S Archer
Origins development growth and work of Lloyds Register of Shipping described with reference to classification services (the Register Book Books of Rules inspection testing and surveying).
S Archer
With a multiplicity of rules and regulations and a multitude of suppliers the relationship between those who make and those who approve can be complex and not always amicable. To find out more we recently posed a series of questions to a number of classification societies.
D J S Beck
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Factors that have influenced the design of warships in the past 30 years are staff requirements operational rules standards and responsibilities. Constraints placed on designers with lower defence budgets by reduced manning and the need to incorporate commercial equipment in warship design together with improved automation and equipment reliability should result in the design of smaller but no less effective warships.
D J S Beck
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Neil W. Cormack
Presented to the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Library, London. Gives a history of the yacht, with named examples. Rating rule of the International Twelve Metre class with measurement instructions. Rating rule of the International Five Point Five metre class. Also sections on yacht stability and hydrostatic data.
Neil W. Cormack
P R Mitchell
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Practical problems facing shipowners in implementing the rules of the International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution by Ships 1973 are examined with special discussion on Annex l oil including its extension to non-persistent oils segregated ballast requirements oil dicharge requirements discharge monitoring and control and reception facilities mention is also made of the other Annexes on bulk liquid chemicals packaged chemicals sewage and garbage.
P R Mitchell
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
W A Fox ; R J Kutchen
The Floating Accommodation Facility (FAF) is a non-self- propelled 300-ft barge fitted with a four-story land-type building created to provide housing for US Navy crews during aircraft carrier refuelling and overhauls at Newport News Shipbuilding. The FAF was built by McDermott Inc in 1990 and was the first facility completed under ABS' Preliminary Rules for Building and Classing Accommodation Barges and Hotel Barges. This paper describes the planning regulatory considerations design and engineering construction testing and service experience of the FAF.
W A Fox ; R J Kutchen
M Simpson ; R Bryce
The IMO Code of Safety for High Speed Craft was designed to create a simpler regulatory environment. However variations in criteria still exist when working with the code classification rules and other IMO standards. Some of these variations are considered in the light of operating limitations applied to these craft and with reference to passenger comfort. Some practical steps to address these issues are briefly outlined.
M Simpson ; R Bryce
Are Johan Berstad ; Harald Tronstad
This paper presents how the design verification process for a tidal current power plant was carried out and points out the challenges needed to be addressed in the technical assessment phase of the concept. The rules and regulations found suitable for the design process are presented. The paper focuses mainly on what analysis is required to validate the capacity of the structure. The structure is exposed to a harsh offshore environment. The relative importance of the different loads and load effects is shown and discussed. The need for hydroelastic coupled analysis is demonstrated.
Are Johan Berstad ; Harald Tronstad
Harry Newson
This book summarises the rules which govern the commercial relations of merchants in England. Contents include: ships; part owners and ship’s husband; sales and mortgages of ships; collision; capture and prize; contracts with seamen; charter-parties; bills of lading; shipowner and shipmaster; Bottomry and respondentia; freight; salvage; average; insurance, insurers and insured; the policy; effect of deviation; duration of the risk; losses covered and excepted by policy; total loss and abandonment; warranties: express and implied; misrepresentation and concealment; illegality; adjustment and return of premium; remedies on the policy.
Harry Newson
Reeves and Turner; London, 1879
T W Grove ; D Dutta
IMarE (Sydney)
This paper describes the ABS SafeHull project and offers an insight into bulk carrier structural safety using SafeHull technology. The project's primary objective has been the development of new strength criteria based on engineering first principles with emphasis on dynamic effects to ultimately replace the traditional prescriptive rules. The critical findings from the SafeHull research team's study of bulk carrier structures is described together with recommendations to improve bulk carrier safety.
T W Grove ; D Dutta
IMarE (Sydney)
E Doyle ; C Uglow
Implementing ISO 9000 should be treated as a opportunity to improve dissemination of information communication procedures or a combination of these. A company's quality management system should be designed to meet its business needs. The processes of business mapping and writing procedures and work instructions are outlined. In a separate article the safety triangle model is discussed. Prescriptive rules by their nature focus on the bottom of the safety management hierarchy - avoid prevent control mitigate.
E Doyle ; C Uglow
Chuntian Zhao ; Yong Bai ; Yung Shin
In FPSO design a rational structural strength assessment is required to ensure necessary integrity throughout planned service life. This paper presents a systematic method to predict extreme response and conduct fatigue assessment for FPSO structural analysis in which the site-specific wave conditions and the service history are considered. The extreme response is predicted using both short-term and long-term approaches and the fatigue strength is assessed using a closed-form spectral fatigue integration method. The proposed approach may be applied to newly built or converted FPSOs. By introducing the Environmental Severity Factors this approach can help extend Steel Vessel Rules to the design of FPSOs.
Chuntian Zhao ; Yong Bai ; Yung Shin
A series of articles on fast ferries includes features on: catamarans for passenger and freight routes eg Stena Explorer TT-Line's Delphin and Condor Ferries' Condor 12; Lloyd's Registers new Special Service Craft (SSC) rules; Rapid Access a new system of structural fire protection for fast craft from Colbeck & Gunton; deep V monohull class designs such as Albayzin from Spanish specialists Bazan Pegasus One from Fincantieri NGV Asco from Leroux et Lotz Corsica Express from Italy's Rodriquez yard Hayabusa from Kawasaki; and Kelvin Hughes new Nucleus2 5000 radar.
J Kozak
The fatigue assessment of ship hulls is a complicated task and there are still gaps in the methodologies despite the rapid development of procedures and analytical tools. Most classification societies base their fatigue assessment procedures on design curves that are modified Wohler curves. However the variations in geometry and load conditions available today make it difficult to select only one design curve. Laboratory tests on real-scale models of the bilge corner of a ro-ro vessel have been carried out to provide data for new design procedures.
J Kozak
Claus Altenberg
The flue gas cleaning system for shipboard incineration systems is addressed. Such an incineration system has to meet all existing national and international rules and regulations concerning flue gas emissions. Therefore it must be equipped with a flue gas cleaning system. Diagrams show how such a system would operate. A summary of on-board accumulated waste is tabulated. The processes for the reduction of flue gas emissions are presented. The primary minimisation of flue gas emissions inside the combustion chamber of the incinerator is illustrated followed by the principle of the Deerberg Flue Gas Cleaning System to fulfil the 17. Bimsch 5.
Claus Altenberg
A Eknes ; K M Wiklund
Institute for Ship Operation
A holistic approach to passenger ship safety includes consideration of many different aspects of the shipping industry. Prescriptive and functional IMO (International Maritime Organization) requirements are considered in a holistic context. New challenges for ship design and a risk analysis approach to adopting new rules and regulations are discussed. The achievement of an overall safety target is also considered.
A Eknes ; K M Wiklund
Institute for Ship Operation
Volker Bertram ; Alberto Alvarez
The design of a concrete AUV for oceanographic research in the Mediterranean revealed the lack of general design guidelines for AUVs. During a co-operation phase between AUV designers and naval architectural hydrodynamicists some design guidelines for AUVs were compiled. These guidelines exemplify the design approach combining empirical estimates where available with advanced hydrodynamic simulations. Some general guidelines for hull shape and some empirical manoeuvring coefficients for torpedo-like geometries are given. It is concluded that AUVs should be designed following a mixture of empirical rules of thumb numerical simulation and full-scale tests. Generally most AUV designs appear to have considerable potential for improvement in their hydrodynamics.
Volker Bertram ; Alberto Alvarez
R Schulte-Strathaus
Institute for Ship Operation
In order to verify the claim that following the introduction of the ISM (International Safety Management) code the safety culture ashore and onboard has reduced accidents and improved maintenance and emergency preparedness a questionnaire was sent out to 1500 shipowners worldwide in a study undertaken by Bundesanstalt fuer Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin. The study showed that the ISM code has changed the maritime industry in a number of ways: shipowners take a more thorough approach to mandatory regulations; procedures and checklists ensure compliance with rules and regulations; emergency preparedness has increased through hazard identification and structured emergency plans and drills.
R Schulte-Strathaus
Institute for Ship Operation
I Cruickshank ; P White
The need to integrate both the engineering and the architectural requirements of a waterfront development and to finally deliver will be significant in the success of the development. Without this integration and synthesis between the two disciplines such developments will not deliver the right sustainable coastal environment with the appropriate engineering performance. The engineering and architectural challenges and how they were overcome with respect to a major new residential and commercial regeneration development proposed on the UK coast is discussed. Design rules and parameters that engineers may wish to consider in developing future designs are set out.
I Cruickshank ; P White
G Chiasson ; C Smith ; D Stewart
A project which is using Large Bore High Pressure/High Temperature (HPHT) equipment is Shearwater in the North Sea operated by Shell UK Exploration and Production. The challenges experienced during the design phase are reviewed including operational issues tree configuration qualification testing requirements API scaling rules thermal analysis and material selection of qualification test equipment. Also the use of this technology for subsea applications is considered.
G Chiasson ; C Smith ; D Stewart