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88 results
Midship Section Plan for Canadian Importer, 11th December 1918
Date of document: 11/12/1918
Canadian Importer
Letter from Evan Edwards, to The Secretary, New York, regarding Canadian Importer, 16th August 1921
Date of document: 16/08/1921
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter from Assistant to the Secretary, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Canadian Importer, 20th November 1919
Date of document: 20/11/1919
Canadian Importer
Newspaper clipping regarding Canadian Importer, 1921
Date of document: __/__/1921
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter from Assistant to the Secretary, to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding Canadian Importer, 20th November 1919
Date of document: 20/11/1919
Canadian Importer
Letter from John Whitehead, to The Secretary, Lloyd\'s Register of Shipping, London, regarding Canadian Importer, 11th May 1920
Date of document: 11/05/1920
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter from R P Hutchinson, Secretary, to The Surveyors, Vancouver, regarding Canadian Importer, 10th March 1919
Date of document: 10/03/1919
Canadian Importer
Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Canadian Importer, 12th September 1921
Date of document: 12/09/1921
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver B C, regarding Canadian Importer, 17th February 1922
Date of document: 17/02/1922
Canadian Importer
Extract of Log Book for Canadian Importer, dated 16th August 1921 to 24th August 1921
Date of document: __/08/1921
Canadian Importer
Plan of Structural Arrangement of Scantlings for Canadian Importer, 18th March 1919
Date of document: 18/03/1919
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter from Secretary, to The Surveyors, Vancouver, regarding Canadian Importer, 21st April 1920
Date of document: 21/04/1920
Canadian Importer
Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding First Entry of Canadian Importer, 21st April 1920
Date of document: 21/04/1920
Canadian Importer
Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, London, regarding Canadian Importer, 26th November 1919
Date of document: 26/11/1919
Canadian Importer
Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Canadian Importer, 12th August 1921
Date of document: 12/08/1921
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter from Secretary, to J Coughlan & Sons, Vancouver B C, regarding Canadian Importer, 10th March 1920
Date of document: 10/03/1920
Canadian Importer
Newspaper Clipping regarding Canadian Importer, Undated
Date of document: __/__/0000
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter from Acting Secretary, to Evan Edwards Esq, Vancouver, regarding Canadian Importer, 28th December 1921
Date of document: 28/12/1921
Canadian Importer
Box Label for Canadian Importer, Undated
Date of document: __/__/0000
Canadian Importer
Copy of Letter from Secretary, to The Superintendent, Cardiff, regarding Canadian Importer, 30th March 1920
Date of document: 30/03/1920
Canadian Importer