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Name of ship as recorded on the record
Armadale Castle ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date )
Kildonan Castle ( Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902 )
Chepstow Castle ( Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Sandown Castle ( Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932 )
The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.
11/08/1903 ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.
424 ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Broad categories and subdivisions of vessels related to their purpose or function.
Twin Screw Steamer ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902 )
Screw Steamer ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903 )
undefined ( Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.
Steel ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.
No ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?
No ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?
No ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
The official record pronounced by the Committee
Broken up ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.
__/__/0000 ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Name of surveyor.
E C Champness ( Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903 )
George Murdoch ( Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903 )
The listed port to which a given vessel belongs.
The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.
D Currie & Co ( Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903 )
Sir Donald Currie GCMG; Sir Francis Evans KCMG MP ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903 )
Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.
+100A1 Steel; Lloyds A & CP ( Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903 )
+LMC 11,03 ( Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903 )
+100A1 ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932 )
+100A1; SS No 3-99 ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932 )
+100A1 8,35; SS Sou No 3-11,31; +LMC 6,34 ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936 )
Deferred for No 1 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936 )
The name of the port/place of destination given.
A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).
12973 ( Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932 )
12990 ( List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932 )
12999 ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936 )
The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.
London ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936 )
Location of construction for a vessel’s engines.
The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.
1903 ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.
Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.
Glasgow ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
A vessel’s means of propulsion.
Steam ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date )
undefined ( Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Is the steamer assisted by sail?
No ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?
No ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).
No ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.
No ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.
Sold to Shipbreakers for Demolition & Commenced ( Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 28th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd August 1902 1902, Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 8th July 1902 1902, Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1903 1903, Memo regarding bower anchors for Armadale Castle, 27th October 1903 1903, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo providing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Memo to the Chief Ship Surveyor & Chief Engineer Surveyor regarding the first entry of Armadale Castle, 24th November 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Govan, regarding the cementing in the Double Bottom of Armadale Castle, 20th August 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Armadale Castle, 21st May 1932 1932, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, List of Vessels of Tonnage which have been altered, including Armadale Castle, September 1932 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 4th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Memo from Freeboard Report regarding approval of freeboards for Armadale Castle, subject to conditions, 24th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from W Watt, Principal Surveyor, London, to J T Munden Esq, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, returning load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Note regarding return of certificates for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Armadale Castle, 5th November 1936 1936, Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Extract from Fairplay 28th May 1936, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936, Memo from the Freeboard Report regarding the breaking up of Armadale Castle & the recording of this in the Register Book, 6th November 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Armadale Castle, Undated no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.
Glasgow ( Letter from R N Aston, for the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter regarding proposed equipment for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from E C Champness, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Kildonan Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from G Araclian, Secretary for The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, to the Glasgow Surveyors regarding anchors for Armadale Castle, 26th August 1902 1902, Letter from Thomas J Dodd, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, Glasgow, to A G Dryhurst Esq, London Secretary, transmitting a letter submitting particulars of anchors supplied to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering for the Union Castle Line, 22nd October 1903, Letter from E C Champness, Glasgow Surveyor, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, enclosing particulars of anchors for Armadale Castle, 22nd October 1903 1903, Letter from George Scott, for Donald Currie & Co, Glasgow, to The Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow, regarding width of stern frame for Armadale Castle, with reference to hand pump & lack of ceiling on tank top, 19th January 1903 1903, Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a telegram regarding postponed survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932 )
Govan Glasgow ( Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Plan of Double Ended Boiler for Armadale Castle, 5th August 1902 1902, Half Midship Section Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 17th July 1902 1902, Main & Upper Deck Plan for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1902 1902, Profile Plan for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903 )
London ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed freeboard certificate & certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 1 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing original International Load Line Certificate, with certified copies, for Armadale Castle, 17th November 19 1932, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter, with enclosed copy of Convention Freeboard Certificate, for Armadale Castle, 13th 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, enclosing an additional copy of the Convention Load Line Certificate for Armadale Castle, 12th August 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 25th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding estimated moulded draught for Armadale Castle, 21st July 1932 1932, Letter from A Scott, Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors enclosing a Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 19th July 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding Armadale Castle, 7th June 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, enclosing a copy of the Convention freeboard computation for Armadale Castle, 24th May 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, acknowledging receipt of freeboard assignment application forms for Armadale Castle, 8th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, returning completed application forms for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, Letter from J T Munden, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to W Watt Esq, Principal Surveyor, London, enclosing load line computation for Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the postponement of surveys relating to Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, regarding postponed Freeboard Surveys for sister vessels of Armadale Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting confirmation of the return of Dundrum Castle to England, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding postponed Freeboard Survey for Sandown Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, to the Glasgow Secretary confirming a telegram regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, 6th April 1932 1932, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, attaching a list of vessels to be classed by Lloyd\'s, along with due dates, ports of arrival & departure dates 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Copy of Letter from Joint Secretary, for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, regarding Armadale Castle, 15th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, requesting Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 14th August 1933 1933, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Southampton Surveyors regarding Annual Freeboard Survey arrangements for Armadale Castle, 27th June 1933 1933, Letter from A H Milbourne, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements to carry out work on Armadale Castle, 26th June 1933 1933, Question & Answer Memo between London & Newcastle on Tyne Office regarding the intended demolition of Armadale Castle, 9th September 1936 1936, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to the Newcastle Surveyors regarding new ownership for Armadale Castle, 16th June 1936 1936, Letter from J Malcombe, Joint Secretary for The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the sale of Armadale Castle, 9th June 1936 1936, Letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, London, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, enclosing a list of alterations for Armadale Castle, 7th November 1938 1938, Letter from the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, to The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd, London, returning amended Convention Freeboard Certificate for Armadale Castle, 17th November no date, Copy of a telegram from the Committee, London, to Lloyd\'s Register, Glasgow, regarding postponed freeboard survey for Chepstow Castle, Undated no date )
Govan; Glasgow ( Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903 )
Southampton ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding maximum summer draught for Armadale Castle, 23rd July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding completion of 2nd Special Survey No 3 for Armadale Castle, 20th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding owners\' request for certificates for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Verification report for Armadale Castle, & stating conditions complied with, 18th July 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, enclosing Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Letter from G A Dryden Toyne, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding correct number & date of survey on the Freeboard Report for Armadale Castle, 20th May 1932 1932, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 11th August 1934 1934, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 23rd August 1935 1935, Letter from J Anderson, for the Southampton Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd\'s Register, London, regarding arrangements to break up Armadale Castle, 11th June 1936 1936, Certificate of Annual Load Line Survey for Armadale Castle, 1st August no date )
Newcastle on Tyne ( Letter from S R Davies, for the Newcastle Surveyors, to the Secretary for Lloyd's Register, London, regarding the demolition of Armadale Castle, 3rd November 1936 1936 )
Port Natal ( Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Armadale Castle, 1st April 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936 )
Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.
The individual and/or organisation listed
The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd ( Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903, Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Armadale Castle, 19th May 1932 1932, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval Form for Armadale Castle, 7th April 1932 1932, List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936 )
Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd ( Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo & Passenger Ships for Armadale Castle, 18th July 1932 1932 )
An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.
Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.
Glasgow; Southampton ( Iron or Steel Steamer Report for Armadale Castle, 21st November 1903 1903 )
Southampton; South Africa ( List of vessels owned by the Union Mail Steamship Co Ltd & classed by Lloyd\'s Register, including Armadale Castle, giving due dates, ports of arrival & dates of departure, 2nd April 1932 1932 )
Port Natal; Southampton ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Armadale Castle, 3rd April 1936 1936 )
Physical arrangement of a ship’s masts, sails and rigging.
Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
VJPF ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903 )
Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.
Twin Screw Quadruple Expansion Direct Acting Inverted Cylinders ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Armadale Castle, 14th November 1903 1903 )
Quadruple Expansion ( Report on Machinery for Armadale Castle, 16th November 1903 1903 )
Date in which construction of a vessel’s engines were completed.
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