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22981 results Most recent
  • Wave shoaling on steep slopes and breaking criteria


    Ching-piao Tsai ; Hong-Bin Chen ; Ming-Jen Huang

    Date published



    Estimation of the transformation of wave shoaling and breaking is essential in nearshore hydrodynamics and for the design of coastal structures. Many empirical formulas have been well recognised in the wave transformation on gently sloping beaches. The applicability of previous formulas of wave shoaling and breaking indices for the situation of steep slopes are reported based on comparison with present experimental results. Two steep bottom slopes were examined in the present experiments. It was found that the shoaling distance on steep slope becomes short and the surface waves may be partially reflected from the steep bottom. The coefficient of wave reflection is well related to the surf similarity parameter. The estimations of wave shoaling based on the well-known formula by Shuto (1974) did not conform completely to the experimental results for steep slopes. The empirical formula for the breaking criteria proposed in Goda (1975) was slightly modified for application to the steep beaches. A time-dependent mild-slope equation model finally was adopted to calculate the wave height transformation in the surf zone by introducing the modified breaking index.


    Ching-piao Tsai ; Hong-Bin Chen ; Ming-Jen Huang

    Date published


  • A study on stern wedges and advanced spray rail system on calm water resistance of high-speed displacement hull forms


    Predrag Bojovic ; Prasanta K Sahoo ; Marcos Salas

    Date published



    Consideration is given to the application of spray rails and stern wedges. After some background information and a testing outline the test results are presented together with the results of the analysis. The effect of wedge angle variation is discussed and a mathematical model is developed and implemented as the performance prediction software. The effect of wedge length variation is also addressed.


    Predrag Bojovic ; Prasanta K Sahoo ; Marcos Salas

    Date published


  • A study on the strength aspects of thin shell envelopes in marine space structures


    T George ; H Okada

    Shelf Location



    A detailed numerical analysis on the elastic strength of partial circular toroidal thin shells is carried out with particular emphasis on conditions emulating the loading on undersea shell structures. This study has helped make new inroads into the understanding of shell strength both in the quantitative and the qualitative aspects. Firstly theoretical formulations are looked at followed by numerical formulations. After this strength characteristics are discussed.


    T George ; H Okada

    Date published


    Shelf Location


  • Department of Trade and Industry Report of Preliminary Inquiry No 3465 Explosion from the main boiler casing of the VLCC Esso Ulidia ON 339297 on 20 October 1970


    Department of Trade and Industry




    Department of Trade and Industry

    Date published




  • Diesel-electric CPR propulsion on board - contra-rotating propellers with azimuth propulsion system


    K Lindborg

    Date published



    The history of the contra-rotating propeller is described and three main factors are listed upon which its efficiency is based. Next contra-rotating propellers with azimuthing thrusters produced by Aquamaster are introduced. Then the Aquamaster CRP is examined and its use with direct diesel drive and with electric-diesel drive. After this the advantages of the diesel-electric propulsion on board are considered and the application of diesel-electric machinery on an offshore vessel is explored. Finally experience with diesel-electric drive on offshore service vessels is presented.


    K Lindborg

    Date published


  • Effect of fuel on the cold-start of the diesel engine


    M Kyto ; M Niemi ; A Niemi et al.

    Shelf Location



    The effect of fuel characteristics on cold-startability and emissions in cold conditions are studied with two turbocharged 6-cylinder direct-injection engines. The experiments are conducted at -10 degrees C in the cold engine test cell of VTT Energy. Only the effect of the fuel on the startability and on emissions after start-up are assessed. First the test arrangement is considered. Next the results are discussed.


    M Kyto ; M Niemi ; A Niemi et al.

    Date published


    Shelf Location


  • Effect of impingement distance on penetration and volume of post- impingement diesel spray


    K Ko

    Date published



    As the DI diesel engine size has reduced so it has become more important to understand the wall impingement phenomena of fuel spray because of the short distance between the injection nozzle and the piston cavity. How diesel spray impinged on a flat wall is investigated. The effect of impingement distance on penetration and on the volume of post- impingement diesel sprays is examined. The experiment set up is presented and the experiment results are discussed.


    K Ko

    Date published


  • Effect of internal structure on mechanical behavior of Osaka pleistocene marine clay


    A Yashima ; F Oka ; H Shigematsu

    Date published



    The importance of yielding characteristic and an effect of the internal structure on the mechanical behavior of Osaka Pleistocene marine clay is examined. The mechanical properties of the Upper-Most Pleistocene marine clay is discussed based on extensive experimental results on the high quality clay samples. First some background information is given. Next block sampling of Pleistocene marine clay is looked at followed by yielding behavior of upper-most Pleistocene clay. After this the effect of internal structure is considered. Lastly the strain rate effect is touched upon.


    A Yashima ; F Oka ; H Shigematsu

    Date published


  • Effects of a thermal coating process on X100 UOE line pipe


    Chris Timms ; Duane DeGeer ; Martin McLamb

    Date published



    A test program was conducted to obtain experimental data on the influence of a thermal treatment process simulating a thermal coating process on the material properties of high strength X100 linepipe. A series of coupon tests were performed to evaluate several parameters including the effect of thermal treatment temperature time at temperature and cold temperature service on material properties. The results of this experimental study are summarized in this paper.


    Chris Timms ; Duane DeGeer ; Martin McLamb

    Date published


  • Effects of over-consolidation on steady state line and liquefaction resistance of a marine sand


    Y-C Chen


    International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers


    Triaxial tests on remolded specimens of a marine silty sand were carried out. The influences of stress path over-consolidation ratio and fines content on the steady state lines were studied. Cyclic triaxial tests were performed to study the effects of mean confining pressure over-consolidation ratio and relative density on the liquefaction resistance. Relationships between state parameter and liquefaction resistance were established.


    Y-C Chen

    Date published



    International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers

  • Facts and figures on fasteners


    Davis and Timmins Ltd

    Shelf Location



    The opening section of this book deals with the 'in place' cost of fasteners, how they veiled costs of manpower may far outweigh the original cost of the fasteners and may be avoided by the use of a more sophisticated product. Technical data currently available on ISO metric fasteners has been summarised in a section on its own. Following that is fundamental technical data on some of the fasteners in common use. There is also a stock list.


    Davis and Timmins Ltd


    GKN Distributors Ltd

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Failure analysis on the piston head fracture of high power low speed marine diesel engine


    Zhong Shenggen ; Wu Muhua

    Date published



    the piston head is a key part of the combustion chamber in diesel engines. It is closely related to the ship safety on voyage. The fracture of the piston head is not only connected to the economic compensation but also to the reputation of the engine manufacturer. Based on the analysis report and the samples from the engine licensor company this paper describes the procedures and results of the failure analysis on the piston head fracture and proposes that the design of the welding structure of the piston head should be further improved.


    Zhong Shenggen ; Wu Muhua

    Date published


  • Human handling characteristics on ship's motion in restricted condition


    S Senda ; H Kobayashi ; A Ishibashil

    Date published



    Human handling characteristics are investigated together with their influence on a ship's motion in restricted conditions. Firstly human control of the steering rudder is examined. Next experiments are explained using a ship's manoeuvring simulator to obtain the human characteristics of control on the steering rudder and propeller revolution. After this the control laws on the deceleration of a ship's speed are shown. Finally the accuracy of control laws and human characteristics are verified by comparing the results of numerical simulation applied proposed human control laws with one of the simulator experiments.


    S Senda ; H Kobayashi ; A Ishibashil

    Date published


  • Influence of boundary layer and wake on free surface flow around a ship model


    M Ikehata ; Y Tahara

    Date published



    The Rankine source method has been combined with an integral method for boundary layer and wake to investigate the influence of boundary layer and wake on the free surface flow around a ship model. The head loss due to viscosity has been taken into account in the equation of the boundary condition on the free surface. The computed results for pressure distributions on the hull surface wave profiles along the hull side pressure frictional and total resistance have been shown in comparison with measurements.


    M Ikehata ; Y Tahara

    Date published


  • Influences of fluctuation factors on NOx emission from medium speed diesel engine


    H Kondoh ; T Kawano ; K Masuda

    Shelf Location



    IMO regulations on NOx are touched upon. After this a follow-up survey for one year which has been conducted by on-shore testing of two cogeneration engines of 220 mm and 280 mm bore diameter respectively to confirm the possible influence of absolute humidity upon the characteristics of NOx is considered. Next combustion tests made on five kinds of fuel as specified by different calculated cetane indexes using a medium speed diesel single-cylinder engine with a 200 mm diameter bore to obtain results are discussed.


    H Kondoh ; T Kawano ; K Masuda

    Date published


    Shelf Location


  • Integrated coastal zone management for coping with extreme events on the Orissa coast


    R B Singh

    Date published



    The cyclone disaster management and mitigation measures in India include three phases: pre-cyclone mitigaton cyclone occurrence period and post-cyclone response. An international consortium has been launched to reduce the massive loss of life and property due to cyclones in India and other parts of the world. After some introductory information a look is taken at the impact of the Orissa super cyclone on the coastal landscape on temporal changes in vegetation cover on habitat agriculture pastures and destruction after the cyclone. This is followed by consideration of long term mitigation and the need for integrated coastal management.


    R B Singh

    Date published


  • International Conference on Revision of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 - Final Act of the Conference, with attachments including the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972


    International Maritime Organization (IMO)

    Shelf Location

    Out to store - 48 hours notice - box no.


    International Maritime Organization (IMO)


    International Maritime Organization (IMO); London, 1990

    ISBN number


    Shelf Location

    Out to store - 48 hours notice - box no.

    Date published


  • Model experiments on a series of 0.85 block coefficient forms. The effect on resistance and propulsive efficiency of variations in breadth draught ration and length-displacement ratio


    R E Clements ; G R Thomson

    Date published



    BSRA methodical series of hull forms with 0.85 block coefficient and various breadth-draught and length-displacement ratios were examined for resistance and propulsion behaviour at different speeds and loadings.


    R E Clements ; G R Thomson

    Date published


  • Nitrogen inert gas systems based on membrane technology


    I Iversen

    Date published



    Nitrogen gas inert systems based on membrane technology are described. The technology has been available since the early 1980's and was initially introduced for marine use to replace the high pressure nitrogen cylinders used on board chemical tankers for maintaining cargo padding during voyages. Today Membrane Nitrogen Inert Gas Systems are increasingly replacing the traditional fuel-fired type of inert gas systems on all tankers where clean and dry gas is required for maintaining the quality of the cargo as well as for protecting the ship from flammable conditions in the cargo area.


    I Iversen

    Date published


  • Nonlinear model of random wave load on pipelines


    Z Vukovic ; N Kuspilic ; C A Brebbia


    WIT Press Computational Mechanics Publications


    An analytical procedure for predicting the wave load on submarine pipelines to the action of random waves representing the nonlinear drag force by cubic approximation is presented. The spectra of the horizontal and vertical component of wave force on pipelines are defined by the spectral analysis method using Morison's equation. Firstly assumptions are looked at. This is followed by a review of wave load analysis. Next the nonlinear model of random wave load on pipelines is looked at. Lastly a numerical example is given.


    Z Vukovic ; N Kuspilic ; C A Brebbia

    Date published



    WIT Press Computational Mechanics Publications