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Name of ship as recorded on the record

Ship name

Tirpitz ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date )

Empress of Australia ( Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

__/01/1914 ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Stettin ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


undefined ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Steam ( Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date )

Motor (internal combustion) ( Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927 )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Sold for Breaking Up ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

The country or national waters where a vessel is lost/disposed of, or last recorded.

Country of loss or disposal

United Kingdom ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).

Gross Register Tonnage

21498 ( Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922 )

21861 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

21833 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952 )

Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.

Port of survey abbreviations

Ham ( Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922 )

Gls ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927 )

Sea ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922 )

Nwc ( Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926 )

Lon ( Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927 )

Liv ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951 )

The individual and/or organisation listed

Ship owner

Canadian Pacific O S Ltd ( Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922 )

Canadian Pacific Railway Co; Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922 )

Canadian Pacific Railway Co ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.


+100A1; With Freeboard; SS No 2-22; LMC 5,22 ; Fitted for Oil Fuel 5,22 FP above 150°F; Lloyd\'s A & CP; Date of Build 1914 ( Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922 )

See Ham F E No 15069 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922 )

See Other Ham Rpt 15069 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922 )

LMC 5,22; Fitted for Oil Fuel FP above 150°F ( Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922 )

+100A1; With Freeboard; Fitted for Oil Fuel 5,22 FP above 150°F ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922 )

S S Ham No 2-22; +100A1 1-5,22; with Freeboard; LMC 5,22 Fitted for Oil Fuel 5,22; FP Above 150°F ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922 )

See Gls Rpt No 46750 ( Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926 )

+100A1; With Freeboard 6,27; +NE & B 6,27; +LMC 6,27; Fitted for Oil Fuel 5,22 FP above 150°F; SS No 3-6,27 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927 )

See Accompanying Report ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927 )

+LMC 6,27; +NE & B 6,27; Fitted for Oil Fuel 5,22 FP above 150°F ( Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927 )

Deferred for SS (Aug 4,52) ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951 )

Deferred for Completion Machinery Survey ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951 )

+100A1; With Freeboard 11,51; SS Gls No 3-6,27; SS Sou No 2-36; Examined 4,51; +LMC MS 7,43; BS 4,51; +NE & B 6,27; TS SN 12,48; PN 2,51; CL; Fitted for Oil Fuel ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952 )

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1914 ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Vulcan Werke A G ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Broad categories and subdivisions of vessels related to their purpose or function.

Ship type

undefined ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Twin Screw Steamer ( Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952 )

Passenger Liner ( Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921 )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

The official record pronounced by the Committee

Loss or disposal

Broken up ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Place of ship loss

Inverkeithing ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

__/05/1952 ( Scantling sheet for Tirpitz, 9th August 1920 1920, Plan in German language of Intermediate & Propeller Shafts for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Plan in German language of Boiler for Empress of Australia, 1921 1921, Memo regarding classification for Tirpitz, 28th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter to G D Ritchie, Esq, Grimsby, regarding Tirpitz, 11th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 9th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 7th July 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 5th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 6th May 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 18th August 1921 1921, Memo for Tirpitz, 17th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Telegram from Grimsby Surveyors, to Lloyd's Committee, London, regarding height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Memo regarding Oil Fuel Bunkers for Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921, Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 19th July 1922 1922, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Empress of Australia, 13th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 10th July 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1922 1922, Memo for Empress of Australia, 20th December 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922, Photograph of Main Turbine Rotor of Empress of Australia, 19th October 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924, Memo for Empress of Australia, 4th January 1926 1926, Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926, Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with their annotations regarding Alterations & No 3 for Empress of Australia, 20th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Memo regarding classification for Empress of Australia, 21st June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th February 1927 1927, Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Memo submitting that reports for Empress of Australia is forwarded to the Glasgow surveyors for their guidance & completion, 10th January 1927 1927, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927, Memo for the Chief Engineer Surveyor with annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 25th January 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Ship Surveyor with annotations regarding Docking for Empress of Australia, 14th January 1952 1952, Memo for the Chief Surveyors with their annotations regarding Damage for Empress of Australia, 18th January 1952 1952, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, A Translation of Cablegram written in LR Private Code regarding Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars to be Entered in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Particulars of Adjusting Washers of Safety Valves for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Note Concerning Hydraulic Transformers to Survey Annually for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Observation regarding damage to rotor for Empress of Australia, undated no date, Plan in German Language of Profile & Deck for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Half Midship Section for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Plan in German Language of Shafting Arrangement for Empress of Australia, Undated no date, Memo for Tirpitz, Undated no date, Particulars of Refrigerating Plant for Insertion in Register Book for Empress of Australia, Undated no date )

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

London ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, enclosing a report regarding Tirpitz, 16th July 1921 1921, Letter from A L Cooke, Assistant to Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, to Lloyd's Register, London, stating that the Tirpitz is now Sold to the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd, 6th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Certificate of Examinaton for Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Chief Technical Adviser, Board of Trade, London, regarding arrangements to complete the survey of the special turbines of the Tirpitz, 4th July 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, acknowledging receipt of letter, forwarding report of condition survey held on the Tirpitz, 10th May 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Director of Transports & Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, London, enclosing report from the Grimsby Surveyors of General Examination of the Tirpitz, 9th May 1921 1921, Letter from W S Abell, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, returning plans on the Hull & Machinery of the Tirpitz, 7th September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, requesting plans showing the oil fuel burning arrangements to be fitted in the Tirpitz, 3rd September 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, London, regarding particulars in relation to the Tirpitz, referencing Classification, equipment & examination of this vessel, 18th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, to William H Copeman Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding repairs to & Classification of the Tirpitz, 16th August 1921 1921, Letter from Bernard J Ives, Assistant to the Chief Surveyor, Lloyd's Register, London, to G D Ritchie Esq, Grimsby Surveyor, regarding plans relating to the Tirpitz, 12th August 1921 1921, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, confirming telegram regarding the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Copy of Telegram from The Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the height of the air pipes for the Tirpitz, 5th August 1921 1921, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, London, enclosing Classification Certificates for the Hull & Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding LR Private Code for Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Assistant to the Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to George Dykes Esq, Hamburg Surveyor, regarding fees relating to the Classification of Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Surveyors, Hamburg, regarding the trial trip of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, forwarding a copy of a letter regarding the machinery trials of Empress of Australia, 30th May 1922 1922, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Sir J H Biles & Co, Westminster, regarding plans showing the arrangement of wire ropes controlling Turnbull luice Valves on the after oil fuel tanks on the Empress of Australia, 12th April 1922 1922, Letter from J H Biles & Co, per A W, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing a print showing Arrangement of Wire Ropes Controlling Turnbull Sluice Valves on aft oil fuel tanks for Empress of Australia, 4th April 1922 1922, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing information of the Surveyors London Report No 91075 on new Oil Engines & Generators for the Empress of Australia, 14th 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Secretary of Loyd's Register, Glasgow, enclosing Newcastle Report No 80832 on new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, with reference to fees in connection wi 1927, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to the new turbines intended for the Empress of Australia, 13th January 1927 1927, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Empress of Australia, 4th June 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Engine Department, Liverpool, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 25th April 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding the disposal of Empress of Australia, 6th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, regarding damage & repairs to Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding Surveyors\' recommendations for repairs for Empress of Australia, 21st January 1952 1952, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, London, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, Liverpool, regarding deferred reports on Empress of Australia, 15th January 1952 1952 )

Grimsby ( Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to F A Mayne Esq, London, informing of the Sale of the Tirpitz, 8th July 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing condition report on the Tirpitz, with reference to fees charged for this service, 29th April 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the plans showing the oil fuel bunkers of the Tirpitz, 6th September 1921 1921, Letter from William H Copeman, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant to the Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the contract dealing with the Classification of the Tirpitz, 13th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding telegrams sent & received concerning the height of air pipes for the Tirpitz, 6th August 1921 1921, Letter from G D Ritchie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to Bernard J Ives Esq, Assistant Chief Ship Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding alterations to the existing coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921 )

Immingham ( Letter from J C Brown, The Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Immingham, to The Surveyors, Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, regarding the intention to alter the coal bunkers on the Tirpitz, 29th July 1921 1921 )

Hamburg ( Letter from Friedrich C M Witt, Surveyor, Lloyd\'s Register, Hamburg, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding an error in the report on Empress of Australia, 20th July 1922 1922, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Empress of Australia, 12th May 1922 1922, Steel Steamer Report for Empress of Australia, 24th June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Engine Castings Form for Empress of Australia, 2nd June 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the machinery trials on the Empress of Australia, 25th May 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 26th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 25th June 1922 1922, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 29th June 1922 1922, Letter from George Dykes, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Hamburg, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding plans of the Tirpitz, 24th August 1924 1924 )

Clydebank; Glasgow ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 14th June 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 19th June 1922 1922 )

Seattle Washington ( Certificate of Survey of Repairs for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922, Certificate of Survey of Machinery for Empress of Australia, November 1922 1922 )

Bremerton Wash; Seattle Wash ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th November 1922 1922, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 22nd November 1922 1922 )

Seattle Wash ( Letter from C Hastie, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Washington, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, requesting that the enclosed photograph be attached to the Seattle Report covering recent repair of the Empress of Australia, 27th November 1922 1922 )

Govan Glasgow ( Plan of Main Boilers for Empress of Australia, 16th June 1926 1926 )

Glasgow ( Report on Masts, Spars, & Rigging for Empress of Australia, 13th December 1926 1926, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 11th June 1927 1927, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Machinery for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927, Report on Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th June 1927 1927 )

Wallsend on Tyne; Newcastle on Tyne ( Report on Steam Turbine Machinery for Empress of Australia, 21st December 1926 1926 )

Bedford; London ( Report on Oil Engine Electric Generator Sets for Empress of Australia, 8th February 1927 1927 )

Newcastle on Tyne ( Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, regarding fees relative to the fitting of machinery on the Empress of Australia, 6th January 1927 1927 )

Liverpool ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Empress of Australia, 28th December 1951 1951, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Empress of Australia, 7th December 1951 1951, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification & Breaking Up of Empress of Australia, 28th April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & particulars of Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from C G Ramsey, Superintendent Engineer, Atlantic Service for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the purchase & Classification of Empress of Australia, 23rd April 1952 1952, Letter from E A Thugold, General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the Classification of Empress of Australia, 5th February 1952 1952, Letter from General Manager, for Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, Liverpool, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements for the disposal of Empress of Australia, 4th February 1952 1952, Letter from H W Soar, Secretary to the Liverpool Committee of Lloyd\'s Register, to Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding the turbine for Empress of Australia, 24th January 1952 1952 )

An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.

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