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Name of ship as recorded on the record

Ship name

Gerania ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894 )

Rossetti ( Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910 )

Wilhelmina ( Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.

Launch Date

19/06/1894 ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.

Yard no

314 ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.


+100A1 Steel pt awn dk; A & Cp With Fbd S 8,1; +LMC 8,94; 1 Dk pt Stl Pt Irn & Web Frames & pt awn dK (Iron) ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894 )

+LMC 8,94 ( Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894 )

NDB 10 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910 )

Transmit To London ( Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910 )

+100A1 & C; S 6,41 Deferred; BS 6,41 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941 )

BS 6,41 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941 )

+100A1; Pt Awng Dk With Fbd 6,41; S S 3rd No 3-6,33; SS No 1-38; +LMC MS 9,37; BS 6,41; TS 6,41 CL ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

The name of the port/place of destination given.

A vessel’s means of propulsion.


Steam ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

undefined ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941 )

Is the steamer assisted by sail?

Sail assisted steamer

No ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.

Refrigeration machinery fitted for cargo purposes?

No ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?


No ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?

Electric light fitted?

No ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Circumstances of loss or disposal

Stranded Owing to Heavy Snow Storm ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Vessel’s area of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Area of ship loss

Utlangan ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.

Date of loss, disposal or incident

14/12/1941 ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.

Year of ship completion

1894 ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.


Joseph L Thompson & Sons Ltd ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.

Place of build

Sunderland ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.

Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.

Location of Survey

Sunderland ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894 )

London ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910 )

Annan, Scotland ( Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909 )

Newport Mon ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910 )

Glasgow ( Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910 )

Annan; Glasgow ( Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910 )

Stockholm ( Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941 )

Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.

Voyage information

Sunderland; Pomaron ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894 )

Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.

Material of construction

Steel ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?

Machinery aft?

No ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).

Is a donkey boiler fitted?

No ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.

Lloyd's Proving House?

No ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.

Place of ship loss

Kammarbrinken ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

The country or national waters where a vessel is lost/disposed of, or last recorded.

Country of loss or disposal

Sweden ( Steel Steamer Report for Gerania, 7th August 1894 1894, Report on Machinery for Rossetti, 1st August 1894 1894, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Rossetti, 24th July 1894 1894, Plan of Steel Boilers for Rossetti, 18th January 1894 1894, Note containing calculations of particulars of materials for Rossetti, 27th January 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Midship Section for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Amended Plan of Profile for Rossetti, 1894 1894, Plan of Cochran Patent Vertical Multitubular Boiler for Rossetti, 1909 1909, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Rossetti, 24th May 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Surveyors at Newport, enclosing report of donkey boiler for Rossetti, 26th April 1910 1910, Letter from F Bolton & Co to The Secretary, Lloyds Register of Shipping, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 23rd April 1910 1910, Copy of letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to Frederic Bolton & Co, London, regarding fitting of donkey boiler 5107 to Rossetti, 22nd April 1910 1910, Letter from P L Warlow, Secretary to the Glasgow Committee, to The Secretary, Lloyd's Register, London, regarding donkey boiler 5107 intended for Rossetti, 20th April 1910 1910, Letter from The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London to The Secretary, Glasgow, regarding donkey boiler for Rossetti, 19th April 1910 1910, Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Rossetti, 9th February 1910 1910, Memo regarding fitting of donkey boiler to Rossetti, 15th April 1910 1910, Report on Boilers for Rossetti, 9th April 1910 1910, Letter from Thonsen Bulow, per The Surveyors to The Secretary, London, regarding machinery surveys carried out on Wilhelmina, 14th October 1941 1941, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding Damage & Part 4th SS No 2 Due 6,41 of Wilhelmina, 15th August 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Certificate of Survey of Boiler for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Wilhelmina, 11th July 1941 1941, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Wilhelmina, Undated no date )

Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.

The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.

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