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Connecticut ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

con ( Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937 )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

01/09/1938 ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

4327 ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

Sparrows Point, Maryland ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938 )

New York ( Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940 )

London ( Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939 )

Quincy, Massachusetts ( Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937 )

Baltimore Maryland ( Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938 )

Sparrows Point Maryland; Baltimore ( Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938 )

Quincy Massachusetts; Boston Massachusetts ( Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938 )

Milwaukee Wis; Cleveland, Ohio ( Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938 )

Sparrows Point, Maryland; Baltimore ( Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939 )

Carteret N J; New York ( Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938 )

Lynn Mass; Boston Massachusetts ( Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938 )

Sparrows Point; Baltimore ( Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938 )

Philadelphia ( Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938 )

Sparrows Point Md ( Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938 )

Berks ( Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940 )

Galveston Texas; Galveston, Texas ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942 )

Galveston Texas ( Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942 )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

The official record pronounced by the Committee

Loss or disposal

Missing ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

__/__/0000 ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Name of surveyor.


William Bennett ( Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940 )

William Rennie ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942 )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.

An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.

The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.

Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.

The name of the port/place of destination given.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1938 ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Bethlehem Steel Co ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Baltimore, Maryland ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

undefined ( Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939 )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Missing ( Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 12th October 1927 1927, Plan of Lower Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey for Connecticut, 3rd June 1937 1937, Plan of Midship Section for Connecticut, 21st July 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Copy of Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor New York, to Bethelehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Quincy Mass, regarding plans for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Plan of Upper Drum Details for Foster Wheeler Boiler for Connecticut, 30th November 1937 1937, Arrangement & Details of Shafting Plan for Connecticut, 26th October 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 27th July 1938 1938, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 19th November 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Report on Water Tube Boilers for Connecticut, 12th May 1938 1938, Report on Auxiliary Steam Turbine Machinery for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Turbine Engine Electric Generator Sets for Connecticut, 11th July 1938 1938, Report on Small Air Tank for Connecticut, 11th November 1938 1938, Report on Electric Fittings for Connecticut, 13th December 1938 1938, Scantling Profile & Deck Plan for Connecticut, 21st January 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor New York, to The Secretary Lloyd's Register London, regarding Plans for Connecticut, 17th November 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding unapproved proposal for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Copy of Telegram regarding plans approved for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor New York, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Sparrows Point Md, regarding plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Extract from a letter dated 30th March 1939 from the Society New York Office, regarding non-receipt of test certificates of the electric motors for Connecticut 1939, Steel Steamer Report for Connecticut, 4th January 1939 1939, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the engine & machinery for Connecticut, 31st January 1939 1939, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Damage for Connecticut, 3rd April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Connecticut, 7th April 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Connecticut, Undated no date )

Has not been Heard of ( Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of Special Survey Request Form & noting materials testing by Surveyors for Connecticut, 14th June 1937 1937, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing survey request form & advising of both Hull & Machinery materials to be tested & inspected by Surveyors for Connecticut, 4th June 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 30th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 28th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copies of plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 18th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Foster Wheel Corp, boiler makers, with copies of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from New York Snr Engineer Surveyor to Foster Wheeler Corporation, New York, boiler makers, regarding plans of General Arrangement & Drums stating approval for working pressure & Fusion Welded Drum boiler regs for Connecticut, 10th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, relating to Main Reduction Gears for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, Builders, regarding plans for Main Reduction Gears stating approval as shown & satisfactory full power test for Connecticut, 1st December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, Builders, regarding plan of Propeller stating approval as shown & test of castings for Connecticut, 23rd November 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, with plan showing Arrangement & Details of Shafting for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan of Arrangement & Details of Shafting stating approval as shown & testing of forgings for Connecticut, 29th October 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of Sect Assembly & Arrangement of Blading L P Turbine stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plan of H P Turbine & Flexible Coupling stating approval as shown subject to testing & turbine power for Connecticut, 30th July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned approved plan for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding drawings of L P Turbine Casing, Lower Half Forward stating approval as shown & subject to testing for Connecticut, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, stating Maximum SHP particulars of H P & L P Turbines for Connecticut, 19th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding H P Turbine Rotor requesting power & revolutions per minute of turbines for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of plans referred to of H P Turbine Rotor for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, New York Senior Engineer Surveyor, to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of H P Turbine Rotor stating approval as shown & testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt & noting contents of letters regarding Turbine details & Shafting for Connecticut, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of mentioned plan of Turbine Details for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from New York Senior Engineer Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Massachusetts, regarding plans of Turbines, Blading & Shafts stating approval as shown & for testing of forgings & castings for Connecticut, 13th August 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copy of approved plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 2nd September 1937 1937, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp with copies of approved plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 15th December 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copies of approved plans of Scantling, Stern Frame, Rudder & Stem for Connecticut, 2nd December 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of profile & decks, sternframe approved in New York Office & points to be drawn to Surveyors' attention on thickness of platings, fitting of engine seating & girder under poop deck for Connecticut, 14th December 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to New York Surveyors acknowledging receipt of letter with copies of plans of midship section & typical midship bulkhead for Connecticut, 11th August 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed building of Single Screw Tanker, classing for Carrying Petroleum in Bulk, approved plans of midship section & midship bulkhead approved by New York Office for Connecticut, 10th August 1937 1937, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd with approved plans for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from New York Principal Surveyor to Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, Massachusetts, enclosing plans of Midship Section & Typical Midship Bulkead stating class eligibility for Connecticut, 28th July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding received letter relating to proposed electrical equipment & noting amendments in order for Connecticut, 14th December 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, requesting current standing on matter of proposed electrical equipment for Connecticut, 25th October 1938 1938, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, reverting to previous letter regarding furnishing plans of proposed Electrical Equipment & details for Connecticut, 29th August 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of radiogram relating to approved plans subject to switches, wiring in pump rooms & ventilating motors for Connecticut, 24th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, informing of approval of plans of proposed Electrical Equipment with amendments on switches, wiring & fuses for Connecticut, 23rd May 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment, submitting New York Surveyors informed that plans merit approval provided amendments made for switches, wiring in pump rooms, ventilating fans, feeder cables for shore supply & fuses for Connecticut, 20th May 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter from shipbuilders with plans of proposed arrangements for Electric Power & Lighting Installation for Connecticut, 10th May 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, to Lloyd's Register, New York, enclosing drawings for Cable & Equipment List, Electrical Installation & Engine Rooms for Connecticut, 6th May 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, advising omission of trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generators not approved for Connecticut, 31st March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electric Light Installation, submitting that New York Surveyors be informed no justification for omission of trip switches on emergency governor & notifying them by cable for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing letter regarding request to omit trip switches on emergency governor of turbo driven generator for Connecticut, 22nd March 1938 1938, Letter from W E Thau, Marine Department of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia, to Mr J Heck of Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding simplification of case by eliminating emergency governor trip switch for Connecticut, 17th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding proposed Emergency Lighting Circuit with some emergency lights in engine & boiler rooms at 220 volts for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, submitting no exception to be taken for small number of emergency lights confined to engine & boiler rooms supplied at 220 volts with plain marking to distinguish them from 110 volts for Connecticut, 29th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding proposal by Shipbuilders to establish a few 220 volt lights confined to engine room as emergency lighting for Connecticut, 16th March 1938 1938, Letter from D D Thomas, Superintendent of Ship Construction & Repairs for Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, to Lloyd's Register, New York, regarding emergency lighting circuit in engine & boiler room at 220 volts for Connecticut, 8th March 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, regarding plans of proposed Switchboard with observations on 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Memo regarding Electrical Installation, New York Surveyors having approved plans of main switchboard to avoid delay, examination & notes for compliance relating to 240v emergency lighting & feeder cable sizes for Connecticut, 16th February 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Senior Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of Switchboard for consideration & taking responsibility on pressing for approval for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to General Electric Co, New York, regarding plans for Manual Switchboard stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 7th February 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Main Reduction Gear, enclosing copy of letter from builders & copy of self-explanatory reply for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, regarding plans of Main Reduction Gear stating approval as shown & returning signed amended plans for Connecticut, 8th August 1938 1938, Letter from B T Lodding, Chief Engine Draftsman to John S Heck, New York Surveyor, enclosing plans relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, For Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders regarding Water Piping plans for Connecticut, 2nd August 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders & copy of plan mentioned therein regarding Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plan referred to plus requesting report on being equipped for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from Principal Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plan for approval of Air Tank for Compressed Air System & reporting on works for pressure vessel welding for Connecticut, 20th July 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Builders with copy of plans mentioned therein for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Steel Co, Maryland, regarding plans for Steam & Exhaust Piping, Fitting Lists, Flange & Valve Lists stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 23rd June 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc with copy of plan mentioned therein for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, Snr Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Todd Combustion Equipment Inc, New York, regarding plan of cast steel fuel oil service heaters stating approval as shown for working pressure for Connecticut, 30th March 1938 1938, Letter from John S Heck, for Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter with copies of plans mentioned therein relating to Main Reduction Gear for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Senior Engineer Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, New York, to Builders, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Maryland, regarding amended plans for Sectional, Base & General Assembly stating approval as shown for Connecticut, 15th January 1938 1938, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, acknowledging receipt of letter together with copy of approved plan of rudder for Connecticut, 18th March 1938 1938, Letter from W Bennett, Principal Surveyor for USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of plan of approved Rudder for Connecticut, 10th March 1937 1938, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, requesting copy of letter to be able to reply to regarding case of Connecticut, 28th December 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, regarding electrical companies resenting to supply test data & demanding fees for Connecticut, 18th September 1939 1939, Memo regarding lack of essential information on certificates of test, New York Surveyors stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data & Society's requirements less stringent than American Bureau for Connecticut, 14th September 1939 1939, Letter from John S Heck, New York Surveyor, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing certificates of heat runs & stating electrical companies showing resentment to supply test data on motors for Connecticut, 1st September 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, informing of abbreviated tests on motors not being compliant with requirements for Connecticut, 22nd May 1939 1939, Memo regarding Electrical Test Reports & Petroleum in Bulk, AIEE Standards on motors & generators considered equivalent to Society's requirement & New York Surveyors submitting reports of abbreviated tests not complying for Connecticut, 15th May 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 21st April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, New York, to Baltimore Surveyors requesting test certificates for electric motors of Connecticut, 14th April 1939 1939, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor for US & Canada, to R P Hutchinson of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding length & capacity of double bottom tank & steps taken for certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 10th March 1939 1939, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding First Entry Survey, classing for carrying petroleum in bulk & Surveyors being requested to state length & capacity of double bottom tank for Connecticut, 26th January 1939 1939, Letter from Clerk of Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, to William Bennett Esq, New York Surveyor, regarding correspondence & unsatisfactory receipt of reports without certificates for electric motors for Connecticut, 5th April 1940 1940, Memo submitting New York Surveyors be informed there was no intermingling of cases in correspondence, unsatisfactory that Reports were received in January 1939 but certificates for electric motors only in September for Connecticut, 2nd April 1940 1940, Letter from William Bennett, Principal Surveyor of USA & Canada, New York, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Wokingham, enclosing letter from Mr John S Heck, New York Surveyor, in response to letter of 18th September on Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter from John S Heck, Principal Engineer Surveyor, New York, to Principal Surveyor, New York, regarding intermingling of vessel cases, forwarding of certificates & pointing out English & American practises differing for Connecticut, 20th February 1940 1940, Letter to William Bennett Esq, Principal Surveyor of US & Canada, New York, responding to SOS letter & forwarding copy of official letter in question regarding Connecticut, 19th January 1940 1940 )

Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.

Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

The name of the port/place from which a vessel’s voyage originated.

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