P Nissen
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
The new MaK long-stroke engines are designed especially for operation on residual fuels from the oil refining process. They provide excellent prerequisites for safe operation on heavy fuel even with rising quality characteristics in the future - i.e. with declining quality. A look is taken at this generation of MaK engines which are simple easy to operate and non-adjustable. Next heavy fuel specification is considered. After this MaK rules for heavy fuel treatment are looked at.
P Nissen
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
B Emmerson
The benefits of maintaining electrical equipment are presented. The reasons for maintaining electrical equipment are studied. The problems that face maintenance engineers are considered and this is followed by an electrical equipment maintenance strategy development. Whether to maintain or replace equipment is discussed together with the benefits of technology. In conclusion five rules are listed that should be followed in order to avoid the pitfalls associated with poorly managed electrical maintenance. Graphs appear on the pages 09 and 10.
B Emmerson
Park ; Son
A hull form Baltic ice class IA Aframax tanker has been developed taking into consideration of powering performance in brash ice channels based on IA class rules. Speed performance of the ship hull form in normal seagoing has been validated through model tests in a towing tank. The hull form design developed in this work has demonstrated good speed performance in normal seagoing although the ship design is entitled to ice class IA
Park ; Son
L Collberg
An overview is given of the experience gained from DNV'96 and an introduction is provided to the new "DNV Offshore Standard" (OS) document with special focus on the modifications from DNV'96. After some brief introductory information a look is taken at experience with use of the Rules. Next DNV OS on submarine pipeline systems is considered.
L Collberg
W S Paulin ; D J Fowler
This text is part of the series Marine Engineering Practice, Volume 1, 11 unique books bound together in one volume. Contents cover the following: Steering gear rules and design considerations, Controls, Automatic helmsman, Steam steering gear, Direct electric steering gear, Hydraulic steering gear, Auxiliary means of steering and Special steering devices.
W S Paulin ; D J Fowler
London ; Marine Management Ltd. for The Institute of Marine Engineers (IMarE)
R S Crenshaw, Jr
This book has been prepared to present the fundamentals of shiphandling as required in today's complex operations. The author reviews the principles of shiphandling and offers sound techniques for the solutions of problems normally encountered. Contents include forces affecting the ship, propellers and rudders, destroyers, handling alongside, anchoring and mooring, single-screw ocean escorts, handling at sea, special maneuvers at sea, restricted waters, radar, sonar and CIC, large combatants, carriers, submarines, large amphibious and service ships, landing ships and small combatants, new hulls and propulsion, pilots and tugs, polar shiphandling, mariners at work and rules of the road.
R S Crenshaw, Jr
Annapolis, Md. : Naval Institute Press, [c1975]
R. C. Page and A. Ward Gardner
Contents include: Petroleum vapours; Oil fires and tanker explosions; Gas concentrations in cargo tanks; Cargo tank venting; Inert gas systems; Static electricity; Insulating flanges and ship-shore bonding wires; Fire fighting; Tank cleaning and gas freeing; Entering and working in enclosed spaces; Rescue and first aid after gassing; Basic chemistry of oil; Flammability characteristics of some common petroleums; Summary of fire fighting equipment for tankers as required by the merchant shipping (fire appliance) rules 1965; Toxicity information; Books for further reading; Useful films; Electrostatic charging of water mist whilst tank washing.
R. C. Page and A. Ward Gardner
London : Maritime Press, c1971.
ISBN number540004111
Marintec China 83
Conf held in Shanghai 24 Oct 1983 Papers are Computer aid in port capacity planning The economies of port development Port planning and the use of simulation models Port design & development Developing economical bulk handling terminals Design of a container terminal in the port of Shanghai Multi-purpose transport systems for general cargo and containerized cargo Offshore coal transhipment Analysis of classification society rules and regulations as they affect container loads and container securing systems Operating experience and practical implementation of cargo handling systems in a developing port Port layout for optimised cargo handling Computerization in ports A dual approach to port training
Marintec China 83
E Rizzuto
Some results are presented from a research programme devoted to the development of reliability procedures for the verification of the longitudinal strength of hull girders subject to bending loads. Both static and dynamic loads are considered and a stochastic model for loads as well as for strength characteristics is discussed. Results from reliability assessments of existing ships are provided to show the effects of certain choices made during the development of the model. The model is also used to define design rules to obtain pre-defined safety levels for new constructions. The results of a prototype application are presented.
E Rizzuto
Stefan Giuglea ; Ovidiu Ionas ; Ionel Chirica et al.
In the paper aspects on the design and construction of a river passenger ship catamaran type made of composite materials is described. The main dimensions of the ship are - Length = 10.22m Breadth = 4.6m Draught = 0.45m. The hull is made of E-glass polyester having the mechanical characteristics: E=7000 MPa RT=95 MPa RB=130 MPa. Two outboard engines of 150 HP do the propulsion of the ship assuring a speed of 20 kn. The ship is designed and built according to Germanischer Lloyd 2004 Rules Special Craft; Yachts and Boats up to 24m.
Stefan Giuglea ; Ovidiu Ionas ; Ionel Chirica et al.
The FKAB Environmental Ship Concept (FESC) Design is a study into designing global friendly ships for sea transportation. The aim has been to show that already today with existing technology it is possible to design ships based on sustainable technology with low emissions to air and sea with acceptable or good economic perofrmance. Another aim has been to show ship owners how to be proavtice in relation to future rules and regulation. The concept focus is wide and includes the whole life cycle of the ship.
S Furtado ; R Towers
With the world fleet ageing fast the problems of corrosion in ballast tanks and (bulk carrier) cargo holds are becoming more apparent. Classification societies are taking the initiative harmonising class rules and taking steps to inspect these areas more often and more thoroughly. Good coating specifications at newbuilding stage can significantly postpone the onset of corrosion. The quality of surface preparation achieved by different techniques is considered along with the coating types they are most frequently combined with.
S Furtado ; R Towers
I Carruthers
Brittany Ferries Managing Director for UK and Ireland looks at the case for more stringent safety rules following the rolling of the car ferry Havelat in heavy seas while en route to Brittany. Discussons and proposals concerning ship design and crew training have been made but little attention paid to what owners operators are or believe they are doing. It is suggested that marine safety agencies - government departments and classification societies should act more responsibly and positively.
I Carruthers
D J Eyres
The contents of the book are arranged into 7 parts. These consist of: Introduction to shipbuilding (basic ship design, dimensions, form and types), Materials and strength of ships , Riveting and welding, Shipyard practice (ship drawing, loftwork, plate and section machining, prefabrication and launching), Ship structure, Outfit and International regulations (IMCO, tonnage, load line rules, fire protection). This fourth edition covers new requirements for tanker conversion under MARPOL convention, deals with developments in roll-on/roll-off design and double hulls.
D J Eyres
Newnes ; Butterworth Heinemann Ltd
Ministry of Defence. Ship Department.
The book explains the principles of ship husbandry together with the reasons behind them, the resources and techniques appropriate to the actions required. Contents comprise of the following sections: Rules for good ship husbandry, Cleanliness, Prevention of malpractice, Correct use and stowage of equipment, Preventive and corrective maintenance and Observance of safety precautions. Appendices contain specific information and suggested products for use.
Ministry of Defence. Ship Department.
: Ministry of Defence, Ship Department (MOD)
J Smith
Current safety and pollution prevention requirements for ships are explained and how the requirements are sometimes deemed too prescriptive and focusing insufficiently on perceived hazards. Some would like future requirements to be formulated on the basis of formal safety assessments. Firstly hazards are outlined. Next a regulatory strategy is suggested. The regulatory regime is detailed. It is explained that the present regulatory regime is the only practicable form of rules and regulations for shipbuilders and that this needs to be understood if considering its replacement with a regime based on formal safety assessment .
J Smith
A Benvegnu
A brief account of the instigation (early 1980) and development of the Italian gas transport company STARGAS Holding SPA from 1980 upto and including its partial merger with Cispa Gas outlines its principles on crew training and monitoring its development of shore and ship based gas safety courses the implementation of ISM Code and STCW 95 and its instinct for successful ship and shore management. The increasing number of rules and regulations for standards crew training and quality assurance are interpreted as a reaction to changing structures in the shipping industry and the introduction of new styles of management: appropriate reaction is considered.
A Benvegnu
C Jenman
Deep water station keeping requires the active use of thrusters either to assist moorings or to support dynamic positioning. The present status of the key elements rules and guidelines and industry practice are discussed along with the main causes of position loss. Feedback on the use of thruster assist and DP (dynamically positioned) control systems is provided together with drive off frequency comparisons for different types of DP vessel. Examples of actual incidents are given as illustrations. It is concluded that most problems are known and while DP vessel owners have benefitted from information exchange many owners of thruster assisted mooring systems have not.
C Jenman
L Jaeger
Factors influencing the amendment of rules and regulations regarding the level of safety and environmental protection in the shipping industries are discussed in particular the effect of major accidents and the part played by human factors and inadequate management. Main requirements roles and responsibilities imposed on providers of maritime training and qualification by the revised International Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW-95) are outlined with particular reference to the development and implementation of quality assurance systems: the associated standards developed by DNV to cover the requirements of STCW-95 specifically for the maritime training industry and the associated DNV Certification are also detailed.
L Jaeger
H Nordhammer
The topic for consideration by committee V.2 was structural design of high-speed vessels - its methods and uncertainties in these methods with attention to the interaction between loads and structural response in collaboration with the ITTC. In the discussion of the committee's report the following areas are commented upon: classification society rules and other regulatory aspects environmental conditions and operational limits loads structural response and strength fluid structure interaction design considerations for production design procedures and uncertainties. The presentation is followed by some floor and written discussions and a reply by the committee.
H Nordhammer