Subrata K Chakrabarti ; Mark McBride
A new suspension bridge is being built over the Tacoma Narrows Washington. The bridge will be placed on a structure mounted on 2 large concrete caissons which will be exposed to strong currents. The caissons are being built at site while floating and moored in high currents. In order to determine the forces on the caisson due to current a series of scaled physical model tests of one of the caissons was carried out. The forces on the new caisson were measured in the presence of the existing bridge pier and the bottom contours of the Narrows were accurately modeled. The model scale was chosen as 1:100 and the tests were performed for the caisson at different drafts. This paper describes the test setup and measurement system for a series of fixed caisson tests and demonstrates the consistency of the test data. The measured inline drag and transverse lift forces on the fixed caisson at different drafts are presented and the effect of the fluid velocity and flow vorticity on the frequency contents in the forces is discussed. The interaction effect of the neighbouring existing pier on the current forces of the new caisson is investigated. Since the measured forces were applied in the design analysis of the caissons the scaling effect of the model test is also discussed.
Subrata K Chakrabarti ; Mark McBride
W Murai
Design features of marine three-phase three-wire ungrounded electric distribution systems are discussed prior to a theoretical analysis with particular reference to ground fault phenomena - prediction of ground fault current and potential of each phase and distribution of zero phase current in system circuitry are compared with the results of field tests.
W Murai
H. Moseley
H. Moseley
Bjornar Sand ; Lennart Fransson
Design of offshore structures in Arctic waters is strongly dependent on local and global ice loads. The prediction of ice forces on structures relies heavily on a thorough understanding of ice mechanics as well as on an in-depth knowledge of interaction between ice features and structures. Interaction between an ice sheet and fixed conical structures is considered. The ice sheet as well as the structure is discretised by finite elements. The interaction between the ice sheet and the conical structure is simulated using a special contact algorithm which makes it possible to follow the gradually developing contact between the ice sheet and the structure. As the configuration of the ice sheet changes during the interaction process the buoyancy forces change accordingly. This process is traced by introducing a continuous non-linear foundation model to include the effects of buoyancy forces and specific weight of the ice. The mechanical behaviour of the ice is estimated using two different constitutive models. In the first material model the ice is treated as an isotropic brittle material while in the second model the ice is treated as a transversal isotropic brittle material. When the state of stress at a material point in the ice reaches the failure surface cracking or crushing is said to occur. After cracking or crushing the post-peak behaviour of the ice is estimated as a rigid plastic material. The results obtained during the finite element simulations are compared with analytical methods to calculate ice sheet forces on conical structures.
Bjornar Sand ; Lennart Fransson
Nicholas J Yafrate ; Jason T DeJong ; Don J DeGroot
The development of full-flow penetrometers including the T-ball and plate for in situ measurement of undrained intact and remoulded shear strength has required research regarding the conditions necessary to induce 'full flow' around the penetrometer. A primary parameter governing this condition is the ratio of the probe to drill string-projected area termed 'probe area ratio'. Initial investigations assumed area ratios of 10:1 are adequate to minimise the influence of the drill strong on the formation of full flow of soil around the probe. The aim here is to quantitatively assess the influence of the projected area ratio on penetration resistance. An in situ research programme with four T-bar lengths representing area ratios of 2:1 5:1 10:1 and 15:1 was carried out in a lightly over-consolidated clay for evaluation of the effects of area ratio on the interpreted undrained intact and remoulded strengths. The results are also compared with full displacement piezocone and 10:1 ball penetration tests. Results indicated that area ratios of 5:1 and greater appear to minimise the effects of the drill strong on measured penetration and extraction resistances. A reduction in the length of the T-bar resulting from the use of area ratios of less than 10:1 is attractive practical option as it allows for field deployment with seabed units in smaller diameter drill casings and reduced bending loads on the loadX16438
Nicholas J Yafrate ; Jason T DeJong ; Don J DeGroot
Lefteris Karaminas
Ships that carry large quantities of a particular cargo are invariably forced to spend time at sea without any such cargo. To achieve a seaworthy condition in terms of stability trim and strength seawater is taken on board to form the ballast condition. The IMO (International Maritime Organisation) has estimated that every year the world's fleet moves ten billion tonnes of ballast water around the world and that on average more than 3000 species of plants and animals are being transported daily around the world. Once these are introduced to local environment it is virtually impossible to get rid of them. This could have a permanent effect on the environment which could have a catastrophic effect on local fisheries. It is therefore imperative that the introduction of harmful aquatic organisms is prevented. LR (Lloyds Register) carried out an investigation on the various ballast water management methods with particular emphasis on the risks of the sequential method. Prompted by the fact that issues pertinent to the sequential method have not yet been fully appreciated by the industry LR began a two-part study using 26 existing ships of various types configurations and sizes.
Lefteris Karaminas
G Dyne
Assessment of scale effects on thrust deduction critically reviewed with reference to - historical background; currently used formulae; components of thrust deduction - displacement friction and wave; and effects of scale.
G Dyne
Manuel Laranjinha ; Jeffrey M Falzarano ; Carlos Guedes Soares
This paper describes a study of the influence of the water on deck on the dynamical behaviour of an offshore supply vessel with a large open aft deck. The deck under certain load and sea conditions can become partially or totally immersed. This study focuses on the roll motion that can be of large amplitude and therefore has implications and risks for the ship's safety. The Glimm's method is used to model the three-dimensional flow of shallow water on the deck. A parametric study is made in order to show the effect of the relevant parameters. It is shown that the water on deck has a significant influence on the ship's dynamical response.
Manuel Laranjinha ; Jeffrey M Falzarano ; Carlos Guedes Soares
A I Bogdanov
Institute of Marine Engineers (Sydney Branch)
The discussion on operational aspects of WIG craft at the 42nd session of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) sub-committee on safety of navigation held in July 1996 is described. A discussion of ships' routing and related matters working group on an establishment of ways is also recounted. It was concluded that for the prevention of collisions the ekranoplan is similar to the seaplane or nondisplacement craft and no special provisions or amendments to the COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea) are needed. However special provisions for avoidance may be necessary in the future.
A I Bogdanov
Institute of Marine Engineers (Sydney Branch)
A Zocco ; G Malagnino ; M Motta et al.
The main results of the experimental activity carried out on the pump axial stage of the Ariane 5 Vulcain engine liquid oxygen turbopump in partial cavitating condition are presented. Effects of asymmetric cavitation phenomena have been studied with particular attention given to the evaluation of the radial loads arising on the inducer in partial cavitation condition and to the presence of eventual vibrations of the blades. Tests were performed to investigate the influence of flow coefficient rotational speed and water temperature on these asymmetric cavitation phenomena.
A Zocco ; G Malagnino ; M Motta et al.
G V Karpenko ; V I Pokhmurovskiv ; V B Dalisov et al.
The book is based chiefly on investigations carried out at the Physical-Mechanical Institute of the Ukranian Academy of Science and deals with the influence of coatings on the physical and mechanical properties of steel. Great attention has been given to the influence of diffusion impregnation on the ultimate strength, stress-rupture strength and fatigue strength of steel. Residual stresses have also been studied and classified and investigations made on defect annealing by metallizing. The book also contains data on the influence of electrodeposited metals on the mechanical properties of metal articles.
G V Karpenko ; V I Pokhmurovskiv ; V B Dalisov et al.
Freund Publishing
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
Papers presented at a seminar organised by by the Fluid Machinery Committee of the Power Industries Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 5 February 1986. Papers are: Review of parameters influencing hydraulic forces on centrifugal impellers; The effect of fluid forces at various operation conditions on the vibrations of vertical turbine pumps; A review of the pump rotor axial equilibrium problem; Dynamic hydraulic loading on a centrifugal pump impeller; Experimental research on axial thrust loads of double suction centrifugal pumps; A comparison of pressure distribution and radial loads on centrifugal pumps; A theoretical and experimental investigation of axial thrusts within a multi-stage centrifugal pump.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
London : The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1986.
Int Conf held in London 21 - 22 June 1977 Papers are A ship operators view and experiences RoRo into West Africa - problems and solutions The Tarros concept for RoRo tonnage - do wheels and cells really go together? Perspectives of the competitive efficiency of Roll on/Roll off Port congestion in the Arabian Peninsular - reasons for and measures taken to overcome including the introduction of RoRo and container services "Seaspeed Arabia" and "Seaspeed Asia" - the largest RoRo ships in service Cost implications of the choice of RoRo equipment Further developments in the LUF system Stowage considerations for large RoRo ships - design and practical aspects The design and use of shipboard ramps The impact of Roll on/Roll off on ports and shipping in developing countries Report of the IAPH sub committee on standardisation of RoRo ramps Instant RoRo - the modular concept using uniflotes and bridging Rationalisation of handling systems for a RoRo terminal - utilisation and suitability
R Midoro ; F Parola
The strategic behaviour of global stevedoring companies over the last few years have been research and results of this research are presented. The investigation focuses in particular on the strategic decisions of the top management of the main container terminal operators. The impact of the strategies of the global terminal operators in the different markets and geographical areas is evaluated highlighting on the one hand the burden of investment assets focusing on the increase in productivity and in terminal capacity and on the other hand on the influence on traffic flows especially with reference to the transhipment terminals. With regard to the main container terminals weaknesses and strengths relating to operating activities and to management problems are underlined. Particular attention is given to the study of the vertical integration of some global carriers along the transport chain.
R Midoro ; F Parola
W Kurz ; M J James-Pirri
biomedical bleeding effects Due to observed declines in spawning populations of horseshoe crabs Limulus polyphemus throughout their range conservation measures for this marine invertebrate have increased. Within Cape Cod National Seashore there exist two major threats to the horseshoe crab populations: harvesting as bait for eel and whelk fisheries; and exploitation by the biomedical industry for the production of LAL Limulus ameobocyte lysate. Biomedical companies extract blood from live horseshoe crabs for the production LAL. LAL is used for the detection of endotoxins pathogenic to humans in all injectable drugs and implantable medical devices. All bled horseshoe crabs collected for LAL production must be released within 72 hours of capture. Previous studies on the effects of bleeding on horseshoe crab estimate mortality from 8 % to 15 %. The influence of bleeding on movement patterns and long-term survival are not known. A project is presented which attempts to determine if female horseshoe crabs that have been bled differ in their movement patterns compared to control (unbled) horseshoe crabs.
W Kurz ; M J James-Pirri
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Marine Accident Investigation Branch