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Rose Schiaffino ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date )

Notton ( Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Paignton ( Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920 )

Rose Chiaffino ( Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934 )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

26/11/1919 ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

209 ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

Hartlepool ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918 )

London ( Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934 )

Newcastle-on-Tyne ( Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920 )

West Hartlepool ( Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920 )

Blyth; Newcastle ( Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920 )

West Hartlepool; Hartlepool ( Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920 )

Blyth ( Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920 )

Marseilles ( Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934 )

Paris ( Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933 )

Marseille ( Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934 )

Algiers ( Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934 )

Newfoundland ( Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941 )

St Johns Newfoundland; Newfoundland, St John's ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941 )

St Johns, Newfoundland ( Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941 )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Missing, presumed lost ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Not been Heard of ( Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941 )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

__/__/0000 ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.

An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.

The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.

Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1920 ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Blyth ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date )

undefined ( Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Steel Steamer Report for Notton, 4th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Report on Machinery for Notton, 19th January 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 28th October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Area of ship loss

Between St John's, Newfoundland and Cardiff ( Plan of Boilers for Rose Schiaffino, 1st October 1918 1918, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Lloyd's Register, London, to Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co Ltd, Blyth, Builders, regarding payment of portion of survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Registers, London, to West Hartelpool Surveyors regarding first entry report, part completion of Engines & Boilers, transfer to private ownership & portion of fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Engineers, West Hartlepool, regarding survey fees for the engines of Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors regarding portion of chargeable survey of hull fees for Notton, 17th March 1920 1920, Letter from S R Davies, per Newcastle on Tyne Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing First Entry Report & rendering of account for payments of classification survey fees for Notton, 5th March 1920 1920, Memo regarding calculation of Machinery & Engine Fees chargeable to Controller of Merchant Shipping for Notton, 16th March 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to West Hartlepool Surveyors, regarding breakdown of the survey fees for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Newcastle Surveyors enclosing Hartlepool First Entry Report on machinery for Paignton, 26th January 1920 1920, Letter from D M Keith per Hartlepool Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, referring to First Entry Report, transfer to private Ownership & requesting amount of fees charged for Paignton, 22nd January 1920 1920, Memo submitting that reports for Paignton are forwarded to the Newcastle surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd January 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, replying to enquiry in classification letter regarding the tank plating of Notton, 15th March 1920 1920, Letter from Henry C T Ireland, Newcastle Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding correction in tonnages in Newcastle First Entry Report & amended Survey fees for Notton, 11th March 1920 1920, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to Classing Committee Newcastle Report, submitting eligible to class stated as recommended for Notton, 9th March 1920 1920, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Notton, 24th February 1920 1920, Memo submitting eligible for The Record with stated notation for Notton, 8th March 1920 1920, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th February 1920 1920, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of proposed new second deck in existing hold bunker space & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 20th December 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan for consideration of Committee of proposed new 2nd deck in existing hold bunker space of Rose Schiaffino, 18th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing approved plan of oil fuel suction & heating coil arrangements for Rose Schiaffino, 15th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning amended plan of oil fuel & heating coil arrangements & stating approval for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Memo regarding oil fuel arrangements plan for Rose Schiaffino, 12th December 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing modified plan of oil fuel installation for approval for Rose Schiaffino, 5th December 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plan of oil fuel burning arrangements, stating approval for efficient escape valves fitted to pumps for Rose Schiaffino gets approved, 27th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to J Taxil Esq of Lloyd's Register, Paris, regarding order for cast iron pieces & their examination when being fitted in Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing copy of letter addressed to Paris Office regarding cast iron pieces ordered for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Pumping Arrangement Endorsement, submitting plans of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements merits approval provided shifting valves dispensed with & pumps fitted with efficient escape valves for Rose Schiaffino, 26th October 1933 1933, Memo regarding cast iron pieces for Rose Schiaffino, 25th October 1933 1933, Letter from J Taxil of Lloyd's Register, Paris, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a copy of an order for cast iron pieces intended for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Letter from W H Waggott, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing plan of oil fuel burning arrangements proposed for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1933 1933, Copy of translation of letter from Lloyd's Register to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding order for equipment & quantities of machined cast iron pieces to be tested for Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Copy of letter from Lloyd's Register in French to Etablissements Bochenot & Co, Vaux Sur Blaise, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 17th October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming receipt of cablegram regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel Rose Schiaffino, 3rd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding proposal to convert double bottom tanks & informing of approval provided fresh water tank isolated from oil fuel tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of double bottom tanks for carriage of oil fuel provided isolated from fresh water tank in Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Memo regarding conversion of double bottom tanks for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors returning plans of settling tanks & arrangement of oil fuel double bottom tanks & informing of approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register to Marseilles Surveyors regarding approval of plans of oil fuel tanks with minor amendments for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Settling Tanks & Arrangement of Oil Fuel Bottom Tanks Endorsement, submitting plans merit approval for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd October 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Letter from Lloyd's Register Surveyors to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding proposed plans for oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 28th September 1933 1933, Plan of Group Double Heater Compressor Filters for Rose Schiaffino, 1933 1933, Plan showing Oil Fuel Burning & Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Notton, 19th October 1933 1933, Sketch of Proposed Second Deck in Existing Cross Bunkers for Rose Schiaffino, 16th December 1933 1933, Plan of Settling Tank for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 1st December 1933 1933, Plan of Bilge & Water Ballast Piping for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Half Midship Section Plan for Rose Schiaffino, 26th September 1933 1933, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding copy of certificates respecting oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 6th April 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 5th April 1934 1934, Telegram & translation in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners pressing for certificates for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of letter sent to Marseilles Surveyors for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Copy of letter from Dewar Paton, Algiers Surveyor, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding adjustment of safety valves of Port Boiler for completion of Boiler Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 29th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding recommended notation & issuing of certificate for oil fuel burning system installed in Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegram sent regarding Owners pressing for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 30th March 1934 1934, Memo regarding certificates & the oil fuel burning system for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding a letter regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Schiaffino, 2nd April 1934 1934, Letter in French from Bureau Veritas, Marseilles, to Marseilles Surveyor regarding oil fuel burning installation for Rose Chiaffino, 31st March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of completion of oil fuel burning installation & Owners' request for certificate for Rose Schiaffino, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming cablegrams regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code received from Marseilles Surveyor by Lloyd's Register, London, regarding retaining existing lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Telegram in LR Private Code from Marseilles Surveyors to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors enclosing translation of cablegram regarding not approving retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space of Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Translation of cablegram in LR Private Code sent to Marseilles Surveyors regarding retention of lead bilge suction pipes in machinery space not approved for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code from Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors regarding Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Memo submitting informing Marseilles Surveyors regarding the proposal to retain lead bilge suction pipes for Rose Schiaffino, 14th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Marseilles Surveyors stating proposal to retain wooden store room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 8th March 1934 1934, Memo informing Marseilles Surveyors that proposal to retain wooden store room in engine room with light plating of steel or zinc will be approved for Rose Schiaffino, 7th March 1934 1934, Letter from James W Stuart, Marseilles Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding Owners' proposal to protect the wooden store room on the Rose Schiaffino, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Rose Schiaffino, 26th March 1934 1934, Memo from the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the special survey of the boilers partly held for Rose Schiaffino, 3rd April 1934 1934, Letter from D M Macfarlane, Newfoundland Surveyor to the Secretary, Wokingham, regarding survey with the requirements in the cablegram carried out for Rose Schiaffino, 8th November 1941 1941, Memo from the Chief Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the 2nd SS No 2 for Rose Schiaffino, 8th December 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Rose Schiaffino, 21st October 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Rose Schiaffino, Undated no date, Tonnage information for Notton, Undated no date )

Physical arrangement of a ship’s masts, sails and rigging.

Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

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