prove that he has exercised due diligence to make the ship seaworthy.


    M Allen

    Date published


  • Marine automation - past present and future


    A Lough


    IMarE Conferences and Symposia


    A review is given of marine automation systems from their early inception to current high technology software based systems and a look also at possible future trends for marine automation in the Millennium. Firstly the historical background of classification requirements for marine automation is outlined. Next a brief look is taken at early 'automatic' systems pneumatic systems electronic systems microprocessor systems data communication links integrated software based systems problems caused by the Millennium bug the terms 'unattended' v 'unmanned' and current classification rules. Lastly future developments are considered briefly.


    A Lough

    Date published



    IMarE Conferences and Symposia

  • Model tests in brash ice channels


    Jens-Holger Hellmann ; Karl-Heinz Rupp ; Walter L Kuehnlein

    Date published



    According to the present Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules (FSICR) the formulas for the required main engine power for tankers led to much bigger main engines than is needed for the demanded open water speed. Therefore model tests may be performed in order to verify the vessel's capability to sail with less required power in brash ice channels compared to the calculations. Several model test runs have been performed in order to study the performance of crude oil tankers sailing in brash ice. The presented paper is focused on the performance of model tests in order to determine the main engine power requirements. The paper deals also with the selection of an adequate propulsion system.


    Jens-Holger Hellmann ; Karl-Heinz Rupp ; Walter L Kuehnlein

    Date published


  • Modeling motion and loads on stranded ships in waves


    Michael Simbulan ; Alan Brown ; Jeffrey McQuillan et al.

    Date published



    This paper describes the dynamic effect of waves on stranded ship motion and loads. A theoretical analysis of the motions and loads in six-degrees of freedom of a grounded ship in waves is developed with an appropriate soil reaction model to estimate dynamic ground reaction forces. The steady-state grounded motion of the stranded ship in waves around the quasi-equilibrium position is treated as a steady-state linear dynamic problem. Comparisons are made to static grounding results and to current ABS/IACS design rules.


    Michael Simbulan ; Alan Brown ; Jeffrey McQuillan et al.

    Date published


  • New approaches for a rational design of ship structures


    S Franic ; W Fricke ; V Androcec et al.

    Date published



    The conventional selection of scantlings according to the rules of the classification societies is being augmented and replaced by dimensioning based on rational stress analysis the so-called first principles design. This approach and related computer programs are increasingly being adopted by the shipbuilding industry. The basic principles and procedures of such a rational ship design approach are described in more detail using the procedures developed by Germanischer Lloyd as an example.


    S Franic ; W Fricke ; V Androcec et al.

    Date published


  • New international standards for offshore pipelines


    H Moshagen ; E Gjertveit ; S Lund et al.


    International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers


    The ISO/DIS 13623 pipeline standard for the petroleum and natural gas industries at present as a draft international standard is examined. The scope and safety issues design format and level of detail of the draft are addressed. Design requirements for pressure containment and pressure testing of offshore pipelines are discussed. NORSOK/DNV 1996 pipeline rules for submarine pipelines are reviewed. DNV (Det Norske Veritas) design guidelines or recommended practices on essential offshore pipeline design issues are highlighted.


    H Moshagen ; E Gjertveit ; S Lund et al.

    Date published



    International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers

  • North Sea corrosion - what we have learnt


    Inst Corr Sc & Tech




    Conf held in London in 1979 Papers are Comments and criticisms of the Nace standard RP-01-76 for offshore structures Water/abrasive blasting for preparation of surfaces before painting A comparison of conventional and airless abrasive blasting techniques Big clean up in the North Sea Monitoring of internal corrosion in offshore installations High performance coating of the offshore industry Some aspects of offshore corrosion protection Results of offshore tests of selected coating systems How not to employ a painting contractor Epoxy coatings Design rules for offshore cathodic protection systems Current and potential distribution on cathodically protected submarine pipelines Corrosion and cathodic protection in Arctic water Testing of sacrificial anodes - necessity and experience


    Inst Corr Sc & Tech

    Date published




    Catalogue number


  • OAR 90 - Offshore abandonment & removal Day 1



    Shelf Location



    Intl. Offshore decommissioning platform removal & marine salvage conf held 27-29 March 1990 Aberdeen Papers include - International rules; existing and emerging UK abandonment policy; development and implementation Abandonment and removal of mining installations; some legal remarks Abandonment of offshore oil and gas platforms in Asia and developing countries Economics of abandonment in the UKCS Economic aspects of abandonment and removal in Norway The market for offshore abandonment and removal; an assessment Facilities decommissioning; the Australian challenge Meeting the challenge of offshore wreck removals The Amposta Abandonment Project Auk jacket removal studies Deconstruction of steel platforms; crucial engineering aspects Dynamic simulation in the verification and planning of strategies for the toppling abandonment of offshore structures




    Offshore Confs & Exhibs Ltd

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Possibilities of application of FSA methodology to stability of ships


    L Kobylinski

    Date published



    Recently IMO recommended application of the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) methodology to the development of safety rules. Attention is given to the possibility of application of FSA methodology to stability problems and safety against capsizing. After some introductory information outlines are given of formal safety assessment (SA) methodology risk assessment - problems to be solved and definition of capsizing. Next a look is taken at long or short term probability of capsizing followed by hazards to be taken into consideration short term probability of capsizing the problem of wave climates capsizing scenarios and acceptability of safety criterion.


    L Kobylinski

    Date published


  • Predicting and limiting noise and vibration from fast ferry machinery


    J Odegaard ; L Thiele


    IMarE Conferences and Symposia


    Low noise and vibration onboard modern fast ferries are vital due to concern to both passengers and crew. Also onshore-generated noise from operation of a fast ferry must be low and is restricted by new governmental regulations. Prediction of noise and vibration on ships is difficult and it is essential to have access to reliable noise and vibration prediction tools to ensure that contract specifications are met. After some background information a look is taken at rules and regulations. Next vibration prediction is considered followed by internal noise prediction and reduction. Lastly external noise is addressed.


    J Odegaard ; L Thiele

    Date published



    IMarE Conferences and Symposia

  • Pump and piping arrangements for bilge and ballast systems


    J Crawford

    Date published



    The various pump and piping systems which have to be included in modern ships are described and important features highlighted. The systems are bilge water ballast oil fuel fuel overflow boiler feed boiler cooling water lubricating oil compressed air cargo tank lines cargo venting and cargo heating. Bilge overflow and lubricating oil systems have examples of typical systems included in diagram form. All systems are explained according to the current practice stated in Lloyds Rules and the diagrams are presented to BS MAl Part 1 1979.


    J Crawford

    Date published


  • Sea waves and ship safety - state of art in current regulations


    Alberto Francescutto

    Date published



    Sea waves play a major role in ship safety yet stability criteria both for intact and damaged ships generally contain only indirect references to sea state or a rough description of sea action long ago and never updated. This matter is reviewed with reference to international rules and recommendations and drawbacks are evidenced especially for modern ships with large rolling period.


    Alberto Francescutto

    Date published


  • Skene's elements of yacht design


    F S Kinney

    Shelf Location



    The book contains information to design both sailing and power vessels, including tools, drawings, specifications, balance of sailboats, planning powerboats, spars and rigging, propellers, rudders, resistance, tank testing, upkeep, a simple manual of calculations, weights and useful data. Also discussed is boat building in wood, fibreglass, steel, aluminium and ferrocement with construction details for each material. There are also chapters on: rules and changes that affect I.O.R. ratings, the Law of mechanical similitude, motor-sailers and horse power for displacement-type boats.


    F S Kinney


    G.P. Putman's Sons

    ISBN number


    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Structural design considerations


    P Marshall ; B Chang

    Date published



    Over the past 20 years the American Petroleum Institute (API) has developed advanced earthquake design guidelines for steel offshore platforms. The International Standards Organization (ISO) is now translating the API guidelines into an international standard based on the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) approach. Particular points relevant to structural design are highlighted including simplified load and resistance factors lifetime reliability estimates and ductility analysis using API jolts. The results gained by applying the twelve steps of the proposed ISO rules to a North Sea caisson are presented.


    P Marshall ; B Chang

    Date published


  • Surveyors and consultants - your liabilities and how to protect yourself


    J Simpson


    IBC UK Conferences Limited


    Legal aspects are described for consideration of who might claim against a marine surveyor or consultant on what basis. Protection in terms of exclusion exemption clauses in a contract and responsibilities as an expert witness are discussed. Extracts from the Civil Procedure Rules of the English Court and from the draft Commercial Court Guide are given. Case studies are presented.


    J Simpson

    Date published



    IBC UK Conferences Limited

  • The Greek surveyors market its structure the challenges it faces


    A Chariatis


    IBC UK Conferences Limited


    The status of the Greek marine surveying industry is reviewed. Marine surveyors are not regulated by the state and until recently no local professional body existed. Improvement of standards is required for marine surveyors and consultants. The Hellenic Technical Consultants Association was formed in 1984 to impose rules of self-regulation and codes of practice for its members.


    A Chariatis

    Date published



    IBC UK Conferences Limited

  • The Motor Ship. A Special Survey 'Marine Automation and Remote Control', December 1967

    Shelf Location


    Date published



    Journal 'The Motor Ship' dated December 1967. Articles include: 'Progress in automation since the 1961-built Kinkasan Maru', 'Unattended machinery spaces', 'Danish rules for the equipment of unattended engine-rooms in motor ships', 'UK manufacturers' approach to marine automation', 'Automation and electronics in ships', 'Automation experience from Shell tankers', 'The detection of fire in unattended machinery spaces', 'Automation in tugs - applications and results', 'Bridge control systems for machinery operation', 'A cost-effective approach to marine automation' and 'A bridge control system for steam turbine propulsion machinery'.

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • The potential for energy


    Ed P Fort

    Date published



    However it is defined sustainability with regard to the provision of shipboard energy is arguably the marine industry's greatest challenge. This paper outlines some of the potential options for future marine power generation focusing particularly on fuel cell technology. The paper also looks at how Lloyd's Register plans to support the marine industry in meeting sustainability goals through the publication of timely and appropriate Rules Regulations and guidance. A look is taken at energy demand followed by energy conversion and facilitating change.


    Ed P Fort

    Date published


  • Uncertainties in extreme value analysis and their effect on load factors


    J G Rutten ; P H A J M van Gelder ; K C Ewans et al.

    Date published



    A method for deriving site-specific load factors for fixed offshore structures that include uncertainties in extreme values is described. The method consists of an extreme value analysis to derive the extreme value behaviour and the uncertainties involved and a model based on the Load Resistance Factor Design of the API rules to derive site-specific load factors with or without the inclusion of uncertainties in the long term load distribution. The application of site-specific load factors could lead to a harmonised calculation of the probability of failure for platforms around the world.


    J G Rutten ; P H A J M van Gelder ; K C Ewans et al.

    Date published


  • 100 years of the use of aluminium in shipbuilding


    D J Howarth ; J C Huskins

    Date published



    An historical review on the use of aluminium in shipbuilding is given. The use of aluminium alloys in LNG gas carriers naval vessels air cushion vehicles and high speed catamarans are reviewed. The introduction and development of Lloyd's Register's material rules covering aluminium alloys are discussed covering requirements for welding consumables rivets transition joints and castings. Some of the basic difficulties encountered with aluminium in the construction of various craft are also highlighted.


    D J Howarth ; J C Huskins

    Date published
