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Name of ship as recorded on the record
Southern Empress ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
San Jeronimo ( Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
San Geronimo ( Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929 )
Southern Princess ( Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934 )
The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.
13/12/1913 ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.
457 ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.
Sunderland ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928 )
London ( Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935 )
Walsall Staffordshire; Sunderland ( Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914 )
Tevlingveien ( Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927 )
Middlesbrough ( Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928 )
South Bank on Tees ( List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928 )
South Bank on Tees; Middlesbrough ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928 )
South Bank; Middlesbrough ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928 )
Oslo ( Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Annan; Glasgow ( Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928 )
Myrens Verksted ( Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928 )
Tonsberg ( Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928 )
Stettin ( Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928 )
Berlin ( Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928 )
Brackwede, Bielefield ( Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929 )
Liverpool ( Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934 )
Birkenhead; Liverpool ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934 )
Birkenhead ( Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934 )
Liverpool 3 ( Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934 )
Fleetwood ( Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934 )
Leeds; Liverpool ( Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934 )
Glasgow ( Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934 )
Lincolnshire ( Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934 )
Wokingham ( Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942 )
New Orleans ( Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942 )
Newcastle on Tyne; Middlesbrough; Newcastle ( Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Annan, Scotland ( Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.
Steel ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.
No ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?
No ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?
No ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
The official record pronounced by the Committee
Sunk ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.
North Atlantic ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Recorded information relating the specific cargo being conveyed.
Petroleum in bulk ( Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914 )
Whale Oil In bulk ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931 )
oil fuel ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.
Sld ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914 )
Mdb ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928 )
Gls ( Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928 )
Liv ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934 )
Osl ( Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934 )
N.Os ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942 )
Nwc ( Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed
The Eagle Oil Transport Co Ltd ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914 )
Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Smith's & Dock Co Ltd ( Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928 )
Sevilla Whaling Co Ltd ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.
Hugh McDermid Young ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914 )
H M Young ( Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914 )
Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.
Sunderland; Thames Haven ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914 )
South Bank; South Georgia ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928 )
Physical arrangement of a ship’s masts, sails and rigging.
Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.
Quadruple ( Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914 )
Quadruple Expansion ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914 )
Date in which construction of a vessel’s engines were completed.
1914 ( Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942 )
The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.
London ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914 )
Name of surveyor.
P Eide ( Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928 )
N A Stolte ( Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928 )
The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.
1914 ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.
William Doxford & Sons Ltd ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.
Sunderland ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
A vessel’s means of propulsion.
Steam ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
undefined ( Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Is the steamer assisted by sail?
No ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?
No ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).
No ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.
No ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.
Sunk by Submarine ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.
15/10/1942 ( Plan of Boilers for Southern Empress, 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Southern Empress, 24th February 1912 1912, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of San Jeronimo, 23rd February 1914 1914, Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the First Entry of San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification form for Steamers for San Jeronimo, 28th January 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Receipt for Steel manufactured by John Russell & Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 14th January 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section, as built, for Southern Empress, 18th February 1914 1914, Plan of Half Midship Section for Southern Empress, 24th February 1914 1914, Plan of Details for Pressure Boilers for Southern Empress, January 1927 1927, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Glasgow Secretary, advising that boiler for Southern Empress is fitted for her conversion to a whale oil factory, 5th October 1928 1928, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations to Southern Empress, 4th October 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A Lawrance, advising of conversion of Southern Empress to whale oil factory, 4th October 1928 1928, Letter from P J Marr, per Middlesbrough Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, confirming Southern Empress is now fitted for burning oil fuel above 150°F flash point, 29th September 1928 1928, Letter from Clerk to the London Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, requesting confirmation that Southern Empress & donkey boiler are fitted for carrying & burning low flash oil fuel, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter pro London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Middlesbrough Surveyors, approving fees for services rendered for Southern Empress, 21st September 1928 1928, Memo from A R Sneddon, Lloyd's Surveyor, regarding fees for whale oil conversion for Southern Empress, 20th September 1928 1928, Letter from William L Gilmour, Middlesbrough Principal Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding classification of Southern Empress following conversion to a whale oil factory & listing alterations & fees, 18th September 1928 1928, List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is send to the Middlesbrough surveyors for their guidance & completion, 9th July 1928 1928, Note regarding vessel under survey for San Jeronimo, June 1928 1928, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 20th August 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 21st July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 14th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 13th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, 1st June 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Letter from S Wood, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register regarding testing of whale meat boilers for Southern Empress, 1st September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Sketch Showing Structural Alterations for Southern Empress, 27th August 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 10th May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for pressure boiler for Southern Empress, March 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 21st May 1928 1928, Plan in Norwegian language of cover for Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 12th May 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 7th September 1928 1928, Plan of Working Deck for Southern Empress, 1928 1928, Memo from A Lawrance, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, to Middlesbrough Surveyors requesting confirmation that Southern Empress is fitted for low flash oil fuel & her donkey boiler fitted to burn low flash oil, 28th September 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Dusseldorf, returning a plan of Fat Separators & stating that said plan will be approved for Southern Empress, 28th March 1929 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N Stolte Esq, Stettin, returning an amended plan of extractor with approval for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, approving plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 25th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to the Secretary, London, forwarding a plan of the extractor for San Jeronimo, 18th May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, stating that the plan for the extractor for San Jeronimo will be approved pending amendments made, 10th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, Lloyd's Ship Surveyor, regarding the approval of a plan plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 9th May 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, regarding order received for whale oil apparatus & other extractor for San Jeronimo, with plan enclosed for Committee, 5th May 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to N A Stolte Esq, Stettin, regarding approval of plans of apparatus for San Jeronimo, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 2nd February 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to A Chisholm Esq, Hamburg, enclosing a copy of a letter regarding Whale Oil Apparatus for San Jeronimo, 2nd February 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck & A W B Edwards, Lloyd's Engineer Surveyors, regarding approval of plan of extractor for San Jeronimo, 31st January 1928 1928, Letter from N A Stolte, Lloyd's Register, Stettin to London Secretary, fowarding plans for whale oil apparatus for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Extractor for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Plan of Filling Chest for San Jeronimo, 26th January 1928 1928, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translated LR text of telegram regarding whale oil apparatus for Southern Empress, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, per Oslo Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, with translation of LR coded cablegram regarding arrangements for works for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Cablegram with translation regarding testing of cast steel doors for Southern Empress, 11th July 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, in receipt of cablegrams sent regarding the cast steel doors for Southern Empress, & confirming a cablegram sent in reply, 11th July 1928 1928, Memo from H A Ruck-Keene & A R Sneddon, Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, regarding conversion of Southern Empress for carrying whale oil in bulk, 11th July 1928 1928, Telegram in LR Private code for San Jeronimo, 10th July 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding approval of proposals for fitting additional superstructure to Southern Empress, 16th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Smiths Dock Co Ltd, regarding approval & return of plans for conversion to whale oil factory of Southern Empress, 15th June 1928 1928, Letter from J W Cairns, Smith's Dock Co Ltd to Lloyd's Register, London, proposing to convert the Southern Empress into a whale oil factory, listing the means to do so, & asking for a quick reply, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, to Oslo Surveyors, approving plans of boilers for Southern Empress, subject to conditions of survey & testing, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plan for approval of whale oil boilers for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, submitting the plans of whale oil boilers for approval for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, A Translation of a Cablegram regarding amendments to boiler plans for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code to Oslo Surveyor regarding Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Note Concerning Anchor & Chain Equipment for San Jeronimo, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from W D Heck, regarding approval of plan of fat separators for San Jeronimo, 28th March 1929 1929, Letter from Karl Hauss, Dusseldorf Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, to London Secretary, regarding plan & steel tests for Fat Separators for San Jeronimo, 25th March 1929 1929, Plan of Fat Separator for San Jeronimo, 1929 1929, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 12th August 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, returning two copies of plans showing details of the slipway bulkheads & framing for Southern Empress & the approval of them, 18th Ma 1931, Memo regarding class for Southern Empress & addition of slipway, 18th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to London Secretary, Lloyd's Register, regarding approval of proposed plans for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding surveys for Southern Princess, 13th August 1931 1931, Copy of Certificate of Survey for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Copy of correspondence from surveyor H R Howells regarding test of blubber digester for Southern Express, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Rudder Frame for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Plan of Elevation of Port Side of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Plan of Framing in Way of Slipway for Southern Empress, 15th May 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 30th October 1934 1934, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding 2nd Special Continuation Survey for San Jeronimo which will be attended to on her return to UK, 27th October 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee to the Secretary, Liverpool, inquiring from the surveyors whether the boilers still work under forced draught, & stating the amendments of the boiler pressure for Southern Princess, 21st September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee, Lloyd's Register, to the London Secretary, regarding specifications of boilers for Southern Princess, 14th September 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the 2nd SS No 2 partly held, & damage & alterations to Southern Empress, 6th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from B R Bostock, Technical Director, the Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding work on machinery for San Geronimo, 9th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Note submitting that the plan of replace shell for a Rotary Digestor merits approval for Southern Empress, 11th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934, Memo to the Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the SS No 2 partly held for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Memo submitting that report for Southern Empress is returned to the Liverpool surveyors for their guidance & completion, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Plan of Detail of Hartmann Pressure Boiler for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Pressure Boiler, New Shell, for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Oil Separator for Southern Princess, 1934 1934, Plan of Details of Hartmann Blubber Machine for Southern Empress, 1934 1934, Surveyor's Copy of Receipt for four Marison Corrugated Furnaces manufactured by Deightons Patent Flue & Tube Co Ltd for San Jeronimo, 30th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 17th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Steel Boiler Plates for San Jeronimo, 12th May 1934 1934, Steel Test Certificate for test on San Jeronimo undertaken by J H Allan at Frodingham Iron & Steel Works, 12th May 1934 1934, Receipt for Acid Boiler Steel Plates for San Jeronimo, 25th May 1934 1934, Plan of Central Boiler for Southern Empress, 1st May 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding a general examination of Southern Empress, 6th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Certificate of Examination for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding cast steel door for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Telegram in LR Private Code for Southern Empress, Undated no date, Translation regarding works for San Jeronimo, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding the approval of proposals for San Jeronimo, Undated no date )
Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.
North Atlantic ( Letter from J Allan, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, regarding errors in report & profile plan for San Jeronimo, 22nd February 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, to the Surveyors, Sunderland, regarding return of profile report & plan for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Telegram regarding fees paid for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Letter from Lewis C Davis, Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign Shipping, Sunderland to the Secretary, London, regarding main steam pipes for San Jeronimo, 20th February 1914 1914, Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to Surveyor at Oslo regarding whale oil for Southern Empress, 30th May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd May 1928 1928, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding forwarded plans of press boilers for Southern Empress, 22nd May 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Memo approval of plan of modification of rudder for Southern Empress, 20th May 1931 1931, Letter from J W Land, Secretary, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding plans of rudder modifications for Southern Empress, 18th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23 June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Memo from H R Howells, Surveyor at Liverpool, regarding the blubber digester for Southern Empress, 23rd June 1931 1931, Letter from A C Hay & Smart to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding differed action for Southern Empress, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to A Hay & Smart, Liverpool 3, regarding completion of second special survey for Southern Empress, 6th November 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding details of press boilers & return of reports of kvaerner boilers for Southern Empress, 13th September 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary to the Liverpool Committee to Southern Whaling & Sealing Co Ltd, London E C 1, regarding completion of special survey & mechanical survey for Southern Empress, 4th September 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding return of plans of shell & end plates for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plans of replace shell for Southern Empress, 15th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replane shell for Southern Empress, 14th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding return of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 10th August 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Repair Department, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Birkenhead, regarding plan of rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding to rotary digestor for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Memo regarding working pressure of rotary digester for Southern Empress, 17th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Manager Repair Department, Cammell Laird & Co Ltd to the Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, London E C 3, regarding maximum pressure of flanged ends of rotary digesters for Southern Empress, 14th July 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, E.C. 3 to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding approval of plan of replace shell for Southern Empress, 12th July 1934 1934, Letter from D M Keith, Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Liverpool Committee to the Secretary, London, regarding plan of outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter from H R Howells, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Liverpool to the Secretary, Liverpool, regarding plan of steel outer drum for Southern Empress, 7th July 1934 1934, Letter to the Secretary, London, regarding whale oil boiler for Southern Empress, 31st August 1934 1934, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of special survey for Southern Empress, 13th June 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding timing of boiler survey for Southern Empress, 28th May 1935 1935, Letter from Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Oslo to the Secretary, London, regarding timing of press boilers & apparatus surveys for Southern Empress, 25th May 1935 1935, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding letter for Southern Empress, 9th October 1942 1942, Letter from G F Stirling, Superintendent Engineer, Charles Salvesen & Co to Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Wokingham, regarding timing & location of general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 28th September 1942 1942, Letter from Pro Secretary to Charles Salvesen & Co, Leith, regarding general examination & load line survey for Southern Empress, 11th September 1942 1942 )
The listed port to which a given vessel belongs.
London ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914 )
Stanley ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Leith ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942 )
The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.
The Eagle Oil Transport Co Ltd ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914 )
Frank Kendall ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914 )
N C Watt ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934 )
Charles Salvesen & Co ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942 )
Christian Salvesen & Co ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.
+100A1; Shelter DK With Fbd; Carrying Petrolm Bulk; Lloyds A & Cp; +LMC 2,14; Fitted for Lon Class Fuel 2,14 ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914 )
+LMC 2,14; Fitted for Low Flash Oil Fuel 2,14; FD ( Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914 )
Electric Lighting ( Report on Electric Lighting Installation for San Jeronimo, 10th February 1914 1914, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
+100A1 with Freeboard Carrying Whale oil in Bulk; Fitted for Oil Fuel 2,14, Fp above 150F; BS 9,28; NDB 28,125lb ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928 )
BS 9,28; NDB 28, 125lb ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928 )
See Middlesbrough Report No 13426 ( Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928 )
+100A1 8.31 Bkn Spelter Dk With CD Carrying Whall Oil in Bulk Fitted for Oil Fuel; MB S 8,31 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931 )
MBS 8,31; TS 8,31 CL ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931 )
Deferred for Comp No 2 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934 )
B S 8,34; +NB, FC 8,34; Pressure BS 8,34 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934 )
+NB (FC) 8,34 ( Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934 )
+100A1; BS 7,42; +LMC 9,38; Deferred for Comp G/E ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942 )
+100A1 with Freeboard Whaling Service; S S 2nd No3 9,38; +LMC 9,38; B S 7,42; +NB(FC) 8,34; Pr B S 10,40; TS 7,40 Cl ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
The name of the port/place of destination given.
Thames Haven ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914 )
South Georgia ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928 )
A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).
10067 ( Steel Steamer Report for San Jeronimo, 18th February 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914 )
12153 ( List of New Tonnages for Southern Empress, 13th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 14th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931 )
12028 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 28th June 1928 1928 )
12383 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Southern Empress, 21st August 1934 1934 )
12353 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934 )
12398 ( Certificate of Survey of Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Southern Empress, Undated no date )
Location of construction for a vessel’s engines.
Sunderland ( Report on Machinery for San Jeronimo, 11th February 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 5th August 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 23rd August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 16th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for Southern Empress, 27th August 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 11th August 1940 1942 )
Birkenhead ( Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 27th July 1934 1934, Engine Castings Form for Southern Empress, 7th March 1934 1934 )
Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
JDSV ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for San Jeronimo, 16th January 1914 1914 )
The name of the port/place from which a vessel’s voyage originated.
South Bank ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Southern Empress, 18th September 1928 1928 )
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