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22981 results Most recent
  • Ice Load Impact Measurements on the CCGS Louis S. St. Laurent During the 1994 Arctic Ocean Crossing


    R Ritch ; J St John ; R Browne et al.

    Date published



    The Canadian Coast Guard Ship (CCGS) Louis S. St-Laurent in conjunction with the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Polar Sea was deployed for an Arctic voyage during the summer of 1994. The primary mission was to conduct scientific research on the Arctic Ocean. This paper discusses the local hull loads measurement program carried out onboard the Louis S St-Laurent. This work is part of an ongoing joint effort between the Canadian and U.S. Coast Guards to improve ice load impact criteria. This paper will focus exclusively on the load and load shape measurements made on the bow of the vessel.


    R Ritch ; J St John ; R Browne et al.

    Date published


  • Impact of suspended particulate matter on acoustic propagation in turbid coastal waters


    A D Heathershaw ; P D Thorne

    Shelf Location



    With future emphasis being on mine warfare (MW) and mine countermeasure (MCM) applications in shallow water there is a need to understand the impact of suspended particulates on sonar performance. The evidence for high concentrations of suspended particulates in coastal waters is reviewed and its likely effect on acoustic propagation is discussed from a theoretical view. Future work is described that will parameterise the effects in acoustic models through improved estimates of sediment attenuation. There are also plans to develop techniques for extracting information from satellite and airborne remote sensing instruments to input to real- time sonar performance monitors.


    A D Heathershaw ; P D Thorne

    Date published


    Shelf Location


  • Influence of low cylinder consumption on operating cost for 2-stroke engines


    Joern Dragsted ; Oyvind Toft

    Date published



    Optimisation of the cylinder oil consumption rate in diesel engines is essential to reduce particulate emissions as well as operating cost. In order to fulfil ever-changing requirements diesel engine lubricants have undergone continuous development in the past decades. For large bore 2-stroke engines the focus has been largely centred on cylinder lubricant performance in terms of product cost durability detergency dispersion wear rate and so on. However the parties involved all seem to have been concerned with their own interests. Recently the concern for lubricant consumption has surfaced. Alternative systems have been marketed yet there seems still to be a lack of overall evaluation of the compromise leading to the best operating economy. The various systems for cylinder lubrication are described and the experience gained on B&W's Alpha system and Jensen Lubricator's 'Swirl Injection Principle' is discussed in detail. Experience is collected from B&W K-90 MC engines in the A. P. Moller fleet and B&W S 70 MC engines in the Bergesen fleet. The results relate cylinder wear to oil consumption for traditional and new lubrication systems. Monitoring techniques through for example CDO (cylinder drain oil) analysis are discussed


    Joern Dragsted ; Oyvind Toft

    Date published


  • Instrument science and technology. Volume 2


    B E Jones (editor)

    Shelf Location



    An introductory chapter about measurement errors and instrument inaccuracies is followed by chapters on kinematic design of fine mechanisms in instruments, displacement transducers based on reactive sensors, silicon micro-transducers, digital transducers, digital signal conditioning and conversion and advances in lock-in amplifiers. A chapter on correlation in instruments concentrates on cross correlation flowmeters, while a chapter on nucleonic instrumentation is concerned with the measurement of physical parameters by means of ionising radiation. The final four chapters are of a more general character, discussing measurement for and by pattern recognition, creative instrument design, future instrumentation and its effect on production and research and the literature of instrument science and technology.


    B E Jones (editor)


    Bristol ; Adam Hilger Ltd

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Krylov method algorithms adapted to the grid computing


    Damien Tromeur-Dervout

    Date published



    The development of adapted numerical methods to handle the difficulty and also the capabilities of grid computing architecture are considered. The main focus is on the Krylov methods where the mass storage of data plays a key role in the numerical performance and the global communications due to dot products are the main parallelism difficulty. Modified algorithms for general Krylov methods are defined. These will be adapted to perform on the grid architectures. It is shown that projection techniques on Krylov spaces can be a powerful numerical tool with the condition to know how to compute efficiently the Krylov space. The combination of the symbolic calculus and numerical tool allows the dot product to be delayed and be performed in one pass. Numerical results obtained are encouraging and can be improved by mixing the Krylov space building process and the minimising process. It is concluded that such research on development on the numerical algorithms aspect are needed if scientific computing community want to solve real coupled problems on the grid architectures.


    Damien Tromeur-Dervout

    Date published


  • Loads

    Date published



    Environmental and operational loads arising from waves wind current slamming sloshing weight distribution and operational factors are examined. Special consideration is given to deterministic and statistical load prediction based on model experiments full-scale measurements and theoretical methods highlighting uncertainties in load formulations. Firstly the environmental loads on ships is considered. Computational methods and their validation are explored. The use of numerical methods in design and the influence of modelling is examined. Next the environmental loads on offshore structure is investigated. Large volume structures are explored at length. A comparative study on airgap and runup is presented and results and conclusions are given. Small volume structures are then examined followed by vortex induced vibrations. Then hydrodynamic impact loads are described including slamming loads green water on deck and sloshing loads. Conclusions are given for loads on ships

    Date published


  • Methodical experiments with models of single-screw merchant ships : Volume 1 : Chapter I-XII


    F H Todd

    Shelf Location



    The first volume of this two-part text on experiments with models of single-screw merchant ships contains chapters 1 to 12 on the selection of the range of proportions for the Series (Series 60), choice of hull form for the parent models, characteristics of Series 60 lines, resistance tests on Series 60 parent models, effect on resistance of variation in LCB position, effect on delivered horsepower (DHP) of variation in LCB position, effect on resistance and DHIP of variation in ship proportions, design charts, effect of variations in propeller diameter and ship draft and trim, effect of variation in afterbody shape upon wake distribution and power, and review of Series 60 project.


    F H Todd


    Department of the Navy

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Pitting corrosion and its influence on local strength of hull structural members


    Tatsuro Nakai ; Hisao Matsushita ; Norio Yamamoto

    Date published



    The objective of this study is to obtain basic data for discussing the structural integrity of aged ships especially hold frames of aged bulk carriers. Firstly shapes of corrosion pits observed on hold frames of bulk carriers have been investigated. It was shown that the shape of the corrosion pits is a circular cone and the ratio of the diameter to the depth is in the range between 8 to 1 and 10 to 1. Secondly a series of tensile tests has been conducted to investigate the effect of pitting corrosion on tensile strength. It was pointed out that the tensile strength decreases gradually and the total elongation decreases drastically with the increase of thickness loss due to pitting corrosion. Thirdly a series of 4-point bend tests with structural models which consist of shell web and face plates simulating hold frames of bulk carriers has been carried out to investigate the effect of pitting corrosion on collapse behaviour and lateral-distortional buckling behaviour. Following the experiment a series of non-linear FE-analyses has been also made.


    Tatsuro Nakai ; Hisao Matsushita ; Norio Yamamoto

    Date published


  • Real-time sonar system using acoustic lens and numerical analysis based on 2D-3D parabolic equation method


    Yoshie Takase ; Tetsuo Anada ; T Tsuchiya et al.

    Date published



    The forward obstacle avoidance sonar is mounted on AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) to help the AUV avoid obstacles in the ocean environment. In order to obtain real time high efficiency and clear acoustic images an acoustic lens on the real-time sonar system is studied. The propagation of sound through acoustic lenses can be modelled using either ray tracing or wave acoustics or a combination of both. The sound pressure near the focal area of the acoustic lenses is studied using PE (parabolic equation) methods. It is concluded that the acoustic lens simulation based on wave acoustics offers a valid means of prediction in the performance of acoustic lenses before fabrication. Numerical results are presented and conclusions drawn.


    Yoshie Takase ; Tetsuo Anada ; T Tsuchiya et al.

    Date published


  • Reflections on Copenhagen: marine greenhouse gas emissions


    Anne-Marie Warris ; Zabi Bazari

    Date published



    The United Nations meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009 was meant to complete the international negotiations on an amendment to or a new version of the Kyoto Protocol. This paper aims to explore the journey to and the journey from Copenhagen with a focus on greenhouse gas emissions from international marine bunker fuels. After some introductory information a short summary of climate change challenges is provided. Next an outline is given of the political framework followed by a look at IMO and its geenhouse gas emission developments United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) international marine bunker fuel developments Copenhagan implications shifting sands following COP 15 and a strategic way forward. Lastly attention is given to what Lloyd's Register is doing.


    Anne-Marie Warris ; Zabi Bazari

    Date published


  • Roll-on/Roll-off ships: stowage and securing of vehicles: code of practice

    Shelf Location



    London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO), 1991


    Experience gained in operation ro/ro ships has enabled the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to develop standards to improve the safety of this type of operation. This code, which includes the standards developed by the IMO, provides guidance and information on safe procedures to be followed during roll-on/roll-off operations to reduce risk to persons and ships. Section 1 looks at the principal sources of danger; section 2 at protection of personnel on ramps and vehicle decks; section 3 at vehicle decks, ships' ramps, lifting appliances and securing arrangements; section 4 at vehicles - suitability for transport by sea; section 5 at stowage and securing; section 6 at specialised vehicles and cargoes; section 7 at the Cargo Securing Manual; and section 8 at related publications.

    Shelf Location


    Date published



    London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO), 1991

  • Set-ups on automatics


    Machinery Pub. Co

    Shelf Location



    Machinery's Yellow Back Series no. 41 The various types of single and multi-spindle automatics, of both the bar and chucking varieties provide a convenient solution to many problems arising in competitive engineering production, and a considerable amount of development work has been expended by the makers in furthering the versatility of such machines. At the recent International Machine Tool Exhibition some interesting set-ups on automatics were demonstrated, and it has been thought desirable to place details of these on record in the present book. Although many of the components produced in these set-ups represent the standard type of component required in the automobile and aircraft industries, others have been designed to draw attention to the special features of some of the machines and their associated attachments. It is hoped therefore that the collection of set-ups herein included may be found of value to production engineers, process planners and others concerned with the production of components on automatics.


    Machinery Pub. Co


    Machinery Publishing Company

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Ship developments subject to their operation on inland and coastal waterways


    Ernst Muller

    Date published



    Today's inland vessels operating on the central-European inland waterway network are briefly introduced. Following on from this future conventional inland and river-sea vessels are discussed. It is thought that future conventional vessels so-called displacement ships (except for bulk carriers) will operate at a higher speed on inland waterways than today. Hull improvements are also expected. Technically improved loading and unloading equipment could make waterborne cargo transport more effective and more competitive. Port infrastructure will have to be adapted to the rising technical demand. Some hydrodynamics for higher speed vessels operating in inland waterways are considered followed by the minimisation of wave generation in hull shape design.


    Ernst Muller

    Date published


  • Specifications for a WIG boat based on market requirements


    E P E van Opstal

    Date published



    Developers and researchers of WIG boats focus on different criteria to potential operators. Developers and researchers often focus on high L-D high speed and sometimes amphibious capabilities and advanced systems while potential operators focus on safety seaworthiness certification and cost. It is stipulated that these market requirements must be met. An example is presented of a medium-sized type 'A' WIG boat which could fulfill these requirements. It is concluded that the example specification appears realistic and realisable with existing technology and scientific knowledge and that a craft like this could be in operation within a few years and could become the first step to the WIG ferries of the future.


    E P E van Opstal

    Date published


  • The effect of fish migration pattern on the acoustical estimates of fish stocks in inland waters


    M Godlewska

    Date published



    Fish diurnal migration is commonly observed both at sea and in fresh waters. In lakes and dam reservoirs apart from vertical migration some species perform extensive horizontal migrations from littoral during the day into open water at night. Depending on lake morphology and fish community structure one or other type of diurnal migration prevails. The influence of fish migration patter on the acoustical estimates of fish stocks is investigated. The Biosonics 101 dual beam echosounder was used to study fish spatial distribution during the day and during the night in several water bodies differing by depth and littoral coverage. It was shown that the larger the littoral area covered by vegetation the larger the difference between day and night estimates. It is concluded that while hydroacoustics is the most precise and reliable tool for estimating fish stocks preliminary information on fish biology and behaviour is required to make proper use of it.


    M Godlewska

    Date published


  • The Impact of New Technology on the Marine Industries Vol 1 of 2


    Southampton Institute


    Southampton Institute


    Conf held 13-15 Sep 1993 in Southampton UK. Papers are - The impact of new technology on navigation The effect of commercial factors on the introduction of new navigation technology Survey of the new developments in collision avoidance How to avoid things that go bump in the night Applicability of expert systems to collision avoidance Mathematical modelling and uncertainty in ship interactions The use and abuse of precise positions in marine navigation The impact of electronic charts on navigation Voyage event recorders - a major advance in marine safety standards A new model for vessel traffic services Information systems for VTS Design and implementation of radarless VTS in a riverine application Transponder system feasibility tested in the Scheldt VTMS in Antwerp


    Southampton Institute

    Date published



    Southampton Institute

  • The influence of NO-SO2 on the concentration of N2O diesel emissions


    Sudrajad Agung ; Osami Nishida ; Hirotsugu Fujita et al.

    Date published



    Nitrogen and sulphur are fuel constituents which contribute significantly to atmospheric pollution and to the deterioration of combustion equipment through the formation of NOx and SOx. This work investigates the influence of NO-SO2 on the emissions of N2O from a diesel engine. A direct-injection diesel engine (model NF-19SK YANMAR) one cylinder was used to test emissions. This engine works on a four-stroke cycle and was operated at 2200 rpm by 2550 and 75% engine load. The experiment by three level sulphur content of fuel and experiment by emulsion fuel (90% Heavy Liquid Fuel + 10% Water) were carried out. The result shows that apart from homogeneous interaction between NO SO2 and N2O emissions the temperature of exhaust gas has a significant effect on N2O formation. Interaction fuel S through reaction N + SO ? NO + S and NO + O2 ? NO3 then NO3 + SO2 ? NO2 + SO3 as would lead to increase in NO2 concentration. Furthermore in the case of emulsion fuel the correlation between fuel NO and N2O exhaust emissions was measured.


    Sudrajad Agung ; Osami Nishida ; Hirotsugu Fujita et al.

    Date published


  • The internal combustion engine


    F A F Schmidt

    Shelf Location



    The book contains the thermodynamic principles of internal combustion with an extensive treatment of combustion and ignition problems. The latter includes theoretical work and experimental results on detonation and knock. The book also discusses the thermodynamic principles of different gas turbine cycles and a section on the combination of gas turbines with other power plants has been included. There is also a revised chapter on the combination of reciprocating engines and gas turbines and a discussion on the application of different aircraft propulsion units. The principles of gas turbine design has been extended to include developments in the range of high creep-resistant materials. Also, the different methods of cooling gas turbine blades have been considered. A section on jet engines has been rewritten with the emphasis on thermodynamic principles. The section includes a description of different controlling methods and an examination of the design and operation of injection nozzles of jet and PTL engines.


    F A F Schmidt


    London ; Chapman and Hall Ltd

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • What goes on in shipbuilding


    M Chilton

    Shelf Location



    The book is part of a series which introduces key aspects of modern commerce, industry and technology to young people considering their career choices. It begins by surveying all the main types of ship that are currently built and describing their special features, and then goes on to explain the operations of a shipyard and how a typical yard might be organised. The chapters that follow discuss the facilities that are available in the modern industry and examine step by step the various stages of building a ship from planning to sea trials. There is a separate chapter on the important role of research and development and one on career opportunities, training and education.


    M Chilton


    Cambridge : Woodhead-Faulkner for Court Shipbuilders Ltd, Austin and Pickersgill Ltd, Scott Lithgow Ltd, A. and P. Appledore (London) Ltd

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Whipping response of vessels with large amplitude motions


    Nuno Fonseca ; Eduardo Antunes ; Carlos Guedes Soares

    Date published



    Impact loads on ships resulting mainly from bow slamming but also from green water on deck may induce global transient hull vibration known as whipping. This phenomenon occurs in heavy weather mainly in head or bow waves and the related global structural loads contribute to the maximum vertical bending moments induced on the ship structure thus it needs to be taken into account for the definition of the design wave bending moment. The numerical model is presented which calculates the vertical loads induced on the ship structure by large amplitude waves. This includes: the non-linear time domain method to calculate the rigid body ship responses the impact theory and the momentum method used to calculate the slamming loads on the ship bow the modal analysis procedure based on a finite element model of the Timoshenko beam and the calculation of the transient hull response.


    Nuno Fonseca ; Eduardo Antunes ; Carlos Guedes Soares

    Date published
