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874 results Most recent
  • A reaction from European ship owners - comments and suggestions


    A Guinier


    IBC UK Conferences Limited


    The views of the European Community Shipowners' Association (ESCA) in response to the Erika accident are discussed. There needs to be proper enforcement of rules operated by classification societies and a strengthening of the classification societies system. Specific legislative proposals include port state control (PSC); accelerated phasing out of single hull tankers; and environmental liability and compensation issues.


    A Guinier

    Date published



    IBC UK Conferences Limited

  • Basic ship theory Volume 1 4th edition


    K. J. Rawson, E. C. Tupper

    Shelf Location



    The two volumes provide aspects of both ship theory and practice, from ship design to the integrated design process. The first volume (chapters 1 to 9) covers hydrostatics and strength and introduces the tools used by the naval architect, mathematical techniques, instruments and the computer. It also discusses safety issues, structural strength, the provision of stability and flotation and launching and docking. Reference material on the environment and how ship and human interaction with it affects design, is also included.


    K. J. Rawson, E. C. Tupper


    Harlow, Essex, England : Longman

    Catalogue number


    Shelf Location


    Date published


    ISBN number


  • Behaviour of cold-formed slender section SHS beam-columns


    R M Sully ; G J Hancock ; N E Shanmugam et al.

    Date published



    A test programme into the behaviour of cold-formed square hollow section (SHS) beam-columns of slender cross-section for two end moment conditions and to assess the applicability of the current advanced interaction rules for cold-formed slender SHS is described. The tests were carried out in a purpose built test rig capable of applying load and moment in constant ratio. Firstly the test programme and material properties are outlined. After this the test results are looked at. Lastly design is considered.


    R M Sully ; G J Hancock ; N E Shanmugam et al.

    Date published


  • Bulk carriers - in search of better bulkers



    Date published



    A series of articles covers the design of bulk carriers and attempt to reduce losses. Principal areas at risk and damage scenarios following primary and secondary barrier failure are described. Lloyd's Register's R&D into enhancing safety of bulk carriers is discussed. Other articles are Double hulls promise efficiency as well as enhanced safety (a description of Pacific Scorpio built by Oshima Shipyard and one of the first double-hull bulk carriers granted an ABS SafeHull system notation) and Applying boxship lessons to bulkers (a discussion of Germanischer Lloyd's work with corrosion in bulkers).



    Date published


  • Classification and design aspects of floating process plants


    B Rapo ; R P Holbrook

    Date published



    The review presented covers floating installations intended to operate in deep waters and amphibian designs capable of opeating either on prepared foundations or as a floating installation. Current rules and regulations are discussed and floating process plants commissioned up to the end of 1981/82 are tabulated. Design considerations and the types of plant including petrochemical processing storage oil tankers floating oil refineries ammonia methanol and desalination plantsLNG liquefaction and electric power generation are described. Towage and site preparation main plant items eg product store and ballast capacity accommodation feedstock supply and product transfer using flexible hosed articulated pipes etc maintenance aspects and flexibility of sectional assembly construction are considered.


    B Rapo ; R P Holbrook

    Date published


  • Computer aided assessment for engine room simulator


    S Kluj

    Shelf Location



    The use of full mission engine room simulators in the Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) of students is discussed and the systems developed at Gdynia Maritime Academy are described with details of: the requirements of CAA including student actions alarms parameter records and pre-processed assessment data (assessment results): the modular simulator hardware; the modular simulator software; CAA modes of operation (on-line off-line) types of test (static dynamic) assessment criteria control rules and assessment quality assurance; implementation of and initial experience with GMA's prototype CAA system comprising three static test modules (start standby stop); and in-progress development of two additional dynamic test modules (manoeuvring powerup).


    S Kluj

    Date published


    Shelf Location


  • Computer aided design of ship hull structure by a new system code - ShipC


    T Jastrzebski ; J Kruk ; M Taczala et al.


    Computational Mechanics Publications


    The ShipC system for computer aided design of ship hull structures is presented. This supports designing structural elements amidships according to the classification rules. The latest version of the ShipC computer system consists of three modules - for dla bulk-carriers container ships and tankers. General assumptions and basic functions of the system are outlined. Graphics and standard element catalogues are described. Examples of the system's application and intended development are provided.


    T Jastrzebski ; J Kruk ; M Taczala et al.

    Date published



    Computational Mechanics Publications

  • Conference of Classification Societies, Oslo, 10-14 June 1968

    Shelf Location


    Date published



    These are the proceedings of the Conference of Classification Societies, held at Veritas House in Oslo, 10-14 June 1968. Agenda items discussed include IMCO and other governmental bodies; load lines; possible inclusion of stability requirements in Rules; strength of ships; overaged ships; hull structural high tensile steels; equipment; intervals between surveys; engines; international tanker equipment standing committee; ship design and equipment; safety matters and disasters; smaller Classification Societies; cooperation between Classification Societies; and cooperation with other industry organisations. Delegates: American Bureau of Shipping; Bureau Veritas; Germanischer Lloyd; Lloyd's Register of Shipping; Nippon Kaiji Kyokai; Register of Shipping of the USSR; Registro Italiano Navale; and Det norske Veritas.

    Shelf Location


    Catalogue number


    Date published


  • Criteria for the design and selection of pipeline pigs


    G McNulty ; A O'Donoghue ; A Wilson


    Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd


    The Pigging Technology Project (PTP) initiated by CALTEC with the support of relevant industry is described. It aims to research and define factors affecting the performance of cleaning pigs to develop engineering rules for function based pig design and selection and to combine them with industrial "best practice" to provide Pigging Engineering Guidelines (PEG). Discussions include: pig types (sphere solid cast foam mandrel); pig applications (wax/scale removal pre-inspection cleaning swabbing de-watering batching); pig mechanisms (bypass bulldozer scrapping); pipeline conditions; factors affecting pig performance; and pig design characteristics.


    G McNulty ; A O'Donoghue ; A Wilson

    Date published



    Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd

  • Design of a very large container ship for rule development work


    Andrea Zamburlini

    Date published



    The market scenario of container vessels is proposing a new concept of container carriers involving large scale economies synergies between charterers owners ports terminals and ground operators. First the market situation and reference scenario are each outlined briefly in turn. Next a look is taken at the technical features followed by Bureau Veritas rules. Lastly the future is considered.


    Andrea Zamburlini

    Date published


  • Developments in ships steering gears


    D J Fowler

    Date published



    Aspects of ships steering gears their development and that of related systems are discussed with reference to the regulations laid down by national authorities and classification societies (such as IMCO). Particularly discussed are the almost universal use of electro-hydraulic gear; the rudder and other devices for manoeuvring the ship; crew training in handling steering systems; a new IMCO requirement for an alternative power source; steering test procedures; the case for duplicate propulsion and steering systems to ensure safety reliability and manoeuvrability; the torque and power requirements of the Rules and future prospects.


    D J Fowler

    Date published


  • Dynamic-response-based intact and residual damage stability criteria for semisubmersible units


    G Shark ; Y S Shin ; J S Spencer

    Date published



    Following incidents of catastrophic capsize worldwide investigations into the stability of column-stabilized semisubmersibles are reviewed. ABS initiated research into intact and damage stability has included experimental model testing environmental representation and theoretical simulations (using frequency and time domain analyses). This has resulted in new dynamic-response-based stability criteria for column stabilised drilling units under adoption by IMO ABS (Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Mobile Drilling Units) and USCG.


    G Shark ; Y S Shin ; J S Spencer

    Date published


  • Elastic and plastic design of mitred bends


    A M (Nol) Gresnigt

    Date published



    Mitred bends were and partly still are the standard pipe bends in large diameter pipelines for water transport in The Netherlands. The deformation capacity is important especially in situations with imposed bending. Failure modes in static loading are excessive ovalisation local buckling and cracking due to insufficient ductile behaviour at the girth weld zone. Results are presented of a theoretical and experimental research programme of mitred bends loaded by combinations of bending moment and internal pressure. It is shown that the analytical models that were developed for smooth bends can be used as a basis for analysing mitred bends. Design rules for limit state design of mitred bends are also presented.


    A M (Nol) Gresnigt

    Date published


  • Engine Room Fire Guidance to Fire Prevention



    Shelf Location



    This report recommends that IMO and IACS take action to reinforce the rules to prevent engine room fires. According to the report, a large number of engine room fires have been caused by fuel oil leakages on to hot surfaces of exhaust gas pipes when fuel oil piping systems fail due to vibration, therefore, it was emphasized that special consideration should be paid to the construction of fuel of oil piping systems and protection of exhaust gas pipes. It is also recommended that quick-closing fuel oil valves be capable of being operated from the control room.




    Nippon Kaiji Kyokai

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Essay: Paleoceanographic musings


    Cheryl Lyn Dybas

    Date published



    To understand ocean and climate history paleoceanographers "read sediment backwards" - the story's latest chapters are preserved at the beginnings (tops) of sediment cores and its opening chapters are at the cores' ends (bottoms). After some introductory information a look is taken at paleoceanography's serendipitous start followed by descent into the unknown. Next there is consideration of five outstanding contributions - gateways - opening and closing of seaways led to ocean circulation and climate changes sediments off New Jersey tell tale of long-ago ice sheet formation the Eocene - Rads rules oceans warmer than a hot tub and global signals.


    Cheryl Lyn Dybas

    Date published


  • Guidance notes for the burning of coal in the ships' boilers


    Lloyds Register of Shipping

    Shelf Location



    The notes provide guidance on the statutory and classification aspects (Lloyd's Register of Shipping Rules and Regulations and the National Authority with whom ship is registered) of using coal as a fuel at sea. Sections are as follows: Coal storage, handling, ash collection and disposal arrangements, Coal burning equipment, Ship structure, Electrical equipment, Control engineering systems, Fire protection, detection and extinguishing and Stability.


    Lloyds Register of Shipping


    London ; Lloyds Register of Shipping

    Shelf Location


  • High voltage systems in warships - the reality - a practitioner's perspective


    J M Newell ; G T Little


    IMarE Conferences and Symposia


    The LPD(R) power and propulsion system is introduced with aspects of the equipment and system design reviewed. Focus is given to High Voltage and the impact on the operational community. After some background information a look is taken at LPD(R) followed by commercial solutions - the naval environment. Next classification society rules and owners' requirements are considered. System integration and training implications are each outlined in turn. After this onboard organisation and qualifications are addressed followed by firefighting and damage control safe system of work infrastructure and high voltage policy document.


    J M Newell ; G T Little

    Date published



    IMarE Conferences and Symposia

  • In-service condition assessment - an innovative approach to vessel structural safety


    T Grove ; D Dutta


    Institute of Marine Engineers


    The development of the ABS SafeHull dynamic based strength criteria to supersede prescriptive requirements in the ABS Rules is discussed with brief details of the principles and techniques used to produce a statement of required structural performance for new vessels. The ABS SafeHull Condition Assessment Program subsequently compiled in order to provide a structural evaluation of existing vessels according to SafeHull criteria is described in detail with sample results of condition assessment survey gauging verification and structural evaluation: the role of SafeHull CAP in planned maintenance and repair programs is considered.


    T Grove ; D Dutta

    Date published



    Institute of Marine Engineers

  • Islamic finance: past or future?


    Alessandro Tricoli

    Date published



    Islamic finance products have experienced an increasing demand over the past few years and throughout the world more and more financial institutions are developing a profitable practice based on English law but also complying with the fiqh al-muamalat the Islamic guidelines to be applied to all commercial transactions. A look is taken at the fiqh al-muamalat - Islamic rules on transactions. Next Islamic structures commonly used in shipping finance are considered followed by how a musharaka structure works in practice. Lastly conclusions are drawn.


    Alessandro Tricoli

    Date published


  • Manoeuvrability of high-speed powerboats


    Edward M Lewandowski

    Date published



    The history of planning craft design with respect to manoeuvring performance is presented. This shows that manoeuvrability seems to have always been the last factor considered if it was considered at all. Some rules of thumb proposed in early texts for sizing rudders are given. A general method to predict the manoeuvring performance of planning craft still does not exist. However a recent model test program has yielded data which can be used in a mathematical manoeuvring simulator to obtain accurate predictions for that design. Sample results are presented for a USCG cutter design.


    Edward M Lewandowski

    Date published
