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9078 results Most recent
  • Merchant Ship Construction 4th Edition


    D A Taylor

    Shelf Location



    The book reviews ship types, their construction, special features and outfit requirement. Shipbuilding techniques are described and the ship as a stressed structure is examined. The major items and regions of structure are illustrated in detail and types and methods of strengthening and stiffening are explained. Two chapters are devoted to the special construction requirements of oil tankers, liquified gas and bulk carriers, container and ro-ro ships. The final chapters deal with the corrosion process and the preventive methods employed for the ship's structure, and with the examination of ships in dry dock, periodical surveys and maintenance.


    D A Taylor


    The Institute of Marine Engineers (IMarE)

    ISBN number


    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Ship product data interchange to support ship design processes


    J Kendall

    Date published



    The results of two related virtual enterprise development projects are shown: the Seasprite and the Seanet projects. These both aim not only to introduce technologies to reduce the lead-time for design but also to minimise the cost implications during the design and manufacturing processes of changes in earlier stages. The systems which have been developed and implemented in the commercial systems are all based on open technologies such as the Internet the ISO Standard for the Exchange of product model data (STEP) CORBA and COM. Translators based on these Protocols have provided the basis for the work in Seanet. The core of the implementation is the PETS(TM) Product Data Management System which has been configured with the STEP Ship Product Model.


    J Kendall

    Date published


  • Ship production


    R L Storch ; C P Hammon ; H M Bunch

    Shelf Location



    In 1981 the leaders of the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) recognised the need for greater focus on shipbuilding education; the result was the establishment of an education panel (SP-9) within the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Ship Production Committee - the implementation arm of the NSRP. The first project authorised by the panel was a textbook on advanced concepts of ship production. This book is the product of that effort. The objective of the authors was to provide a single text that would describe in terms appropriate for shipbuilding, the modern concepts of production and production planning. Contents are arranged within 9 sections as follows: Introduction (the shipbuilding process, terms and status of the industry), Shipbuilding management theory (economic theory, group technology, work breakdown structures), Product-oriented work breakdown structure (production planning, zone construction method, pipe piece family manufacture), Manufacturing and construction processes (hull materials, metal, outfit and material handling processes, surface preparation and coating, quality assurance), Shipyard layout (facilities and process lanes), Planning, scheduling and production control, Accuracy control and Ship conversion, overhaul and repair.


    R L Storch ; C P Hammon ; H M Bunch


    Cornell Maritime Press Inc.

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Ships and Marine Engines Volume III A : Practical shipbuilding : A manual for the construction of sea-going merchant ships and war-ships


    Ir G De Rooij

    Shelf Location



    This volume contains sections relating to the construction of ships, arranged within three large chapters. These are as follows: Chapter 1 General (includes classification, materials machining, welding and riveting), Chapter 2 The Ship's Hull (includes the keel, floors, frames, shell plating, double bottom, decks, bulkheads, stems and stern posts, rudder, propeller, bilge keels, anchor hawse pipes, hatchways, manholes, superstructures, engine room, funnel etc), Chapter 3 Various Ship Types (merchant vessels, men-of-war, special purpose ships, docks). At the back of the volume are several fold-out sheets which contain ship plans for different types of vessels. These relate to some of the ship types listed in Chapter 3 of the volume.


    Ir G De Rooij


    Haarlem : NV De Technische Uitgeverij H Stam

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • The Motion of a Flooded Ship in Random Waves


    X Zhu ; X Zhang ; X Huang

    Date published



    The rolling motion of a damaged ship with some compartments flooded on a random wave was calculated by a frequency domain method. This method is a second order perturbation method which operates in frequency domain. The motion of the water in the flooded compartment was calculated numerically and resulted in the first and second order frequency response functions. With these functions and the first and second order perturbation ship motion equations we can solve the first and second order rolling motion frequency response function of the ship in waves. An example of the rolling of a damaged ship with a compartment flooded on a random wave with given spectrum was calculated. The results of the calculation were presented and analyzed in the paper.


    X Zhu ; X Zhang ; X Huang

    Date published


  • The UVH (unmanned vehicle host ship) - concept design of a large SES (surface effect ship) for littoral operations


    Cara E G Lapointe ; James P Mosman

    Date published



    The concept design of a littoral naval SES (surface effect ship) - the UVH (unmanned vehicle host) ship is presented. Littoral designs present a unique challenge to naval operations due to their physical characteristics. Shallow water and dense contact environments create barriers to developing a clear picture of the battle space from remote locations. However networks of small autonomous craft such as UUV (unmanned underwater vehicles) and USV (unmanned surface vehicles) can penetrate deep into littoral regions and provide the necessary resources for clear near-shore battle space awareness. The UVH was designed specifically to launch operate and recover USVs and UUVs in littoral operational theatres. It is conceived that a UVH could rapidly respond from a forward deployed location to an event or area of interest anywhere in the world. Once on station the UVH would deploy its payload of unmanned vehicles for near-shore battle space preparation. An SES hull form was selected for the UVH concept design based on the high speed and shallow draft requirements dictated by this concept of operations.


    Cara E G Lapointe ; James P Mosman

    Date published


  • Validation of numerical motion simulations by direct comparison with time series from ship model tests in deterministic wave sequences


    Gunther F Clauss ; Janou Hennig ; Heike Cramer et al.

    Date published



    Numerical simulation of ship motions is a valuable tool for ship design evaluation. Application of data provided by numerical tools has to take into account the validity range of the model and has to be validated sufficiently by model test data. For providing useful validation data the exact correlation of wave excitation and ship motion in model testing is indispensable. In the framework of the German research project SINSEE this is achieved by a fully automated test procedure with a free running ship model in combination with deterministic generation of tailored realistic wave sequences and their transformation to the moving reference frame of the cruising ship. The resultant wave train can be directly correlated with time series of motions - registered by an optical system - and forces. In this paper these methods are applied to investigate pre-simulated seakeeping scenarios in the model basin and the results are compared directly to the simulation results.


    Gunther F Clauss ; Janou Hennig ; Heike Cramer et al.

    Date published


  • Waterline ship models


    J L Bowen

    Shelf Location



    The book deals with the building of miniature scale ship models, which are waterline models (produced only with the portion visible above the water, enabling them to be displayed as though they are at sea). It describes the construction of the simple detail type of model. 17 ships are presented as plans, photographs and construction notes. In order to assist the model maker, a number of fittings have been omitted from the plans. However, it is only fittings which have been omitted; in all other respects, the plans have been drawn to show each ship, as accurately as possible, as they were built. Ships featured are as follows: M.S. London Splendour, Egton, British Endurance, Circassa, Port Caroline, Santa Rosa, Rangitoto, Empress of Canada, Mauretania, Amazon, Pacific Bridge, California Star, British Explorer, H.M.S. Hood, H.M.S. Barfleur and H.M.S. Dido.


    J L Bowen


    London ; Conway Maritime Press Ltd

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Automatic detection system of running parameters of ship power station


    Zhu Jingwei ; Fan Yinhei ; Zhao Hongge

    Date published



    The ship power station is the most important part of the whole ship. The running parameters reflect the operation status and provide the basis for the manager to operate the power station. The early measurement and display system is run with older technology and is less precise. This type of ship power station cannot be run automatically. As a higher level of automation is expected in a ship's power station it becomes necessary to automatically detect and process the running parameters of the ship power station. An automatic detection system of the shop power station running parameters by micro-computer is introduced. The simulation experiments show that this system can meet such ship power station requirements as automatic start-up automatic connecting and cutting of the generator unit automatic adjusting of the frequency and the load etc.


    Zhu Jingwei ; Fan Yinhei ; Zhao Hongge

    Date published


  • Engineering economics and ship design. 3rd edition


    I L Buxton

    Shelf Location



    The subject of Engineering Economics and Ship Design has been treated in a general way as the intention is not to include any extensive coverage of formal economics or detailed ship design, but to show how the two are related. The primary purpose of the book is not to assist decisions about whether to build, when to build or where to build, but rather what to build. The report is divided into three parts: The supply and demand for marine transport and the economic environment within which marine transport operates, The detailed mechanics of making engineering economy calculations and Application of the principles to ship design (which also looks at alternative ship designs and propulsion systems, the optimal ship and a systems approach to design). The basic format is the same as earlier editions but figures have been updated.


    I L Buxton


    Wallsend ; British Maritime Technology Ltd (BMT)

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • 'Fit for purpose' - keeping the crew in mind


    David Squire

    Date published



    Modern technology has revolutionised the way in which a ship is operated but lack of attention to the human-system interface in terms of the design layout and integration of systems and training in their use is the root cause of many accidents today. The human element is a critical feature of all aspects of ship or system design and operation. When they eventually board their new ship the expectations of the crew are of a ship that is 'fit for purpose' - designed and built with the user and the operational task in mind taking into account the environmental conditions that it is likely to encounter during its working life. For any ship to operate safely and effectively it must be designed to support the people who work it without detriment to their health safety and overall performance. The key to improvement is in the close involvement of all stakeholders to ensure that a ship is 'fit for purpose' and that the master and his crew are provided with the proper tools and are adequately trained to ensure the safe conduct of the ship and the safe and timely delivery of its cargo. This paper looks at ship design safety and operation from a human element perspective.


    David Squire

    Date published


  • INTACT - a concept for intelligent tracing of ship machinery loads


    J Rebel ; N Woehren ; R Krapp

    Date published



    The knowledge of ship’s machinery load data allows the condition of machinery components to be assessed and can therefore be the basis for onboard condition-based maintenance planning and for the mission planning of the shipping company. This can result in significant cost- benefits for the shipping company. A project called INTACT (intelligent tracing of ship machinery loads by means of advanced computerised tools) is introduced. In the project a procedure is developed for tracing ship machinery loads over the whole service life of the ship. The procedure enables the quantification and assessment of large amounts of load data in an easy and quick way. Long- term measurements of torsional propeller shaft loads are performed onboard a general cargo ship. Results of two years of measurement are presented and discussed with a view to reproducing load spectra for similar manoeuvres or voyage legs.


    J Rebel ; N Woehren ; R Krapp

    Date published


  • Nonlinear dynamics of ship rolling in beam seas and ship design


    K J Spyrou ; B Cotton ; J M T Thompson




    The nonlinear analysis of beam sea rolling has produced results which could be used in ship design to maximise resistance to capsize. The potential of two different assessment methods is explored which are based on well known approximate escape criteria of forced oscillators. The loci of transient and steady state capsize are approximately located on the plane of forcing versus frequency through Melnikov analysis harmonic balance and use of the variational equation. These loci can be parametrised with respect to the restoring and damping coefficients. The minimisation of the capsize domain leads naturally to the formation of an interesting hull optimisation problem.


    K J Spyrou ; B Cotton ; J M T Thompson

    Date published




  • Principles of naval architecture (revised edition, second printing)


    J P Comstock

    Shelf Location



    The original Preface of the work states the purpose as being 'to cover adequately the field of naval architecture in one text. The theoretical aspects are thoroughly presented and the discussion is illustrated by practical problems and tables of data. Throughout the work emphasis has been placed on the merchant ship'. Chapters comprise of: Geometry of the ship, Intact stability, Subdivision and stability in damaged conditions, Strength of ships, Load line assignment, Tonnage admeasurement, Resistance and propulsion, Ship manoeuvring and control, The motion of ships in waves, Vibration of ships, Launching and The application of computers to naval architecture calculations.


    J P Comstock


    New York ; The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Proceedings of the seventh Ship control systems symposium Volume 3 24-27 September 1984


    M O D

    Shelf Location



    Seventh symp held in Bath 24 - 27 Sept 1984 Papers are Warship electrical power system controls Propulsion control with microprocessors for ships with DC propulsion motors Microprocessor control of a shaft driven generator based on an induction machine project G I C E N Real time ship power system simulation Simulation of a marine gas turbine power plant Control systems simulation studies for the single role mine hunter Fundamentals of automatic harbour manoeuvring Integrated attitude estimation and tracking A digital control system for ship manoeuvring in ports and waterways A real time ship performance monitoring system Automatic data capture in warships Simultaneous computer assisted data acquisition and evaluation during warship sea trials Mariner surface ship system identification The Ljung innovations filter used for identification of nonlinear ship speed dynamics Prototyping before procurement for machinery control systems Control related problems in digital data bus systems Inter connection between digital data highways Digital data transmission in warships


    M O D



    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Ship production. 2nd edition


    R L Storch ; C P Hammon ; H M Bunch et al.

    Shelf Location



    In 1981 the leaders of the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) recognised the need for greater focus on shipbuilding education; the result was the establishment of an education panel (SP-9) within the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Ship Production Committee - the implementation arm of the NSRP. The first project authorised by the panel was a textbook on advanced concepts of ship production. This book is the product of that effort. The first edition of the book was published in 1988 and in 1993 the decision was made to revise the book and update its contents to be consistent with technological changes. This book is the revised second edition. Contents are arranged within 9 sections as follows: Introduction (the shipbuilding process, terms and status of the industry), Shipbuilding management theory (economic theory, group technology, work breakdown structures), Product-oriented work breakdown structure (production planning, zone construction method, pipe piece family manufacture), Manufacturing and construction processes (hull materials, metal, outfit and material handling processes, surface preparation and coating, quality assurance), Shipyard layout (facilities and process lanes), Planning, scheduling and production control, Accuracy control and Ship conversion, overhaul and repair.


    R L Storch ; C P Hammon ; H M Bunch et al.


    Cornell Maritime Press Inc.

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Ship-wave induced sediment transport in tidal creeks


    T M Ravens ; R Thomas

    Date published



    During the summer of 2005 a tidal creek called Pine Gulley located within a few kms of the Houston Ship Channel USA was totally blocked by a 200-m long 1.5-m deep plug of silt and fine sand. Between November 2005 and January 2006 several hours of measurements of velocity pressure and suspended sediment concentration were taken in the creek about half way between the plug and inlet. Field observations and analysis of these data showed ship-wave-induced surges of water. These surges caused a net transport of about 0.44 cubic measures per ship of suspended silt and fine sand towards the plug. This transport rate explained the accumulation of sediment in the plug over a 5-month period. This study shows that ship-wave-induced sediment transport can be an important sediment transport mechanism for shallow inlets in the vicinity of ship traffic.


    T M Ravens ; R Thomas

    Date published


  • The resistance of ships in level ice


    Petri Valanto

    Date published



    The research on the numerical prediction of ice-breaking loads and resistance has reached a point at which practical problems related to ship design and construction can be solved. A 3D numerical model of the ice-breaking process on the waterline of a ship advancing in level ice was developed for investigating ice loads and resistance forces on ship hulls. For the purposes of validation ice forces on the waterline of the Swedish Coast Guard Ship KBV-181 were computed for several ship speeds and values of level ice thickness and compared to measurements with a load panel installed on the sister ship MS Uisko. The correlation between the computed results and the measured short-term ice loads proved to be very satisfactory. The processes on the underwater hull causing resistance to ship motion in level ice were identified but their modelling is not complete. Therefore the ship resistance is evaluated by computing the resistance forces on the DWL with the theoretical model and the underwater components of resistance with the semi-empirical method of Lindqvist. The sum of these components makes out the total resistance in level ice which in turn was compared to measurements on several ships. A very satisfactory correlation was reached.


    Petri Valanto

    Date published


  • Drewry Shipping Consultants Ship Costs in the 1990s - The Economics of Ship Operation and Ownership




    Drewry Shipping Consultants


    Items include - Executive summary Nature of ship costs Ship Acquisition Operating costs for manning Operating costs for insurance Operating costs repair and maintenance Voyage costs Future prospects



    Date published



    Drewry Shipping Consultants

  • A data acquisition system by using the Ethernet LAN on board ship - the case of training ship Oshimamaru


    M Ito ; N Kushida ; T Matsui et al.

    Date published



    A new data acquisition system has been developed and installed in the training ship Oshimamaru. It consists of workstations personal computers sensors controllable devices and an Ethernet LAN cable. The new data acquisition system using the Ethernet LAN is outlined and sea trial results are presented proving the new system to be very useful for the operation and management of the propulsion system.


    M Ito ; N Kushida ; T Matsui et al.

    Date published
