Yoshiyuki Inoue ; M Kamruzzaman
This paper presents an analysis tool to predict the dynamic motion response and non-linear connecting and mooring forces on a parallel-connected LNG-FPSO system due to non-linear exciting forces of wave wind and current. Simulation for the mooring performance is also investigated. The three-dimensional source-sink technique has been applied to obtain the radiation forces and the transfer function of wave exciting forces on floating multi-bodies. The hydrodynamic interaction effect between the FPSO and the LNG carrier is included to calculate the hydrodynamic forces. For the simulation of a random sea and also for the generation of time dependent wind velocity a fully probabilistic simulation technique has been applied. Wind and current loads are estimated according to OCIMF. The effects of variations in wave wind and current loads and direction on the slowly varying oscillations of the LNG and FPSO are also investigated in this paper. Finally some conclusions are drawn based on the numerical results obtained from the present time domain simulations.
Yoshiyuki Inoue ; M Kamruzzaman
Vincent O S Olunloyo ; Charles A Osheku
This paper presents an integral transform approach for investigating the effects of non-stationary behaviour of the seabed on the Morison hydrodynamic force associated with vertically moving submerged and partially buried offshore structures located in the neighbourhood of an exploration zone. For this the fluid-structure-soil dynamic interaction boundary value problem is modelled as a one-degree-of-freedom system and the geo-mechanical behaviour of the seabed is idealized as a spring and visco-elastic damper. In particular the corresponding fluid velocity potential and acceleration kernels in the Morison force empirical relation as modified by the seabed poro-mechanics are computed and their implications for the design of such offshore structures analyzed.
Vincent O S Olunloyo ; Charles A Osheku
Kevin Daffey ; Sean Loddick
The next generation of LNG carriers are sized up to 250000m3 and can be designed to take advantage of the through life efficiency benefits of all electric drive systems. To minimise the effect on the ship build it is proposed that the power generation sources be grouped together in a power station type arrangement and be installed on the Poop Deck of the ship in the latter stages of the build sequence. This paper describes how such a system can be readily designed and integrated into an overall electric LNG carrier system. In addition the rationale for dividing the scope of supply on such a vessel is discussed with particular emphasis on minimising the risk to the end users by allocating scope responsibilities to the right partners in a collaborative ship design and build programme. The control of such a system is discussed and a review of the failure modes is also included. This shows how the overall system is designed to offer extremely high availability of electrical power to the ship systems.
Kevin Daffey ; Sean Loddick
H Batra ; K Shankar ; Swarnamani
This paper defines a generalised and simplified procedure which has been devised so that the alignment checks of a warship propulsion shaft line can be undertaken while the ship is afloat against more traditional methods which often require dry docking of the ship. Strain gauge measurements on the shaftline are fed into the developed software titled ‘MARSHAL’ which uses finite element calculations to enable the entire alignment measurement process to be carried out with the ship afloat.The procedure also makes the difficult task of assessing hull deflections required by traditional methods unnecessary.The alignment solution is obtained by the way of a two stage ‘Multi-objective Optimisation’ procedure. The validation of the developed software and procedure has been carried out by comparisons of the software solutions with real propulsion shaft data and by way of simulations and experimental work.
H Batra ; K Shankar ; Swarnamani
Denmark, 1958
This is the Summary of the Report on Tests Concerning Fires in Ships' Corridors The report describes and considers the fairly searching investigations caused to be undertaken by the Directorate of the Government Ships Inspection Service and the State Testing Laboratory – in particular by the Committee appointed by the Directorate – assisted by the Association of Shipyards, the Shipowners’ Association and the Fire Protection Committee for the purpose of examining the influence that exposed surfaces may have on the development of fire in ships. Contents include: Summary of development since 1952; Report on Full Scale Tests; Report on Laboratory Tests; Analysis of full scale test results; Analysis of Laboratory Tests Results and comparison with Full Scale test results; Final Remarks. Accompanying the Summary, there is the Report itself and the Appendices.
Denmark, 1958
Jocelyn Chanussot ; Frederic Maussang ; Alain Hetet
High-resolution images provided by SAS (synthetic aperture sonar sensors) are of great interest especially for the detection location and classification of mines lying on the seabed. However these data obtained by an active imagery system are highly corrupted by a noise called the speckle. To reduce this noise and to suppress the spurious reflections it generates on the images it is proposed to use different algorithms based on image processing techniques. Several image-processing filters are tested and discussed. A comparative study of the results obtained on real SAS data is presented. The different filters are evaluated both visually and in terms of variance reduction. Conclusions are drawn.
Jocelyn Chanussot ; Frederic Maussang ; Alain Hetet
Kohei Ohtsu ; Ruri Shoji ; Hiroyuki Oda et al.
Broadband has been available for some years now. High-speed Internet access has been available to air passengers since May 2004. However at sea communication is still limited to a transmission rate of 64 Kbps at most. In 2002 a project was started to achieve high-speed large-scale two-way communication between ship and shore and between ship and ship. This project was called MBB (Marine Broadband) communication project. The construction of its infrastructure and applications was developed. A satellite automatic tracking antenna system was installed in order to realise the broadband communication between ship and shore on Shioji Maru a university training ship and on Ginga Maru a newly built training ship. The transmission rate of up-link achieved 1 Mbps and this was enough to transmit motion-image information. Experiments were conducted on transmitting the image. Based on these results a new system for ship operation and support system using the MBB at first is proposed.
Kohei Ohtsu ; Ruri Shoji ; Hiroyuki Oda et al.
L van Breda ; P O Passenier ; P A Wilson
Computational Mechanics Publications
Six channel pilots participated in an experiment to work out the potential benefits of path prediction on the navigation performance with channel-bound vessels. The pilots sailed an approach channel by a deep draught vessel under critical conditions. A basic ARPA radar system was used for navigation supplemented by three kinds of path predictors. Predictor (a) was based on an accurate fast-time hydrodynamic model of the vessel showing the vessel's exact path. Predictor (b) was based on a non-linear speed and rate of turn extrapolator. Predictor (c) was based on a linear speed and course extrapolator. The method is described and the results are discussed.
L van Breda ; P O Passenier ; P A Wilson
Computational Mechanics Publications
N E Bagshaw
For the benefit of specialist designers, engineers and chemists, as well as manufacturers and users of the equipment concerned, this book aims to give specific details of the battery types used in each field of applications, as well as their performance. The book includes sections on the general purpose of batteries on ships, small special purpose batteries on ships, submarine propulsion batteries and torpedo propulsion batteries.
N E Bagshaw
Research Studies Press
R T E Carr
in storage
R T E Carr
British Ship Research Association
in storage
A S T Thomson ; A W Scott ; W Ferguson
in storage
A S T Thomson ; A W Scott ; W Ferguson
British Ship Research Association
in storage
C E Lazenby ; J West
in storage
C E Lazenby ; J West
British Ship Research Association
in storage
ed. C A Brebbia
ed. C A Brebbia
David J Starkey; E S van Eyck van Heslinga; J A de Moor
David J Starkey; E S van Eyck van Heslinga; J A de Moor
Exeter : University of Exeter Press, 1997.
ISBN number859894819
Tribunal of Enquiry
Govt Publication Office
This report gives a detailed account of the loss of the MV Betelguese when she caught fire and sank damaging the local Whiddy Island jetty. The vessel was not fitted with IGS.
Tribunal of Enquiry
Govt Publication Office
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Torsten Feys
International Maritime Economic History Association; St John's. 2013
Torsten Feys
International Maritime Economic History Association; St John's. 2013
E Wilson
A report on the 1969 IMOC International Conference on Tonnage Measurement of Ships includes the historical background to work towards a universal system of tonnage measurement and formation of the sub-committee on Tonnage Measurement.
E Wilson