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42 results
Longitudinal Section Plan for Saikio Maru, 1st August 1887
Date of document: 01/08/1887
Saikio Maru
Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Saikio Maru, Undated
Date of document: __/__/0000
Saikio Maru
Plan of Half Midship Section for Saikio Maru, 1st August 1887
Date of document: 01/08/1887
Saikio Maru
Letter from Thomas W Douglas, pro Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Saikio Maru, 13th June 1888
Date of document: 13/06/1888
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 19th September 1887
Date of document: 19/09/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 20th September 1887
Date of document: 20/09/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 29th September 1887
Date of document: 29/09/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 8th October 1887
Date of document: 08/10/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 20th October 1887
Date of document: 20/10/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 10th November 1887
Date of document: 10/11/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 21st March 1888
Date of document: 21/03/1888
Saikio Maru
Ship Forgings Form for Saikio Maru, 9th December 1887
Date of document: 09/12/1887
Saikio Maru
Plan of Single Ended Boiler for Saikio Maru, 1887
Date of document: __/__/1887
Saikio Maru
Plan of Pumping & Draining for Saikio Maru, 1887
Date of document: __/__/1887
Saikio Maru
Steel Ship Report for Saikio Maru, 5th June 1888
Date of document: 08/06/1888
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 13th September 1887
Date of document: 13/09/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 26th September 1887
Date of document: 26/09/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 3rd October 1887
Date of document: 03/10/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 10th October 1887
Date of document: 10/10/1887
Saikio Maru
Tests of Boiler Steel for Saikio Maru, 29th November 1887
Date of document: 29/11/1887
Saikio Maru