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46 results
Copy of Certificate of Examination for Nankai Maru, 26th February 1932
Date of document: 26/02/1932
Nankai Maru
Half Midship Section Plan for Nankai Maru, 14th January 1933
Date of document: 14/01/1933
Nankai Maru
Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Nankai Maru, 30th June 1941
Date of document: 30/06/1941
Nankai Maru
Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Class of Nankai Maru, 2nd March 1933
Date of document: 02/03/1933
Nankai Maru
Copy of Certificate of Survey for Nankai Maru, 16th June 1941
Date of document: 16/06/1941
Nankai Maru
Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Class of Nankai Maru, 28th February 1933
Date of document: 28/02/1933
Nankai Maru
Copy of Certificate of Survey for Nankai Maru, 16th June 1941
Date of document: 16/06/1941
Nankai Maru
Copy of Certificate of Survey for Nankai Maru, 16th June 1941
Date of document: 16/06/1941
Nankai Maru
Copy of Certificate of Examination for Nankai Maru, 23rd June 1932
Date of document: 23/06/1932
Nankai Maru
Plan of Rudder for Nankai Maru, 21st January 1933
Date of document: 21/01/1933
Nankai Maru
Construction Profile & Deck Plans for Nankai Maru, 20th January 1933
Date of document: 20/01/1933
Nankai Maru
Report on Electric Fittings for Nankai Maru, 26th January 1933
Date of document: 26/01/1933
Nankai Maru
Memo stating that the class of Nankai Maru is to be omitted from reprints of the register book, under instructions of the Classing Committee, 27th May 1942
Date of document: 27/05/1942
Nankai Maru
Memo submitting that report for Nankai Maru are returned to the Nagasaki surveyors for their guidance & completion, 23rd December 1931
Date of document: 23/12/1931
Nankai Maru
Question & Answer Memo between London & Kobe Office, regarding Inchmay being Demolition, 24th May 1954
Date of document: 24/05/1954
Letter from James A Anderson, for The Surveyors, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Inchmay, 14th January 1954
Date of document: 14/01/1954
Freeboard Verification Form for Japanese Steamers for Nankai Maru, 30th November 1932
Date of document: 30/11/1932
Nankai Maru
Copy of Certificate of Survey for Nankai Maru, 16th June 1941
Date of document: 16/06/1941
Nankai Maru
Steel Steamer or Motorship Report for Nankai Maru, 25th January 1933
Date of document: 25/01/1933
Nankai Maru
Report on Oil Engine Machinery for Nankai Maru, 25th January 1933
Date of document: 25/01/1933
Nankai Maru