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N T Nielsen Alonso ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date )

Custodian ( Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

N T Nielsen-Alonso ( Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943 )

Southern Empress ( Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932 )

N T Nielson Alonso ( Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date )

Nielsen Alonso ( Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

19/12/1899 ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

252 ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

undefined ( Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Sunk by Submarine ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

22/02/1943 ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.


+100A1 Steel; Awng Dk; LA & CP; +LMC 2,00; W Freebd S 13,10 1/2 ( Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900 )

+LMC 2,00 ( Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

+100A1 without spl restrictions; carrying whale oil in bulk; Carrying oil fuel in bulk FP above 150°F in tanks forward of cofferdam; note Dks & BH; B S 8,26 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926 )

B S 8,26; dele dbp; note blr records ( Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926 )

+100A1; carrying whale oil in bulk; carrying oil fuel in bulk &c; B S 8,27 ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927 )

BS 8,27 ( Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927 )

Not for Classing Committee ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927 )

+100A1; carrying whale oil in bulk; carry oil fuel in bulk &c in tank forward of cofferdam; (M) S S No 1-28; LMC 7,28 s 7,28 NSB (S) 7,28 ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928 )

LMC 7,28; NSB (s) 7,28; S 7,28 ( Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928 )

+100A1 Carr Whale Oil & C; Fitt for Oil Fuel & C; S 1,35 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935 )

Deferred ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935 )

+100A1 10,42; S S Sft 3rd no 3 10,37; Examined 9,41; LMC 10,37; BS 7,42; P & BS 8,39; TS CL 10,42 S 8,41; Carrying Whale Oil in Bulk or Oil Fuel in bulk FP above 150F Except in no 10 & 11 Tanks Fitted for Oil Fuel 7,30 FP above 150F ( Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942 )

+100A1 subject 2,43; Examined 7,42; whale Oil in bulk &c ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943 )

+100A1 2,43; Examined 7,42; S S 3rd No 3-10,37; Carrying Whale oil in Bulk or Oil Fuel in bulk FP above 150f; Except in Nos 10& 11 tanks Fitted for Oil Fuel 7,30 FP above 150f; NSB (3) 7,28; LMC 10,37; BS 7,42; TS 8,41 P 10,42 CL ( Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date )

A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).

Gross Register Tonnage

9214 ( Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900 )

9506 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926 )

9516 ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928 )

9341 ( Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935 )

9348 ( Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date )

Recorded information relating the specific cargo being conveyed.


Whale Oil in Bulk; Oil Fuel in Bulk ( Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926 )

Oil in Bulk; Oil fuel in Bulk ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927 )

Whale Oil in Bulk; Fuel Oil in Bulk ( Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926 )

Whale Oil In bulk ( Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date )

Carrying of Whale Oil; Cargo Fuel Oil ( Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926 )

Whale Oil & Fuel Oil in bulk ( Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926 )

Oil Fuel in Bulk ( Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928 )

Oil in Bulk ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928 )

whale oil ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935 )

Carrying Whale Oil in Bulk ( Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1900 ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Charles Connell & Co ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Glasgow ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the weights of the anchors for the vessel, 2nd January 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Memo for Custodian regarding the surveyor's statement regarding the amount of cylinders & cranks on his report, 27th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Memo of Freeboard Report for N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Translation of a Cablegram for Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding approval of the oil hatches proposal, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the vessel being under survey, 27th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding repairs to the vessel, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the boiler & the boiler scantlings of the vessel, 6th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Translation of a Cablegram sent to the surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding an approved proposal, 1st January 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding the damage survey for the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 22nd February 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owners wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's wish to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Translation of a telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the owner's proposal to fit new bulkheads, Undated no date, Plan of Grax Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Translation of a cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the stiffeners , Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

The official record pronounced by the Committee

Loss or disposal

Sunk ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Area of ship loss

North Atlantic ( Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th December 1898 1898, Note relating to Plan of Steel Boiler for Custodian, 31st May 1898 1898, Plan of Steel Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Steel Boilers Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Half Midship Section Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1898 1898, Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Memo from Chief Surveyors to the Classing Committee regarding class of Custodian, 26th February 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Remarks of Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo regarding the conversion of the N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Memo regarding alterations for N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Plan of Stern Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1926 1926, Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Gothenburg regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding Custodian, 30th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927, Plan in Swedish Language of Lower Middle Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th July 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification of N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 3rd Special Survey No 1 & damage to N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 1928 1928, Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Memo from Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage to N T Nielsen-Alonso, 26th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Memo from Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the partly held special survey of the boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd May 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date, Note relating to Classification for Custodian, Undated no date, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code regarding oil hatch to tween decks tank on N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code to surveyor at Oslo regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, Undated no date, Pamphlet advertising ship doors manufactured in Germany no date, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

Glasgow ( Plan of Girders, Beams, Stanchions,Web Frames etc under the Lower Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1898 1898, Letter from F R Noton, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the submitting for approval the weights of the bower anchors, Custodian, 29th December 1899 1899, Letter from Thomas Warren, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Glasgow to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London regarding the angles on the main & lower deck plates, Custodian, 1st March 1900 1900, Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 10th February 1943 1943, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Oslo ( Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the conversion of the steamer, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Boilers for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 14th August 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 4th February 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor Pers Bjorn Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding enclosed proposed plans for the stiffening of the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from P B Roli, Sureyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the deck houses & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Surveyor B J Roli, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for calculating the equipment number & piping arrangements to oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th April 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the rudder quadrant of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the details of the the bulkheads in connection with the whale slip of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 6th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing hinged doors proposed to be fitted on the ships sides tweendeck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the Hartmann's apparatus on the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan showing the flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed flensing plan for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the enclosed plan showing the position of the doors proposed to be fitted in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a translation of a letter regarding the enclosed sketch showing the proposed doors for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd March 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plan for the general arrangements & the equipment number, N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th March 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the plan for the whale slip proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans for the new athwartships & longitudinal bulkheads for fuel oil of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting the enclosed plans showing the proposed bulkheads for the whale & fuel oil for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting plans showing the steering arrangements for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Letter from Per Bjorn Roli, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th February 1926 1926, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans showing the position of the proposed whale oil tanks in lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register Oslo to Lloyd's Register, London regarding tween deck tanks, 11th June 1927 1927, Copy of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Oslo regarding tween deck tanks on N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1927 1927, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding new bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, Oslo, to Lloyd's Register, London, translation required, 10th June 1927 1927, Letter from P Eide, Per the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th June 1928 1928, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 1st June 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for Custodian, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Norweign Language of Steam Boiler for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th May 1928 1928, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for Southern Empress, 30th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Whale Oil Boilers Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1933 1933, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a proposal for to fit a Kvarner Apparatus, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th December 1934 1934, Letter from Pers Bjorn Roli, surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Oslo to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding propsed plans for whale oil apparatus & extractors, N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th December 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Whale Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 8th November 1934 1934, Plan of Whale Oil Extractor in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th June 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Screw Shafts for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935 )

Sandefjord; Oslo ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935 )

London ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding additional strengthening of bulkheads of N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the stiffeners for the bulkheads, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the equipment number for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the the rudder quadrant for the steamer N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the bulkheads in connection with the conversion of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the hinged doors for the ships sides in the tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the Hartman's apparatus in the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approval of the plan showing the flensing plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed flensing plan, N T Nielsen Alonso, 17th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a telegram sent concerning the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st March 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from The Secretary, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the the plan showing the position of the bulkhead doors proposed to be fitted, 31st March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding a request for a plan showing the position which the doors are proposed to be fitted, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding a request for a plan of the proposed doors, 9th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the enclosed plan of the general arrangement of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd March 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding an incomplete & indistinct plan from the surveyors, 19th March 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the pumping arrangement plan of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 19th April 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the pumping arrangement plan for the vessel, 19th April 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the steering arrangements proposed for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd April 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plan showing the transverse & middle line bulkheads for the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd February 1926 1926, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads of the vessel, 22nd February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the approval of the plan for the oil fuel bunkers & the transverse & middle line bunkers, 22nd February 1926 1926, Copy of a Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Oslo, regarding N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 10th February 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the plan for the oil fuel bunkers, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the plan for the bulkheads for whale & fuel oil, N T Nielsen Alonso, 9th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for the copies of plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith Ltd, Cardiff, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale oil & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the proposed conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to C F Christensen, Esq, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff, regarding the plans for the conversion of the vessel to carry whale oil in bulk, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London regarding the carrying of whale oil on the vessel, 26th January 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the approval of the plans showing the flensing deck above the awning deck & the alteration to the whale boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th February 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding telegrams sent between the two offices, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, confirming receipt of a telegram concerning the plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg regarding the approval of the plan for oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding sketches for the lower deck conversion for carrying whale oil & approval of the air pipes for the lower tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for converting the parts of the lower deck for carrying whale oil, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, confirming a telegram concerning the approval of the conversion of parts of the lower tween deck, N T Nielsen Alonso, 14th June 1927 1927, Cablegram for N T Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register Oslo, approving boiler plans, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the approval of the plan for whale oil boilers, , 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding the boiler & scantlings of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd December 1934 1934, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding the whale oil boiling apparatus & oil extractor, 21st December 1934 1934, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee, Lloyd's Register London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, regarding the safety valves of all the boilers, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 21st August 1935 1935, Questions & Answers Memo Between Lloyd's Register, London & Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding an enquiry as to whether the vessel is laid up, for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 9th August 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London to the Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Oslo, regarding approved plans for the upper deck, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 1st January 1935 1935, Memo for N T Nielsen-Alonso regarding the approved plans for the upper deck, 1st January 1935 1935, Telegram for Nielsen Alonso from Lloyd's Register, London to Lloyd's Register, Oslo regarding the bulkheads for the vessel, Undated no date )

Cardiff ( Letter from Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Ltd, Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans of the stern alterations & the bulkhead positions, N T Nielsen Alonso, 27th January 1926 1926, Letter from Christian Frederick Christensen, Arnesen, Christensen & Smith, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding a request for plans & the general requirements for whale & fuel oil tanks, N T Nielsen Alonso, 26th January 1926 1926, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Cardiff to Lloyd's Register, London regarding alterations for Custodian, 22nd January 1926 1926, Profile Plan for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th January 1926 1926 )

Sandefjord ( Plan of Horizontal Stiffening of Oil Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of New Transverse Bulkheads for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th January 1926 1926, Profile & Deck Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Flensing After Deck for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th March 1926 1926, General Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Half Midship Section Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 5th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian language of Whale Slip for N T Nielsen Alonso, 20th February 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Steering Arrangement for N T Nielsen Alonso, 16th April 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Rudder Segment for N T Nielsen Alonso, 13th March 1926 1926, Plan in Norwegian Language of Midship Section for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd February 1926 1926, Plan of Upper Deck Arrangement in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th December 1934 1934, Oil Extractor Plan in Norwegian language for N T Nielsen Alonso, 23rd December 1934 1934 )

Gothenburg ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Memo for N T Nielsen Alonso regarding damage to the vessel, 13th September 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register Gotheburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, confirming the receipt of a telegram concerning a plan of tank alterations & oil hatches, N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 1927, Telegram for N T Nielsen Alonso, 29th June 1927 from Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to Lloyd's Register, London. Telegram needs tanslating 1927, Letter from H J Thomson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, submitting whale oil boilers plans for approval, N T Nielsen Alonso, 18th June 1927 1927, Letter from Surveyor V C Bulow, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram concerning the plan for new boilers, N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st June 1927 1927, Letter from V C Bulow, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Gothenburg, Sweden to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the safety valves of the boilers on the vessel, N T Nielsen-Alonso, 27th August 1935 1935 )

San Larvik; Oslo ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927 )

Goteborg ( Plan in Swedish Language of Ice Strengthening for N T Nielsen Alonso, 25th June 1927 1927 )

Helsingborg ( Letter from E T Akeson, Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, Helsingborg to the Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the boiler of the vessel, N T Nielsen Alonso, 31st August 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Damage for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 20th July 1928 1928, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 23rd July 1928 1928 )

Landskrona; Helsingborg ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928 )

Landskrona ( Plan of Oil Tight Bulkheads & Deep Tank for N T Nielsen Alonso, 7th June 1928 1928, Repair Plan in Swedish language to Doors on Port Sideboards for N T Nielsen Alonso, 28th June 1928 1928 )

Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.

Port of survey abbreviations

Gls ( Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report on Electric Lighting Installation for Custodian, April 1920 1920, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Osl ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935 )

Got ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927 )

Hbg ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928 )

The individual and/or organisation listed

Ship owner

Charente Steam Ship Co Ltd ( Steel Steamer Report for Custodian, 21st February 1900 1900 )

Charente Steamship Co Ltd ( Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Custodian, 7th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, 14th February 1900 1900, Report on Machinery for Custodian, Undated no date )

Hvalfangerselsk Polaris A/S ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928, Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen-Alonso, 12th February 1943 1943 )

Hvalfangerselskabet Polaris A/S ( Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th August 1926 1926 )

Walfangerselok Polario A/S ( Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 30th August 1927 1927 )

Hvalfangerselsk, Polaris A/S ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 22nd June 1927 1927 )

Hvalfangerselsk ( Report of Survey for Repairs for N T Nielsen Alonso, 3rd August 1928 1928 )

Hvalfangerselsk Polaris AS ( Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 2nd August 1928 1928 )

Hvalfangerselsk Polaris Aktieselskabet ( Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 11th January 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 15th February 1942 1942 )

Hvalfangerselsk Polaris ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 21st March 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935, Report on Boilers for N T Nielsen Alonso, 12th April 1935 1935 )

Hvalfangerlok Polaris A/S ( Report of Total Loss & Casualty for N T Nielson Alonso, Undated no date )

Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.

Name recorded as the superintendent of the proving house.

Superintendent of Proving House

Frederick C Melding ( Chain Cable & Anchor Certificate for Custodian, 3rd July 1928 1928 )

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