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Kingswood ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

26/03/1929 ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

409 ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed

Ship owner

Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Joseph Constantine Steam Ship Line Ltd ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943 )

Broad categories and subdivisions of vessels related to their purpose or function.

Ship type

undefined ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Screw Steamer ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929 )

Tug ( Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937 )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

The official record pronounced by the Committee

Loss or disposal

Sunk ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Place of ship loss

West Coast Africa ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.

Name of surveyor.


J D Macdonald ( Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929 )

William Butler ( Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

R W Fawcett ( Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930 )

Jervis Dale ( Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937 )

H C Forster ( Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937 )

Robert Cheetham ( Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937 )

A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).

Gross Register Tonnage

5055 ( Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

5505 ( Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929 )

5038 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938 )

5080 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.

Ship manager

Robert Alfred Constantine; William Whitesmith Constantine ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929 )

Joseph Constantine ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937 )

Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1929 ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Northumberland Shipbuilding Co (1927) Ltd ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Howdon on Tyne, Newcastle ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

Newcastle on Tyne ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938 )

Howdon on Tyne ( Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928 )

Wallsend ( Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937 )

Newcastle ( Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937 )

Middlesbrough ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937 )

Wallsend on Tyne; Newcastle ( Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

London ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937 )

Wallsend on Tyne ( Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931 )

Durham; Wallsend ( Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930 )

Darlington ( Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930 )

Sheffield ( Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930 )

Sunderland ( Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937 )

South Shields; Newcastle ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938 )

Port Talbot; Swansea ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936 )

Cardiff ( Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937 )

Sydney ( Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937 )

Liverpool ( Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943 )

Motherwell; Wallsend on Tyne; Glasgow ( Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937 )

Hallside ( Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937 )

Scunthorpe Lincs; Willington Quay on Tyne; Grimsby ( Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937 )

Scunthorpe Lincs; Wallsend on Tyne; Grimsby ( Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937 )

Lincolnshire; Wallsend on Tyne; Grimsby ( Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937 )

Glasgow ( Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937 )

Manchester ( Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937 )

Port Pirie, South Australia ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937 )

Pirie South Australia ( Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937 )

Wallsend; South Shields; Newcastle ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937 )

Wallsend; Newcastle ( Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937 )

Port Pirie ( Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date )

London; Sydney ( Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937 )

Sydney NSW ( Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937 )

Melbourne ( Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937 )

Adelaide ( Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937 )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

undefined ( Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937 )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Sunk by Submarine ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

20/12/1943 ( Request for Special Survey for Kingswood, 13th November 1928 1928, Profile & Deck Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Profile, Midship & Semi Permanent Additional Decks Plan for Kingswood, 7th November 1928 1928, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 27th November 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Half Midship Section Plan for Kingswood, 11th October 1928 1928, Plan of Semi Permanent Additional Decks for Kingswood, 14th November 1928 1928, Plan of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 4th December 1928 1928, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Kingswood, 13th May 1929 1929, Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan showing modification to thrust recess of the Kingswood, 1st July 1930 1930, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting letter & plans from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, regarding installation of exhaust geared turbine in the Kingswood, 19th June 1930 1930, Letter from W H Pemour, Secretary of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend on Tyne, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing plan showing modifications to the thrust recess to accommodate machinery on the Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of particulars of steam reciprocating engines for Kingswood, 12th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding Combined Steam Reciprocating Engines & Exhaust Steam Turbines proposed for Kingswood, 9th May 1930 1930, Letter from E J Stoddart, Surveyor of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the proposal to fit a low pressure exhaust turbine & double reduction gearing to existing machinery of the Kingswood, 7th May 1930 1930, Memo regarding machinery for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Receipt for Steel Plates Manufactured by Consett Iron Co Ltd for Kingswood, 6th June 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Combined Elastic & Frictional Coupling for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 3rd July 1930 1930, Plan of Section through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing for Kingswood, 8th May 1930 1930, Arrangement of Reciprocating Engine, Turbine & Gearing Plan for Kingswood, May 1930 1930, Plan of Modification to Thrust Recess for Kingswood, 18th June 1930 1930, Plan of Section Through LP Turbine Cylinder for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Plan of Arrangement of Gearing for Kingswood, 5th May 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 15th July 1930 1930, Request for Special Survey of the LP Turbine of Kingswood, June 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of returned request form for Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of request form received from The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd for the Kingswood, 27th April 1931 1931, Letter from R J Walker, Managing Director for the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, returning request form in respect of the survey for the Turbine on the Kingswood, 25th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & alterations, & class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding alterations in preparation of class of Kingswood, 4th May 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Plan of Quadrant & Pinion for Overhead Handgear for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Plan of Quadrant for Kingswood, 14th May 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Letter from Thomas Miller, Cardiff Surveyor, to Mr Sellex, regarding the examination of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 26th March 1936 1936, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, forwarding translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 14th January 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code, from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1936 1936, Memo of correspondence between London & Middlesbrough Offices, regarding arrangements to complete Boiler Survey for Kingswood, 22nd December 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Plan of Boiler Pipe Arrangement for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Arrangement of Electrical Installation Plan for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Arrangement of 10 Circuit DP Main Switchboards Plan for Kingswood, 5th November 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Boiler Pipe Arrangement Plan for Kingswood, 16th July 1937 1937, Plan of Boiler for Kingswood, 29th April 1937 1937, Quadrant Tiller Plan for Kingswood, 14th May 1937 1937, Purchase Order requested by The North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Boiler from The Broomside Boiler Works Co Ltd for Kingswood, 30th July 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 13th September 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 7th June 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from The Steel Company of Scotland Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd for Kingswood, 11th August 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 19th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 25th April 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 23rd May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 10th May 1937 1937, Advice note from Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, to North Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, regarding Boiler for Kingswood, 3rd May 1937 1937, Steel Test Certificate for test on Kingswood, Undertaken by T W C Napier at Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd, 16th June 1937 1937, Certificate of Surveys for Kingswood, 1st October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 26th October 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 23rd August 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 12th October 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage & class of Kingswood, 18th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey for Kingswood, 29th March 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Temporary Repairs for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 21st June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning plans of Electrical Equipment proposed for the Kingswood, 15th November 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding examination of boiler, following an explosion which occurred on the Kingswood, 13th November 1937 1937, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration, plans showing new switchboard & Electrical Installation proposed for Kingswood, 10th November 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding examination on Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, following an explosion, 1st November 1937 1937, Memo requesting deferred reports for Kingswood, 27th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 11th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing copy of letter received from Board of Trade regarding the Kingswood, referencing repairs on Auxiliary Boiler, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding repairs to Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, submitting that the Society's Surveyors at Newcastle are fully informed regarding the Kingswood, 6th October 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding reports & examinations of the boiler on the Kingswood, 6th October 1937 1937, Memo regarding the explosion that occurred in the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 5th October 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Surveyor Appointed by the Board, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Preliminary Inquiry into the explosion from the Auxiliary boiler on the Kingswood, 2nd October 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding Mr Sellex's letter issuing a statement in regards to the partial survey held by him on the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 27t 1937, Memo regarding a statement from Mr Sellex, referencing a part survey held by him on the boiler of the Kingswood, 25th September 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding the failure of the Auxiliary Boiler in the Kingswood, 23rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the Kingswood, 24th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding query over date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the query concerning the date of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler of the Kingswood, 22nd September 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Cheetham Esq, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Cardiff, to the Secretary, London, regarding query concerning date of survey of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 14th September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Robert Cheetham Esq, Cardiff Surveyor, regarding the failure of Auxiliary Boilers on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding the exact dates of survey of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 10th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the Board's investigation into the explosion of the boiler on the Kingswood, 9th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the failure of the auxiliary boilers of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, to the Principal Officer, Board of Trade Surveyors Office, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the investigation into the failure of the auxiliary boiler of the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, enclosing a copy of letter from the Board of Trade, relative to the boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 7th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Memo regarding information relative to the Auxiliary Boiler explosion on the Kingswood, 6th September 1937 1937, Letter from J P Harworth, Senior Engineer Surveyor of the Board of Trade, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the investigation into the failure of the Auxiliary Boilers of the Kingswood, 3rd September 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of amended steam pipe arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 24th July 1937 1937, Memo regarding amended piping arrangement for the Kingswood, 22nd July 1937 1937, Letter from H C Forster, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting plan of amended Boiler Pipe Arrangement proposed for the Kingswood, 17th July 1937 1937, Letter from N G Turnbull, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of plans of Cast Steel Quadrant Hand Gear intended for the Kingswood, 28th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding approval of plan of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & hand gear for new steering gear intended for the Kingswood, 24th May 1937 1937, Letter from A G Akester, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, submitting for consideration of the Committee, plans of cast steel quadrant, tiller & gear quadrant for new steering gear for the Kingswood, 18th May 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, returning copy of plan of Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 7th May 1937 1937, Memo regarding replacing Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, 6th May 1937 1937, Letter from J E Sellex, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing photo print showing new Auxiliary Boiler proposed for the Kingswood, 1st May 1937 1937, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Kingswood, 7th October 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 16th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 24th August 1937 1937, Ship Castings Form for Kingswood, 30th August 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 4th May 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Port Pirie, to M K Scott Esq, Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 18th April 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, informing that the Kingswood sailed from Port Pirie at noon today, 27th April 1937 1937, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding Mr McCowan's letter stating a delay in the completion of repairs to the Kingswood, 26th April 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 10th April 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of LLoyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Memo regarding temporary suspension of class of the Kingswood, 12th March 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding condition of Auxiliary boiler tubes on the Kingswood, 26th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming cablegrams exchanged in connection with temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 24th February 1937 1937, Copy of Radiograms between Lloyd\'s Register, London & Sydney offices regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding a cablegram from Mr McCowan concerning the Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Newspaper Clipping from Lloyd's List dated, 6th March 1937 for Kingswood 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram regarding necessary arrangements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding cablegram from Mr McCowan, setting out requirements for Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd;s Register, London, to A J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, confirming cablegram & noting necessary arrangements regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code with translation regarding Kingswood, 17th February 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding the decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding decision to tow the Kingswood to the Tyne without cargo, for permanent repairs, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo stating Cost of Cablegrams sent from London to Australia regarding the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to Surveyor at Sydney regarding Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Memo regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 16th February 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to the Surveyors, Sydney, acknowledging receipt of letter regarding repairs to & the condition of the Kingswood, 11th February 1937 1937, Letter from Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, in connection with the decision to allow the vessel to proceed to the U K, 10th February 1937 1937, Memo relating to temporary repairs to the Kingswood, following the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler, 10th February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, reporting on the damage caused by the explosion of the Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 19th January 1937 1937, Letter from E Swan, Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, regarding correspondence of radiogram & cablegram, relating to damage caused by explosion of Auxiliary Boiler on the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding damage to the Kingswood, 3rd February 1937 1937, Letter from A J McCowan, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Sydney, to the Secretary, London, confirming copy of cablegrams exchanged in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Extract from Log books supplied by the Chief Engineer for Kingswood, 3rd January 1937 1937, Sketch of Boiler Mountings for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Confirmation of Radiograms regarding damage to Kingswood, 15th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, thanking Mr Smith for his courtesy in the matter concerning the Kingswood, 23rd January 1937 1937, Letter from William S Smith, Constantine Steamship Line, Middlesbrough, to G D Ritchie Esq, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversations regarding explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Memo regarding information in connection with the explosion on the Kingswood, 22nd January 1937 1937, Letter from P T Brown, Middlesbrough Surveyor, to D Ritchie Esq, London Surveyor, regarding damage & repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & telephone call regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Melbourne Surveyor, sent to the Committee, London, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Mr McCowan, Lloyd\'s Register, Melbourne to Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 14th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing copy of cablegram to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 13th Ja 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of cablegram from Mr McCowan regarding arrangements of temporary repairs to the Kingswood, 13th J 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code received from the Surveyor at Adelaide, regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Adelaide to the Committee, London, written In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 13th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director for Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to J McCowan Esq, Sydney Surveyor, regarding proposal to render an account for cost of cablegrams in connection with the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Copy of Telegram from Mr McCowan, Sydney Surveyor, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing copy of cablegram addressed to Mr McCowan regarding the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding proposed cablegram to be sent to Mr McCowan from Lloyd\'s Register, London concerning formal investigation into explosion on the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Memo regarding concerns over specification of repairs to the Kingswood, 12th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Mr McCowan\'s return to Sydney in connection with the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, acknowledging receipt of letter & Cablegram regarding arrangements for repairs to the Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London In LR Priivate Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Copy of Cablegram from Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Port Pirie, in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Confirmation of Cablegram & Translation from Lloyd\'s Register, London in LR Private Code to Mr McCowan, Surveyor at Pirie regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram from Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to the Committee, London, In LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code, received from the Surveyor at Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 11th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding cost of repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding estimated cost of permanent repairs to the Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation In LR Private Code, from Lloyd\'s Register, London to Mr McCowan, Port Pirie Surveyor, regarding Kingswood, 9th January 1937 1937, Letter from M E Bone, Assistant Secretary, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, confirming telephone conversation regarding the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, enclosing a translation of cablegram received from Mr McCowan at Port Pirie relative to the Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram In LR Private Code from Mr McCowan of Port Pirie to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie to Lloyd\'s Register, London regarding Kingswood, 8th January 1937 1937, Letter from Robert Constantine, Superintendent, for & on behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor to inspect the Kingswood, 6th January 1937 1937, Letter from W W Constantine, Director, for & on Behalf of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding examination of the Kingswood, to determine extent of damage following the explosion, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the inspection of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding arrangements for Mr McCowan to join a local surveyor in the examination of the Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Cablegram in LR Private Code, including translation, from Lloyd\'s Register, Sydney to the Committee, London, regarding Kingswood, 5th January 1937 1937, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd, Middlesbrough, regarding appointing a fully qualified Ship & Engineer Surveyor to join a local surveyor to survey the Kingswood, 4th J 1937, Translation of Cablegram In LR Private Code, to the Surveyor at Sydney, regarding Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Memo reporting serious damage to the boiler on the Kingswood, 4th January 1937 1937, Letter from P D Croudace, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, regarding omission of information from report, respecting the cables of the Kingswood, 29th January 1938 1938, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding damage repairs & class of Kingswood, 20th January 1938 1938, Letter from W T Badger, Per the Surveyors of Lloyd\'s Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Secretary, London, enclosing First Entry Report on the Electrical Installation fitted on the Kingswood, 6th January 1938 1938, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938, Memo regarding damage & repairs to the Auxiliary Boiler following the explosion on the Kingswood, 25th January 1938 1938, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor regarding damage to Kingswood, 1st October 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Sketch of Auxiliary Boiler for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note concerning Invoices for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Note regarding a report for Kingswood, Undated no date, Memo regarding Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of a Correspondence regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Copy of Cablegram from McCowan, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Port Pirie , in LR Private Code regarding Kingswood, Undated no date, Newpaper Clipping for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.


+100A1; Lloyds A & CP; +LMC 5,29; FD; CL ( Steel Steamer Report for Kingswood, 9th May 1929 1929 )

+LMC 5,29; FD; CL ( Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929 )

Elec Light ( Report on Electric Fittings for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929 )

+100A1 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 24th April 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936 )

+100A1 1,30; +LMC 5,29; CL ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931 )

Deferred ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937 )

Deferred for Rpt ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937 )

+LMC 12,37; +NB (aux) 12,37 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937 )

See other Nwc Rpt 95796 ( Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Electrical Equipment for Kingswood, 20th December 1937 1937 )

+100A1; S S No 2-37; +LMC 12,37; +NB (aux) 12,37; S 10,37; Write Nwc ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 5th January 1938 1938 )

9,43 Liv Subject ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Kingswood, 20th September 1943 1943 )

Subject ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943 )

+100A1 9,43; Examined 4,43; SS No 2-37; +LMC 12,37; +NB (Aux) 12,37; BS 3,43; TS 4,43 CL ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Kingswood, Undated no date )

See FE rpt attached ( Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

See F E rpt attached ( Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Physical arrangement of a ship’s masts, sails and rigging.

Location of construction for a vessel’s engines.

Location of engine build

Wallsend on Tyne ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Kingswood, 7th May 1929 1929, Report on Steam Reciprocating Engine Machinery for Kingswood, 6th May 1929 1929, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 5th July 1930 1930, Engine Forgings Form for Kingswood, 4th July 1930 1930, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 20th September 1937 1937, Engine or Boiler Valves or Connections Form for Kingswood, 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 18th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Forgings or Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 13th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937, Engine Castings Form for Kingswood, 14th December 1937 1937 )

Newcastle ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Kingswood, 21st April 1931 1931, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 9th April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 4th September 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 27th April 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Kingswood, 14th September 1943 1943 )

Wallsend ( Report on Boilers for Kingswood, 24th December 1937 1937, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date, Report on Boilers for Kingswood, Undated no date )

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