
Between Past and Future: Higher Education students introduced to Lloyd’s Register

LRF HEC hosted a series of seminars to engage with future maritime practitioners

Thursday, June 27 2024

Between Past and Future: Higher Education students introduced to Lloyd’s Register

This Summer Term the Heritage & Education Centre (HEC) hosted a series of visits from Higher Education institutions from the UK and overseas. The aim of the visits was to provide the students with the historical background and current practice of Lloyd’s Register (LR), alongside providing insights on the future of the shipping industry. 

The advancement of public education in the shipping industry is at the heart of Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s work. We were delighted to network with the students and engage with their questions. It has been a unique opportunity to discuss LR and LRF’s commitment to maritime safety through the eyes of our LR colleagues, sharing their day-to-day operations. 

Hassan Khan talk

Hassan Khan, Senior Surveyor & Lead Auditor at Lloyd’s Register, presenting to students from Bayes Shipping Society (London, UK). 

An initial dive into LR’s history was delivered in each seminar by HEC staff, to provide the students with an overview of how the business developed in the last 260+ years and the parallel evolution of the shipping industry. 

HEC staff was joined by experts from LR’s Marine & Offshore Operations, Legal Department, and Decarbonisation Hub. LR colleagues were instrumental in delivering the seminars to the students, which broadly focussed on classification, international regulations, LR’s legal position as a classification society, and future developments in shipping such as new fuels and decarbonisation strategies. 

Eleanor talk

Eleanor Goodwin, Archive Officer at Lloyd’s Register Foundation, presenting to students from University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain). 

The seminars were well received by students and educators alike. Sabine Hahn, Representative for International Mobility from Hamburg’s Vocational School for Logistics, Shipping and Tourism (Berufliche Schule für Logistik, Schifffahrt und Touristik) said: “It was a very enjoyable morning, and the students gave highly appreciative feedback for the presentations and information provided by you and your colleagues. We felt very welcome”. Amir Saleem, from Bayes Shipping Society (City, University of London) commented: It was such a great and informative experience that we will all definitely remember. 

We want to thank again all the groups that engaged with us, and we look forward to hosting university seminars again the next academic year. If you would like to inquire about a visit, contact us at 

Eleanor Goodwin