J W Richardson
This is a guide in simple terms for practitioner in the combined transport industry giving brief details and guidance in respect of liability and documentary matters along with risk management advice on both documentary and physical aspects of combined transport. It is designed for use as a source of reference and training. European edition
J W Richardson
Dag Pike
This manual presents advice for skippers and crews of motor or sailing yachts. The author shows how most emergencies can be avoided by good seamanship, and many others can be anticipated and so readily brought under control with the right mental attitude, equipment and procedures. Contents include: Introduction; Psychology of survival; Preparation for safety; Calling for Help; Search and rescue; Survival equipment; Safety on board; Coping with emergencies; Seasickness and survival; First Aid; Rules and regulations
Dag Pike
Newton Abbott : David & Charles, 1993.
Catalogue number623.888
ISBN number715300636
D McLean
A look at the basic role of classification societies and their efforts to improve marine safety particularly with regard to bulk carriers and the implementation of new technology. Consistent application of classification rules and standards through in-house quality systems and sanctions against owners are considered. Other topics include formal Safety Assessment techniques hull surveillance and condition monitoring ECDIS systems machinery condition monitoring and Enhanced Safety Programmes.
D McLean
I N Bose
The problem is outlined - the translocation of harmful aquatic organisms through ballast water. Examples are given and the economic costs are considered. The current methods of mitigation are examined. Rules being framed by the IMO at present are explored in detail. Best management practices are also examined.
I N Bose
D. Van der Corput ; M.H. De Heer ; F.J.A. Burgmeijer,
This tank cleaning guide was developed with respect to all operations on board of the tank vessel (loading, sailing and discharge), including cleaning, following the rules and recommendations as laid down in the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC-Code). Chapters cover tank cleaning in general (precleaning, cleaning from toxic substances to edible oils and fats, rinsing, flushing, steaming with toluene and draining), cleaning charts, product characteristics, test methods and conversion formulae.
D. Van der Corput ; M.H. De Heer ; F.J.A. Burgmeijer,
B.V. Handelslaboratorium
M. P. Koster
The book presents the detailed theory and an experimental analysis of the dynamic behaviour of cam mechanisms and their driving components and from this basis formulates practical rules of design. It covers the dynamics of cam followers, the theory of the flexibility of the driving components, considerations of the transversal of backlash and the simulation of complex mechanisms by digital computer.
M. P. Koster
London : Macmillan, 1974.
Catalogue number621.838
ISBN number333177320
J A Crawford ; A W Gilfillan ; R A Benson
RINA Conference Proceedings
As time progresses rules and regulations change in the light of current accumulated knowledge. The knowledge and practices at the end of a ship's life are quite different from those when the ship was originally designed. The problem for designers is to decide what degree of abnormality needs to be taken into account for a particular design and how consideration can be taken of a change in operation (area or practice) in later years of the ship's service life. These problems are discussed in relation to the major hazards of fire flooding structural failure collision grounding and environmental issues.
J A Crawford ; A W Gilfillan ; R A Benson
RINA Conference Proceedings
Gwyneth Olofsson
This book is a guide to conduct business in the world’s largest economies. The authors coaches the business traveller on important cultural issues, many that can easily go awry; getting acquainted, making a good impression, eating and drinking together, understanding diverse rules of time, discussing ethics and politics in the workplace, etc.
Gwyneth Olofsson
Yarmouth, Me. : Intercultural Press, 2004.
Catalogue number395.52
ISBN number1931930066
A Papanikolaou ; E Kariambas ; V Androcec et al.
A formal optimization procedure is incorporated into the preliminary design process of bulk carriers aiming to prepare efficiently all relevant documents in the precontract design stage. The developed Computer Aided Tendering Design (CATEDE) system works under a menu-window PC environment and incorporates the knowledge from existing vessels regulations rules and cost characteristics through the employment of properly defined databases. The methodology and the results of the specific technoeconomical optimization model applied to bulk carriers are looked at.
A Papanikolaou ; E Kariambas ; V Androcec et al.
Halsey C Herreshoff
The America's Cup is the Holy Grail of yacht racing. In naval architecture America's Cup intensity has inspired countless design breakthroughs fallout from which benefits all yachts today. The 140-year history of the America's Cup the oldest and most distinguished prize in world sport is summarised. Particulars and performance of the most important designs are illustrated. The sensational quarrel in the 1980s over how the design rules should be interpreted culminating the in bizarre race of 1988 is described. The New International America's Cup Class is evaluated for the 1992 event and future races.
Halsey C Herreshoff
Eric Murdoch ; Chris Clarke ; Ian Dand ; Brian Glover
This master's guide to berthing ships includes content on the golden rules of berthing (passage planning, working with tugs, manoeuvring), dock damage and protection and indemnity claims, ship factors that affect manoeuvring, berthing in wind, effect of current, hydrodynamic effects, berthing without tugs and with tugs, berthing with anchors, tugs and pilots - legal issues, and the master-pilot relationship.
Eric Murdoch ; Chris Clarke ; Ian Dand ; Brian Glover
Witherby and Company Ltd
ISBN number1856092909
editor in chief, William B. Hayler, associate editors, John M. Keever, Paul M. Seiler
Contents cover: Introduction; Marlinespike Seamanship; Wire and wire splicing; Blocks and tackle; Deck seamanship; Cargo stowage and handling; Canvas and leather work; Paints and painting; Ground tackle; Steering gear and helmsman; Test guide for lifeboatman and able seaman; handling small boats under oars; handling small boats under sail; communications; tankerman’s guide; construction and stability; navigation; maritime environment; Ship sanitation and medical procedures; Rules of the road; safety; consular affairs; laws pertaining to merchant seamen; general information.
editor in chief, William B. Hayler, associate editors, John M. Keever, Paul M. Seiler
Centreville, Md. : Cornell Maritime Press, c1980, 1981 printing.
R Pocock
The application of the new goal setting legislation and Classification Society rules to Floaters is examined. Goal setting safety regulations are summarised. Classification requirements are outlined. Integration of safety based technology into Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) design is reviewed. Mitigating the impact of major systems failure into turret design is considered. Thrusters for FPSOs are discussed.
R Pocock
ICM Marketing Ltd Aberdeen
J C Lewthwaite
IMO's Code of Safety for High Speed Craft requires designers to consider longitudinal damage up to 10% of the vessel's length. The typical stability of damaged monohulls and catamarans is reviewed assuming multi-component flooding. Particular consideration is given to category B craft which carry more than 450 passengers. Calculations for a range of displacement and vertical centres of gravity are presented for various hull forms. Comparisons are made with a view to revising the high speed craft rules.
J C Lewthwaite
Roberto Ojeda ; B Gangadhara Prusty ; Marcos Salas
This paper presents the structural analysis of a catamaran made out of composite materials using the finite element method. Slamming loads are applied according to quasi static loading pattern proposed by DNV High Speed and Light Craft rules. After some introductory information a literature review is given and a description is provided of the vessel used for the structural analysis. Next a look is taken at finite element modeling and analysis followed by DNV hollow landing and crest landing slamming load cases. Lastly there is analysis and discussion.
Roberto Ojeda ; B Gangadhara Prusty ; Marcos Salas
R J McAlear ; A B Nierenberg
A novel design for a 42000 dwt chemical/products tanker suitable for carrying Types II and III chemicals and Grade A petroleum products have been developed by Avondale Shipyards Inc to comply with new safety and environment regulations - the 1978 IMCO Protocol Tanker Safety Legislation (US 95-474) and USCG Safety Rules for Self-Propelled Vessels Carrying Hazardous Liquids (46 CFR 153). Aspects discussed include - full double bottom construction; speed/power relationship; cargo tank construction and coating; slow speed diesel twinbank engine propulsion electrical generation; steam; engine room automation; cargo handling and control; segregated ballast.
R J McAlear ; A B Nierenberg
C D Jang ; S S Na ; T K S Murthy et al.
Computational Mechanics Publications
An optimum structural design system for double hull VLCC is developed based on the generalized slope deflection method and the Hooke & Jeeves direct search method for the DnV and Lloyd rules. Several minimum hull weight designs of double hull VLCC of 300000 DWT are performed using this system. The minimum weight design of longitudinal strength members transverse strength members transverse bulkhead members and cargo hold part is considered. The structural design system results are compared with existing ships and the automatic drawing of midship section is provided.
C D Jang ; S S Na ; T K S Murthy et al.
Computational Mechanics Publications
W A J Chapman
Contents comprise of: Introduction: The SI system of units and conventions; Preliminary signs, brackets, arithmetic processes; Symbols, formulae, powers, roots; The properties and uses of logarithms; Angles and geometrical properties; The circle; Measurement calculations; Marking out the use of trigonometry; Calculations involved in turning and boring; Screws and screw cutting; Elementary mechanical principles I & II; The calculation of areas, volumes & weights; Elementary application of graphs.
W A J Chapman
London ; Edward Arnold Ltd
W J Parker ; T W Grove
The oil and gas production industry has expressed an interest in being able to use FPSO (floating production storage and offloading) units as a development option in the deepwater areas of the US GOM OCS (Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf). A workgroup was formed under the Offshore Operators Committee's Deepwater Subcommittee to help the MMS (Minerals Management Service) and USCG (US Coast Guard) review the existing regulations and body of standards specifications recommended practices and classification society rules and guides concerning the design and operation of FPSOs on the GOM OCS. The aim was also to identify gaps in the regulations and industry standards. A summary of the major findings of this workgroup is presented.
W J Parker ; T W Grove
Osman Turan
Attention is given to a study conducted by The Ship Stability Research Centre (SSRC) within the scope of various projects addressing the stability and survivability of cruise vessels. Relevant results deriving from numerical and physical model tests are presented pertaining to the application of current and future rules for passenger ships while highlighting the drawbacks and the need for the development of performance based assessment. After some introductory information a look is taken at intact stability criteria. Next damage stability and survivability are considered followed by large scale flooding.
Osman Turan