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18 results
Midship Section Plan for Koshin Maru, 30th September 1924
Date of document: 30/09/1924
Koshin Maru
Letter from H Jasper Cox, to The Secretary, London, regarding Koshin Maru, 10th November 1924
Date of document: 10/11/1924
Koshin Maru
Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Koshin Maru, 13th November 1924
Date of document: 13/11/1924
Koshin Maru
Letter from L H F Young, to The Secretary, London, regarding Koshin Maru, 7th November 1924
Date of document: 07/11/1924
Koshin Maru
Letter from L H F Young, to The Secretary, London, regarding Koshin Maru, 9th October 1924
Date of document: 09/10/1924
Koshin Maru
Freeboard Verification Form for Japanese Steamers for Koshin Maru, 11th July 1924
Date of document: 11/07/1924
Koshin Maru
Copy of Letter from Assistant to the Secretary, to The Surveyors, Kobe, regarding Koshin Maru, 15th December 1924
Date of document: 15/12/1924
Koshin Maru
Steel Steamer Report for Koshin Maru, 9th October 1924
Date of document: 09/10/1924
Koshin Maru
Letter from L H F Young, to The Secretary, London, regarding Koshin Maru, 18th December 1924
Date of document: 18/12/1924
Koshin Maru
Report on Machinery for Koshin Maru, 5th August 1924
Date of document: 05/08/1924
Koshin Maru
Plan of Structural Arrangement for Koshin Maru, 20th September 1924
Date of document: 20/09/1924
Koshin Maru
Certificate of the Ship Load Line, partially in Japanese, for Koshin Maru, 22nd July 1924
Date of document: 22/07/1924
Koshin Maru
Letter from H Jasper Cox, Kobe Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding classification for Koshin Maru, 24th March 1927
Date of document: 24/03/1927
Koshin Maru
Survey for Freeboard for Koshin Maru, 1924
Date of document: __/__/1924
Koshin Maru
Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Koshin Maru, 24th July 1924
Date of document: 24/07/1924
Koshin Maru
Certificate of Survey for Koshin Maru, 16th March 1927
Date of document: 16/03/1927
Koshin Maru
Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Koshin Maru, 24th March 1927
Date of document: 24/03/1927
Koshin Maru
Plan of Boiler for Lakeport, 22nd February 1916
Date of document: 22/02/1916