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6662 results Most recent
  • Marsim 1984






    Third Intl Conf held in Rotterdam 19 - 22 June 1984 Papers are Training and testing of pilots and VTS operators on simulators in the Netherlands The United States maritime administrations ship simulation research programme - the first decade Application of real time ship manoeuvring simulator in the past ten years The role of NMI in simulation Bridge simulator training system differences - third mate - pilot The combined training of vessel traffic services operators and shipmasters/pilots using a ship handling simulator Equivalency of simulator exercises in meeting IMO training standards for real world experience The full mission marine simulator as a teaching aid (an approach to a training philosophy) The design implementation and evaluation of simulator based bridge watchkeeping training for cadets Evaluation of simulator based training in visual navigation for junior Royal Navy officers and its transfer to sea Enhancing transfer to sea for a simulator based research project Use of simulators for radar and navigation training vs use of training vessels for the same purpose Human error and casualties - the exploration of cognitive and perceptual processes in the design of navigational judgement and decision making training programmes The interaction of rate of movement presentation with ships controllabity Development of a multi configuration machinery space simulator and experiments in interfacing with a ship handling simulator



    Date published




  • Matching marine burner performance with reduced emissions to boiler efficiency


    W W Findlay


    Institute of Marine Engineers


    The marine contribution to global environmental pollution by exhaust gas emission of NOx and SOx is assessed: the emission reduction targets proposed in a new annex to MARPOL 73/78 are outlined together with survey and certification requirements. Compliance in respect of ships' boilers burning either fuel oil or waste oil is discussed with attention to significant factors in developing combustion technology to optimise efficiency and limit emissions particular attention is paid to burner design and specification (size type load demand and flame characteristics) and to additional NOx reduction strategies including control of O2 availability and control of combustion temperature (for which the techniques of air and fuel staging water and steam injection and exhaust gas re-circulation are described in detail) and selective absorption by catalytic and non-catalytic reduction.


    W W Findlay

    Date published



    Institute of Marine Engineers

  • Merchant Ship Applications of Medium Speed Geared Diesel Engines and Associated Auxiliary Machinery


    G I Buchanan

    Date published



    The results of a study into auxiliary machinery for the main propulsion plant for three ocean-going merchant ships are presented. The concepts aims and advantages of packaged machinery installations and auxiliary machinery modules are reviewed and basic machinery arrangements single versus twin engines controllable versus fixed pitch propellers and alternator drive refrigerated cargo liner bulk carrier and tanker arrangements are described. Module and system design are examined and main engine cooling water lubricating oil L.P. steam gearing lubricating C.P. propeller oil and oil fuel systems etc. are discussed. Main gearing and clutches controls electric switchboard and futu re trends in machinery arrangements and installation and erection techniques are considered.


    G I Buchanan

    Date published


  • Mid-life crisis! How to cope with new high energy systems late in life


    Kevin Daffey ; Chris Hodge

    Date published



    New build vessels in ten years time will be expected to be ready to accept the new technologies becoming available to navies over this period. However there will be a pressing operational need to be able to update the ships designed and built without the capability to support these new high energy devices. The challenge will be to provide cost-effective power system modifications at mid-life refits enabling the fitting of new high energy technologies and their associated supporting systems. This paper attempts to predict what options could be available for this purpose and relates their applicability to the different types of propulsion currently being used in existing warships. Also the paper discusses the new technology of High Temperature Super-Conducting fault current limiters. After some introductory information attention is given briefly in turn to requirements constraints/assumptions power/propulsion system types and an example propulsion system. Next options available for backfitting high energy devices are looked at followed by consideration of high temperature fault current limiting device.


    Kevin Daffey ; Chris Hodge

    Date published


  • MM-technology and its application to ship generators and motors


    P Ehrhart ; L Sozzi


    IMarE Conferences and Symposia


    The MM-technology of Magnet-Motor in Starnberg Germany has been developed and manufactured in small series electric components and systems based on permanent magnet technology power electronics and microprocessor control devices for more than 15 years. The main components of the MM propulsion system are: electrical machines active inverters and system control. Development of the technology is described and covers power electronics magnetodynamic storage (MDS) and system control. Examples of military land vehicles with MM propulsion technology are given. An agreement with ABB Industria SpA to utilise the modularity conception of permanent magnet motors for ships is described. The main technical aspects of the electric power architecture of the WFES planned by the German Budesamt fur Wehrtechnik and Beschaffung (BWB) and the design and technical characteristics of the Magnet-Motor components for that ship are explained.


    P Ehrhart ; L Sozzi

    Date published



    IMarE Conferences and Symposia

  • Model experiments to determine the survivability limits of damaged roro ferries in waves


    D Molyneux ; J Rousseau ; D Cumming

    Date published



    The Canadian Marine Safety Directorate and the Transportation Development Centre supported by Transport Canada have sponsored a series of model tests to determine the effectiveness of the current SOLAS Regulations regarding survivability of roro ferries and the possibility of their safe relaxation for domestic ships operating in sheltered waters. Initial findings made using a prismatic hull to examine capsize mechanisms and the benefits of installing drains on the car deck are outlined prior to a report of tests in which a model of a simplified hull form (derived from that of small Canadian ferries) was used to determine the effects of changes to stability parameters residual freeboard vertical centre of gravity and area of freeing ports on the maximum survivable significant waveheight. The results are discussed with reference to current international requirements.


    D Molyneux ; J Rousseau ; D Cumming

    Date published


  • New demands on offshore terminal tugs


    Robert G Allan

    Date published



    With the advent of offshore LNG and oil loading and offloading terminals in areas exposed to more severe wind and sea-states than was previously the norm has come the demand for a new generation of tugboats capable of providing sustained control over the attended ships in these conditions. The lack of published information on how tugs can perform in such conditions has led to demands for more absolute information on the performance degradation of tugs in a seaway and simultaneously demands for larger and more powerful tugboats to perform these functions. The author's company has carried out independent research into the subject of tug performance in a seaway as well as evaluating tug-ship interaction forces in a seaway leading to a new generation of powerful tug designs capable of performing reliably under more extreme sea-states. Two new classes of offshore tug resulting from this research are described in detail as well as the results of some of the research.


    Robert G Allan

    Date published


  • New developments in marine fuels and lubricants - the influence of the changing scene in shipping


    D W Golothan

    Date published



    Seaborne trading patterns are discussed the rise in oil trade bulk carriers and container ships being noted. Diesel steam turbine gas turbine and nuclear propulsion units are mentioned. Fuels are discussed including heavy and distillate fuels the possibility of engines burning crude oil and gas turbine fuels. Aviation gas turbines are the predominant type for marine use but the industrial gas turbine is being considered. Lubricant developments are mentioned Highly alkaline cylinder oils are popular for slow speed diesel engines including the "super large bore" engines. The low sulphur problem giving rise to cylinder and piston wear is discussed. Running-in of engines and system oils piston engine oils and turbine oils are discussed.


    D W Golothan

    Date published


  • New trawl-resistant bottom mount to support hydrographic current measurement requirements


    S C Cumbee ; P Clay

    Date published



    The NAVOCEANO (Naval Oceanographic Office) mission is global with a present emphasis in the littoral regions. Many of these regions are heavily trawled so traditional moorings do not survive very long. These conditions contribute to sparse data collection from these areas resulting in limited knowledge of the currents in the littoral zone. While NAVOCEANO’s large TRBMs (trawl-resistant bottom mounts) have provided exceptional data sets in some of these areas their use is limited. A solution is presented - designing a miniature TRBM using the RD Instruments WHM-ADCP (Workhorse Monitor Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) and a separate battery pack lying sideways. Initially the miniature TRBM will be used to obtain current measurements to meet IHO (International Hydrographic Organisation) Class A standards aboard two hydrographic ships.


    S C Cumbee ; P Clay

    Date published


  • Ninth tug convention


    K Troup


    Thomas Reed


    Ninth Int Conv held in London in June 1986 Papers are Towing large concrete structures in narrow fiords Tugs for use in an LNG port Synthetic towlines in ocean towing A tug boat family Tug performance in waves Towing disabled tankers into ports The design construction and operation of two right angled drive tugs for the port of Dampier Introduction of shipborne microprocessors remote control A time for needed change - current developments in the international law of marine salvage Marine salvage - a comparison between the commercial and military requirements Future trends of tug design in Australia Theory and practice in tow line loading Major ship salvage down under - the problems of providing comprehensive services including towage in the modern environment Noise control in tug design - a theoretical and practical approach The tug and the stopping tanker Tugs support and supply ships - a classification view Barging The trend of ocean going tugbarge development A pilots comments and opinions on harbour tugs Experience with three man crews in Hamburg The optimum harbour tug


    K Troup

    Date published



    Thomas Reed

  • Non-linear effects of roll damping tanks on ship motions


    Carsten Schumann ; Ricardo Pereira

    Date published



    For many types of ships u-tube or free surface roll damping tanks are widely used to reduce roll angle in severe seaway conditions. In contrast to fin or rudder stabilisers the tanks are effective even for low-ship speeds. The application of two numerical methods of computing the flow in u-tube and free surface roll damping tanks are described. These methods account for the most important non-linear effects in tank flows. 1) the programs based on these methods are integrated in a non-linear time simulation strip program; 2) response curves of tanks are computed with the mentioned tank programs and the results are incorporated in a linear strip program; 3) with both strip programs (linear and non-linear) sea keeping computations are carried out and the results are compared.


    Carsten Schumann ; Ricardo Pereira

    Date published


  • Nonlinear time domain simulation technology for seakeeping and wave-load analysis for modern ship design


    Y S Shin ; V L Belenky ; W M Lin et al.

    Date published



    This paper describes recent developments and new applications in the field of numerical simulation for nonlinear ship motions using the Large Amplitude Motion Program (LAMP). The objective of LAMP's development is to develop an analysis tool for highly realistic prediction of wave loads and behaviour for a ship in severe seas. This approach is based on physics and does not rely on statistical information gathered from model tests or existing ships so it is expected to be especially useful for new ship types. The kernel of LAMP is panel-based potential flow solution of the ship-wave hydrodynamic problem with many numerical options including a recently-added Rankine singularity model with a damping beach and an option to rapidly compute the perturbation potential using pre-computed Impulse Response Function (IRF) potentials. The paper describes important implementation details for these and other computational options added since 1997. The paper evaluates the use of passive anti-roll tanks to mitigate parametric roll resonance. Results are presented from studies for an advanced Naval hull form a trimaran and a semi-submersible platform.


    Y S Shin ; V L Belenky ; W M Lin et al.

    Date published


  • Numerical simulation of micro-bubble drag reduction of a full-scale ship


    Asako Murakami ; Takafumi Kawamura ; Munehiko Hinatsu

    Date published



    In recent years there has been an increase in the development of energy saving technologies. In the shipbuilding industry as the frictional drag accounts for up to 80% of the total drag of a ship the technologies that decrease this frictional drag obviously play an important part in the conservation of energy. Until now the only method which could be practically applied to a ship was the bubble method. This method is now being developed in order to decrease the frictional drag of ships. This method is a clean one in which bubbles are injected into the boundary layer over the ship bottom and its effect has been proven in full-scale experiments. However optimisation of the airflow rate and the location of bubble injector based on scale model experiments is difficult because of the problem of the scale effect. Therefore a numerical simulator is needed. In this study


    Asako Murakami ; Takafumi Kawamura ; Munehiko Hinatsu

    Date published


  • On damping of torsional vibration in a propulsion system having a fluid drive


    R E D Bishop ; W G Price ; P K Y Tam

    Date published



    The limiting of resonant torsional vibration in a ships propulsion system by damping is discussed. Precautions taken during design to render resonance harmless and the necessary checks using overall modal damping factors or distributed damping are considered. The need to use the latter method is illustrated with reference to a particular diesel propulsion system which failed in service. The propulsion system steady forced torsional vibration resonant torsional vibration in principal modes measured values and coupling of the principal modes are described. It is shown that the effects of the damping can be radically different depending on whether or not the damping couples to the principal modes.


    R E D Bishop ; W G Price ; P K Y Tam

    Date published


  • On the deformation control of thin plate fillet weld by applying the mechanical tensioning method


    Joo-Sung Lee

    Date published



    Weld-induced deformation is one of the most issues from the point of efficiency in marine structure production. Recently the portion of thin plate usage has been increased to reduce hull weight and thin plate takes a larger proportion in the ships with multi-decks such as PCTC cruiser line etc. Heat transfer is also more serious when using thin plate rather than thick plate because heat affect zone is wider when using thin plate when the heat input is the same. Among weld-induced deformation buckling deformation due to shrinkage and residual stress in weld line direction is one of the most serious deformation types. This paper is concerned with controlling the buckling deformation of thin plate fillet weld by applying the tensioning method. Firstly


    Joo-Sung Lee

    Date published


  • Ongoing development of two ballast water treatment technologies based on full-scale testing in Baltimore Harbour


    Thomas P Mackey ; David A Wright ; Rodger Dawson

    Date published



    The problems associated with the invasion of ANS (aquatic nuisance species) into marine ecosystems worldwide are enormous and becoming more troublesome every day. Ballast water is generally considered to be the prime pathway for the translocation of marine organisms although there are certainly other means such as hull fouling. Ballast water discharge was recognised as an international concern in 1973 when the UN requested the WHO to investigate the spread of epidemic disease transported by ballast water. Since then various regulations have been implemented which contain both recommended and mandatory provisions. Full-scale ship trials of potential ballast water treatments were carried out aboard a ship of the US reserve fleet under the auspices of the US Maritime Administration berthed in Baltimore Harbour during 2001. The work described here was designed to test the efficacy of several technologies including a UV irradiation system and a biocide Seakleen. A second biocide peracetic acid (Peraclean Ocean) was also tested. Results are presented and discussed. The systems will be further evaluated at full-scale on operating ships and as part of ongoing testing.


    Thomas P Mackey ; David A Wright ; Rodger Dawson

    Date published


  • Practical issues arising from the implementation of the Panel of Experts' proposals


    N Pryke


    The Waterfront Conference Company


    Stena Line's Head of Safety for UK Irish and French operations briefly examines significant factors in ro-ro ferry safety and emphasises the overriding need to establish a maritime safety culture in and around all passenger ships prior to considering the implementation of safety and survivability aspects of the SOLAS 90 requirements and Panel of Experts recommendations (for which capital and operating costs of compliance are estimated): the introduction of Formal Safety Assessment techniques is also considered: these measures together with the introduction of new ship types are expected to have a significant impact on the composition of future ferry fleets. The Stena Explorer first of a new class of High Speed Ship designed to provide an alternative solution to the marine transport of passengers cars and freight is described.


    N Pryke

    Date published



    The Waterfront Conference Company

  • Progressive collapse analysis of a ship's hull under longitudinal bending


    T Yao ; P I Nikolov

    Date published



    A simple method to simulate the progressive collapse behaviour of a ship's hull subjected to longitudinal bending is presented. In this method the cross-section of a hull girder is divided into small elements for which the average stress-strain relationships under axial load are derived. The buckling and yielding both in stiffeners and plates are taken into account. Then curvature is incrementally applied to the hull girder cross-section. Using example calculations on existing test girder models under bending the rationality of the method was examined. It was found that the fully plastic bending moment cannot be sustained at the cross-section due to buckling of compressed members.


    T Yao ; P I Nikolov

    Date published


  • Quality and the ISM Code - the common foundation


    G McGuire

    Date published



    The principles of Quality Management are outlined and methods for the Control of Quality by the implementation of a Quality Management System considered prior to an overview of recommendations and regulations relevant to the shipping industries and including: the 1982 ICS/ISF Code of Good Management Practice in Safe Ship Operations; the 1989 IMO Guidelines on Management for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (developed from Resolution A.647 and similar to the ICF/ISF Code); The Merchant Shipping (Operations Book) Regulations 1988 Merchant Shipping Notice No 1353; the 1979 BSI Quality System Standards of the BS 5750 series; the 1987 ISO 9000 series of Quality System Elements; and the ISM Code and its 1993 adoption in SOLAS. The ISO and ISM requirements are compared.


    G McGuire

    Date published


  • Reactive power sharing in ship energy systems with shaft generators


    Prousalidis ; Xanthopoulos ; Voutzoulidis




    This paper deals with the well-based mathematical formulation of active and reactive load sharing of the synchronised generators of a ships electric energy system. Thus both the first- and second-stage regulation during load sharing is presented via mathematical equations. The novelty introduced in the paper is on the one hand that the hybrid parallel operation of shaft and conventional generators is covered while on the other hand that the analysis results in solving the combined reactive and real load sharing within the generator rated capacity. Furthermore the dynamic behaviour of the machines and their controllers during the load sharing problem is also discussed with the aid of simulations in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The entire analysis which it is hoped can also be used for educational purposes is enriched by figurative results obtained from an actual ship case study in which this work assisted in resolving a series of load sharing problems


    Prousalidis ; Xanthopoulos ; Voutzoulidis

    Date published


