Conf held in St Petersburg Russia 1992. Papers are - The problems of the development of cruise and ferry in the Baltic The potential for merchant shipbuilding in the CIS The role of an equipment leasing company Information package from Intermaritime Management Finance for Eastern Europe shipping Ship agency - don't take risks in port Marine insurance and the role of the insurance broker Ship finance - legal structures with special reference to Russia and the Republics today Life extension as perceived by the American Bureau of Shipping Rotterdam Municipal Port management Speech by IMO representative - shipping safety Current developments in maritime law General average per the York - Antwerp Rules 1974
H H Chen ; H Y Jan ; J F Conlon et al.
The Safehull phase of the American Bureau of Shipping's (ABS) RULES 2000 project to develop structural criteria for double hull tankers based on a first principles approach is presented. The specified load components and loading cases are discussed followed by a review of how to develop strength criteria and strength assessment with respect to the dominant failure modes. Comparisons of the newly developed requirements with service experience are also provided. Topics include stress points plating strength failure criteria and deflection plots.
H H Chen ; H Y Jan ; J F Conlon et al.
C Both ; J W B Stark ; L Twilt et al.
A joint European research project was carried out to obtain a more fundamental insight into the behaviour of composite steel/concrete slabs under standard fire conditions. In this project numerical models were developed for the simulation of the (three-dimensional) transient heat flow in fire-exposed composite steel/concrete slabs. First a look at the background to the numerical models is taken. Next the numerical simulation of full scale experiment is considered. After this simple calculation rules are discussed.
C Both ; J W B Stark ; L Twilt et al.
C F H Cufley
Contents 1. The size of the problem and basic knowledge required of a freight market operator 2. The practice of shipbroking 3. Charterparties and bills of lading: definitions and basic provisions 4. The construction of a charterparty: I. regarding descriptions and matters of fact 5. The construction of a charterparty: II 6. The Hague rules and clause paramount 7. Merchant vessels: I 8. Merchant vessels: II 9. The classification of merchant ships 10. Cargo movements and the development of world merchant shipping 11. The pattern of sea-borne trade 12. Tramp ship cargoes 13. Stowage factors of cargoes 14. Freight market behaviour 15. The economics of shipowning in relation to chartering and management policies
C F H Cufley
Staples Press
Catalogue number720.16
Harold Dougharty
Contents include: general consideration of pension schemes; types of pension funds; the money value system further explained; types of pension benefit; selection of pension age; contributions and conditions – the case of the older men; constitution of money value pension funds; benefits extraneous to a pension, but often combined therewith; preparing data and draft rules for money value schemes; accounts and income tax; staff life assurance schemes; group life assurance.
Harold Dougharty
M A Valleri
Present governance process in ports blends and clashes with centralisation and decentralisation processes both from an Italian and an international point of view. How this happens is analysed. Port governance forms are briefly dealt with and then the kind of governance present in Italy is defined. After this difficulties about security and the contracts between liberalism and pricing rules (particularly in Italy and Spain) are focused upon. The reasons for governance uncertainty in the present situation are considered above all because of the insufficient UE guidance. In conclusion it is stressed how the uncertainty that regulates the relationships between institutions and powers on an international level seem to be reflected in the different national and European power hierarchies.
M A Valleri
David Gleicher
Journal Room
Chapters: 1. The Popular Story 2. The Nature Theatre of Oklahoma 3. Except the Rules 4. Departures 5. Like Wild Beasts Ready to Spring 6. Loose Ends 7. A Statistical Study 8. Conclusion Appendix 1. Groupings of Nationalities in Regions Appendix 2. Routes to the Lifeboats Appendix 3. Deck Plans
David Gleicher
St. John's, Nfld. : International Maritime Economic History Association, c2006.
ISBN number973893419
Journal Room
S Furtado ; R Towers
Institute of Marine Engineers (India)
The extent to which corrosion is compromising the structural integrity of the world merchant fleet is discussed with particular attention to special problems associated with the permanent water ballast tanks of double hulled ships. The response of the International Association of Classification Societies expressed through the 1991 Harmonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) is outlined with brief details of revised Rules and Regulations relating to corrosion protection. The choice application maintenance and repair of coating systems for water ballast tanks and cargo holds is considered together with the need to control environmental pollution associated with their use.
S Furtado ; R Towers
Institute of Marine Engineers (India)
A C Damhaug
The emerging role of product models in an open environment has created a demand for software vendors to expose their product services through a standard API (application programmer interface). An overview is presented of the seamless integration between CAD-CAM and CAE enabled by the use of emerging product model technology and component- based software solutions. It is illustrated how to transfer a CAD-made model into a CAE system perform the analysis and do the strength assessment according to the class rules.
A C Damhaug
An article dealing with offshore safety standards and the guidelines from The UK Dept. of Energy which will bring the UK sector of the North Sea into line with Norwegian rules that have been in force since 1978. The change seems to have come as a result of the investigation into the Piper Alpha disaster. Details of the problems associated with fire safety criteria for inclusion in a new standards stucture are considered espcially the urgent need for more research.
A G Gavin
Institute of Marine Engineers (India)
The role of the classification societies in ship design and through life maintenance as the marine industry enters the next millennium is discussed. This includes being at the forefront of changes in ship technology providing rules regulations guidance software and surveying teams to ensure safety at sea as well as during design and construction of the ship.
A G Gavin
Institute of Marine Engineers (India)
G V Boitsov ; M A Koudrin
There is a large variation in the rules among classification societies concerning the strength of ship bow structures. A practical formula is proposed to estimate the hydrodynamic loads on the bottom sides and in the vicinity of the forestem of full form ships using the large amount of published data and performing a probabilistic analysis for long-term service conditions on several ocean routes. Application of some modified formulations to the design rule requirements is explained and illustrated.
G V Boitsov ; M A Koudrin
M B Fachetti ; D M de Mattos ; C A Bardanachvili
The structural requirements established in order to guarantee the feasibility of old oil tankers being converted to floating production and storage offloading units (FPSOs) are presented complementing the requirements issued by Classification Societies. First an outline is given of Classification Societies rules for FPSOs. Next Petrobras design premises are looked at. After this main structural items design is considered covering longitudinal hull girder strength cargo region turret region and new heavy structures.
M B Fachetti ; D M de Mattos ; C A Bardanachvili
Paulo Biasotto ; Antoine Rouhan
Specific aspects concerning inspections of FPSOs are first presented. Then the global methodology is presented with emphasis on the comparison between the risk based inspection approach and the usual classification requirements for oil tankers and FPSOs. The different steps needed to establish the inspection campaign based on both qualitative and quantitative risks assessment are presented using the connections of bottom longitudinal stiffeners to transverse web frames as example. The risk assessment is the basis to classify and rank the components and assets from the maintenance point of view and class rules requirements are used to set inspections of parts of the structure not covered by the risks analyses. The final step consists in merging and establishing the facility overall inspection campaign.
Paulo Biasotto ; Antoine Rouhan
R Salvarani
Although the maritime safety world is a well regulated one safety problems affecting this industry stem from a lack of compliance by those target groups for which the international rules are made. Therefore further action is needed by the authorities to enforce compliance. Current and future EU legislation is designed to improve present commitment and efforts of flag and port state administrations to ensure the target groups do apply the law. The background to European legislation is outlined. European Directives and Regulations are looked at covering port state control Safety Management Code and FSI seafarers qualifications/training and classification societies.
R Salvarani
A J W Wolters
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
The Green Award was invented in 1992 by The Netherlands' Maritime Directorate and the Port of Rotterdam Authority as a system of rewarding environmentally friendly behaviour over and above the legal requirements laid down by international legislation. The elements of the Green Award certification are: compliance with international mandatory standards and rules a clean record regarding safety and the environment issues over the last two years and assessment of the requirements both crew/management and technical beyond the mandatory standards. The Green Award is an independent non-profit foundation. About 30 ships have been certified and the scheme is supported by ports in the Netherlands South Africa and Spain together with various maritime service companies.
A J W Wolters
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
S Smogeli
An additional class notation for vessels is being introduced by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) known as COMF-V(crn) where crn is a comfort rating number that quantifies noise and vibration. The proposed rules and standards that vessels will need to meet to obtain this classification are presented and requirements for certification and testing are outlined. Guidelines for handling excessive noise and vibration levels are given in an appendix. At a later date sea comfort (a measure of the probability of motion sickness) will be included in the notation.
S Smogeli
G Balzano
Maintenance is given a high profile in safety rules yet it is given little consideration during the design and construction of ships. The composition of direct maintenance costs is outlined and is subdivided into personnel equipment and material loss of hire and direct costs for dry docking shipyard use etc. Maintenance activities are then considered in terms of routine medium and great maintenance in which the latter includes intervention to significant parts of the vessel for example the keel or the hull. The connection between maintenance and safety is addressed in the light of the ISM Code. Finally a design approach to maintenance is presented.
G Balzano
Vasily V Popovich ; Yan A Ivakin ; Sergei S Shaida
A system of rules is being developed called 'Theory of search for moving objects' and within the frame of this system the development of a New Class of Search Problems for Moving Objects rather than a selection classification or enumeration of all published materials in the TS (theory of search) area. The issues considered are: 1. analysis and classification of search problems; 2. an axiomatic basis of the research approach; 3. axioms of the theory of search; 4. common theorem of additivity; 5. theorems of multiplicity; 6. computer prototype for the theory of search.
Vasily V Popovich ; Yan A Ivakin ; Sergei S Shaida
N. H. Schneider
This is the 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, from the first edition published in 1911. The book covers wiring in houses, and the second edition has been published to keep abreast of improvements in electrical work. This is a practical guide that includes chapters on planning the wiring, completing the installation, installing the lights, other methods of wiring, materials, conduit and protected wiring, and information about underwriters' rules. At the back of the book is a retail catalogue of books for mechanics, amateurs and students.
N. H. Schneider
Spon & Chamberlain
Catalogue number621.5