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Name of ship as recorded on the record
Nirvana ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.
03/11/1914 ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.
847 ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Broad categories and subdivisions of vessels related to their purpose or function.
undefined ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Screw Steamer ( Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.
Steel ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.
No ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?
No ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?
No ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
The official record pronounced by the Committee
To be broken up ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.
Rosyth ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.
__/__/0000 ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
The listed port to which a given vessel belongs.
An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.
G H A Denne ( Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914 )
George Henry Alured Denne ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914 )
Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.
+100A1 (Steel); Shelter deck with freeboard; Lloyds A & Cp; +LMC 10,14 ( Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914 )
+LMC 10,14 ( Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914 )
+100A1 Shelter deck with freeboard; SS No 3-4,25 ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932 )
+100A1 Shelter dk with fbd 11,47; Examined 11,49 (6 Mos); SS No 3-4,36; SS No 1-40; +LMC 4,44; BS 12,47; TS 10,44 CL ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948 )
To be broken up ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948 )
The name of the port/place of destination given.
Middlesbrough; India ( Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914 )
A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).
6021 ( Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914 )
6044 ( Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948 )
The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.
Glasgow ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date )
Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.
Inverted Direct acting Triple Expansion Condensing ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914 )
Triple Compound ( Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914 )
Date in which construction of a vessel’s engines were completed.
The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.
1914 ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant Secretary of The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the issue of a Freeboard Certificate to the unclassed Nirvana, for a period of one year,14th October 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the request to issue a freeboard certificate to the Nirvana, as an unclassed vessel for the period of one year, 13th Octobe 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the reclassification survey for the Nirvana, 10th October 1924 1924, Memo for Nirvana, 10th 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to T W C Napier Esq, Calcutta Surveyor, regarding arrangements to survey the Nirvana, with a view to reclassification,16th January 1924 1924, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Gray Dawes & Co, Steamers Department, London, acknowledging receipt of old freeboard Certificate, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 12th May 1925 1925, Letter from W A MacKimmon, For Gray Dawes & Co, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing copy of Loadline Certificate for cancellation for the Nirvana, 11th May 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of old Freeboard Certificates, returned for cancellation for the Nirvana, 7th May 1925 1925, Letter from R H Martell, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Middlesbrough, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Certificates for cancellation for the Nirvana, 5th May 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 17th April 1925 1925, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London,to The Surveyors, Middlesbrough, regarding the cmpletion of the survey for reclassification of the Nirvana, & requesting arrangements with a view to the issue of fresh freeboard certificat 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the marking of freeboard on the Nirvana, 15th April 1925 1925, Letter from J Hand, Per The Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Falmouth, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, confirming telegram requesting Special Survey No 3 for Reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Falmouth, regarding the reclassification of the Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Telegram from the Falmouth Surveyors to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 6th April 1925 1925, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Letter from B Peskett, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Calcutta to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Convention Freeboard Certificate & Board of Trade memo for the Nirvana, 17th October 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1932 1932, Certificate of Freeboard of Provisional Certificate for Nirvana, 8th September 1932 1932, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 22nd June 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Nirvana, 17th May 1932 1932, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Leith, regarding Nirvana, 26th August 1948 1948, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nirvana, 24th August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London Office regarding Breaking Up for Nirvana, 3rd August 1948 1948, Question & Answer Memo between London & Leith Office regarding Demolition for Nirvana, 13th August 1948 1948, Letter from W Ken, Secretary to the British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of the Nirvana, 27th July 1948 1948, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, introducing Philip Bauer as the prospective purchaser of the Nirvana, 9th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, regarding the current situation of the Nirvana, referencing the expiry of the Freeboard Certificate, 4th June 1948 1948, Letter from The British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London, informing of the current situation and expired Freeboard Certificate of Nirvana, 4th June 1948 1948, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 29th April 1948 1948, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nirvana, 11th March 1948 1948, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 8th November no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard of Steam Ship for Nirvana, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Nirvana, Undated no date, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Nirvana, Undated no date, Copy of Freeboard Report for Nirvana, Undated no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.
W Gray & Co Ltd ( Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nirvana, 30th October 1914 1914, Steel Steamer Report for Nirvana, 28th October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Nirvana, 26th October 1914 1914, Report on Machinery for Nirvana, 22nd October 1914 1914, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Nirvana, 1st October 1914 1914, Letter from D McAuslan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telegram requesting additional freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, West Hartlepool, acknowledging receipt of telegram, requesting additional copy of freeboard certificate for the Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Telegram from the West Hartlepool Surveyor to the Committee, London, regarding Nirvana, 9th November 1914 1914, Letter from E J Stoddart, for Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade, to Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of Loadline Certificate & report respecting the Nirvana, 4th November 1914 1914, Copy of a letter from Lloyd's Register, London for Nirvana, 31st October 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an objection from the Board of Trade to the fitting of the metal scuppers at the sides of the Upper Deck on the Nirvana, 2 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a copy of the Displacement Scale for the Nirvana, 27th October 1914 1914, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Surveyors, West Hartlepool, enclosing particulars of freeboards assigned to the Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Memo regarding the cargo port doors for Nirvana, 28th September 1914 1914, Letter from James W Stuart, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, West Hartlepool, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a Verification Freeboard Report for the Nirvana, 25th September 1914 1914, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Nirvana, 26th September 1914 1914, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Nirvana, 23rd September 1914 1914, Deadweight Scale for Nirvana, 21st October 1914 1914, Profile Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Profile Showing Scantlings of Tube Pillars, Girders, Etc for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Half Midship Section Plan for Nirvana, 30th March 1914 1914, Plan of Boilers for Nirvana, 7th February 1914 1914, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to James French Esq, New York Chief Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of New York Report & Verification of Marking Form in respect of the Nirvana, 2nd December 1924 1924, Letter from James French, Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, U S A & Canada to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding New York Report & Verification of Freeboard Form in respect of the Nirvana, 20th November 1924 1924,