Giles Thomas ; Michael Davis ; Damien Holloway et al.
Knowledge is required of the effect of sea loads on the structure of lightweight high-speed vessels in order to optimise their structural design. An investigation into the response of a 96 m Incat high-speed catamaran to an extreme slam event which occurred whilst extensive full-scale hull stress motion and wave measurements were being carried out on the vessel during regular ferry services. The strain gauge data from the full-scale slam events has been used in conjunction with a refined finite element model to develop a realistic asymmetric slam-loading scenario for structural design purposes. This slam load case has been compared with DNV (Det Norske Veritas) classification rules and a method for scaling the load case for use with other large wave-piercer catamaran designs is proposed.
Giles Thomas ; Michael Davis ; Damien Holloway et al.
Christian Cabos ; Henner Eisen ; Matthias Kromer
The reliable computation of loads is crucial for an accurate global FE analysis of a ship. With GL.ShipLoad Germanischer Lloyd provides a user-friendly computer application for the efficient load generation for global FE analyses of ship structures. The graphical user interface facilitates the convenient application of ship and cargo masses to the FE model. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic computations are integrated into the program. GL.ShipLoad supports the generation of loads from first principles (realistic inertia and wave loads for user supplied wave parameters) but the program also aids in the selection of relevant wave situations for the global strength assessment based on bending moments and shear forces according to GL's rules. The result is a small number of balanced load cases that are sufficient for the dimensioning of the hull structure.
Christian Cabos ; Henner Eisen ; Matthias Kromer
Paul Steinmann ; Karsten Fach ; Balji Menon
As the HSLC (high-speed light craft) market continues to expand to include ever-larger vessels the critical design loads move from local hull and deck pressures to global wave-induced loads. Global hull stresses and dynamic stresses due to slamming events are now the focus of design improvement. A project is described which established the full-scale global sea-loads acting on an 86 m Austal Ships high-speed catamaran ferry. To achieve this full-scale wave motion and hull strain measurements were taken onboard the vessel. The results of the experimental programme are presented. An existing global Finite Element model of the vessel has been further developed for this project and the full-scale measured strain data will be used to reverse engineer the global sea loads acting on the vessel. The results of the experimental programme will be compared to theoretical predictions from a non-linear ship hydrodynamic response code. The sea-loads will be compared to rule sea-loads calculated according to Germanischer Lloyd design rules.
Paul Steinmann ; Karsten Fach ; Balji Menon
George Q Parnell
This book deals with the subject of navigating in waters where ice is presents. It is divided into two parts. Part one is on ICE and covers the following topics: General Terms and definitions; Types of floating ice; Sea ice; A brief note on the formation of sea ice; Disintegration of sea ice; Glacier ice; Birth of an Iceberg; A note on the stability of icebergs; Ice identification; Visual detection of icebergs and other ice under different conditions of light at night; Pack ice; Ice floes; Other ice terms in general use – ice cake, brash ice, pancake ice; Fast Ice, Ice shelf; Ice islands; Tabular bergs; Ice ridge, hummocked ice, rated ice; Ice strips, ice patch, floebergs; Pressure in ice; Ice summary. Part two is on Ice Seamanship and covers the following chapters: Basic general safety rules; know your ice; stopping in ice; Force of impact; Ballasting and trimming for ice; avoiding and negotiating ice; Radar, ice and safety; Useful hints and observations.
George Q Parnell
The Nautical Institute
K J Mork ; O Fyrileiv ; R Verley et al.
An official draft DNV GUIDELINE for free spanning pipelines has been issued recently. The objective of the Guideline is to provide rational design criteria and guidance on fatigue design methods for free spans subjected to combined wave and current loading. This paper will give an introduction to the Guideline with emphasis on the safety philosophy and relation to DNV Rules for Submarine Pipelines Systems. The design philosophy allows for cross-flow VIV provided an acceptable safety margin against fatigue is guaranteed. The arguments for allowing crow-flow VIV are presented in a historical perspective. Detailed fatigue design criteria related to combined in-line Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) and direct wave loading and cross-flow VIV are discussed.
K J Mork ; O Fyrileiv ; R Verley et al.
Nigel Watson ; Barbara Jones, editor
This book celebrates 250 years of Lloyd's Register, looking at the history of the organisation from its origins in Edward Lloyd's Coffee House in 1760. Part 1 gives that chronological story of LR. Part 2 looks at LR and the sea, including sections on the Register Book, classification and rules and technological changes from sail to steel and engines. Part 3 covers LR on land, in the air and offshore, with chapters on inspection, energy, transportation and quality assurance. Part 4 explores the people of LR, part 5 LR worldwide from offices in Argentina to Vietnam, part 6 education and research that LR is involved in, part 7 governance and organisation, and part 8 LR's global reach.
Nigel Watson ; Barbara Jones, editor
Lloyd's Register
ISBN number1900839024
J R Gray ; M D Sims
The increase in the use of management system standards such as ISO 9000 series ISMA ISM Code and others within the shipping industry is discussed. The paper concentrates on the interpretation of the ISM Code. ISM has been most actively implemented in European countries. Audit experience indicates that maintenance appears to be a weak area along with document control. Nonconformities were identified as lack of defined procedures not implementing procedures lack of records and evidence failure to maintain procedures procedures which differ from those documented and lack of authorisation. Underlying causes for individual areas of nonconformity are discussed in terms of communication compliance with rules and regulations control of nonconformity corrective and preventive action the role of the designated person document control emergency preparedness
J R Gray ; M D Sims
Pat G Cox
This book is intended to provide an introduction to the subject of fire safety and fire-fighting on board ships. This cannot be done without an appreciation of the Safety of Life at Sea convention and some of the basic concepts of design, flotation, stability and construction. Contents include: Safety of life at sea (SOLAS); The legal implications; Firefighting installations and equipment required by SOLAS chapter II-2; SOLAS chapter II-2 rules – general requirements for fire protection; The role of classification societies and other maritime agencies and organisations; basic principles of ship design, construction and tonnage measurement; ship types and construction features; fire-fighting ships and fire boats; ports & docks & harbours; Planning for incidents involving ships; Boarding ships and transfer of equipment; Fire-fighting in ships; Naval vessels and auxiliaries; Concluding thoughts.
Pat G Cox
The Institute of Fire Engineers
ISBN number903345161
Sylvia Reinders ; Hugo Grimmelius ; Do Ligtelijn et al.
Prediction of manoeuvring capabilities of ships in an early design stage has often been based on a rule of thumb. However with new and alternative propulsion concepts these rules may no longer be applicable. A special area of interest is the interaction between two azimuthing thrusters when they operate in close proximity for example with the case of ASD tugs. To support the concept selection a concept exploration model for manoeuvrability (ManSim) was developed intended to be used in the preliminary design stage. This programme was developed as a sales support tool for Wartsila Propulsion. It offers great flexibility in number and location of propulsors rudders tubbel and azimuting thrusters. It allows for both pre-defined (standard) and custom manoeuvres. A key feature is the automatic generation of simulation models from the GUI which are then available for further inspection. A general introduction to ManSim is presented and its main features are described. The modelling of thruster-thruster interaction is described in some detail. Results from the programme are compared with measured data.
Sylvia Reinders ; Hugo Grimmelius ; Do Ligtelijn et al.
S Chapman
New rules and regulations that will impact upon manning and training in international shipping are considered. The role of the IMO is considered together with the STCW 1995 changes the 'white list' new VDR (voyage data recorders) requirements a TBT (tributyltin) ban new medical standards for seafarers standard marine communication phrases and environmental criminal liability. These are followed by a summary of IMO's 1999 'outlook for the future' some consideration of the guidance of training in the use of ECDIS training in water ballast management principles of safe manning and large passenger ship safety. While IMO aims in theory to avoid excessive regulation it is suggested that in practice regulations are increasing. Appendices list recent amendments adopted and new model training courses.
S Chapman
Jorge Sanchez Moreno ; Edison Castro Prates de Lima ; Gilberto Bruno Ellwanger
The main objective of this paper is to present an application of fuzzy logic theory to predict the depth variation of the soil strength by aging effect. The results of experimental tests with reconstituted clayey soils of the Bay of Campeche were used to generate the fuzzy rule-based system. The artificial soil was made with a suspension adding marine water and was left in free sedimentation and consolidation processes. After this triaxial testing type Consolidated-Undrained (CU) was carried out on samples so the measurement of the shear strength could be made through the time. The fuzzy logic model is based on a decision (inference) process that can be better described on a linguistic level using rules with soft facts.
Jorge Sanchez Moreno ; Edison Castro Prates de Lima ; Gilberto Bruno Ellwanger
R P Holubowicz
The conf was held in September 4-9 1961 Papers are International trade and world peace Packaging and preparation of cargo for export Marking of general cargo The task of cargo marking Marking of cargo-classifications of marks Certain basic cargo handling and shipping problems associated with port operations in emergent economies Type of ideal quay in the Port of Antwerp Monorail crane Rationalization of wharves Progress of containerization in the United Kingdom Economics of distribution costs in the construction of consumer prices Distribution costs in air cargo International implications of containerization Barriers to free interchange of traffic between different modes of transportation and their elimination Case studies in producer-to-consumer use of containers; US army use of containers Volkswagen experience in containers Use of containers by Olin Mathieson chemical corporation Union work rules and technological change Pacific coast waterfront mechanization and moderation Reconciling technical and social objectives in ports Port of the future The bulk port of the future The role of the United States government in transportation development
R P Holubowicz
Cornell Maritime Press
Bassam A Burgan ; Fadi H Hamdan ; Darrell D Barker et al.
This paper provides an overview of the structural design issues that need to be considered when designing topside structures to resist fires and explosions. In particular the background to simplified design methods is outlined and the nature of input data (especially material data) required for such methods is discussed. Examples of the type of material data developed in the last few years for both advanced and simplified methods are given and sources of further information are documented. Areas also covered include elevated temperature material property design data for use in fire engineering high strain rate material property design data for use in explosion resistant design analysis techniques for fire and explosion design and design methods based on codified rules (i.e. covered by design standards) and advanced techniques.
Bassam A Burgan ; Fadi H Hamdan ; Darrell D Barker et al.
G Pattofatto
A brief description of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) rules affecting gas carriers is provided and the need for their correct implementation by all interested parties is stressed. The way in which IMO works and the codes relevant to gas carriers are outlined. The most important of these codes is the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code). The purpose of the IGC Code is to provide an international standard for safe sea transport of liquefied gases and other substances specified by the Code in bulk by prescribing the design and constructional standards of such ships and their equipment. Flag administration and port state control is reviewed. The human element is considered. The Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) approach is discussed.
G Pattofatto
Richards T Miller ; Karl L Kirkman
Nowadays yacht design has been propelled into the world of science and high technology as well as that of traditional design. This is largely as the result of two influences: an interest in improving handicapping through the development of the VPP (velocity prediction program) and the expenditure of massive resources to succeed at the highest levels of competition. The nature of design has shifted to incorporate the application of hydrodynamic and aerodynamic sciences and material technology. These new sciences and technologies are surveyed and their effects on the art of sailing yacht design are examined. The need for thoughtful application of the technologies and for each design to be a coherent whole is stressed with all the elements balanced in harmonious accord. New tools and techniques which have affected the design process are discussed. The evolution of measurement rules from the CCA (Cruising Club of America) Rule which was the principal offshore rule 27 years ago to the IOR (International Offshore Rule) and IMS (International Measurement Rule) used today. The effects of that evolution are discussed as well as the development of new concepts of hydrodynamics aerodynamics and material technology on all of the elements of yacht design.
Richards T Miller ; Karl L Kirkman
E Skrzymowski ; T Graczyk ; T Jastrzebski et al.
Computational Mechanics Publications
A short historical outline about the shipyards situated in the harbour of Szczecin in Western Pomerania is provided. A description of their present condition and production features of major shipbuilding projects is given. As a result of recent political changes enforcing new economical rules particularly on the central european countries the shipbuilding regions in Western Pomerania Gdansk and Gdynia have had a difficult time. The Polish shipyards have not received any essential aid either by subsidy or budget allocation. Nevertheless they have managed to modernise the organisation of the shipbuilding industry and bring it to world level.
E Skrzymowski ; T Graczyk ; T Jastrzebski et al.
Computational Mechanics Publications
B M Deaking; T Seward
This study is concerned first with why and how these collective organisations came into existence during the last quarter of the 19th century, how they changed and developed in the inter-war period, how they are organised and how they operate today. Shipping conferences are ‘price makers’ on an enormous scale and particular attention is paid to this function. The authors construct a price model and apply it to a sample of fifteen thousand observations in order to detect the principal factors which influence the price makers. The prices formed are related to costs and then compared with various pricing practices and rules. The economic and financial performance of particular conferences are examined for the light they shed upon such aspects as their utilisation of capacity; margins of profit; employment of capital, the return upon it and provision for its replacement. A scale of comparison gives an indication of the relative performance of individual conference members. This book will be of interest to all concerned with maritime economics or the working of price and output agreements.
B M Deaking; T Seward
Cambridge University Press
A C Messer ; B J Twomey
Experience gained since the introduction of Lloyd's Register (LR) Rules for programmable electronic systems and the major concerns are reviewed. The issues and implications of integrating safety related applications are discussed especially in relation to classification requirements. Alternative approaches to the appraisal of software based systems which could be applied within the classification framework are considered. Surveying software based systems at the manufacturer's works during construction and periodical surveys are described and the large number of marine standards under development are reviewed.
A C Messer ; B J Twomey
Department of Transport - DTp ; DTI Surveyor General's Organisation
This is a code of practice for the construction, machinery, equipment, stability, operation and examination of sailing vessels, of up to 24 metres load line length, in commercial use and which do not carry cargo or more than 12 passengers. Chapters cover application and interpretation, construction and structural strength, weathertight integrity, water freeing arrangements, machinery, electrical arrangements, steering gear, bilge pumping, intact stability, freeboard and freeboard marking, life-saving appliances, fire safety, fire appliances, radio equipment, navigation lights, shapes and sound signals, navigational equipment, miscellaneous equipment, anchors and cables, accommodation, protection of personnel, medical stores, tenders (dinghies), storm sails, manning, compliance, vessels operating under race rules and clean seas.
Department of Transport - DTp ; DTI Surveyor General's Organisation
Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO)
D W Taylor
The book presents the theory of resistance and propulsion of vessels and gives methods, rules and formulae which may be applied in practice to such matters. The contents are based largely on model experiments which were initiated by William Froude. Contents are arranged within four 'books': Book 1: stream lines, trochoidal water waves, similitude, wetted surface: Book 2: Resistance (frictional, eddy, wave, air), squat and trim, shallow water effects and rough water effects: Book 3: Propulsion: propeller, cavitiation, wake and obliquity of water, paddle, jet: Book 4: Trails and their analysis: speed and power trials: Book 5: The powering of ships: Rankine's Augmented surface method, Kirk's method, Admiralty coefficient, extended law of comparison, standard series method.
D W Taylor
Washington DC ; Ransdell Incorporated