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Marietta E ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

10/04/1940 ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

439 ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

London ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940 )

Greenock ( Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940 )

Newcastle on Tyne ( Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940 )

Bowden Cheshire ( Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939 )

Cheshire ( Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939 )

Glasgow ( Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940 )

Manchester ( Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939 )

Sunderland ( Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939 )

Wokingham ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940 )

Port Glasgow; Greenock ( Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940 )

Altrincham; Manchester ( Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940 )

Port Glasgow ( Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940 )

New York ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942 )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Sunk by Submarine ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

05/03/1948 ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1940 ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


William Hamilton & Co Ltd ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Port Glasgow ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Glasgow ( Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942 )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


undefined ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Steam ( Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Request for Inspection Services from The Superheater Co Ltd for Marietta, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Report on Boilers for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Report on Electrical Equipment for Marietta E, 6th July 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Marietta E, 28th December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

The official record pronounced by the Committee

Loss or disposal

Sunk ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Area of ship loss

East Coast of Africa ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding plan of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 23rd October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing Relieving Tackle for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan of arrangement of relieving tackle stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 19th October 1939 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing for consideration prints of arrangement of relieving tackle for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding auxiliary means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Newcastle Surveyors relating to approval of plan of quadrant & tiller for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear quadrant & pinion stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 16th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating plans for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted prepared & submitted to Designers, Sir J Isherwood & Co Ltd, by Builders for Marietta E, 14th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors requesting response regarding plan to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of plan of quadrant & tiller & gear quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors plus stating necessary plans to be submitted for arrangement of blocks & tackle to be fitted to Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing proposed Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Hand Gear Quadrant & Pinion for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt, & noting remarks, of letter regarding Marietta E, 12th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding endorsing approved hull plans with new yard number & enclosing copy of letter relating to proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, regarding approval & classification of proposed construction of duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding classing eligibility & submitting approval for building of duplicate vessel in accordance with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & sketch showing scarphing arrangement at second deck for Marietta E, 11th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting sketch for consideration of Builders' proposal to cut channel frames at second deck of Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors stating plans by Builders relating to approved Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward should be obtained from Builders for Marietta E, 9th October 1939 1939, Memo regarding telephone call from Mr Wake of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd suggesting Greenock Surveyors get in touch with Builders for their plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 8th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding forwarding of requested plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, requesting copies for Greenock Surveyors of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 7th September 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting approved copy of plans of Cruiser Stern Framing, Oil Fuel Bunkers & Strengthening Forward for Marietta E, 5th September 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 25th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th August 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration modified plan of Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 22nd August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding second means of steering & enclosing copy of letter to Greenock Surveyors on the subject for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of reply from Newcastle Surveyors regarding contacting Shipbuilders about proposed main tiller & quadrant & alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be informed of Newcastle Surveyors' discussion with Makers regarding second means of steering & that plan be submitted showing arrangement of blocks & tackle for Marietta E, 11th August 1939 1939, Letter from N G Turnbull, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plan of proposed main tiller & quadrant & communications with Makers on alternative means of steering for Marietta E, 10th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors returning plan of main tiller & quadrant stating approval as shown plus request to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from A McGlashan, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Cast Steel Quadrants, Tillers & Hand Gear Quadrants for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of shaft tunnel for Marietta E, 9th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of shaft tunnel stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 1st August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Shaft Tunnel Plan for Marietta E, 25th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Cruiser Stern Framing Plan for Marietta E, 8th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of cruiser stern framing stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Cruiser Stern Framing for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from P C Gls, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, giving thanks for being advised of further modification of Marietta E, 19th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding renumbering & modification to Marietta E, 18th July 1839 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Deck Girder Plan for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of deck girder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Deck Girder plan for Marietta E, 4th July 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter advising of alterations for Marietta E, 15th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Ishwerwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of letter from Greenock Surveyors regarding modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors noting from received letter of modified yard numbers for Marietta E, 14th July 1939 1939, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating receipt of notification from Builders of modified numbers for Marietta E, 13th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan of oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 12th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads for Marietta E, 11th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan showing oil fuel tank bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing Oil Fuel Tank Bulkheads for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting remarks from received letter of endorsement of approved plans for Marietta E, 29th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding Steel Screw Steamers as duplicates & request to endorse plans already approved with new yard numbers for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood, London, regarding classing with freeboard of proposed Steel Screw Steamers & approval as duplicate of sister ship in accordance with approved plans of Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamers for classing with freeoboard to be built as duplicates with plans approved for sister ship Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a watertight bulkhead plan for Marietta E, 28th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of Watertight Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 27th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 26th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration W T Bulkhead Plan for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing letter regarding approval of plan of profile & decks for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 17th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding plan of proposed profile & deck stating approval as shown plus need for written agreement of Owners on bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Memo submitting approval as shown for plan of proposed profile & deck, watertight bulkheads to be fitted at a reasonable spacing & need for written agreement of Owners on proposed bulkhead spacing for Marietta E, 16th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Profile & Deck plan for Marietta E, 7th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of sternframe plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of sternframe stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of sternframe for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Stern Frame Plan for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter returning copy of rudder plan for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a plan of rudder for Marietta E, 9th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of rudder stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 8th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration Rudder plan for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approved plan of midship section & enclosing further letter regarding list of equipment for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter with approved Midship Section plan for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of plan of midship section of proposed Steel Screw Steamer stating approval as shown & eligibility of class for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Memo regarding proposed Steel Screw Steamer for classing, submitting approval as shown for plan of midship section & eligibility of class with freeboard for Marietta, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan of Midship Section for Marietta E, 23rd May 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving modified list giving particulars of proposed equipment for Marietta E, 6th June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, returning copy of modified list of particulars of proposed equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of increased length of after deckhouses by Builders & submitting modified list of equipment for Marietta E, 3rd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of a list of particulars of proposed equipment to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th June 1939 1939, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter approving list giving particulars of equipment proposed for Marietta E, 2nd June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copy of letter with copy of list of equipment referred to for Marietta E, 1st June 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied for Marietta E, 30th May 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, regarding letter with order & plans of proposed superheaters stating approval provided steel castings made at approved Works & tested for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Birmingham Surveyors regarding The Superheater Co & Tubes Ltd for supply of mild steel tubing in connection with proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1939, Superheater Endorsement submitting that plans of superheaters merit approval provided steel castings made at approved works & tested with safety valves fitted for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from W A Jarvis, The Superheater Co Ltd, Cheshire, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copies of drawings showing Superheaters for approval, their construction with elements & testing for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, forwarding plans of proposed main & auxiliary boilers citing approval for working pressures, construction & testing for Marietta E, 24th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of main cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed letter with plans for consideration of proposed Main & Auxiliary Boilers for Marietta E, 10th July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Boiler Endorsement submitting that plan of auxiliary cylindrical multitubular boilers merits approval for working pressure, construction & testing plus advising Steel Testing Surveyors of tensile strengths for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter with plan of proposed Light Oil Fuel Tank stating approval provided tank construction & testing for Marietta E, 31st October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from M McAndrews per Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter with plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing plan of proposed Tank for Light Oil Fuel for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter regarding Auxiliary Generating Sets stating approval in view of amended engine particulars & pressures for Marietta E, 9th November 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Letter from M Caldwell, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding supplied Diesel Generating Sets & Owners ordering the Auxiliaries for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Letter from L R Horne, Sunderland Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding ordered Diesel Auxiliary sets for Marietta E, 28th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sunderland Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors having submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors informing of Manchester Surveyors’ submitted plan of crankshafts proposed for Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets & requesting confirmation of vessels for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors regarding plan of proposed crankshaft & approval based on crank web size, crankshaft dimensions & minimum tensile strengths for Marietta E, 27th October 1939 1939, Auxiliary Oil Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting crank shaft sizes meriting approval for engines driving auxiliary machinery & plan of crankshaft meriting approval for crank web size & minimum tensile strength for Marietta E, 26th October 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding orders for 6 Diesel Auxiliary Generating Sets, attached sheet of engine details & enclosed plan of crankshaft for Marietta E, 20th October 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter returning copy of General Pumping Arrangement Plan for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of an amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, informing of approval as shown of plan of General Pumping Arrangement for Marietta E, 18th August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that amended plan of General Pumping Arrangement merits approval for Marietta E, 14th August 1939 1939, Letter from J Malcolm, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approved plan of general pumping arrangements & enclosing plan of pumping in machinery space for Marietta E, 4th August 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors enclosing copy of letter relating to plan of general pumping arrangements for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, regarding approval of plan of general pumping arrangements & mention of plans of machinery space suctions & oil fuel piping for Marietta E, 3rd August 1939 1939, Letter from N H Burgess, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration prints of Pumping plan for Marietta E, 27th July 1939 1939, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary to Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, (Wokingham), enclosing letter from Mr Findlay regarding First Entry Report for Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of Russell Newbery oil engine for auxiliary generators on Marietta E, 13th August 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding fitting of auxiliary oil engine for generators on Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding now closed tonnage arrangement, increased draught & classification with freeboard for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Letter from Malcolm K Scott, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing report of machinery built by Russell Newbery for Marietta E, 19th June 1940 1940, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Memo regarding vessel type, construction, scantlings & required notation regarding omission of tween deck portions of bulkheads not extending to shelter deck of Marietta E, 30th April 1940 1940, Steel Steamer Report for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting Greenock Surveyors be requested to return report on Russell Newbery's auxiliary oil engine for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of difficulty in manufacture of vertical scarph coupling for rudder frame & submitting revised sketch by Builders for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing print of Builders' proposals for rudder frame in accordance with original approved plans provided coupling is vertical for Marietta E, 1st June 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plan of Fabricated Rudder & Builders stating no possibility of obtaining Rudder & Stock as originally ordered for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from Thomas Mess of William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging letter relating to compensating rider plates for Upper & Lower Mounting Angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 24th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Hamilton & Co Ltd, Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, informing of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Builders of extension from centre line of compensating rider plates for upper & lower mounting angles of hatch webs for Marietta E, 22nd May 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders being notified of request that the Detail of Bilge Pipe Tube passing through Oil Fuel Cross Bunker be submitted for Marietta E, 9th May 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph William Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing arrangement & details of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 16th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to J Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bulkhead in tween decks stating approval as shown plus non-compliance of tonnage opening cover plates for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding Plan of Tween Deck Bulkheads, Builder's proposal to extend watertight bulkheads to upper deck submitted for approval & informing Designers of non-compliance of tonnage open cover plates for tonnage exemption for Marietta E, 15th March 1940 1940, Letter from G Wake, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, submitting for consideration plan showing additional bulkheads in tween decks for Marietta E, 11th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Memo regarding building & classing of duplicate vessel plus mention of Owners considering recommendations by Ministry of Shipping & requirement for separate modification plans for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding confirmation by Builders & Steering Gear Makers that tackle supplied will be fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyors, regarding plans of Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear plus arrangement of supplied block & tackle for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo regarding Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant submitted by Newcastle Surveyors stating approval as shown plus arrangement of blocks & tackle fitted as auxiliary means of steering for Marietta E, 26th February 1940 1940, Memo from H B Johnson, Newcastle-on-Tyne Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding plans for consideration showing Cast Steel Quadrant, Tiller & Handgear Quadrant & Pinion for Steering Gear proposed for Marietta E, 23rd February 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors regarding deferring of approved hull plans due to certain modifications to be made to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Memo submitting informing Greenock Surveyors of deferred endorsement of plans due to certain modifications being considered by Owners to comply with recommendations of Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 21st February 1940 1940, Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, attaching copy of previously forwarded letter & requesting instructions for Marietta E, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from Greenock Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Builders contracted to build duplicate vessel & requesting authorisation to endorse approved hull plans for duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 8th February 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of returned plan showing arrangement of bottom construction for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Greenock Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter regarding approval of plan showing bottom construction in way of main watertight bulkheads for Marietta E, 4th January 1940 1940, Letter from William Isherwood, Director of Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing sketch showing arrangement of bottom construction discussed with Ministry of Shipping for Marietta E, 2nd January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding engines, crank & screw plus approved plans showing details of shafting for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Steam Engine Shafting Endorsement submitting that Steam Reciprocating Engines with stated particulars of engines & shafting merit approval for Marietta E, 13th March 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration of Committee plans of proposed Crank, Thrust, Tunnel & Screw Shafts for Marietta E, 8th March 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning copy of plan of proposed Electrical Equipment stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 24th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting plans for cable layout merit approval for Marietta E, 23rd January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans of Electrical Installation proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 19th January 1940 1940, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, noting that plans of cable layout will be forwarded for consideration in due course for Marietta E, 11th January 1940 1940, Electrical Equipment Endorsement submitting that plans of main switchboard merit approval for Marietta E, 10th January 1940 1940, Letter from H G Findlay, Glasgow Electrical Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary, of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing for consideration of Committee plans & letter relating to Electrical Switchboards proposed to be fitted in Marietta E, 9th January 1940 1940, Letter from Campbell & Isherwood Ltd, Glasgow, Electrical Installers, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing copies of drawing relating to Switchboards to be supplied for Marietta E, 5th January 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Manchester Surveyors, enclosing copy of letter & plan regarding proposed superheaters for Marietta E, 1st November 1939 1940, Letter from C R Willis, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to query regarding main engine bilge pumps & enclosing additional set of verified copies of plans for Marietta E, 7th May 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of approval of plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Spaces & Steam Pipes for arrangements shown for Marietta E, 25th April 1940 1940, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement submitting that plans of Pumping Arrangement in Machinery Space merit approval as shown & plans of Steam Pipes merit approval as shown with draining arrangements for Marietta E, 24th April 1940 1940, Letter from A J Brown, Glasgow Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting for consideration plans of proposed Pipe Arrangement for Marietta E, 17th April 1940 1940, Letter from Archd N Grierson of David Rowan & Co Ltd, Glasgow, to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, sending prints of Pipe Arrangement of Bilge, Ballast, Oil Fuel & Steam plus drawings of Drain Arrangement & Main & Aux Steam Pipes for Marietta E, 15th April 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from New York Surveyors to Owners, c/o Blidberg Rothschild & Co, New York, advising of survey & recommendation of centre boiler combustion chambers & tubes to be specially examined for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Letter from Superintendent Engineer of The Counties Ship Management Co Ltd, Managers, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, informing of recent loss by enemy action of Marietta E, 19th March 1943 1943, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage survey, permanent repairs to indented sheerstrake plating, setting down Main deck plating, indented hatch coaming, deck rails & fittings for Marietta E, 5th March 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, Memo submitting informing Newcastle Surveyors of approval of plan of main tiller & quadrant stating plus requesting them to discuss with Makers secondary means of steering per Board of Trade's decision for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Letter from H L Swinton, Greenock Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating approved hull plans endorsed with new Yard Number for proposed duplicate vessel of Marietta E, 13th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of sketch showing proposed scarphing arrangements at second deck stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 10th October 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to The Surveyors, Greenock, regarding approval of deck girder plan for Marietta E, 17th July 1939 1939, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & list giving particulars of equipment proposed to be supplied & informing of approval of equipment for Marietta E, 1st June 193 1939, Boiler Endorsement for Marietta E, 21st July 1939 1939, Note submitting that the plan of OT 42903 merits approval for Marietta E, 30th October 1939 1939, Note submitting that the amended particulars are forwarded for Marietta E, 6th November 1939 1939, Letter from J W Leicester, Manchester Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding amendment to Engine particulars in relation to Six Auxiliary Generating Sets for Marietta E, 2nd November 1939 1939, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement for Marietta E, 31st July 1939 1939, Extract from freeboard verification of marking form regarding Marietta E, 15th August 1910 1940, Memo regarding sister ships for Marietta E, 8th August 1940 1940, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Marietta E, 25th June 1940 1940, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Marietta E, 7th August 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Hull for Marietta E, 27th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 29th July 1940 1940, Memo submitting that reports for Marietta E are forwarded to the Greenock surveyors for their guidance & completion, 18th June 1940 1940, Note submitting that further action is unnecessary until auxiliary engine has been fitted on board Marietta E, 6th March 1940 1940, Profile & Deck Plans, as built, for for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Marietta E, 17th June 1940 1940, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir Joseph W Isherwood & Co Ltd, Kent, returning copy of plan showing arrangement of Isherwood Steel Hatch Covers stating approval as shown for Marietta E, 14th March 1940 1940, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Marietta E, 31st December 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Marietta E, Undated no date, Note regarding contents being returned from Glasgow for Marietta E, Undated no date, List of Equipment for Marietta E, undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date, Data Sheet for Petrol, Paraffin & Heavy Oil Engines for Driving Auxiliary Machinery for Marietta E, Undated no date )

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