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Kingfisher ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952 )

Security ( Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Stoke ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945 )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

19/01/1904 ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

228 ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

South Shields ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903 )

Newcastle-on-Tyne ( Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904 )

South Shields; Newcastle ( Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904 )

Liverpool ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904 )

South Shields; Newcastle; Newcastle on Tyne ( Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904 )

London ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952 )

Falmouth ( Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949 )

Southampton ( Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949 )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

The official record pronounced by the Committee

Loss or disposal

Capsized & Sunk ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Place of ship loss

Anvil Point ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

The country or national waters where a vessel is lost/disposed of, or last recorded.

Country of loss or disposal

United Kingdom ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed

Ship owner

The Liverpool Steam Tug Co ( Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904 )

Liverpool Steam Tug Co Ltd ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904 )

Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947 )

Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd ( Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952 )

Gamecock Steam Towing Co; Peter Bucknill ( Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949 )

Physical arrangement of a ship’s masts, sails and rigging.

Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.

Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.

Date in which construction of a vessel’s engines were completed.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1904 ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Rennoldson & Sons ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

South Shields ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952 )

undefined ( Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Capsized & Sank ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Area of ship loss

English Channel ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

08/12/1946 ( Plan of Midship Section for Kingfisher, 17th August 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Security, 17th August 1903 1903, Plan of Multitubular Boiler for Security, 2nd September 1903 1903, Letter from Bernard C Laws, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to Classing letter in reference to Newcastle Report & stating thickness of Reverse Beams as per Midship Section for Kingfisher, 16th April 1904 1904, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee regarding Newcastle Report, vessel appears built in accordance with Rules & approved plans, submitting eligible to be class stated 'For towing purposes', 1 Deck for Kingfisher, 12th April 1904 1904, Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingfisher, 21st March 1904 1904, Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing will be in order for Annual Load Line & classification Surveys to be carried out concurrently on Security, 15th November 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of trying to arrange berth for Screwshaft inspection & tubes delivered for Boiler Survey for Security, 14th November 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing Committee consider definite arrangements for overdue Screwshaft Survey by end of next month for Security, 17th October 1946 1946, Form of Postponed Surveys for Security, 15th October 1946 1946, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding completing General Survey on one tug then to lay by for repairs & carry out Screwshaft survey for Security, 14th October 1946 1946, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, requesting proposed arrangements for Screwshaft survey which became due at the end of October 1945 for Security, 11th October 1946 1946, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies of Reports on additional tugs in relation to Formal Inquiry into loss of Tug Security, 21st November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Loadline renewal, General Examination on hard hull & Boiler Machinery be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Memo submitting listed London Reports on Part S S 2nd No 3 & completion of S S & boiler surveys be sent to Ministry of Transport for vessel in connection with Security, 10th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting further reports for Formal Investigation for tugs in connection with Security, 5th November 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & copies of plans & reports, account being appropriately passed for settlement for Security, 27th October 1947 1947, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing requested photographic copies of Reports & Plans for Formal Investigation into loss of Security, 24th October 1947 1947, Memo submitting Reports on Load line, Hull & Machinery Surveys, Midship section & Profile & deck Plans be sent to Ministry as requested for Security, 20th October 1947 1947, Letter from W F S Jolley, Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of specified Reports of Surveys in connection with loss of Security, 17th October 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, with loss of 4 lives for Security, 2nd September 1947 1947, Press Notice of inquiry into Loss of Security, sent 3rd September 1947 1947, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, informing of Committee consideration & decision to make record 'Capsized & sunk after breaking tow 12,46' in Register Book for Security, 29th January 1947 1947, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of certified photographic copies of reports on tugs, 'Contest' & 'Watercock' in relation to loss of 'Secur 1947, Letter from Stanley Petts, Treasury Solicitor's Dept, Ministry of Transport, London, to Lloyd's Registry, Survey Dept, London, confirming requirements of stated Surveyors to attend Formal Investigation opening next Monday for Security, 4th January 1948 1948, Memo submitting photostat copies of listed London & Grimsby Reports be sent to Ministry of Transport, copy of London Reports to Southampton Surveyor for information, schedule of attendance for Surveyors at Court of Enquiry for Security, 31st December 1948 1948, Letter from Ministry of Transport, London, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting copies of Report of 3rd Special Survey No 3 (1942) & any other Surveys carried out subsequently for Security, 30th December 1948 1948, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Marine Safety Division, Ministry of Transport, London, acknowledging letter with information for Formal Investigation into loss of Tug Security, 16th November 1948 1948, Letter from Marine Safety Division of Ministry of Transport to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Formal Investigation ordered into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, fixed for hearing for Security, 9th November 1948 1948, Ministry of Transport Press Notice regarding Inquiry into loss of steam tug, formal investigation into capsizing & foundering off Anvil Point, Dorset, on 8th December 1946 for hearing at ICE, London, on 10th January 1949 for Security, November 1948 1948, Copy of letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to H Hook Esq, Clerk of the Court, London, acknowledging with thanks the receipt of documents for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Copy of letter from P E Clement of Lloyd's Register to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding formal investigation into loss of vessel & Ministry of Transport stating sufficient witnesses have been called for Security, 7th January 1949 1949, Letter from A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of steam tug & of Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, requiring hotel accommodation overnight to attend for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Telegram from Falmouth Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting room to be reserved for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, Monday night 10th for Security, 6th January 1949 1949, Letter from J F Nicholas, Southampton Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug, arranging travel to London Office & requesting hotel accommodation for Monday night for Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J F Nicholas Esq, Southampton Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A M Jenkins Esq, Falmouth Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered, attendance required & requesting whether hotel accommodation required for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A D Morrison, Falmouth Surveyor, enclosing letter for Mr A M Jenkins, Falmouth Surveyor, to attend Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug & requesting handing of letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to E M Sellex Esq, London Surveyor, regarding Formal Inquiry into loss of Steam Tug ordered by Minister of Transport, attendance required & requesting calling into Office for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd’s Register, London, to H L Sutherst Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing letter for Mr E M Sellex, London Surveyor, instructing to attend Formal Inquiry & requesting handing letter for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Letter from W J G Hawkins of Ministry of War Transport, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter & Survey Reports for the tug Security, 5th January 1949 1949, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Marine 'A' Division of Ministry of Transport, London, enclosing certified copies requested London & Grimsby Reports on hull & machinery for Security, 4th January 1949 1949, Report of Court for Security, April 1949 1949, Enquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, 27th January 1949 1949, Memo regarding requests by Ministry for Reports on Surveys, 'completed' Wreck case which was filed in basement was copied & supplied to Ministry but all reports not in Wreck case due to 3 reports filed under previous name for Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding inquiry into loss of Security, 22nd January 1949 1949, Newspaper Clipping regarding loss of Security, 4th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as due to entry of water down open port fiddley door & once started little or no chance of any recovery, unfavourable comments on Superintendent of Owners & Masters of Security, 17th March 1949 1949, Letter from Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with gratitude letter with very full information contained therein for Security, 15th October 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding time elapsed since Special Survey & capsizing, enclosing Circulars on War suspension of S S for Security, 12th October 1951 1951, Business Card for Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors & Public Notaries, related to Kingfisher, 19th September 1951 1951, Memo regarding copy of page from 1946/7 edition of Register Book containing particulars & casualty record given to Rowley Ashwort & Co with telephone agreement from Director of Owners of Security, 19th September 1951 1951, Letter from Director of Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter from Solicitors in regard to action relating to foundering of Security, 4th October 1951 1951, Copy of letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding request for 1946 Survey Report, last survey in November 1942, requesting correspondence to explain 4 year period for Security, 18th September 1951 1951, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Connelly v Elliot Steam Tug Co Ltd, Owners, confirming telephone conversation that this matter has now been settled out of Court for Security, 10th June 1952 1952, Memo regarding telephone convesation with Rowley Ashworth & Co regarding deferring serving subpoena until return from special duty in a fortnight's time for Security, 19th March 1952 1952, Letter from Parker Garrett & Co, London, regarding discussion with Mr Bryden on general principles in interests of impartiality in giving evidence, have considered papers left, no facilities to be offered beyond that asked for Security, 17th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding visit to Society's Solicitors to discuss procedure in dealing with the Solicitors on each side, general outline of case was furnished, Owners' consent necessary for information to third parties for Security, 14th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas & Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging with thanks letter with enclosures which are receiving attention for Security, 11th March 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to await telephone call from Mr Bryden for an appointment for purpose of serving subpoenas on Surveyors for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co, London, regarding copies of listed London, Grimsby, Sunderland & Newcastle Reports & Freeboard Reports following in due course for Security, 10th March 1952 1952, Memo regarding Thomas Cooper being requested to submit questionnaires to this Office & their consideration of this suggestion on receipt of copies of reports, arranging to have copies ready by Monday for Security, 7th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, explaining evidence required from Surveyors & requesting permission to interview them by a representative on points arising out of their reports for Security, 5th March 1952 1952, Memo submitting photstat copies of specified reports on hull, London Annual Loadline Survey & Newcastle Interim Certificate be made for Thomas Cooper & Co for Security, 6th March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter with thanks & confirming telephone conversation & will make an appointment to interview Mr Bryden, Principal Surveyor, regarding Security, 3rd March 195 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Exec of Lloyd's Register, London, to Thomas Cooper & Co Ltd, London, regarding action pending against Owners, serving subpoena for Surveyor statements, clarifying Society & Owners' Surveyors for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Letter from Thomas Cooper & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Board of Trade Inquiry into crew loss in sinking of tug, Security in January 1949, actions pending against Owners & need for statements & survey reports for Security, 27th Febr 1952, Letter from W J Ferguson, Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register, London, to Rowley Ashworth & Co, London, regarding law action pending, confirming Surveyors who carried out survey in 1944 & arrangements for their reports for Security, 29th February 1952 1952, Letter from Rowley Ashworth & Co, Solicitors, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Pattison & Connelly v Owners out of loss of tug in December 1946, requesting details of Surveyors to be subpoenaed for Security, 22nd February 1952 1952, Memo regarding production of reports by Surveyors & from Owners point of view the two reports not giving most favourable impression of condition of vessel & reports of April & November 1944 more useful for Security, 27th February 1952 1952, Memo regarding Mr Fullcher of Thomas Cooper & Co looking into papers of Board of Trade enquiry into loss of vessel to refresh memory, no need to furnish survey reports yet, he would like to have a discussion with Mr Bryden for Security, 3rd March 1952 1952, Memo from Fullcher, Solicitor of Thomas Cooper & Co, regarding discussions with parties involved with enquiry into the loss of Security, 14th March 1952 1952, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Note for the attention of S T Bryden for Security, Undated no date, Inquiry into the loss of the Tug Security, Undated no date, List of Survey Reports for Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date, Memo regarding Inquiry into loss of tug, findings of Court as owing to becoming unmanageable in exceptionally heavy weather, acquiring a list & taking heavy water on board, final cause of sinking down to open port fiddley door of Security, Undated no date )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.


+100A1 Steel; Lloyds A & CP for Towing Purposes; +LMC 3,04 ( Steel Steamer Report for Kingfisher, 11th April 1904 1904 )

+LMC 3,04 ( Report on Machinery for Kingfisher, 28th March 1904 1904 )

B S 10,45 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Stoke, 4th October 1945 1945 )

+100A1; For Towing Purposes 11,44; S S 3rd No 3-11,42; +LMC 11,42; B S 10,45; TS 10,42 CL ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Security, 22nd January 1947 1947 )

The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.

An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.

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