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Name of ship as recorded on the record
Diyatalawa ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Diyatalawa; Rappenfels ( Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922 )
Nigaristan ( Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Nigaristan; Diyatalawa ( Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922 )
Nagaristan ( Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.
Bremer Vulkan ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
A vessel’s means of propulsion.
Steam ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
undefined ( Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Is the steamer assisted by sail?
No ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?
No ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).
No ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.
No ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.
Reykjavik ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.
London ( Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923 )
Bombay ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941 )
Falmouth ( Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922 )
Glasgow ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923 )
Blackwall, London ( Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922 )
Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.
Bom ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941 )
Fal ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922 )
Gls ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923 )
The individual and/or organisation listed
Requisitioned by The Admiralty; Grahams & Co ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917 )
Requisitioned by the Admiralty ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917 )
Strick Line ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922 )
F C Strick & Co ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922 )
F C Strick & Co Ltd ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941 )
Frank C Strick & Co Ltd ( Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922 )
F C Strick & Co, Ltd ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.
GL 8,17 usual foot note ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917 )
GL 8,17 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917 )
See repair report Fal 6109 ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922 )
+100A1; S S No 3 -6,22; A & CP; LMC 6,22; FD; CL; OG ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922 )
See Fal Rpt 6109 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922 )
See Fal 6109 ( Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922 )
LMC 6,22; FD; CL; OG ( Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922 )
+100A1 7,23; Fitted Oil Fuel 7,23 FP above 150 F ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923 )
Deferred for compn of B S; Fitted for Oil Fuel 7,23 FP above 150 F; Note Shaft ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923 )
+100A1 2,41; fitted for oil fuel 7,23; FP Above 150F; S S Shl 2nd no 3-10,34; S S Bkn no 1-39; +LMC 5,39; B S 7,40; TS OG 2,41 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941 )
+100A1 2,41; S S 2nd No 3-10,34; S S No 1-39; LMC 5,39; B S 7,40; TS 2,41 OG ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
The name of the port/place of destination given.
England ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917 )
Glasgow ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922 )
Persian Gulf ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922 )
Bristol Channel; Persian Gulf ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923 )
Location of construction for a vessel’s engines.
Vegesack ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923 )
Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
JLFD ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922 )
Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.
Inverted Triple Expansion Surface Condensing ( Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922 )
Name of surveyor.
Alexander Fletcher ( Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923 )
The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.
1912 ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.
Vegesack ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.
Steel ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.
No ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?
No ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?
No ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.
Caught Fire & Abandoned; Presumed Sunk ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Caught Fire & Abandoned, Vessel Presumed Sunk ( Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date )
Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.
24/09/1941 ( Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the Examination for GL & class of Diyatalawa, 15th October 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Nigaristan, 23rd June 1922 1922, Report on Masts, Spars & Rigging for Nigaristan, 16th June 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Plan of Main Steam Boiler for Nigaristan, 30th May 1922 1922, Midship Section Plan for Diyatalawa, 27th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Plan of shifting watertight bulkhead for Nigaristan, 6th June 1923 1923, Plan of Oil Burning Arrangement for Nigaristan, 1923 1923, Plan of Settling Tank for Nigaristan, 9th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Memo from the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding repairs to Nigaristan, 6th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Copy of Telegram regarding pumping & oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date, Profile of Capacity for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.
Reykjavik ( Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting survey for condition with view to listing in Register Book & advising of drydocking at Bombay in July of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 15th June 1917 1917, Letter to Captain T G Segrave of India Office, London, regarding authorising Surveyors to undertake desired survey, advising of process with regards examination & plans & of possible notation to expedite during period of War for Diyatalawa, 5th June 1917 1917, Memo submitting writer be informed that with view to classification plans of scantilings & arrangements to be submitted, fee to be charged for hull & machinery, advising Bombay Surveyor of boiler pressures for Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 4th June 1917 1917, Letter from T G Segrave of India Office, London, to A E Scott Esq of Lloyd's Register, London, requesting consideration for Classification Survey, loading in UK & leaving in a week, advising of proposed drydocking in Bombay of Diyatalawa, 1st June 1917 1917, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing of fees charged for survey of hull, survey of machinery & assignment & survey of Freeboard for Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 10th July 1922 1922, Memo submitting fees to be charged for survey on hull & survey on machinery for Nigaristan ex Dyatalawa, 8th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, informing of reports received on hull from Falmouth Surveyors & classing with record & notations for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 7th July 1922 1922, Memo regarding Special Survey held on machinery with view to classification, satisfactory report & submitting eligibility for The Record with notation for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 6th July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, vessel proceeding to Glasgow & requirements to complete survey & examination for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Memo submitting eligibility for the record with notation when donkey boiler has been surveyed, advising Glasgow Surveyors accordingly as vessel proceeding to Glasgow, noting approved plan of donkey forwarded to Glasgow for Nigaristan, 22nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, returning plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements informing of approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from A T Graham, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, forwarding for consideration of Committee Main & donkey boiler & pumping & profile plans with particulars of engines, screwshaft & propeller for Diyatalawa, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors, regarding forwarding for information copy of letter to Owners requesting particulars of equipment with certificates of test of anchors & chain cables for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, regarding approval of existing arrangement of bulkheads with notation on dispensed bulkhead & eligibility of class for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 12th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing certificates of test of anchors & cables, informing of test for watertightness of repairs to be carried out before survey finished for Nigaristan, 13th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors informing that sliding watertight doors capable of being worked from upper deck should be fitted to openings in boiler room bulkhead of Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 9th June 1922 1922, Letter from J Hand, Falmouth Surveyor, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, informing of Owners' desire to partition a coal space in hold requiring fitting of watertight doors on bulkhead for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, noting contents of letter received regarding bulkheads & mentioning equipment on board Nigaristan ex Dityatalawa, 14th June 1922 1922, Letter from A Walker of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, advising of purchase & proposing to put through No 3 Special Survey with works to be done at Falmouth for Diyatalawa, 17th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding new purchase & obtaining for consideration the necessary plans with a view to classification of Diyatalawa ex Rappenfels, 9th May 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey at Falmouth for classification, plan of profile received with approval to omission of watertight bulkhead, translated plan of Midship Section forwarded, scantlings examined & eligibility for class for Nigaristan, 12th June 1922 1922, Memo regarding survey for classification at Falmouth, submitting approval for suitable structural compensation for omission of intermediate bulkhead in forehold with notation in Register Book for Nigaristan ex Diyatalawa, 8th June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Falmouth Surveyors regarding new Owners desiring classification with works to be carried out at Falmouth, plan of midship section forwarded by Owners, arrival at Falmouth of Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Frank C Strick & Co Ltd, London, Owners, advising of Falmouth Surveyors to proceed with survey as midship section plan shows similar sister vessels built to class as Diyatalawa, 19th May 1922 1922, Memo to Chief Ship Surveyor regarding Glasgow Report on Damage Survey, Oil fuel burning installation fitted for Nigaristan, 30th July 1923 1923, Letter from Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to Cardiff Surveyors advising of vessel leaving for Bristol Channel, stating works still required to complete Boiler Survey & expecting survey at Cardiff, Barry or Newport for Nigaristan, 11th July 1923 1923, Ship Forgings Form for Nigaristan, 26th June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plans of bilge & ballast piping arrangements & oil fuel piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming sent telegram regarding amended bilge piping submitted & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting that amended plan of ballast piping & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements merit approval for stated conditions & Glasgow Office advised by wire of approval provided size of settling tank air pipes for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Telegram from Glasgow Office of Lloyd's Register to Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding submitted amended bilge piping & Builders pressing for reply for Nigaristan, 28th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter regarding proposed installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from J D Boyle & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, re-submitting amended plan of bilge & ballast piping arrangements with additional air pipes fitted for Nigaristan, 23rd June 1923 1923, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, returning plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements informing of approval for stated conditions for Nigaristan, 15th June 1923 1923, Memo submitting plan of amended bilge & ballast piping arrangements relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements merits approval for stated conditions & plan of oil fuel burning piping arrangements be submitted for Nigaristan, 14th June 1923 1923, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary of Glasgow Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, transmitting letter submitting for consideration of Committee plan of Oil Fuel Burning Arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Letter from Harry Clarke & E E Brimblecombe, Glasgow Surveyors, to Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, submitting print of proposed bilge & ballast plan relating to installation of oil fuel burning arrangements for Nigaristan, 12th June 1923 1923, Note stating fees for Hull & Machinery had they been built under Surveyor for Nigaristan, Undated no date, Memo regarding plans of main & donkey boilers & pumping arrangements with particulars of cylinders & sizes of shafting, submitting approval for arrangements shown & stated conditions for working pressure for Diyatalwa ex Rappengels, Undated no date )
The listed port to which a given vessel belongs.
London ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941 )
An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.
Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.
Bombay; England ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917 )
Falmouth; Glasgow ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922 )
Glasgow; Persian Gulf ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922 )
Glasgow; Bristol Channel; Persian Gulf ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923 )
A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).
5883 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922 )
5993 ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 16th July 1923 1923, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Nigaristan, 5th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nigaristan, 22nd July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Nigaristan, Undated no date )
Date in which construction of a vessel’s engines were completed.
1912 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Diyatalawa, 4th September 1917 1917, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Boilers for Nigaristan, 1st July 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Nigaristan, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Nigaristan, 17th July 1923 1923 )
The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.
Strick F C & Co Ltd ( Steel Steamer Report for Nigaristan, 19th June 1922 1922 )
The name of the port/place from which a vessel’s voyage originated.
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