Christopher J Wiernicki ; Glenn M Ashe ; Howard Fireman
The ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) has worked together successfully with Governments of many nations to apply the ship classification process to a wide range of naval coast guard and other government vessels. In recent years because of similarities between past naval ship certification practice and ABS commercial classification practice the US Navy and ABS decided to partner to address the lower risk aspects of designing and certifying non-nuclear naval combatant ships. Such an approach allows in-house navy engineering resources to be focused more on the higher risk mission-related aspects of combatants while maintaining technical control via close collaboration with ABS on the naval Rules which address structural mechanical electrical and systems integrity. The US Navy retains technical authority but uses ABS as a partner to administer the naval Rules and as an agent in classing ships to the naval Rules. In light of the reduction of resources within navies the ABS ship classification approach provides a mechanism for the continued accomplishment of the core naval technical authority role of certification. The first complete set of Rules resulting from this effort was embodied in the ABS Guide for Building and Classing High-Speed Naval Craft. The focus here is on the general approach for applying classification processes to naval combatants in the context of the recent experience with the US Navy X-Craft. The driving philosophy the applied methodology and the pr88188
Christopher J Wiernicki ; Glenn M Ashe ; Howard Fireman
S Mankabady
Euromoney Books
S Mankabady
Euromoney Books
Harry Cornish ?
Harry Cornish ?
Det Norske Veritas
Det Norske Veritas
Det Norske Veritas
Det Norske Veritas
Contact IMarEST directly for access
According to ABS in the latest edition of its quarterly magazine Surveyor today's offshore support vessels are a far cry from their predecessors. They are larger more specialised and more technically sophisticated to meet the demands of complex deepwater field developments.
Contact IMarEST directly for access
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Lloyds Register
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Lloyds Register
C. Northcote Parkinson
C. Northcote Parkinson
London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1977.
Catalogue number940.27
Contact IMarEST directly for access
Although originally discovered back in 1977 Texaco's Captain field received its Annex B earlier this year. The development is presently on schedule with start-up anticipated for 1996; peak production of 60000 b/d oil and 6.6 Mft3/d gas is expected by late 1996.
Contact IMarEST directly for access
Great Britain. Parliament
Great Britain. Parliament
Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas
W E Astle
This publication brings the history and origin of the Rules and the Introduction of the Carriage of goods by Sea Act, 1924 and the Carriage of Good by Sea Act, 1971, giving the Rules legal effect in the United Kingdom.
W E Astle
London : Fairplay, 1980
Catalogue number341.75668
ISBN number905045173
Shipping World & Shipbuilder
The effective management and treatment of ships wastewater has been a contentious issue but never more so than at present according to ACO Marine. Referring to IMO Resolution MEPC 159)55) which revises the guidelines on the implementation of effluent standards and performance tests for sewage treatment plants ACO Marine urges shipowners to be aware that the new test standard and discharge requirements represent 'a significant step change'.
Shipping World & Shipbuilder
Shipping World and Shipbuilder
In 1995 the founder of Swedish water treatment systems supplier Marinfloc Peter Lanzen explained why oily water seperators weren't up to the job. Today he says little if anything has changed despite the introduction of a new resolution for OWS in the form of MEPC 107(49)
Shipping World and Shipbuilder
A significant dilution of the UK Safety Case regulations which implement the main recommendations of the Cullen Report on the Piper Alpha disaster has taken place as a result of the arguments put forward during the consultation period by the offshore industry. Of particular emphasis is the demand for mandatory temporary safe refuges (TSR) on all offshore installations which has resulted in the development of fire and blast engineeringdesign tools prediction software and the accumulation of data on risk and hazard assessment.
T E Andersen
American Bureau of Shipping
The influence of market situation and of trends in society in general on the development of rules for machinery in the new millennium are examined and considered to depend on Formal Safety Assessment through the application of Risk Based Rules and on probable trends in new products and services from the Classification Societies. The principles and methods used by DNV for its in-progress revision of rules for machinery and systems are explained with the discussion of Nauticus Propulsion the first voluntary class notation of this type offered as an alternative to traditional class schemes for propulsion machinery in the in- service phase.
T E Andersen
American Bureau of Shipping
A N Cockcroft
This book describes the main changes occurred in the International Collision Regulations which were agreed upon at the International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea in 1960, and that came into force in 1965. It also brings illustrations to show the new arrangements of lights and signals.
A N Cockcroft
Kandy Publications Limited, 1965
S Eliassen ; G Valland
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Design guidelines developed by Det norske Veritas for the cathodic protection of offshore structures are reviewed including defining the required current density and calculating anode current and anode lifetime Examples include systems designed for North Sea structure
S Eliassen ; G Valland
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Application of the new IMO (SOLAS 74) damage stability regulations scheduled for entry into force from 1 Feb 1992 are critically discussed by C. M. Magill of Lloyds Register in Subdivision and damage stability of dry cargo ships and A. L. Scott of BMT in Cargo ship damage stability - the way ahead.
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Lloyds Register
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Lloyds Register
M Mahmood
American Bureau of Shipping
An outline is presented of ABS classification as outlined in the ABS Guide for building and classing floating production and storage facilities with the emphasis on ship type new builds or converted tankers for an FPS facility. The field data environmental criteria and regulations applicable in the territorial waters of the UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea and the coastal waters of the USA for engineering evaluation of floating production systems are described. The classification scope of FPS includes the vessel the station keeping system and the production facility.
M Mahmood
American Bureau of Shipping